

I don't own Naruto or My Hero Acacdemia, but you know what I do have the rights to? No? Because neither do I!

If you enjoyed this please leave a review it gives me a nice tingly feeling in my heart and that may sound weird but it's true~~ also it encourages me to continue this because im new to it and writing 1k words is a lot harder than i thought it would be

Chapter 3: Naruto's second quirk




'What's that annoying noise?! I just destroyed an entire yakuza base! A hero like me should be given some rest...' Naruto thought to himself in annoyance at the incessant dripping noise.

"You fool..." A menacing voice rang out from seemingly all around Naruto, like a really good audio system in a cinema.

Naruto's eyes flew open and he awoke to find himself lying in muddy water, the metal bars of a big cage standing over him.

"Who's there?!" Naruto yelped out. The sound of his own voice reverberated around the room.

"So. You're finally awake, quirk thief. Tell me, do you really think of yourself as a hero?" The same menacing voice asked.

"Yeah, I guess? After all, I stopped all those villains and probably saved quite a few people. And what do you mean by quirk thief?" Naruto clarified, confused.

"Hmph. You truly are an incorrigible human. The ones I knew before were inspiring, selfless individuals before they died. Unlike you." The voice insulted Naruto, before finally revealing himself, as a figure approached the bars.

It was a gigantic fox with orange fur, and black markings all over it. It seemed to emitting a menacing, bloodthirsty aura. But what truly stood out were the 9 huge tails behind it.

"Wow, this is a weird dream, huh? Clifford the Big Red dog is the last thing I'd expect to see in one of my dreams! And once again, what do you mean by quirk thief?" Naruto questioned again.

"You think this is a dream? And did you just call me a dog?! YOU WILL PAY!" The beastly fox grabbed the cage with its giant hands and the entire area resembling a sewage shook. After awhile, the fox stopped its raging. "Haven't you gotten it by now, Naruto Uzumaki? Haven't you wondered where you got that power from? It was me, the great Kyuubi no Kitsune! I am what you would call, a sentient quirk."

Naruto was barely fazed by the shaking of the cage, but was intrigued by the fox's words.

"But... I already have a quirk. I thought people could only have one quirk?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Now you're displaying a bit of intelligence." The fox smirked, to which Naruto scowled. " To answer your questions, I am not your original quirk. I once belonged to someone else related to you , but they were killed in battle and now... I am here for some reason. I wanted answers, but clearly you don't know anything. I no longer want to see you. Goodbye."

Suddenly, a rush of energy was emitted at Naruto. It felt like the force of a tornado was currently pushing him back, and suddenly Naruto was forced out of the sewer landscape.

When Naruto willed his eyelids to move open, the light that entered his eyes forcefully felt blinding, almost painful. Everything was blurry, and he could barely make out shapes and colours.

He did however, manage to make out a mess of white, on top of dark blue, below it some green, surrounded by more dark blue.


"Kakashi... sensei." Naruto spoke for the first time in days.

"Naruto? Naruto, you're awake! Thank kami!" The familliar blurry figure said in relief.

"Kakashi-sensei... I had this trippy dream about the giant fox which looked like Clifford the Big Red dog and it was really trippy and-" Naruto started.

"Shut up, Naruto." Kakashi said harshly and Naruto immediately complied. "Don't you know you and Sasuke almost died from that stunt? Taking on such a big organisation like that... Naruto, it was really selfish."

Naruto looked down. He felt like some psychic force was keeping him from making eye contact with Kakashi.

"It was selfish because it seemed like you had no regard to how we feel. How all of us who care for you would feel if something bad had happened to you. Hiruzen... Sasuke... Me... But you just charged into dangerous territory recklessly.

Not only that, but going berserk like that... You destroyed an entire mansion in an instant! Now you and Sasuke are all over the news, though they don't know your faces yet, they know what you can do! In addition, the police discovered that there was a little girl being kept and tested on in the mansion. Though your actions freed her, she was injured by the debris of what you did to the mansion!

I hope you reflect well on what you have done, Naruto, and realise what it really means to be a hero before your classes start next week." Kakashi lectured Naruto, his voice brimming with disappointment.

Naruto was completely speechless. That had been a lot of information. Naruto felt remorse. His actions had hurt the innocent and probably those dear to him. For the first time in his entire life of 14 years, Naruto found himself questioning if he really knew what it meant to be a hero.

Kakashi-sensei had pointed it out. The weird fox in his mind outright said that Naruto was no hero. And now he himself felt doubt.

Why exactly did Naruto want to be a hero?


"Hiruzen-jiji! I want to be a hero! Heroes are cool!" Naruto exclaimed, breaking into the Hokage's office once again.

"What brought this on, Naruto? Why exactly do you want to be a hero?" Hiruzen inquired, smiling gently at the sight of the blonde orphan.

"Well, lately I've been watching the TV, and there have been a lot of heroes saving the day! Some ninjas from this agency, and All Might, too! Heroes saving people like that is really cool, so I wanna do it too!" Naruto explained.

"So you want to become a hero because it's cool? Do you know what being a hero truly means?" The robed old man asked once again, intertwining his fingers subconsciously.

"Yeah! It's being someone who can save innocent people!" Naruto responded. It was the textbook answer that everyone knew.

"It seems like you get it, then. But being a hero, especially a good one, means knowing that saving people is what matters most. No matter what is at stake, no matter what you feel, as a hero, you must save everyone, so everyone in this society can feel safe." Hiruzen stated.

"Yeah, of course, Hiruzen-jiji!"

Present day

"Hn, dobe." A familliar voice grunted to Naruto's right, beside the hospital bed he was on.

"Sasuke?" Naruto responded. His vision cleared as he looked to his right and saw Sasuke lying another hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown and with multiple bandages wrapped around his legs and arms.

The two looked at each other, neither saying a word. The awkward silence continued for awhile before Naruto finally broke the ice.

"I'm... uh... sorry, Sasuke. For draggingyouintothatmessandgettingyouhurt!" Naruto apologised hurriedly, his ego preventing him from applogising to Sasuke properly despite what Naruto had done.

Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, and smirked. "What was that? I didn't really hear you properly."

Naruto sighed.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke, for dragging you into that mess against your will and getting you injured like this." Naruto swallowed his ego and said sincerely.

Sasuke's smug facial expression had changed, but inwardly he was slightly taken aback that Naruto would admit to being wrong, especially to him.

He didn't really know how to respond to that. "Uh... it's fine, I guess. The doctors said that I'd be fine in two days anyways.

Also, I have another question. What was that... power that you used back there?"

Naruto seemed to ponder this question for a while. "I don't know." He replied. "But it could be my second quirk. I had a dream with a big orange fox behind bars, and it told me that it was a sentient quirk, and that it was my second quirk, though it didn't really belong to me?"

Sasuke sighed. Nothing Naruto had just said made sense. He decided to drop the topic for now.

"Hey, Sasuke. I need your help in finding this little girl!" Naruto adruptly asked.

Sasuke was taken aback by the question but quickly replied snarkily:"Why, dobe? Interested in little girls now?"

"No! Look, Kakashi-sensei told me that I accidentally got a little girl injured by my destruction of the mansion. I feel really bad about it. Could you help me track her down so I can apologise to her? Not doing so wouldn't feel right at all." Naruto clarified.

"Hn. Nothing I can do other than just rest here anyways, so I suppose I could help out." Sasuke replied.

And so, for the next two days, Sasuke and Naruto researched to find a way to let Naruto apologise properly. They both found out that she was currently under tight security in a hospital, so they also had to work on finding a blind spot where the cameras and police would not notice him.

After two days of meticulous planning, Naruto and Sasuke were both fully recovered, with a plan to finally apologise with the girl, who Naruto now knew as Eri. Who knew that would be so difficult?

"I'm out of here, Naruto. The hospital air is suffocating me. Good luck with your apologising and don't get caught." Sasuke spoke hurriedly, eager to leave.

Later, at just the correct time, Naruto teleported into Eri's hospital after looking at it through the window like a stalker.

He was hanging uncomfortably on the ceiling.

"Hello..." Naruto greeted Eri without a second thought.

He saw the little girl's eyes widening in shock, about to scream.

"Nonono! Please don't scream! I'm not here to hurt you or anything!" Naruto whisper-shouted, still hanging on the ceiling to not be caught on the camera red-handed.

Now that he got a clearer look at her, Naruto saw that Eri had red eyes, pale blue hair and a single small horn. What caused Naruto concern was the scars on her arms, the cast surrounding her leg which was probably caused by him, and the permanently scared look on her face. Tears of guilt welled in his eyes.

"Look, I'm here to apologise. I was the one who destroyed that building without a second thought, and got you injured. At first, I thought I was being a hero by taking down the gang, but now I know I should have... given it more thought." Naruto continued sincerely.

The little girl continued staring at him.

"Will you forgive me?" Naruto asked hopefully.

Silence ensued for a while, before Eri finally replied:" I forgive you. Y-you saved me from the bad men who hurt me, so I forgive you."

Naruto grinned. He felt as if a heavy burden like a rock had just been lifted off his shoulders.

"Thank you, Eri-chan! Say, you must be lonely by yourself here. I could come visit you sometime!" Naruto exclaimed, and Eri winced slightly at how loud he suddenly became.

However, the loudness wasn't unwelcome. It wasn't clearly visible, but Eri lips had curved upwards into a smile.

"I would like that... thank you for saving me." Eri murmured softly, and Naruto smiled so brightly it practically lit up the room.

"Alright then! See you next time!" Naruto said, before teleporting away.


Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi were eating takeaway food back at the Hero Agency.

"So, Naruto, do you know what being a hero means yet?" Kakashi inquired.

"I sure do, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto claimed, swallowing the food in his mouth. "A hero is a public servant, and the very definition of a hero is someone who saves people. To be a hero, I must prioritise saving other people, and never compromise the safety of the innocent. From now on, I'll be a true hero. I'll be someone who will use my powers as well as I can to save people!"

'I'm proud of you, Naruto. It's good to know that my faith in you wasn't misplaced.' Kakashi thought to himself.

Kakashi nodded sagely. He then looked up at Naruto and said:" Hm? Did you say something?"

The two boys sweatdropped.

"Also, Naruto, Sasuke. I forgot to tell you because of you being in the hospital and all, but there are U. A official recommendation exams. And... they start in 30 minutes. Of course, you can forgo them if you don't feel like you're up for it, but-" Kakashi informed the boys sheepishly but was quickly cut off.

"No, Kakashi-sensei! We need to go!" Sasuke exclaimed in shock.

"Ok, Naruto, look at this picture of the U.A campus, and teleport there. Bring Sasuke with you too," Kakashi ordered, showing Naruto a picture of the U.A campus where the tests were being held.

Naruto grumbled about being used, but quickly held on to Sasuke's shoulder and teleported to the test site immediately, along with Sasuke.

The two boys made it to the test site and saw a long running track. What was more eye-catching, however, were the two large glass buildings which made up the main facilities of the great U.A high school.

The two boys waited for about 20 minutes, making small talk with each other before a loud voice was heard.

"Attention all official recommendation test takers!"

All students present immediately turned to look at a flamboyant looking man with shades and a long, blonde spike of hair.

"My name is Present Mic, and I will be explaining the rules for this test! It's simple, all you need to do is get to the finish line way over there with the big banner, see?! You can use your quirks and stuff, and we'll be recording your timings!"

The pro hero all but shouted.

"Now all of you please go the starting line! Ready, set, go!" Present Mic commanded them.

In an instant, students were blasting off, some of them using their quirks and some of them simply running, like Sasuke. Most notable were a boy creating ice and using it to propel himself, and another one neck-to-neck with him seemingly using a strong blast of wind to propel himself.

However, both of them were completely overshadowed by Naruto, who was already at the finishing line with a smug grin.

"Examinee number 9 has made it to the finishing line in... 0.76 seconds! Good job!" Present Mic shouted.

Naruto smugly walked back to the finishing line, looking back at the struggling competitors. That had been a lot easier than he had expected, and since that was the only test, a spot in U.A was guaranteed.

Meanwhile, Sasuke was doing his best at running. He had been one-upped by Naruto in this race, and was currently trying his hardest. Apart from the two students using their quirks to propel themselves, he was currently in the lead.

Using the athleticism he had attained from 7 grueling years of ninja training, he could easily beat the other students running, and even outsped a girl with a ponytail who was riding on a skateboard.

Every single step was almost perfectly done, not wasting any energy yet carrying his body as far as they could.

In just 8 minutes, Sasuke had made it to the finishing line through just running hard without using his quirk, behind Naruto, the ice quirk user and the wind quirk user.

"Pathetic, Sasuke." Naruto said jokingly.

Sasuke was too fatigued to react.

After 2 days, Naruto and Sasuke had received their acceptance letters into U.A high school... through an all-might hologram?

"Yay, we're in our dream school now! I'm so happy!" Naruto exclaimed childishly.

"Hn, you made it in less than a second. Of course you were accepted." Sasuke responded.

"Don't act so gloomy, Sasuke! We're classmates now!" Naruto cheered Sasuke, who was still under the weather due to Naruto beating him in the race, up.

The day after tomorrow would be the day they finally went for their first high school class.


The day after tomorrow came quickly, and soon Naruto and Sasuke were walking in the school compound, trying to find class 1-A.

"I don't see our class anywhere, Sasuke!" Naruto complained.

"It's right beside you, usuratonkachi .(loser)" Sasuke replied.

Naruto looked and saw "1-A" written beside him on the wall. The words were really high up, like 4 meters tall!

"Can't believe I missed that..." Naruto murmured sheepishly as he pushed the door open and Sasuke followed him in.

They were greeted by the sight of... people shouting? One was a bespectacled boy with blue hair and the other was a blonde with spiky hair and red eyes. Whatever they were shouting about, Sasuke and Naruto wanting nothing to do with them, settling into their seats stealthily, barely being noticed and sitting down at seats conveniently located next to each other.

Then, a green haired boy with big eyes walked in, and immediately the blue haired boy started singing him praises and talking about the "true meaning of a test" or something. Naruto and Sasuke were barely paying attention to them.

"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends. This is the hero course." A deep, bored voice rang out as a... worm? emerged at the front of the class.

Looking more closely, Naruto and Sasuke saw that it was actually a man in a sleeping bag, standing up.

He had tired, yet strict looking eyes, visible stubble on his chin and long hair.

'Wow, this guy looks like a complete hobo!' Naruto thought to himself.

"Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough." The man spoke once again.

'He's also giving me Kakashi-sensei vibes. He's like a Kakashi-sensei without a tendency to infuriate people on purpose.' Naruto thought to himself again, rapidly forming first impressions of the man.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Nice to meet you. This is kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field." The man said, holding out a bag of outfits.

He then promptly left the classroom, and all the students swiftly grabbed an outfit and proceeded to the male or female locker rooms to change.

"What do you think we'll be doing, Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"Probably a quirk test of some sort, if we're going to be on the field." Sasuke answered logically.


Aizawa had just explained that they would be doing the five standard fitness tests, but all the students would be able to use their quirks. He also threatened the one in last place with immediate expulsion.

This caused the students noticeable distress.

"Argh, Sasuke, what am I gonna do? I don't want to be expelled!" Naruto asked worriedly.

Sasuke had been observing his new teacher. His body language was carefree, and he did not show any signs of lying. Would he really expel someone on the first day?

"First, the 50 meter-dash." Aizawa announced. Observing closely, Sasuke could see that most of his classmates were very capable of using their quirks creatively, even seeing the girl with her hair in a ponytail during the exams using a skateboard in the test.

"Next, Naruto Uzumaki. On your mark. Get set. Go." Naruto instantly teleported to the finishing line with a grin.

"0.43 seconds. Good job." Aizawa deadpanned.

"Wow! He made it there in an instant! Good job!" A pink-skinned girl complimented Naruto.

"A teleporting quirk? That is truly impressive!" The blue haired boy, apparently called Tenya Lida exclaimed.

"Next, Sasuke Uchiha. On your mark, get set, go." Sasuke ran as fast as he could, still paling in comparison to those with emitter quirks but running a lot faster than an average human.

The next test was the grip strength test.

Nothing too notable happened here, and Naruto and Sasuke got above average scores. The octopus guy crushing the grip strength thing was pretty cool to Naruto though.

The third test was the standing long jump. With their superior ninja training, Naruto and Sasuke managed to almost make it across the entire sand pit without the use of a quirk, wowing the whole class.

The fourth test was the repeated side steps. Naruto decided to use this as an opportunity to show off again, teleporting left and right as if using his "Kage Bunshin technique" where he would teleport quickly between two points.

The fifth test was the most interesting. It was a test of throwing a ball far. Naruto and Sasuke got decent results, but could not do much. There was a participant who managed to stop gravity from acting on the ball, allowing her to get a score of infinity.

What really caught Naruto and Sasuke's eyes, were Aizawa's eyes becoming red, the mysterious bandages around his shoulders floating up into the air. This happened as the guy with green hair was throwing the ball, and he got an extremely underwhelming score.

Aizawa walked up to the boy, and spoke to him. While Naruto was conversing with some of the other students, Sasuke covertly turned on his Sharingan and read Aizawa's lips. A few things stood out to him. One, the boy, who's name was Midoriya, would be injured every time he used his quirk. Two, Aizawa could apparently remove quirks temporarily. Three, for some reason, All Might was currently hiding behind a wall and watching the test.

Aizawa's eyes returned to their normal colour, and Sasuke wondered for a moment if he and Kakashi were related. Then, Midoriya held the ball with a determined look on his face. He swung the ball, releasing it with his finger, and suddenly the ball flew off. Now, only his finger was injured. Sasuke had been observing him closely, and was impressed by Midoriya's quick thinking. The getting injured by his own attacks was still lame, though.

However, Midoriya was still last on the scoreboard. Would he truly be expelled? Sasuke found it a waste of potential.

"No one will be expelled. That was simply a tactical ruse." Aizawa explained, with a stiff smile on his face.

'Now he's exactly like Kakashi-sensei!' Naruto thought to himself.

That had truly been an interesting teacher, and first experience in U.A.


Thanks for reading please leave review it make me happy