
I don't own Naruto or My Hero Academia, obviously.

This fanfiction depicts an alternate universe in which the cast of Naruto exist in My Hero Academia.This is the first fanfic i've ever writen so I would appreciate constructive feedback/ criticism. I may make some continuity errors, so I apologise in advance!

Chapter 0. Enter Minato Namikaze!

"A nine-tailed fox is attacking us ! Someone please help!" A civilian woman pleaded loudly. In Naruhata, Tokyo, a giant nine-tailed fox was currently laying waste to the city with ease. With each swing of its tail, multiple buildings collapsed. Many civilians were currently escaping the city.

Suddenly, a man with long blond hair and a white cloak appeared out of nowhere and struck the beast, yelling: Rasengan! (Spiralling sphere)" As a blue sphere emerged in his hand, causing the nine-tailed fox to flinch and be knocked backwards.

"Isn't that the up-and-coming Teleporting hero: Yellow Flash? We're saved!" An observant civilian exclaimed in relief.

The blond hero wasted no time in proceeding to activate his quirk once more, and soon he and the fox had disappeared from the city with a yellow flash.

Elsewhere, the beast and the hero had been transported to a desert, with no trace of civilisation in sight.

"You won't be able to harm anymore people here, villain!" The hero proclaimed loudly.

A sandstorm raged as the nine-tailed fox suddenly charged a massive amount of energy in its mouth, the sheer power blowing away massive amounts of sand. In retaliation, the hero wasted no time in teleporting behind the beast, and using the rasengan on it once again.

The hero's attack was successful, and the beast collapsed, and suddenly reverted to its original form: an attractive young woman with bright red hair.

She opened her eyes slowly as if having just woken up from a long slumber. The blond hero got into a fighting position, wincing in pain slightly from his wounds and the violent sand.

"Wh-what happened? Where am I? Who are you?" The red-haired woman stuttered. Then, she spoke again in a softer tone, guilt evident on her face. "Did I hurt anyone? Am I in trouble?"

The hero's face softened and he gave her a reassuring smile. "To answer your questions, you may have lost control of your quirk just a little bit. You're in a random desert which I brought you to to prevent casualties, and I am the Teleporting hero: Yellow Flash, but you can also call me Minato Namikaze. And relax, you won't be in trouble, as long as you cooperate with me."

The both of them were silent for awhile, neither of them looking at the other, until the woman broke the silence. "I'm Kushina Uzumaki, and... thank you, Mr Namikaze."

3 years later

Minato and Kushina were now married, and were currently at the Konoha Hero Agency. Minato was currently crying loudly, trying to no avail to stifle the tears, while Kushina looked a lot more dignified, her eyes tearing up slightly.

"Mi-Minato, you dork! -sniff- Stop crying, you big blond baby!" Kushina chided Minato.

Both of them were looking elatedly at the blond infant before them that Kushina was carrying in her arms.

"Can't -sniff- help it, sorry, -sniff-" Minato managed to say through tears. "I'm just so -sniff- happy about -sniff- Naruto."

The infant that was in Kushina's arms was Naruto Namikaze, who had the yellow hair and bright blue eyes of his father, and whisker marks on his cheeks, making him resemble a fox.

"We're going to take care of you, and give you -sniff- the best life ever! We'll be the best parents ever, dattebane!" Kushina promised.

Suddenly, there were more than three people in the room. Minato sensed the man and his formerly overjoyed and emotional tone morphed into a serious one, as if a switch had been flipped to change his personality. "Who are you, and how did you get past my guards?" Minato questioned harshly.

"I suppose I could tell you, since you are already dead. My name is All For One. Your guards were pathetic, and I expected more from the famous Konoha Hero Agency. Where are all the great heroes from your agency? I don't believe I saw Jiraiya, Tsunade, or even that old man, Hiruzen. I'll cut to the chase. I want your wife's quirk. Let me have it, and i'll spare your life. Quirk stealing is a painless process, you know. " All For One responded.

Minato instantly beckoned a frightful Kushina away, trying to get her to escape. 'If what he said was true... His quirk is... Quirk stealing?!' Minato thought to himself.

All For One attempted to give chase, but Minato quickly stopped him, having teleported behind All For One, slamming his signature move, the Rasengan, into his back. All For One, collapsed to the ground from the force, the attack having carved a hole into his back such that a chunk of his body and suit were completely gone.

Minato almost sighed in relief, before All For One, came to, getting up in one swift motion, the seemingly irreparable damage to his back completely healed. Minato's eyes widened, and Kushina took the opportunity to run away as fast as she could.

"Not bad. It seems I underestimated you, but I suppose you aren't the Top No.9 Hero in Japan for nothing." All For One complimented Minato, before uttering :" It seems that i'll have to kill you quickly."

Without warning, All For One fired enhanced air cannons in the direction of Kushina.

"NO!" Minato yelled, teleporting right in front of Kushina to block the impact. He crashed into her from the force and coughed out blood. Naruto had started wailing, while Kushina looked at her husband's bruised and unconscious body in shock.

"You bastard..." She growled as tails made out of pure energy started forming out of her body, while she had a feral look on her face. She lunged at All For One after putting Naruto down.

With inhuman speed and power, she struck the man before he could react, causing him to be launched away. Unfortunately, All For One used an Impact Recoil quirk right before being hit, causing Kushina herself to be recoiled backwards, landing near Minato with a sickening thud.

"Minato... I'm sorry... I wasn't strong enough... Use the seal, Minato. Don't let that man have my quirk..." Kushina muttered before falling into unconsiousness.

Minato knew that the man would be back, and that he and Kushina would not survive if he did. In addition, the man would have the power to rip the world asunder. Tears welled up in his eyes as he hardened his heart and used the move he had been practicing for a long time.

"Shiki Fuujin."(Dead Demon Consuming Seal) Using the sealing and teleporting abilties of his quirk to the highest level, Minato somehow managed to transfer Kushina's quirk to the wailing newborn beside him.

"You are our last hope. Live a good and happy life... Naruto." Minato whispered with all the energy he could muster, before teleporting Naruto away.

On that day, Naruto's birthday, Minato Namikaze, Ranked top 8th Hero in Japan and Kushina Uzumaki, a woman with one of the strongest quirks in the world had fallen in battle.

And the story of Naruto Namika- I mean, Naruto Uzumaki, had began.

7 years later

Naruto Uzumaki was currently dashing around the building as usual, like a kid who had eaten too many sweets. He wore a shirt with the Konoha logo on it, blue shorts, and sandles. The shinobi greeted him as usual, having become used to his presence.

Naruto saw a white-haired shinobi with a face-mask, face-buried nose deep into his orange book as usual. That man always caught Naruto's attention during the rare times when he was around. 'What was he reading? What was his name? What was his power? '

The man would always ignore Naruto when he called out to him, showing not even a twitch at being called out to, immersed in his book.

Well not today! Naruto was going to catch this guy's attention for sure! A cunning smile that threatened to split Naruto's face in half appeared on it, as he planned a devious scheme.

Suddenly, the white-haired shinobi's book disappeared, appearing in Naruto's hand in a white flash. Naruto didn't bother looking back, and ran as fast as he could. This would definitely teach that white-haired man his lesson for ignoring Naruto! Suddenly, as Naruto reached a corner and was about to turn, he saw the same shinobi standing in front of him with a bored look on his face.

"Maa, maa. Why did you have to go and take my book? It's not meant for kids like you, you know." He spoke to Naruto in a bored tone.

'How did he get in front of me? Is he so fast that I couldn't see him get here? What does he mean by its not meant for kids?' Naruto thought wildly. Panicking at being caught, he started running without a clear pattern, attempting to escape from the man as fast as possible.

He hurriedly opened a door to hide in, the book held tightly in his hand. He made sure the door was closed and-

"Troublemaking again, Naruto?" An old man chuckled, wearing white robes and a conical hat.

To Naruto's demise, out of bad luck, he was now in the office belonging to the owner of the agency, Sarutobi Hiruzen, regarded to be the strongest shinobi in the Konoha Hero Agency! He also held the rank of Hokage, which meant that he was the leader of Konoha Hero Agency and all its branches. This rank existed as Konoha was not a normal hero agency. Instead of a bunch of sidekicks supporting a hero, it was almost like a dojo, teaching its students special techniques and how to be a specific type of hero. It had been around for a very long time, and was one of the few ninja hero agencies in Tokyo.

"N-no! Hiruzen-jiji! Definitely not!" Naruto responded, concealing the orange book.

"Can I have my book back, please?" Somehow, the masked shinobi had been in the office the whole time! He patted Naruto's head before gently snatching the book back and reading it intently once more.

Hiruzen looked at Naruto's shocked face in amusement. The masked man, Kakashi Hatake, had the unique talent of managing to get on everyone's nerves yet getting away with it scot-free.

"How are you, Naruto?" Hiruzen inquired.

"I'm fine! Can I be a ninja? I wanna learn to be a ninja, Hiruzen-jiji! " Naruto asked. He had asked this question many times, but had always been rejected. After all, like most other kids, Naruto was inspired by how awesome the heroes looked on TV, and how cool shinobi were.

"Sure thing, Naruto." Hiruzen said, smirking.

"But Jiji, you should totally let me- wait, what?" Naruto stopped mid-sentence, in disbelief of what Hiruzen had said.

"I said, sure thing, Naruto. We can teach you our traditional ninja techniques from today onwards. As long as you don't find it too difficult and chicken out..." Hiruzen repeated.

"No way i'll chicken out! I'm gonna be the best ninja ever, dattebayo!" Naruto replied.

Hiruzen looks over at Kakashi. He had barely moved, but Hiruzen knew he was shaken at the sound of Naruto's verbal tic. He had never been the same boy he used to be ever since the death of Minato and Kushina.

"Great! And this white haired man here, Kakashi Hatake, will be your teacher! " Hiruzen declared.

Kakashi's eyes widened, the nonchalant look on his face gone.

"Yay! I promise to try my best, Hiruzen-jiji, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto cheered.

Kakashi almost dropped his book.

Thanks for reading!