What comes after death? Is it judgment or just nothingness?

I always asked myself this. This question seems so distant in a normal case, but when death comes knocking it can take your entire thoughts from day to night.

I was never a healthy man. When children were wrestling or riding their bicycles, I had to go to the hospital to do my regular check-up. This situation of mine becomes bleaker as time passed.

Now, I am only 18 years old but I must stay in my personal ward because going out would kill me. It's the fault of a congenital disease of unknown origin that made my body become weaker as time passed. My parents cared for me at first but, as time passed and my situation worsened, they came less and less. They even had a new child eight years ago, so I can say that they basically gave up on me.

I take a look at my scrawny body. There's really nothing to look at. My skin and bone are practically fused together. Taking two steps will make me breathe so hard my heart might stop, I can't even see more than a few meters ahead of me without glasses. In short, my body sucked and my life sucked. No wonder they gave up on me. I didn't even dare to look at myself in a mirror. My gaunt face could be used to scare children. I sighed as I looked at the smartphone in my hand.

In this boring life of mine, I only have two hobbies. The first one being trading. I am very talented at it. I can easily understand the situation of the market just by seeing the candle on my screen. The feeling of making money is so good that it's the only thing that allows me to support the pain of all my operations. I even used my own money to pay for my stay and the VIP ward where I live.

But this isn't enough. In this world there many people who are suffering more than me. So generally apart from the money I'm saving for my little brother's studies and the one I use for myself, I always donate all the rest to diverse medical organizations.

My second hobby is watching anime and reading manga, more particularly Shonen like Boku no Hero Academia, Black Clover, Kimetsu No Yaiba, Hachimaruden, and Enen No Shouboutai . I also watch seinen like Tokyo ghoul and Shingeki no Kyojin. I have never missed a chapter off those seven. What is the common ground between all those Manga?

Each main character of those mangas try to become a hero in his own way and for his own goal. Watching them fight and struggle for their ideal always, make my heart beat so fast that I have to call the nurses and do a check-up. I love their fighting spirit that never crumbles. I love their caring hearts ready to give their life away to protect those close to them or the world. They are everything I dream to be but will never be able to.

The only thing I can do is give money. Many would think that it's enough, but it's not. Even when I give millions, I can never be sure if the donation would be used for the goal they

preach. That made me create diverse charity organizations, but even then I can never be sure at 100% that all the money I give is used for the right thing.

Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore, does it? The doctor clearly said that after today, each day I survive will be basically be a miracle. My time is already up. So why care?

At least the money I gave should have helped some people, even if all of it wasn't used the way I would have hoped. What more, I gave permission to use my body for training purposes. If those interns can become better doctors by studying my body, I will die happy.

Ah... I have difficulty breathing, my vision is swaying. Seems like my time is up. Weirdly I am not sad. I have no one to care for and no one cares for me. I gave my last bit of money some minutes ago and I already wrote my will and gave it to my lawyer. I can say without doubts that few people of my age would be as prepared as me for death.

Ah... My vision is becoming dark. My senses are dulling, I feel like I'm falling. So that's death. I must say, it's pretty warm. I wonder, if an afterlife exist?

"18h00, patient 85 Death is confirmed, let give a smile prayer to a kind soul"

I am lying on something hard. I feel like everything around me is warm and calm. The smell of flowers enters my nose and the wind blows onto my face.

Wait a minute, how is this possible? I'm supposed to be dead.

I open my eyes and what I saw made me take a deep breath. I was in a flower field with a large tree in it. I tried to stand up as I look around me astounded.

"Is this heaven?"

"Not exactly, it's my personal domain." A voice answered me from behind.

I did a complete turn in surprise and was face to face with something of which my mind can't believe. In front of me was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It wasn't her face. I couldn't explain her features, she sometimes looked young, sometimes old, sometimes slim, sometimes plump. She was ever-changing, but in my heart, I could still feel that her beauty was outside of this world. A smile formed on her face as she said

"Thanks for the compliments"

So she can read my mind. I wonder, what is her name?

"My name cannot be said in any language you can understand. Just call me Weave Spinner, for this is my duty"

"Your duty?"

Fine threads began to appear in her hands. Looking closely at those threads, I started feeling dizzy. It was like an unlimited amount of information was being drilled into my head. I closed my eyes and turned my head. She simply answered my doubts.

"Those threads represent different worlds at different times. My duties are too spin those threads and keep them from becoming entangled."

She smiled once again as she looked at me. I was honestly surprised. But hey, I was supposed to be dead. So anything is possible. I just wonder why I didn't stay dead.

" When I spin my threads, I can look at the different worlds and the beings in them. Sometimes, if they do things that please me, I will give them a chance after their death. The way you acted all your life really touched me, so I will reward you by giving you a choice and a random wish. Every soul must reincarnate in a random world after their death, but you'll have a choice. Where do you want to reincarnate? "

What comes after death? Is it judgment or just nothingness?

I always asked myself this. This question seems so distant in a normal case, but when death comes knocking it can take your entire thoughts from day to night.

I was never a healthy man. When children were wrestling or riding their bicycles, I had to go to the hospital to do my regular check-up. This situation of mine became bleaker as time passed.

Right now, I could feel it, life slowly slipping from my finger. Seem like after so many years of cheating death, she finally managed to reach me. I hope she isn't too angry with me. Ahaha. *cough* yeah à dying man shouldn't laugh so much.

Ah... Now I have difficulty breathing, my vision is swaying. Weirdly I am not sad. To think a laugh would be what would finish me. Well, joke apart. I have no one to care for and no one cares for me. I gave my last bit of money some minutes ago and I already wrote my will and gave it to my lawyer. I can say without a doubt that few people of my age would be as prepared as me for death.

Ah... My vision is becoming dark. My senses are dulling, I feel like I'm falling. So that's death. I must say, it's pretty warm. I wonder if an afterlife exists?


"18h00, patient death is confirmed, let give a small prayer to a kind soul"


I am lying on something hard. I feel like everything around me is warm and calm. The smell of flowers enters my nose and the wind blows onto my face.

Wait a minute, how is this possible? I'm supposed to be dead.

I opened my eyes and what I saw made me take a deep breath. I was in a flower field with a large tree in it. I tried to stand up as I looked around me astounded.

"Is this heaven?"

"Not exactly, it's my personal domain." A voice answered me from behind.

I did a complete turn in surprise and was face to face with something of which my mind can't believe. In front of me was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It wasn't her face. I couldn't explain her features, she sometimes looked young, sometimes old, sometimes slim, sometimes plump. She was ever-changing, but in my heart, I could still feel that her beauty was outside of this world. A smile formed on her face as she said,

"Thanks for the compliments"

So she can read my mind. I wonder, what is her name?

"My name cannot be said in any language you can understand. Just call me Weave Spinner, for this is my duty"

"Your duty?"

Fine threads began to appear in her hands. Looking closely at those threads, I started feeling dizzy. It was like an unlimited amount of information was being drilled into my head. I closed my eyes and turned my head. She simply answered my doubts.

"Those threads represent different worlds at different times. My duty is to spin those threads and keep them from becoming entangled."

She smiled once again as she looked at me. I was honestly surprised. But hey, I was supposed to be dead. So anything is possible. I just wonder why I didn't stay dead.

"When I spin my threads, I can look at the different worlds and the beings in them. The law of Karma dictate that every soul must reincarnate in a random world after being washed from all their memories of their previous life. My duty is to execute this will and send soul to the world they're worthy of. I generally do it without asking anything. But, sometimes, I can make some exceptions. You're an exception. I will give you a choice. Where do you want your new self to reincarnate? "

This time I wasn't that surprised. I didn't really like this type, but I read enough isekai to know what was happening. Still, I couldn't just give her an answer without more info. After all, it's stupid to make assumptions simply because I read some books.

"What kind of world can I go to?"

"Any world of your choice. I could let you reincarnate on your home planet in any time past or future of your choice. I could make you reincarnate in a world where magic exists or where science reached the pinnacle. I could even make you reincarnate in an anime world of which you like so much or in some film. The choice is yours"

I began to hesitate. I thought that I could go with my memory. Isn't it usually how it goes? The mc uses the memory of his past life to awe the populace and make any girls wet their panties just by preparing some food from their old world or by Showing their otherworldly knowledge. Even though I don't know how to cook nor did I have knowledge apart from trading.

Finally, I decided. Let's live a new life. I may not remember it, but I hope the new me will be happy.

"I choose to reincarnate in an anime world"

"Which one?"

"Boku no hero academia"

"Oh... Interesting choice. Ok, I will grant your wish"

She simply took a white thread out of nowhere and put it to the side. Afterward, she took a box and gave it to me

"Now open this. Since you chose such a world, going there without enough power might not be too smart. I believe the world you chose uses a form of power called quirks. This box once opened will give you some perks that will help you there"

I took the box given to me. It was nothing impressive, just a simple black box. When I opened the box though, I was momentarily blinded. A stream of information entered my head. This was followed by the voice of a woman sounding in my head. This voice was somewhat robotic.













I was stumped, those powers were great, even more so for the dragon constitution of Acnologia and the shingeki no Kyojin.

(AN: A little spoiler for those who didn't watch the last season of fairy tail, or didn't read the latest chapters of Shingeki no Kyojin. Even if you miss this part it won't particularly affect the rest of the chapter so you can skip it. I will show the spoiled part by writing start and end)


From what I remembered, the power of Acnologia was seriously a cheat. As a dragon slayer, what he ate wasn't simply fire like Natsu or wind like Wendy. No, what he ate was simply magic. He was as such immune to all forms of magic. If I take this, even endeavor full power wouldn't tickle me. Sadly this power was only the constitution, if it was all the power of a dragons slayer, I would have chosen this without hesitation. The more important was that I wasn't even sure that it would work. After all, quirk and magic operated under different systems.

The power of the shingeki no Kyojin, on the other hand, was terrific. I was able to read the most recent chapters 122 before dying and I was gobsmacked at how much a genius the author was. If I chose this not only would I have the power to transform, but I will also obtain the ability to obtain information from the future me.

Sadly once again, this wasn't enough. In the world of Eren, titans may be able to wreak havoc as they see fit, and even in Boku no hero they will be high tier. But, the firepower of most true heroes was simply too great and the weakness of titan too easy to find. The worst was the weapons. The humans beyond the walls were already able to create anti titan weapons

despite their low technology level. With the technology level of this world, it wouldn't be long before I became an easy target.


I was sad to let those two go but I must be a realist. I not only needed power with high destructive ability, but I also needed versatility, survival and fleeing abilities. I then made my choice.

"I choose the hiraishin and the original sin/root"

Those two powers were the best in my eyes. The hiraishin was a cheat-like ability that allowed Minato to exterminate an army of thousands in a few seconds, and by doing so become known as the yellow flash. What's more, he could go anywhere anytime as long as the place where he wanted to go was marked.

As for the original sin/root. Anyone who read or watched deadman wonderland would know how OP the power of the wretched egg was. For fuck sake, by just wanting to kill herself she made an earthquake of 11.4 intensity and made 70% of Tokyo sink. She could fly and could also regenerate from any wound. Even a titan regenerative power shouldn't be as fucked up as hers. What more as the original sin she could theoretically use all branches of sin. If I was given even half of her power, rivaling all might not be impossible. Weave spinner eyeing with her smile.

"Interesting choices. Let me be clear though. Since you won't have your memory you won't be able to know all the abilities of your quirks. What more, in order to kill everyone around you, you won't have access to the full power of the original sin from the start. Your new self will have to train in order to master them. As such if your new self is lazy, he may never become someone great even with all that power. "

I understood what she meant. As an Otaku, my knowledge of all their powers was really detailed. If I went with all my memories, I would know just how powerful I could become and train accordingly. Sadly without them, anything is possible.

"Don't worry. With powers like that, if my future self doesn't become strong, then it just means that he didn't put in enough work."

"I see. Let me give you another gift. I cannot let you have all your memories. But I can allow you to have an ability called instinct. Your simple presence will change the plot quite a bit, but for some of the great events, the change would be minimal at best. During those events, if your new self is participating in them, he will be able to feel the danger and may even get some vision. "

I was stunned, this didn't beat having my memory, but such a boon could save me. I wanted to thank her but she stopped me.

"Do not thank me. This power is unreliable and may not even activate most of the time "

This didn't stop me from being thankful.

"Now you'll sleep. This will be the last time you'll be. When you wake up, you'll be someone else. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am. I was already ready to die long ago. This is nothing more than one more step before my death. Simply knowing that a new me will be able to do everything I couldn't is enough for me. Thanks for everything and goodbye"


As she said this, I closed my eyes and fell asleep, this time for eternity.


She looked as he slowly crumbled into dust with a sad smile.

[You lied to him. There were no wishes nor rewards. Why? ]

A voice appeared. This was the same voice that presented the wish. Only this time it wasn't robotic but clearly full of feelings. The Weaver sighed and said

"I didn't want to weigh him down for nothing. After the end of his trial, he will come back beside me. Beside us. Also, I wanted to give him an edge for once."

[The watchers won't be happy. You shouldn't have lent him a hand]

"I don't care. In his last life, he had to live with a sickly body but despite that, he never cursed the world and still lived with kindness in his heart. The same happened in each trial. No matter what pain or suffering, he always fought for the best in the world. This will never change"


"You know I'm right. There are still other trials. I want them to end in a better way than the previous ones. The other girls are also on my side. The watchers won't care as long as I don't go too far"

[Sigh. What do you think will happen once he comes back after the trials?]

"Ahaha. At that time things will become really interesting."

After those words, she simply showed a smile full of malice and grudges. She was waiting for this day with impatience. She would show them...

(AN: For the start of book 1, the powers I have given to My mc are too OP. If he had the full power of the ORIGINAL SIN from the start, plus the knowledge on how to use it, the story would just end in the first chapter or become a funny Manga like OPM. Sadly, I don't have a great sense of humor so gag stories are a no from me.)