Forelsket is the danish word for when you start to fall in love, the feeling of euphoria at the beginning of love. Could be summarized by the english word 'infatuation'.

So. This is my very first attempt at writing in english, so I kindly ask you all to give me honest feedback so I can learn from my mistakes and do better next time.

Forelsket has five chapters with ten to eleven prompts each. Hope you like it!

01. Twilight

When his mission debriefing ended he had to refrain from sighing in relief; he was exhausted. It was only afternoon but he felt like taking a shower and skipping dinner altogether to sleep soundly in his bed after a long term assignment. When Tsunade gave him a knowing look, he accepted her silent dismissal and left her office in a hurry.

Itachi got downstairs and almost bumped into Sakura, who was currently standing right at the Hokage Tower's exit. She noticed his presence and stepped off the way, excusing herself with a quick glance towards him.

He was already a couple yards from the building when curiosity got the best of him and he turned backwards; she unsurprisingly was still there, eyes set somewhere in the distance, a soft smile on her lips.

Itachi observed Sakura in the light of the remaining twilight for a moment.

02. Burn

"You have a what?"

"A burn. In my right arm." he repeated quietly.

She looked at him incredulously, aware that her mouth was a little ajar. She sensed that he was about to repeat himself again and lifted a hand, making him just stare at her this time. Sakura laughed nervously, raising from her seat and stepping around her desk to position herself in front of him.

She accessed his wound with chakra.

"I thought Uchiha were immune to fire." she jokingly said.

"… me too." he responded, amused.

Sakura briefly looked up from her work to his face and smiled a little; she could see in his eyes that he had not taken her seriously at all, thank god; he didn't need to know that part of her actually believed that.

"And," she started, seeing his burn was now completely healed. "I thought Uchiha really hated hospitals."

He stared at his right arm for a second before meeting her eyes.

"… not anymore."

03. Silence

There was no fire to keep them warm and the wind was unforgiving at lightning country. Itachi was used to the cold outside Konoha and his long sleeved shirt was everything he needed these days, but it was Sakura's first mission in Cloud territory and she was unprepared for the harsh climate; she had forgotten to pack a coat. He began to feel sorry for her when he heard her teeth greeting. A look in her direction confirmed she was also trembling slightly.

He straightened his back against the tree he was leaning on.

"Sakura, you should get closer."

"I don't know," she retorted, her voice a little higher than normal. "my misery won't bother you?"

Itachi smirked. "Not at all."

She hesitated only for a bit before hurrying to his side. Their arms brushed when she mimicked his positioning on the tree trunk but Sakura didn't mind. They remained in comfortable silence for a couple seconds.

"Nice… " she stared up at the dense foliage covering their heads, clearly grateful for an extra protection from the wind. "It's nice in here."

"Indeed." he said while looking at her.

04. Secrets

She recognized him by his hair when she approached her favorite food stall with Ino by her side. He was leaning on the counter, waiting for his order. She smiled when he looked backwards as if sensing her presence, greeting her with a nod. Sakura asked a suspicious looking Ino to make their orders before claiming a spot right beside Itachi.

"I'm glad you took my advice seriously." she said, attempting to keep a straight face.

He seemed amused by her choice of words. "… it was hardly an advice."

"Call it whatever you want, you're here because you wanted to." she looked at him, triumphant.

Itachi chuckled. "That's true."

She lightly touched him in the arm with her hand. His skin was warm under her fingertips, and immediately she felt her cheeks redden in response, as if ignited by him. Sakura cleared her throat.

"You'll see, their dango is the best."

When a plate with three sticks of dango was put in front of him, he offered her one but she politely declined. Itachi then lifted the sweet to his mouth, taking his time to appreciate it; Sakura almost smiled at the sight. He was quiet for a while and as she was beginning to wonder if he hadn't liked it, he said:

"Feel free to share your secrets with me again."

05. Blankets

He was visiting his cousin at the Hospital when he remembered Sakura would be finishing her shift soon enough; he could greet her, maybe escort her home if she liked. Itachi quickly found her office and knocked two times on the door, waiting patiently.

When no one answered for whole minutes, he tested the doorknob and noticing it was unlocked, he pushed the door wide open. Itachi was in the middle of apologizing for the intrusion when he saw her figure on the sofa by the right wall, curled up in a ball and sound asleep. Her unique pink hair was a mess and she was still wearing a lab coat.

He sighed.

He slipped out of the room and backtracked towards the reception lounge. The girl sitting by the desk eagerly informed him that Sakura had just ended a double shift when he asked. Itachi also asked where he could find some blankets. The receptionist blinked a few times in confusion before giving him some instructions and directions to follow.

When Itachi got back to Sakura's office with two blankets, he wrapped her up with the warmest in his possession and seated himself by a chair beside the windowsill, tossing the other carelessly over his shoulders.

06. Linger

"It's getting late."

She easily blocked the punch aimed at her face and used the momentum to regain her distance from him. She raised a pink eyebrow and glanced momentarily to the setting sun.

"Do you have to be somewhere else?" she questioned.

Sasuke paused for a moment and then relaxed his battle stance, slowly walking towards his fallen blade on the training ground's floor. Sakura took this as a sign that their sparing session was over and stretched her arms above her head, closing her eyes as her bones popped.

"I do." he answered after sheathing his sword. "I'll be hosting a… family gathering."

She didn't need to look his way to see his anxiety grow. Sakura smiled kindly as she stepped closer to him.

"Are you nervous?" she asked.

"Yes. Itachi won't be attending so I have to represent him and fatter."

"You'll do great, Sasuke. Don't worry." she patted him on the shoulder reassuringly. "Your brother will be proud of you."

When they parted ways, Sakura felt Sasuke's eyes linger on her retreating back until she got out of his sight.

07. Clouds

Shikamaru was cloud-gazing in the porch when he approached the Nara family house through the forest surrounding it. The boy seemed almost asleep but Itachi knew better by now. He smiled slightly, putting off his ninja sandals before climbing the porch steps.

"Shikamaru." he greeted. "Is your father home?"

"No." Shikamaru answered without looking at him. "Why?"

Itachi seated himself beside him on the wooden floor. "Tsunade sent me to retrieve some herbs from him."

Shikamaru yawned. "Guess you'll have to wait."

"Guess I'll have to wait." he repeated, slightly amused.

"The clouds are moving really fast." Shikamaru lazily said after a while. Itachi looked up and nodded in agreement.

"They are. What that means?"

Shikamaru frowned. "A storm is coming."

08. Liar

"Since when you're friends with him?" Ino asked her one morning when they were preparing for a mission.

"Who?" she asked distractedly while checking her kunai pouch.

"Don't play dumb with me." Ino responded impatiently. "I've seen you together more than once this week." Ino accused, adjusting her blond ponytail before giving Sakura a pointed look.

She tilted her head to the side. "Who are you talking about, Ino?"

The girl huffed. "Itachi, of course. He is the only guy you seem to hang out with."

Sakura made a face as she glanced at her watch. Kakashi was incredibly late, even for him.

"Stop lying, my teammates are all guys."

"No." Ino said firmly. "In case you haven't noticed, your teammates are boys. Itachi is a guy."

Sakura sighed in exasperation, cursing the heavens and Tsunade for assigning Ino as Naruto's replacement.

"Ino," she started. "I'm friends with Itachi since I became Sasuke's teammate."

The Yamanaka smiled knowingly. "No, you were colleagues! Now you're eating lunch together, smiling at each other from across the street…and don't even try to call me a liar, I saw everything."

Sakura was left so dumbfounded that she didn't even realize when Kakashi arrived.

09. Remember

Itachi was unusually bored. He was out of missions roster due to a still healing wound on his torso and his mother had made an awfully great job of hiding his weapons and ninja gear before he got home from the hospital, knowing her son all too well.

Sometimes being a mamma's boy was a pain in the ass.

"You should be in bed." Mikoto remarked, not for the first time.

"I'm tired of laying down, mother." he calmly responded, taking a sip from his cup of tea.

She sighed, wiping her hands on a clean towel before seating opposite Itachi at the low kitchen table.

"You almost died, Itachi." she pointed out, her voice trembling slightly. "I worry about you. Every time you go through the front door I remember when I held you for the very first time, for it could be the last time I see you alive."

Itachi felt a pang in his chest as his mother started to cry in silence. He grabbed both her hands in his and tried to reassure her with gentle squeezes.

"I won't die so easily, mother. I promised you I would marry and raise a family of my own before I died, remember?" he spoke softly, gaving her a little smile when she looked at him.

When Mikoto quietly nodded in response, Itachi leaned against the table to embrace her; he grimaced inwardly as his wound made contact with the wooden surface but his face never showed a thing.

10. Gray

"Found what you were looking for?" Itachi asked as she approached the library counter carrying three heavy looking tomes. Despite her monstrous strength he still took the books from her grasp when she got close enough and handed them one at a time to the librarian.

"Thanks." she responded, her cheeks reddening. "But unfortunately, the textbook was unavailable."

As they got clearance to leave, she quickly reached for her tomes. Itachi chuckled before starting to walk away at a slow pace, clearly waiting for her. She smiled.

"What did you get this time?" she asked softly.

He smirked a little. "Romance novels."

Sakura stopped dead for a moment, not sure if he was telling the truth or not. He pretended he didn't noticed her sudden halt and kept walking towards the front doors. She snorted, feeling the sudden urge to punch him for messing with her.

He was standing at the doorway when she hurried to his side.

"It's raining." he pointed out. She looked up to the gray sky, awed; a deep, musky scent immediately made her sigh. "Did you bring an umbrella?"

Sakura blinked twice. "… no."

Itachi's lips tilted upwards and she almost gasped when he closed the distance between them, making their arms fully touch. As reality began to shift around her, a classical sign of being transported by a jutsu, she grabbed his hand in panic. Hard.


00. Fireworks

She was sixteen when she and Naruto were invited for the first time to attend some ultra private and especial event held annually at the Uchiha compound. Sasuke had explained it was really a traditional festival to celebrate his clan's achievements throughout the year, and for all the wrong reasons she got really excited to accept his invitation.

She bought a new kimono, dressed up like a doll and arrived at his home fifteen minutes earlier than he asked them to. Naruto wasn't there yet but she didn't expected him to be either. She carefully leaned against a nearby wall and waited for her boys to show up, noticing everyone who passed by her and shot a strange look at her pink hair.

Sakura started to feel really self-conscious.

As she thought about knocking on Sasuke's front door, it opened momentarily just so Itachi could slip from inside, glancing at her before closing the door behind him. She politely greeted him as he stepped off the porch and stopped at her side without saying a word.

She suddenly heard a piercing noise. Sakura automatically followed it's source with her eyes and saw how the bright and warm colors began to lit up the sky in random patterns when the fireworks ascended and then exploded. It was a beautiful sight.

She momentarily looked at her side to see if the Uchiha was still standing there; he was, eyes set somewhere in the distance, a soft smile on his lips.

Sakura observed Itachi in the light of the burning fireworks for a moment.

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