This is a sequel to Divided we fall, following Aragorn II Elessar's "The Devil and the Hood" trilogy with this.

This will cover most part of Season 5 of Arrow with some creative liberties of mine.

Updates will be at least one chapter per week.

Plus, 28 February 2020 is my 26th birthday, so I thought, "Oh, why not start another story?" just like how Aragorn II Elessar started his story "The Devil and the Arrow" on 29 April 2019, his 19th birthday. * chuckles and winks *

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in Arrowverse or Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Comics, Marvel Comics or any characters or elements pertaining to the mentioned franchises or anything else you may recognize.

"Mr. Nelson, what excuse do you have for Mr. Murdock's absence this time? His leave has expired two days ago and he hasn't checked in." Moira said, talking with Foggy and other city officials in the City Hall office.

"Well, he had to oversee the apprehension of a madman." Foggy said cryptically and Moira nodded.

"A thief? Mobster?" Moira asked.

"A vigilante." Foggy said.

Elsewhere, Daredevil was exchanging blows with a short-haired tanned man in black sweater and jeans before the man kicked Daredevil in the chest, making him stagger.

"I'm only doing what you do. Why can't you leave me alone?!" The man snarled, talking with an Eastern accent.

"We both do our jobs very differently, Davos." Daredevil said.

Davos roared, rushing at Daredevil but Daredevil grabbed him and flipped him on the ground. Davos got up and punched Daredevil in the face but Daredevil blocked the following one before knocking Davos back. Davos jumped, kicking Daredevil in the face, making him stagger back.

Daredevil dodged Davos's punch and blocked his kick before Davos tackled him to the ground as the wooden floor collapsed due to their combined weight, making them fall several stories below as they exchanged blows. Davos kicked Daredevil back but Daredevil blocked the following kick before they both dodged as Daredevil sensed a man come in with a pair of guns. Davos dodged as the man in the hockey mask managed to graze him. Davos rushed at the man in the hockey mask before Daredevil threw his billy club at Davos from behind, hitting him in the head and knocking him out.

"I had that!" Daredevil snarled.

"Hey, that idiot with red glowing fist got twenty innocent people in the Glades hurt because he was trying to be like Danny Rand and Colleen Wing! No one has managed to take him down, since he got out!" The masked man snapped back.

"I could've taken him out on my own." Daredevil said, nearing him. "You're the Wild Dog, huh? I've heard about you. Reckless, angry, arrogant and impulsive. You remind me of one kid with a glowing fist I used to know. You know, you should be really careful with what you're doing."

"Finally! The end of the world is here!" A gruff male voice echoed throughout the room.

Daredevil growled as he rushed into the room, where Mad Stan, a notorious anarchist was preparing the bomb.

"If it hadn't been for you, I could've stopped him before he'd set the bomb up!" Daredevil snapped.

"You're all infected with the disease of bureaucracy! But I know the cure, man! All of you must be destroyed! All of you!" Mad Stan shouted madly, about to press the button on the detonator.

Daredevil threw his billy club, forcing Stan to drop his detonator. Wild Dog opened fire but Stan dodged and he also wore a bulletproof vest, so using guns was pointless for Wild Dog. As Wild Dog was reloading, Stan grabbed him and was about to choke him to death before Daredevil hit him in the head from behind, knocking him out.

"Did you get them?"

"I got them both. Call the SCPD." Daredevil said, breathing out before he grabbed Wild Dog and pinned him to the wall. "You're not the first arrogant kid I had to beat up for meddling in business that was not his concern. I thought I told you to back off!"

"It's my city too!" Wild Dog snapped back.

"You wanna help?" Daredevil asked.

"Yeah." Wild Dog nodded.

"Then donate few dollars to SCPD. That's how you can help." Daredevil said and Wild Dog stared. "And put some ice on it."

"Ice on wh—" Wild Dog screamed as Daredevil twisted his hand and broke it. "Are you crazy?!"

Daredevil punched him in the face as Wild Dog fell down. "Don't get in my way again or the next time, I'm gonna crush every single bone in your body!" He snarled and walked away.

Elsewhere, Maki Matsumoto was on her knees, meditating and muttering something in Japanese before she got up.

"I will finish our duty. This city shall know our wrath." Maki vowed, sharpening her sword.

At the policemen gala, Foggy was talking with his girlfriend Marci Stahl, who drank her champagne. "You know, Mr. Murdock's absence is inexcusable, Foggy."

"I told him it was urgent but…"

"The arrest of the terrorist known as Mad Stan didn't go as smoothly as expected." Matt said as he entered with his cane. "Marci." He offered his hand.

"Matt." Marci smiled, shaking her hand. "You look a little roughed up, what's happening with you lately?"

"Tough work." Matt said simply as Marci scowled.

"Will you give us a minute?" Foggy smiled, dragging Matt aside. "Look, I get that you decided to focus more on the Devil but Matt Murdock has to at least keep appearances."

"I know, Foggy, I know. But I told you, I can't have it both ways." Matt sighed.

"Now that's bullshit, Matt." Foggy snapped. "Look, I know that things have been rough since Elektra, the Glades, Laurel, Karen and then your ordeal with the drug but don't you see that we've been over this before? How did that turn out for us and Karen in the end?" He pointed out as Matt sighed.


"All I'm saying is, Matt Murdock is just as important as Daredevil. If you let him. I'm just asking you to not keep your friends and those you care about at arms' length." Foggy said and left, leaving Matt to consider.

"What was it, Mr. Murdock? Taxi got stuck in traffic jam?" Pike asked.

"No. I had to deal with a wild dog." Matt said dryly. He knew he was struggling like how he did the first time he started as a vigilante but having things both ways was not going to help him. Not this time.

Star City

Captain Quentin Lance, Lieutenant Frank Pike, Sergeant Brett Mahoney and Detectives Misty Knight and Billy Malone approached the crime scene.

"What are the casualties, Malone?" Misty asked.

"6 DOAs. The dealer and his girlfriend, two Los Halcones, and one of our own." Malone explained.

"Who's lucky number six?" Pike asked as he approached the CSIs. "Keating."

"COD doesn't match the other vics, who were all shot at close range, but Keating—"

"Blunt force trauma." Pike said as they found a coin on his head.

"What's that, some kind of a calling card?" Mahoney asked.

"I've seen this before. This is Tobias Church's M.O." Misty said. "He's taken apart the gangs in Hub City, Bludhaven and Harlem and Chinatown in New York until the vigilantes sent him packing from there."

"And now he's here." Pike groaned.

"Question is, what was Keating doing here?" Malone asked as he got up, while Pike sighed.

"Nothing good." Pike said as they followed him. "He didn't call anything in."

"You think he's one of the bent cops?" Malone asked.

"Does it matter? He's dead now." Quentin snapped. "Seriously, can the corruption in the department get any worse?"

Matt's apartment

"Matt? Matt, are you there?" Oliver knocked on the door. Matt groaned before he got up from his couch and put on his shirt, while opening the door and Oliver looked shocked by the sight, seeing the bruises on his face. "Jesus, you look like crap."

"Busy night." Matt said.

"A lot of busy nights." Oliver corrected as he lifted Matt's shirt to see more bruises. "When you said you wanted to keep both worlds separated, I didn't think you'd completely shut Matt Murdock out."

"It's not like that, Oliver." Matt said as he went back in, pouring himself some water and swallowing some painkillers.

"I've been where you're at, Matt." Oliver said. "I know what it's like to realize it's not easy to have it both ways and then realize that you're failing in protecting your city but this isn't the answer."

"This city doesn't need Matt Murdock. It needs Daredevil." Matt said simply.

"That's what I thought the first time around, when I started. But you still have Foggy, Father Lantom, Laurel, me, your friends." Oliver said. "All I'm saying is that your mask isn't what defines you but people around you."

"They're better off without me, Oliver." Matt protested. "How many more have to suffer because of me?"


"My Dad. Elektra. My Mom. Karen. And I don't want to have any more on my conscience. Matt Murdock got them killed. I know my truth now." Matt said.

"What truth?" Oliver asked and what followed next, shocked him.

"Well, that in front of God, I'd rather die as the Devil than live as Matt Murdock." Matt said.

Oliver sighed. "Blaming yourself for losing the ones you love never helps. Trust me. Matt Murdock can be just as important as Daredevil. If you let him. Despite everything, I'm still your friend and I care about you like a brother."

Matt was silent, just… well, staring wouldn't fit for a blind man. His facial expression remained blank, with no hint of any emotion whatsoever.

"Just think about what I've said. You know where to find me, if you ever need to talk." Oliver said as he walked away, while Matt was just standing at the same spot, a contemplative expression on his face.

Later, Queen Manor

"Well, it's good to be back on my feet." Moira teased as she sat across Oliver in the manor, eating breakfast.

"Did Caitlin's surgery help?" Oliver asked.

"It did, thank you." Moira nodded.

"Just like old times, huh?" Oliver smiled as they ate. "If only Walter and Thea were here."

"She'll come to visit with Roy and Lian next week." Moira said, smiling. "And as for Walter…" She sighed. "I think it's unlikely he's going to come back but I hope he will."

But as Oliver and Sara were accompanying Moira to the car, two motorcycles drove towards them, as the passengers jumped down and pulled out Uzis, shooting down Oliver's and Moira's security detail. Oliver and Sara attempted to fight back before one of them held Moira at gunpoint.

"Stand down, Junior. Or Mommy's gonna take a bullet in the head."

Oliver and Sara glared but Moira shook her head, not wanting them to expose themselves in front of the thugs. Reluctantly, they let themself and his mother be taken hostage as they dragged them into a SCPD armored truck as it drove away.

Matt's apartment

Matt was talking with a client on the phone speaker. "No, I think that neglecting child's care is a good defense for you."

"Are you going to attend the trial, Mr. Murdock?"

Matt considered before he overheard something in the distance.

"Breaking news. Star City's Mayor Moira Queen and her son Oliver Queen have been kidnapped an hour ago and held at gunpoint outside their family manor less than twenty minutes ago. The SCPD has declined to comment at the moment."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to arrive, I'm sorry." Matt said.

"That's the third time in the row. I'm sorry. I think I should hire another attorney." The client said, disappointed.

"I understand." Matt said as the client hang up.

Later, Star City

A group of thugs were in a bar, when suddenly, the lights went off as they saw a figure perching on the rafters above them.

"Is that guy for real?"

"Yeah, he's real. What do you want?"

"Justice." Daredevil said. He threw a billy club, hitting the thug in the throat as he gagged. The remaining thugs pulled out guns but Daredevil jumped down to dodge the shots and threw another billy club that hit the fuse box, sending the bar into the darkness. The next thing the thugs knew, there was sound of bones cracking, beating, screams and groaning. By the time the lights went on again, Daredevil had his foot on the neck of one of the thugs.

"Tell me where's Tobias Church keeping his hostages or I'll crush every bone in your body!" Daredevil snarled.

"As if we're going to let you do this alone."

Daredevil recognized the voice as Danny Rand and Colleen Wing showed up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not personal." Church said, circling around his hostages. "I know it feels personal, but it is not. You are all here as a means to an end. I finally figured out a way to make politicians useful.

"You want the Green Arrow and Daredevil?" Oliver realized.

Church turned around and smiled, pulling the bag off Oliver's head. "Ooh. Clever boy. I like him." He turned to Moira. "Your son is a bright one, despite what the tabloids say, Miss Mayor." He turned to Oliver again. "But out of curiosity, how did you know…"

"Big time crime boss shows up in Star City. There are only few people standing in his way, the police and the vigilantes, with the Green Arrow and Daredevil being the big-time ones. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure you out." Oliver sneered.

"Listen, the Green Arrow is not coming." Sara continued. "As for Daredevil, who knows."

They had expected Matt to help them but considering that he had shut himself out, the better question was how was he going to find them.

"I don't need your help." Matt said as he was trying to "map" the layout of Church's hideout with his radar sense.

"Oliver and Sara are our friends too. And just because you decide to keep your distance, it doesn't mean we're gonna bail on you too." Danny snapped.

Matt sighed. "Fine. But we do this my way." Then he sensed something. "There are bombs there."

"I'll call Misty, she can get backup ASAP." Colleen pulled out her phone.

"You know, I hate punks like you. Self-righteous schmucks." Church sneered, punching Oliver, who spat out blood and Sara glared.

"If you hit me again..." Oliver looked up and glared.

"You'll do nothing with you being zip-cuffed." Church gloated before a billy club hit him in the face as he staggered back.

Church's men saw Daredevil above as he jumped down, while Colleen used her Iron Fist, sending them flying back, while Church ran off, while Danny engaged the remaining thugs, while dodging the gunshots.

"Are you there?" Misty called out on a radio that Colleen had. "This place is wired to blow, there's no way we can defuse the bombs in time."

"We gotta get everyone out of here." Danny said, untying Oliver, Moira and Sara.

"Church is mine." Matt said as he ran off.

Daredevil heard a chopper take off as he turned on the grapnel feature on his billy club and wrapped the cable around one of the legs of the chopper, while hearing explosions in the building underneath them and he sensed that his friends and the police had made it out alive.

Daredevil swung himself up as he opened the door, getting inside the chopper. Daredevil engaged Church but to his surprise, Church was almost as strong as Fisk, not so easily taken down. They exchanged blows, with Church landing few lucky hits and slamming Daredevil's face to the chair, dazing him before he pushed Daredevil off the chopper. Daredevil used a grapnel and swung himself towards a nearby rooftop as he had a hard landing.

Later, Oliver entered the bar, talking with Sara, Danny and Colleen.

"I'm guessing he didn't talk with you much?" Sara asked Danny and Colleen.

"All he said was that he needed our help. But… honestly, I'm worried about him." Danny said and Oliver and Sara nodded.

"This can't go on like this anymore. It's been five months. We gotta talk some sense into him. Being a lone vigilante never helps." Oliver said.

"It's been a long time since you used Muay Thai ropes, Matty." Jack said as Matt was punching a bag. "You're too mad to think straight and it's gonna get you killed. Matty, come on." Jack pleaded as Matt kept on exercising. "I know what it's like to be focused on trying to be better. Push myself to be better but this isn't an answer."

"You're looking for sympathy? Because that's not happening." Matt retorted.

"We're both cursed." Jack continued as Matt chuckled. "You and I both know we got the Devil inside."

"So, it's my fault?" Matt scoffed.

"Would you be honest with yourself?" Jack asked and Matt sighed before taking deep breaths. "You put on that mask because it lets you feel alright with who you really are. It lets you hurt people and it makes you feel like it's for something important…"

"…something good, maybe even for God." Fisk continued as Matt's blood boiled. "But that ain't truth and we both know it. You and your father are cut from the same cloth. A corrupt boxer, who takes as much satisfaction in inflicting pain as he does money for taking dives." Matt cracked his knuckles, getting angrier by Fisk's taunts. "And his son, who's trying to convince himself he's any better than his criminal father. You were born from nothing. You remain nothing!"

Having enough of it, Matt imagined screaming in rage and beating Fisk into a bloody pulp and snapping his neck before his thoughts returned to the present as he continued punching the bag until his knuckles bled.


Lieutenant Sam Conahan was leaving the station, talking with his wife on the phone, when he felt someone watching him and he turned around and looked up, assuming that the figure observing him was the Green Arrow. "How you doing? Can I help you with something?"

The figure notched and fired an arrow, hitting Conahan in the shoulder. He cried out in pain, dropping his phone and pulled out a gun and fired but the figure jumped down, dodging the shots before he threw a shuriken, disarming Conahan of his gun. Conahan attempted to run but the figure threw a knife and he fell down, yelping before the archer pulled out a katana. Conahan turned around to see that the man wore similar attire to the Green Arrow; except his was black and he wore a mask that covered his entire face.

"Green Arrow?" Conahan asked as the archer approached him.

"No." The man shook his head. "I'm not Green Arrow."

Conahan screamed, when the man swung the blade, executing the policeman.

Next to him appeared another man in yellow hood and red and black mask and with a pair of Kamas.

"Patience. Our revenge will come." The man in black said.

"Green Arrow is yours. Daredevil is mine." The man in yellow said.

Mad Stan is a recurring villain from Batman Beyond, an anarchist that liked to blow stuff up, so I thought this would be a nice cameo for him.

Hope this is off to a good start. Those familiar with Daredevil comic books can guess who is with Prometheus and I've got a modified backstory prepared for him.

Please review and let me know if you have been enjoying this and want for me to continue.

With regards
