A/N: For those coming from the old version, yes, the prologue has been scrapped. I HOPE this is much better quality than the previous version. Most of the chapters will be very similar, almost the same as before. The majority of changes are grammar, spelling and some lines added and/or removed. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: The rights of Harry Potter and the Wizarding World do not belong to me but the JK Rowling. The Only character I own is Shaula.

Chapter One - Rebirth

For a few months, everything was a blur. She couldn't fully understand what was going on around her, who was around her or where she even was. Her first real memory in this world was of a young baby lying next to her, stormy grey eyes staring at her in fascination. Her next memory was of a woman who carried an aura around her as if she were superior than others. Soon after, memories begun to blur together and became everyday life without her realising.

The baby from her first memory she discovered was her twin brother, Sirius Orion Black. It was then that she realised that she had been reborn as someone new. When she learnt of her brother's name, she rationalised that her new parents must be large fans of the Harry Potter series. But when she found out her parent's names, saw the family tapestry and met Kreacher, the visibly much younger house-elf, she screamed: shocked and terrified at this discovery.

She learnt that her name was now Shaula Walburga Black, and she had been reborn into the Harry Potter series. She would grow up in the middle of a war, watch people she would grow to love die and others turn traitor to the people they once called family. Shaula cried for the future she would have, the future she now shared with so many children who she will grow up with. She cried for the brother she has and how his life would be, and for the brother she would gain in a few years time.

Over the next couple months Shaula planned for a way to make Sirius' life to be better, to try and change the outcome of the war, to stop Voldemort before he could kill Lily Evans and James Potter. To help Severus Snape and give Regulus Black the life he should have had. She knew that she would do all of this, even if it cost her life.

Shaula watched as Sirius and herself grew and how they both begun taking etiquette lessons as soon Walburga Black announced her second pregnancy. Shaula was almost certain that this baby would be Regulus.

One day, when Sirius and Shaula were playing in one of the many rooms of the house on the second floor, Kreacher had apparated into the room. The popping sound of the apparation drawing both of their attention to the elf. They were two years old at the time, nearing the end of January.

"Master and Mistress wishes for little Master and little Mistress to go to the drawing room immediately." Kreacher spoke, giving us a bow before dismissing himself. Most likely off to make lunch or something. The two children turned to look at each other in happiness, it was only a few days ago that their mother was taken to the hospital in labour with their youngest sibling.

Upon entering the drawing room, they both go to the empty couch as Walburga and Orion Black had taken up the other, along with a small swaddled up baby. Shaula sat up as straight as possible and giving the two adults in the room her full attention, while Sirius stared outright at the baby in their mothers embrace. Walburga's arms occasionally gave a small bounce, as if making sure the baby would stay quiet.

"Sirius, Shaula. This is your new younger brother, Regulus Arcturus Black. You will help raise him and look after him, making sure he follows the ways of the Noble and Ancient House of Black," said Orion, catching both of the children's attention. Sirius' face morphed into a determined one, a large grin overtaking it as he nodded. Shaula merely smiled slightly and gave a slight nod. "Good, Regulus will be staying on the same floor as the pair of you. Kreacher will care for him as he does the two of you."

Over the next couple years, the two children played with their new brother, attended balls and galas, and had lessons on etiquette and pureblood supremacy ('brainwashing' Shaula called it to Sirius one late evening). It wasn't until the twins had turned five years old, that Sirius began openly questioning about muggleborns and muggles. That was when their relationship with their parents started going down, not that it wasn't the best already.

"Why are they mudbloods? What did they do wrong?" His grey eyes stared up innocently at their tutor. The old lady who taught the three children span her head sharply towards him, small beady eyes narrowing.

"Mudbloods are filthy creatures who steal their powers from the purebloods and halfbloods, creating filthy squibs. Mudbloods are nothing but idiotic, stupid, pathetic little mongrels who don't know when to keep their trap shut either," The woman's dull voice screeched as she ranted and raved. Regulus appeared to be taking it all in, seeming to believe the lies that were being told. Shaula already knew what to expect when Sirius asked this question, knowing not to believe anything that's said about the muggle-borns and muggles. Sirius' face tightened, turning into confusion.

"But how would they steal magic? Aren't they like us?" Sirius asked her, still not entirely understanding what their tutor means by that. Their mother had walked in whilst he asked.

"It doesn't matter how, they just do! They are filthy and disgusting things that should be killed," Walburga sneered, hatred clearly displayed on her twisted face. That was the start of how things started to spiral down.

Nearly every day Sirius would argue with Walburga and any tutor that would teach them. Yelling would erupt between the two of them, Orion never stepping in but never allowing Sirius the chance to argue against him.

Regulus would sometimes watch these arguments, other times he would try to focus on something else or be in another room, distracted by Shaula who would try and teach him things she learnt in her previous life. When she wasn't with Regulus, she would watch the arguments happen, never interfering but never adding her input when asked either. Shaula hated the yelling but knew that his would be the beginning of Sirius' story and she didn't want to change more than she had to. She would only interfere if she felt that they were in danger, and whilst Shaula hated the verbal abuse, she knew Sirius would be able to handle it. She hoped so anyway.