Disclaimer: The first two chapters of this story were provided to me by the person who funded this fic, he wanted me to complete it, so i tried to do that to the best of my ability. I do not know who the original author of the first two chapters is, if you're reading this, please contact me through DMs so i can edit this Message.

The rest of you, please enjoy... If you can.

The door opened to the Carousel Boutique. A blue pegasus strode in, her multicolored mane cockily styled and a definite jauntiness in her step. She called up the stairs, "Hey, Rarity!"

"Just a second, Rainbow Dash," a feminine voice replied from up the stairs. There were grunts and thumping as furniture was moved and Rarity appeared several seconds later perfectly poised with a giant hat on her head and a wicker basket suspended in her magical aura.

Dashie approached and kissed her on the cheek. "Took more than a second."

Rarity giggled back at her marefriend, "I didn't mean it literally."

"I know, but you're cute when you're blushing. So, anyways, Rares, what are we doing today?"

Rarity rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I was planning on collecting some gems today."

"Again? But you did that just last week, too. And isn't Spike your go-to dragon for that? "

Rarity tut-tutted back at her marefriend, giving her body a long, sensuous rub from dock to haunch, "Now, Rainbow Dash, I didn't say I had to go alone." The white unicorn mare circled back around, brushing her along the wings with her cheeks. She kissed Rainbow Dash on the neck and fixed her with her eyes. "It'll be just us, alone together. What if I get attacked by something? What's a poor, weak unicorn like me to do if somepony were to well take advantage of her vulnerability?"

Dash purred, "Now that won't do. Lead the way, Rarity."

The two ponies stepped out the door, saddlebags full of equipment and they began their walk down to the gem cave. It was a lovely day in Ponyville. Springtime, as Rarity thought so, always did bring out the very best of her delightful little hometown. She had been there all her life, not that she had always loved it. Growing up, she had always wanted to be somewhere else, someplace big and happening. Depending on the season it would be either Canterlot or Manehattan. Canterlot for the Grand Galloping Gala. Manehattan for Saddle Row and Fashion Week. The little white filly had been all about fashion, for in her eyes, fashion was what you showed to the world to describe you. A dress was never just a dress, it was a statement as to who you were, what you wanted ponies to feel, and maybe even where you came from.

She looked to the right and saw her marefriend there. Rainbow Dash, pegasus, twenty-two years old, Wonderbolt. They had been together for three years. Rarity had never quite been able to believe her luck with regards to ending up with Rainbow Dash. It had been like a dream.

A lonely night, too much cider, and then things just sorta, well, for a lack of a better word, happened. Next thing she knew, she had the blue bolt all to herself. Not bad for a fashionista like herself. All things considered, though she was in good shape, she'd never be quite the fit freak like her marefriend. Sometimes she felt bad about it. But she kept moving and watched her lady's physique. All in all, there were perks to being with a pegasus as frisky as she was fit. And when Dash came around all tuckered out, it was more than she could do to deny her horizontal refreshment.

They walked along the dirt path out to the fringes of Ponyville. Then their course took them into the hills past Fluttershy's Cottage. Dash locked eyes with Angel Bunny and gave the naughty rabbit a glare. He stamped his foot and shot her just as venomous and expression back at the pegasus as if to imply his hopes that she suffer an imminent and painful fate. The two mares ignored him, much too busy were they laughing, chatting, and kissing. Indeed, they were madly in love with each other. They did not notice him hop off the ground and peer at it intently. Did it just shake?

It was following a brisk trot through the meadows at the fringes of the Everfree Forest that they finally reached their destination.

Before them stood a mammoth mountain of rock, the bones of the very earth itself standing high and defiant into the sky in a sheer cliff. Rarity bounded up to it bouncily while Rainbow Dash hung back. She dithered her hooves through the dirt nervously, kicking up little bits of dust and grass. She stared into the yawning black chasm, a maw into a dark abyss with who knew what that went who knew how far. Rainbow Dash thought it looked like the very mountain itself could eat her whole. How did it not collapse under the uncountable thousands upon thousands of tons of nothing but crushing rock pressing down for hundreds of feet? And Rarity wanted her to go into it so blithely?

Speaking of Rarity, the white mare turned around. She raised an eyebrow at her marefriend and asked, "Is something the matter, dear Dash?"

"N-no," Rainbow lied.

"Now, Dash, you should know by now you're an even worse liar than Applejack. What's the matter, dear?"

Rainbow admitted, "Nothing, I'm just not very fond of caves is all."

"Are you worried?"


"That it's going to collapse on top you you?"

"Eeeeeeyyyaaaaaah, exactly. How does a cave even work? Why doesn't it collapse in on itself? It's solid rock, Rarity. And I'm a pegasus; you know what that means? Hollow bones. Hollow bones plus collapsing rocks equals splat me." She swore she felt the ground tremble ever so slightly again.

Rarity laughed, "Oh, Dash, don't you worry about a thing. Spike and I have been in here hundreds of times without a problem. It'll be fine. The only thing that falls in this cave, darling, is water. Now come on, please, won't you for me? I promise to protect you."

Rainbow sighed, "Okay, Rarity, I'll come inside. Let's do this." Rarity walked back to her and reassuringly nuzzled her marefriend's nose. Then she led her inside the dark cave, igniting a pale blue light from the horn.

Rarity hummed happily and the cave seemed to hum along with her. She swished her tail as she went. Her hooves made a delightfully, ringing clippity clop noise off the smooth, cool cave floor. Her horn's lighting made a dome of light that offered a glowing umbrella against the otherwise ravenous darkness of the cave. This was a great idea - invite Rainbow someplace she knew they could be alone and private. A place without Sweetie Belles or Spikes to interrupt or overhear them - a special place for just the two of them. She had to suppress a giggle to spare Rainbow Dash's pride; it was far too adorable that the tough Wonderbolt was scared of a little darkness and had to be walked through by a soft marshmallow mare. Oh she would get so much mileage out of this later in little teasings; she loved to make her oh so tough lover blush and groan.

Rainbow Dash did her best to conceal her nervousness. It wasn't for Rarity's sake; after years of learning each other inside and out, there was nothing she could hide anymore. No, it was for her own pride. It had been a great milestone to even let Rarity in on her anxiety, but like hell she was going to be deterred from something so easily; she'd rather die than even appear weak. As they went deeper into the cave, her anxiety did moderate. This was doable, this was fine. Here she was with Rarity and nothing was going to hurt them. And Rarity had not been kidding about it being a very private place. She had half a mind to surreptitiously start a search for a different kind of treasure.

"Rarity, are we there yet?"

"Not quite yet, Darling."

They continued along for what felt like hours. Dash began to get used to the darkness. It was not too bad, at least not with her love right beside her and leading the war forward. In fact, Rainbow Dash could even say that it felt very cozy and intimate being right there with Rarity. She lovingly stretched out a wing and draped it over the white unicorn's back. She felt her lover's warmth and to her satisfaction, Rarity murmured a bit and pressed back against her. Dashie stuck out her neck and gave a kiss on the unicorn's mane. This crazy date idea was starting to turn out very well and she was starting to feel very cozy.

Suddenly, Rarity stopped. They were doubtlessly miles underground now, under all that rock... Rainbow felt her chest tightened and feathers bristle. Rarity showed no indication of worry, so she relaxed. Her marefriend's lovely voice announced, "And here, darling, is where I harvest my gems." Her horn flared for a second before it glowed as brightly as the sun. She stepped ahead of Rainbow, almost preening in her haughty canter. The ground gave a nearly imperceptible quiver. "So, what do you think?"

"Wooooooowww..." Rainbow's mouth hung over. Surrounding her was indescribable beauty. The roof of the cavern was so distant as to be lost to the gloom, but dangling from it were great crystal stalactites of immeasurable worth. All around them were myriad gems and crystals, scintillating in a thousand shades of radiance from Rarity's light. It was like something from an artwork, not real life, but here they were. The walls and ground were covered in gems, and bands of minerals warped around different columns like snaking lines of rainbow hued snakes.

"It's... I... Rarity, it's beautiful." Dash kissed her on the mouth, a deep kiss that was returned eagerly to her hungry mouth.

Rarity produced a pickaxe from her saddlebags and levitated a bucket over to Rainbow Dash. "Now, shall we begin?"

Rainbow nodded in agreement and they went about breaking apart rocks to reveal the dazzling gems inside. They carried on for hours. When one bucket was filled, they emptied it into a holding pouch and filled it again. Dash didn't tell Rarity, but looking at her plot, she could think of more fun things to do than the frankly monotonous task of following her around with a bucket in her mouth. She'd get her fun; they were alone after all, and she could just gobble that tasty marshmallow mare right up…

The ground gave another rumble. "Rarity, did you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"The ground, it shook just now."

"Nonsense, Dear," Rarity refuted. "I'll have you know that Twilight told me this area is very geologically stable. The ground rumbled. Rarity gave a concerned look. Her eyes slowly dilated as they looked upwards. She swallowed, trying very hard to remain calm. "Dash."


"I need you to disregard your brash instincts at this very moment and follow me slowly. I fear my assessment of this cave's stability was overly optimistic and it would be best for us to leave."

"Yeah, let's."

They gingerly began walking out of the cave, their eyes fixed on the ceiling. Above them were poised a million mighty spearhead fangs waiting to crash down upon them from the dark. Rarity shot sparks up high and attempted to steer clear of where it looked like the rocks may come loose over them, but there wasn't much to do when the whole ceiling was replete with spikes the size of houses. They said nothing, holding in breath for fear that even the slightest thing could bring down everything.

The ground rumbled again, harder. Then, something hit Rarity on the head and with a crumbling sound. Dust and pebbles... from the ceiling. But that only happened if... She turned to Dash, panic now evident. "Run!"

They took off at full speed as the stalactites fell around them with awful whistling followed by great, booming thuds that echoed throughout the chamber like a drum. They were aiming for the passage out. Suddenly, Dash saw something from up high, right in her marefriend's path.

There was no way to avoid it.

There was no way to dissuade it.

There was no way to deflect it.

And it was about to kill the mare she loved most of all.

There was no choice.

Rainbow Dash spread her wings and bolted at it. She cried out, "RARITY!"

She just barely careened into Rarity before she felt something strike her in the neck then she couldn't move. Something was keeping her in place. "Rarity! Run!" Then something struck her again and everything went black.