She was a newly hired doctor at the school when Toshinori first saw her. Recovery Girl had had to take some vacation time due to her age and health. Leaving the principal to hire someone to fill in for her while she was gone. Though to be perfectly honest, Toshinori very much doubted that the woman would have expected Nezu to hire someone like her.

At first glance, the absolute first thing that was noticed about her was how glaringly obvious it was just how young she was. Toshinori doubted that she had even managed to reach twenty just yet. In fact, he estimated her age to be somewhere between sixteen and nineteen.

Which was shocking in and of itself.

Another things that he automatically noticed, was her looks. In fact he damned near walked himself into a wall the moment that he laid his eyes on her.

She was tall too for a girl her age. Her height reaching six foot easily.

Her face was devoid of any cosmetics, which was unusual considering how immaculately she was dressed in a navy colored sweater dress, black cotton leggings and black leather flats. The only jewelry that she wore was a pair of pearl stud earrings and a pearl necklace.

Her long black hair hung down her back in layers and feathery wisps that curled here and there wildly, while her long bangs hung partially in her eyes and framed both sides of her face in a fetching manner that emphasized the natural beauty of her exotic features.

She had ivory colored skin, smooth, unblemished- exotically shaped neon blue eyes that seemed intense and damn near glowing. She was petite, but not so much so that she was without a nice lush hourglass figure. In fact her build was lithe and athletic and indicated that she was made for speed.

Which was...strange. Unless she had a speed quirk.

And the way that she carried herself was...unusual. She didn't slouch, didn't try to look small like most young ladies would in the presence of so many. No- she carried herself like someone who was used to being scrutinized and judged and simply didn't give a damn.

She met everyone with her head up and her spine straight. And her gaze...Jesus it was chilling as Nezu happily waited until she had joined them all in the conference room before bothering to introduce her.

"Everyone, this is Ichigo Kurosaki. She was recently hired to fill in for Recovery Girl while she's away for health reasons." Nezu said cheerfully as everyone took a chance to look their new co-worker over as the principal continued to speak, "I know that Ichigo is a lot younger than many of you are used to working with, however part of the reason for this is due to the fact that she graduated from her high school with honors at fourteen before attending medical school. At present she's nineteen, and one of the most overly qualified people in the medical field."

"Thanks Nezu." The woman muttered before then asking if he was done. He nodded, and she quickly excused herself to go and...shuffle some papers in her office? And then quickly left the room without bothering to say anything else to anyone.

Nezu's smile fell somewhat the moment that she exited the room and he then gave the rest of them an apologetic look as he muttered awkwardly, "Please don't take her present actions personally. She is simply not up to...pretending to pleasant at the moment. She's been...kind of overwhelmed with a lot lately."

Toshinori could imagine that the young woman was overwhelmed by much. Her new job/co-workers, working for UA. The possibility that the school and it's students could come under attack by someone. In all honesty he would have questioned her sanity if she wasn't at least worried about a little bit of all of that and more.

"Principal Nezu, why did you hire a girl that's barely even an adult?" Shouta asked, looking peeved that their new school doctor was barely an adult.

"As I said before, Ichigo is over qualified for the job. She excels in various medical fields. Including trauma, transplant surgeries, the neutralization of poisons and other chemicals, the forced accelerated regeneration of limbs and organs-"

"Wait- what?!" Several of the others practically shouted as soon as the whole 'regeneration of limbs and organs' thing left Nezu's furry little mouth.

Toshinori himself was a tad bit busy coughing up blood from surprise.

Sighing, Nezu set his coffee mug aside and slowly said. "You heard me correctly. Ichigo can force others to regenerate lost limbs, and organs. It's part of why I wanted her to work here. Aside from the excellent chance that she could probably save some of our more promising students from crippling themselves for life during training- her ability would also come in handy for other things as well. Including possibly healing Toshinori and helping him regain his full health."

Everything was silent for a moment before someone, Cement-Toss stammered out over the excited clamor of his co-workers. "B-But shouldn't we, you know? Test her? Just to be absolutely certain."

"I have. It was a little over a week before I hired her. I contacted a local hospital to begin rounding up volunteers for a small experiment-"

"You didn't." Someone, Shouta hissed out from between clenched teeth. Outrage flashing in his eyes. Likely because what Nezu had done was deemed unnecessarily cruel. He wasn't exactly wrong. But he wasn't entirely right either.

"I did. And out of the fifty seven people involved, Ichigo healed all of them. She even healed some people who were brain dead, and had debilitating diseases and had lost limbs in terrible accidents."

"So she really can-" Toshinori finally spoke up to start to ask, his tone carefully hiding any sliver of renewed hope that he didn't want to show in his tone. His expression awed.

"Yes. She can heal you."

The blond nodded his head absently and then stood up and quietly left the room to go and find the miracle worker that Nezu had found as the room erupted into utter chaos as Midnight shouted, "Quick someone buy that woman some nice flowers and a large box of assorted imported chocolates from France!"

"I'm on it-" Hizashi sang happily while Shouta face palmed and swore about the idiocies of his friends.

Ichigo was sitting at her desk in her office, studying the various binders filled with information that she needed to memorize, spilling across her desk. Her thoughts were a million miles away as a soft knock at her door sounded. Twitching violently in her seat, she damn near fell out of it. Before she turned her head to glower at the door for a moment and finally sighed and got up and moving over to it and slowly opening it.

"Yes?" She asked tentatively as she eyed the hulking figure in the vivid bright yellow suit, standing just outside.

"May I come in?" The man asked, his tone was more gentle than she had expected. Polite. Coaxing even. Frowning she moved back and let the man shuffle into the room and gently shut the door behind her. Because slamming the door whenever she was in a pissy mood was a shitty thing to do, after all.

It was also a sign of immaturity and she would not commit such temper tantrum displays. She was better than that.

The guy seemed to struggle for words for a moment as she moved away from the door and made her way back to her desk and sat back down as she said bitterly, "I guess that Nezu finally told everyone what I could do. And you decided to come and visit the freak, huh." It wasn't a question.

In fact the bitterness of her tone made the man recoil almost violently where he stood as he stared at her in disbelief before slowly saying, "Being able to help people who do not otherwise have any hope, doesn't make you a freak. It makes you...wonderful. Miraculous, even."

"Sure it does. So wonderful and miraculous that-" She started to snap at him about being how hunted she was. About the horrors that came from being used only for what she could do for others. But stopped herself at the last moment because those things weren't anyone's business.

"That?" He prompted, sounding curious. His expression carefully blank, though his intense blue eyes glittered as if he were a little bit angry.

Sighing as she took a moment to calm herself, and run her fingers through her dark hair with a slight grimace before she suddenly asked, "Did you need something? Or did you just come by to rattle my cage some?" She knew that she was being rude. Though she tried to keep her voice light as if she were joking.

"I...came to see if you would look over an old injury that pains me. But if this is a bad time-" He said as he glanced towards the door. Indicating that he could leave her be for now if she had something else that she needed to do.

"No, you're fine." She said almost automatically as she stood back up and walked over to him and gently took one of his arms in her hand and directed him over to one of the beds and told him to sit down.

He let her do as she liked because he could feel how unhappy she was at the moment and couldn't help but wonder about why she seemed so upset.

Once he was sitting, she grabbed the small stool that Recovery Girl often used when she was treating someone and dragged it over to place it next to the bed, just a few inches from where he was sitting.

He noted that she was careful to not crowd him too much as he made himself comfortable.

"Show me what you need me to look at and I'll see what I can do to help you." Her tone was lighter now, gentler. Apparently she was trying to use some of her medical professionalism. Which Toshinori could appreciate to a degree. After all, she wasn't being rude or surly now.

"O-Of course." He stammered out as he loosened his tie some and then slipped out of his jacket and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Despite the fact that his heart felt like it was going to punch through his chest, and his hands started to shake a little bit in anxiousness.

He wasn't sure what terrified him more.

The possibility that she wouldn't be able to heal him, even after Nezu told him that she could. Or the fact that she would see his scar up close, as well as all of the ugliness that accompanied it.

He jumped a little bit when she reached out and lightly touched her hands to his own. Startling him into stilling as she made a soft tsk'ing sound before saying. "I don't know what you're so freaked about. But you should really calm down before you have a panic attack or something."

"O-Oh. Sorry." He mumbled as color rose in his cheeks.

"Don't be sorry, just be calm. I know that showing scars and stuff can be difficult sometimes...especially for some people. So- How about I show you one of mine before you show me yours." She suggested as she leaned back a little bit and slowly withdrew her hands as she tacked on. "This way you can see that your scar can't possibly be as bad as you think it is."

He wanted to gape at her in shock of her words, but the fact that she was already starting to stand up and gathering the fabric of her sweater dress in her hands- kept him silent. Or maybe it was his curiosity that kept him silent. Maybe a little bit of both?

"Please don't tell anyone that I took my shirt off." She said in a slightly pleading tone as she looked at him for a moment before then releasing one side of her top so that she could pat herself down as if she were checking to make sure that something was in place. Her bra maybe? Her embarrassed expression perplexed him for a moment before he heard her mutter, "Oh thank god." So he must have been right about the bra check.

He nodded his head mutely, silently promising her that he wouldn't tell anyone about her taking her clothing off. And she pulled her top up over her head and his eyes widened almost instantly in horror and dread as his eyes caught sight of the various, vicious looking wounds- both old and new- that littered her entire torso.

They're horrible! Was the first thing that he thought as his fingers twitched a little bit before tightening on the fabric of his shirt until he could almost feel it tear underneath his fingertips.

He didn't know what sort of life Miss Kurosaki had lived up until she had been hired by Nezu, but it was obvious that she'd had a difficult life. Perhaps much too difficult for such a young woman.

The scars littering her body looked as if she had been held down and torn to ribbons repeatedly! There were so many of them. Some, from what he could tell from his many years of work as a pro-hero were even consistent with torture!

And they were so big too- she had one along her ribs that ran diagonally across her body. Nearly reaching her opposite side. She had several on her chest that overlapped.

The worst of which looked as if something nearly the size of his hand had been shoved right through the center of her chest, dangerously close to her heart. And there was another on her left shoulder that looked as if a chainsaw had been used on her flesh. It stretched from the top of her shoulder to nearly the center of her chest, straight down.

Such a terrible wound would have torn through bone, shredded muscle and even separated her arm and part of her chest from her body!

She didn't say anything. To be perfectly honest, he might have flipped out on her if she had tried to make any jokes about such horrible wounds.

In all his years as a hero he'd never seen such horrible wounds on a woman before. Miss Kurosaki didn't look like much of a fighter to him. In fact, as athletic as she appeared- it was a wonder that none of the injuries were sports related. He would have expected that far more than this...kaleidoscope of nightmare inducing horrors that would forever be etched into his mind whenever he thought of the young woman from this day forward.

Loosening his fingers slightly on his shirt, he had the odd urge to reach out and trace a few of them with his fingertips to see just how deep they ran. But he quickly squashed the urge, and once he was done looking at her, reached out and grabbed her top and held it out to her as a silent indication that she should get redressed.

She took her top from him with a slightly grateful look and then quickly pulled it on while he took that small opening to finish unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it from his bad side so that she would have better access to the wound.

Once she was done putting her top back on and sat back down on the stool, he was sitting there waiting with his heart in his throat for her to look him over. Though Nezu had mentioned that she could heal him and a few other things that she could do- he wasn't all that sure what her process was or how it worked.

All he could do at this point was speculate as she moved in closer to him and very carefully brushed her fingertips along the outer edges of scar. Causing him to jump a tad bit and look at her as she quickly pulled her hands back and gave him an apologetic look and muttered, "Sorry. Cold hands." And then took a moment to rub her hands together really fast to warm them.

Not that her hands had been cold at all to begin with. The scar was just...sensitive to the touch. But then he figured that her lame excuse of having cold hands was her way of trying to devise a better way to examine it without causing him any discomfort.

He wasn't wrong, he figured as soon as she gently probed the edges again. The added warmth of her hands helping to sooth the ragged edges. Nullifying some of the sensitivity a bit.

"If you don't mind my asking, how did you get such an injury?" She asked curiously as he felt her carefully probe the middle of the scar, her fingertips likely feeling how thin the skin protecting his ribs and organs was if the frown that flitted across her face was any indication at all.

"I was injured on the job several years ago. It's a villain's handy work."

"Yes, I can see that. Whoever could do thins to another person with so little regard for the person that they're hurting..." She paused for a moment before saying darkly. "I hope that you beat the ever loving shit out of him."

Toshi looked at her for a second, unable to properly think of the words to express himself as far as her...vindictive words went. To be perfectly honest, she surprised him with them. And it had been quite a long time since anyone had sounded so angry on his behalf. So instead of speaking, he gave her a dangerous smile and caught her lips quirking up a tad as she muttered, "Good. I hope that he cried before you were done with him."

His smile became menacing in lieu of telling her outright that the villain had indeed cried before he was done with him.

"Okay, I think I know how bad the injury is as well as some of the damage's involved. No wonder it hurts you so much." She said as she slowly withdrew her hands again. "I know that Nezu had told you and the rest of the others that I can heal a person quite easily, but there's a tad bit more to it than that."

"Oh?" He asked, curious.

"There are specific things that must be done to heal an injury like your own. One is blood."

"Blood?" He asked, blinking at her.

She nodded her head. "Blood. For me to even begin to help you- you would have to have some of my blood in your veins. I can achieve this several ways. One, I let you drink it- which is weird...I know. But you're body would absorb it pretty quickly given the fact that it's pretty starved for nutrients and stuff. Another way is to inject you with some with a needle. It doesn't take much. Just a little bit will do."

He sat there silently because he was still a little bit hung up on the fact that he'd have to have her blood in him. The mental image of a vampire that looked like him, holding onto her as he drank from her neck freaked him the fuck out. Especially since he wasn't sure that he could actually do something sensual with her. After all, they had just met.

Shouldn't he at least buy her dinner or something before he Dracula's her? Was that the right and gentlemanly thing to do here? He wondered idly.

"The other way that I can heal you is slower, but far less weird and disgusting. It'd take a few sessions, but if you have the time, we can get started now and you can swing by again later before you head home for another. I-If you're up to it that is."

"The first option is faster?"

"Y-Yeah. Depending on how you get my blood inside of you. Ingesting it is faster than the other way, I said. I-It's weird."

"How exactly does having your blood help?"

"O-Oh. I have a natural regenerative ability in my blood. By having it inside of you, you sort of automatically gain the same ability. To a...small degree."

"How fast does it work?"

"With my blood in you," She said awkwardly. "Well, again it depends on how you take it. Ingesting it works much faster. Almost instantly, really. Whereas injecting it takes several moments because being outside of my body causes it to lose some of it's potency."

He made a humming sound as he thought carefully before finally asking, "How would I...uh...ingest your-"

"Straight from a vein is best."

He made a weird choking sound, and his face turned totally red as the 'Dracula' Toshinori mental image slithered through his mind again. Oh dear god. He thought in embarrassment as she let out a husky sounding chuckle as she took in his expression.

The poor guy looked half shell shocked and half excited. Almost as if he couldn't seem to make up his mind between one or the other. Typical guy. Ichigo thought as he finally asked how he should try ingesting her blood. Or rather whether or not he should try biting her.

She didn't know what kind of person without fangs would bother to bite a person- normally human teeth were far to fucking dull to really do much damage. It was generally the pressure from the jaws that made a human bite dangerous. Still, she found herself laughing at the absurdity of his question before simply rolling up one of her shirt sleeves and saying.

"Like this," As she lifted her arm and opened her mouth to show him her fangs. They were small, and sharp and absolutely perfect for this task as she muttered, "Don't fight me." And then sank her small fangs into the flesh of her wrist and tore it open right before his wide, astonished eyes.

His mouth went dry as he watched her suck a few mouthful's of blood from her own wrist before abruptly releasing it and then turning her attention to him. Her lips were stained crimson from it and his own parted slightly to ask her what she was going to do when he suddenly found her moving slowly and more or less crawling into his lap.

He made a weird strangled sound in the back of his throat as she straddled his lap and brought her hands up to frame his face. His eyes went impossibly wider and he let out a funny little squeak as he found her mouth pressing against his own.

He tried to jerk away. Really he did. Alarm bells were going off in his mind until the realization of what she was trying to do finally hit him. The kiss was both a means of distraction and a means to help him ingest the blood without distressing him further.

And it worked too. The soft touch of her lips against his own was a lot like a punch to the gut for him. It left him feeling dizzy and weak- his breath left his lungs in a slow hiss and then he went totally still and waited patiently for her to transfer the blood in her mouth to his own.

Letting her keep their mouths connected until he managed to swallow all of the liquid, he melted into the gentle contact and tried to ignore the vague sweetness lingering on his tongue as she slowly pulled back and released him.

Swallowing again in a slight daze, he stared at her as he felt her thumb brush along his bottom lip for a moment before she then removed herself from his lap and stood up. "You should lie down for a bit so that I can monitor you."

He couldn't quite get his mouth to work at the moment, so he decided that she was probably right about him lying down. At least until he could form coherent thoughts and words again.