Disclaimer: If you actually think I own The Matrix or The Matrix Reloaded then I give you permission to hack into my bank accounts to see how much money I actually have. I can guarantee you won't find much.

Author's Notes: This is your last warning. Do not read unless you have seen 'Reloaded.' This takes place right where that leaves off.

Come Back to Me

As soon as the last free medic left the room, Trinity broke. Every drop of worry, every loving hope and fear came out. She laid her head upon Neo's stagnant chest and cried. Why did these things always happen to them? Why must they always be put through hell and back to prove that their love conquered the worst of it all?

"Neo, I know you can hear me. Come back to me, Neo. You are the One. You can bring yourself back to us, back to me. That's twice you've saved me now, and I don't know how you did it, but I love you for it. When I need you most, you always seem to be by my side or just in time to save me from my troubles. Let me help you for once, ok? I'd give my life for you, just as you would for me. Please, come back to me."

She moved his chocolate hair away from his face before reaching down to kiss his cold lips. Warmth spread throughout his body at the touch, but Trinity was far from noticing. She closed her eyes as more tears spilled down her dirt-streaked face. A cold hand reached up to wipe away her tears. She sobbed again as she leaned into his chest. He held her tightly to him as he stroked her back slowly.

"I thought I had almost lost you again," she sobbed into his chest.

"You'll never lose me. I'll always be there for you," he murmured into her hair.

She quieted down, but still shivered in the cold air of Niobe's ship. They were losing power fast without the connection to Zion.

"I'd be lost without you, Trin. I've heard you every time you've spoken to me, but I've been swimming in darkness. It was as if I was too tired to find my way back to the light. You were the one who gave me strength. When you died in front of me, a part of me died along with you. That's when I knew that I had to try to bring you back. I can't live without you, Trinity. You're my reason for living everyday," Neo whispered as he kissed her crown.

"You've been in a coma for a month, Neo. I've felt like I've been living in a dream again. Everything has changed since we've gotten you last out of the matrix. Zion is completely destroyed. The machines everyone, and there's only a handful of us left of the two ships. We've scavenaged everything we could, but we can't survive just off of that. I've been so helpless without you here," Trinity whispered back as she looked up at him. He knew exactly like he felt. He felt it every time he had one of those nightmares about her death.

"I know. When I was in the matrix the last time, the programmer of the matrix told what his purpose for me in the matrix was. He said that Zion had been destroyed six times before, and the matrix had been redesigned six times. I was to either pick twenty-nine people to rebuild Zion, or I could save you. He expected me to rebuild Zion like usual, but I chose you. I would choose you over everything."

"Neo," Trinity sighed as she reached up to kiss him. It was in that moment that she poured all her pent up passion for him. He shifted his weight so that he could hold her as close to him as possible. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth as she put her arms around his neck the best she could. When they broke for air, she smiled the only smile she saved for him. He smiled beautifully back as he grabbed her around the waist, jumped off the table, and spun her around. It was moments like these were rare on any ship.

Trinity laughed gleefully and kissed him playfully on the nose. "I hate to say it, but Morpheus and Link will want to see you."

He pouted adorably before grinning at her. Before Trinity could figure out what he had in mind, Neo had picked her up from the ground and had taken flight.

"Neo, we're not in the matrix. How…?" Trinity asked as she clutched tighter to him. Neo kissed her reassuringly.

"Remember when I stopped the squiddies when harming us when we left the Neb? What my mind can do must be affecting my physical body. I just know I can. Besides, I wanted you to fly."

"Then, why don't we shock a few people. They didn't believe me when I told then that you had stopped the machines outside of the matrix," she suggested as she readjusted her position. Her kissed her lovingly one final time before flying towards the door. As they flew through the empty hallways, he felt Trinity relax into him as trust replaced her fear of falling. When they entered the construct area, Neo flew up enough to where they were just out of visible range. They listened to the conversations going on below.

"I miss the parties that we used to have on the main floor. It seemed almost carefree then," Niobe said wistfully as she watched the matrix code stream down.

"I wish I could have seen them at all," the newly unplugged Aurelie said as she swept up the remains of the most recent squiddie attack.

"I'm worried about Trinity. How much longer do you think she'll love her life in a trance?" Link asked as he worked on one of the damaged software programs.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about me for much longer, Link," Trinity said from above his head. Link looked up and gaped at the two of them.

"Are you…..flying?" Link asked as he circled around where their feet touched.

That seemed to get the rest of the crews' attention. "Whoa, that's not normal," Aurelie exclaimed.

A.N. Yeah, this is kinda short. This isn't going to be a long story anyway, but I'd love to hear from you. I'd also like to hear what your favorite part of 'Reloaded' was. Thanks! Ja ne ~Insane Pineapple from Naboo