I'm so sorry for not uploading in a while. With the corona virus and adjusting to studies, not to mention exceeding assignments, it is slightly harder to write. I've been wanting to release this chapter for quite a while now because it gives us a little more insight about our friend Nozomi. So, without further ado, here comes Chapter 4!
Fifteen Minutes Ago:
The siren to start blared throughout the stadium, signalling the start of the game. I ran with Todoroki and Yao-momo, filled with energy. Todoroki slid on his ice and Yao-momo had created jet-powered roller skates. I wondered how difficult this game was going to get. Especially for Nozomi. She wanted to keep her Quirk hidden, but that was going to be hard, being put on the flag. Todoroki slid a little closer to me. "Midoriya, are you okay?" I looked at him and plastered a smile on my face. "Yeah, just a bit worried."
"About Nozomi?"
"No! Well yes- I mean, well- she'll be fine," I said stumbling over my words. "Besides, we can win this! Knowing Kachaan, he would've insisted to be put in the offence, and then Iida would've added lots of help for him, so we are going to get a pretty big blow. Our defence can handle it though. That's why we put them there."
Todoroki nodded in agreement.
"You'd better keep your head in the game though. Team Red's flag is our target, no matter what."
"Trust me, I will Todoroki."
We reached Central Plaza and looked around. It was very quiet. Too quiet. Team Red's flag was in the Flood Zone. It was a little strange because only some of their Quirks could make it over water. I hesitated, then took a step. Yao-momo and Todoroki followed, steeping cautiously as well. Suddenly I saw movement around us. "It's an ambush!" I shouted but it was too late. They bound us quickly and before I knew it, we were surrounded and captured. Kirishima stepped forward.
"I'm sorry guys, but this is so we can call victory ours. Lucky for us, you can't move."
The only thing they forgot about was Todoroki's god-like Quirk.
We faced each other, the sound of battle behind us. My gauntlets were on her, ready to fire at any time. I could blow me to damn bits by pulling a single trigger, not that I really wanted to. She lowered her hands that were held up in surrender. Nozomi opened her mouth to speak but I readjusted my aim, and practically spat, "Don't even think about it, bitch. This wouldn't have happened it you hadn't fucking smack-talked me."
She laughed despite her situation. God, she was pretty when she laughed.
"So that's what this about. Getting pushed off your podium by a couple of little words."
She took a step closer making my aim go to her chest, and making my heart beat faster. "I thought the high and mighty Bakugou was better than that."
I glared at her. "Enough shitty talk! Let's fight this out with our Quirks!"
Nozomi widened her eyes in genuine surprise. "Trust me, you do not want to do that." This time I stepped closer.
"Then why did I even fucking suggest it?"
I could get a closer look from this angle. Her outfit was just perfect for her personality. It was even cooler than the other ones. She looked hot no matter what she wore. I bet that she was in the same running as Yaoyorozu herself! I mentally slapped myself again. I hated this girl, even if she was hot.
"Are you sure about this, Bakugou?"
"Yes! Just get on with it already, damn it!" My palms set off explosions, not even making her flinch. Nozomi sighed and fell to her knees on the floor.
"Akayashi," she whispered, tears coming to her eyes. Suddenly she threw her head back and screamed in pain. The fact that no one came to see what had happened pissed me off. I watched in horrified curiosity, as Nozomi sprouted horns, ebony black and as hard as wood. Her nails grew into claws and she sprouted decently-sized wings, that looked like they'd been rolled in hot tar. She became taller in front of my eyes. I thought Nozomi couldn't have been more hot before but she kept splitting that expectation into two. Her screams suddenly stopped. She stood up again, almost a completely different person. Nozomi the demon stretched, like she had been sitting in a cramped position.
"Wow that feels so much better," she stretched and I noticed her voice sounded older. What really pissed me off was she wasn't regarding me at all. I scowled.
"6 years sitting inside that pathetic girl's mind and soul does a number on your body." Just then I realised this wasn't Nozomi. This was a demon living inside of her.
"Hey! I want to blast you bitch!" I shouted catching the demon's attention.
"Oh, yeah! I remember you! You're that hot Bakugou guy." She pointed at my confused face. "Nozomi - I mean Mistress likes you a lot but she wanted me to defeat you and stop you from getting this flag." The demon pointed behind her. "Honestly I can do better than that. I bet I could get the other team's flag too."
I stood in a defensive stance. "Not if I can help it." The demon rolled her eyes. "Boys these days, ugh. I can't see why Mistress likes you at all."
She snarled and leaped at me as I dodged, spinning around and throwing explosions at her. When the smoke disappeared, she was gone. I spun around as she threw a punch to my face, too fast, my nose starting to bleed. I lay on all fours as she landed beside me. "Is that all you've got, Bakugou?"
I growled at her and reached to pull my gauntlet's trigger but she grabbed me and pinned me down, my hands behind my back.
"I have to say, I'm a little depressed. I thought you would stand your ground more." The siren whistled throughout the USJ as the demon released me and stood her hands behind her head.
"Blue Team WINS!" screamed Present Mic in that annoying voice of his. Then the demon bitch spoke again. "I hope I can fight you again next time, Bakugou. You are really cute."
The demon said to me, blowing a kiss. The demonic features disappeared and Nozomi stood in her place, dazed. She clutched her head in pain, looked at me and then fainted, falling into my suddenly outstretched arms.
Yes! Chapter 4 is done! I'll try my absolute best to post these chapters on time more. Might I say, I've even started a fanfic on a certain villain... Keep an eye out for that in the very near future!
Go beyond! PLUS ULTRA!