I'm gonna rewind a bit. I didn't want to start a new story for this so I'm going to give you some of the years in between the ten years of Cowboy and Swanie here. ChristyWIX (thank you) actually mentioned the idea, and I liked it.

Year One

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." Harry in "When Harry Met Sally"


Bella's asleep, my boy Chip snugglin' her feet and even though I always tease her about snorin', she really does snore. It's light and so fucking adorable, it makes my heart feel good.

Today it's been one year since I married my Swanie, and I don't ever wanna imagine a time when I didn't know her.

It feels like I've known her my entire life. It's like she was made to be mine.

Since it's Sunday, I'm off from work, and Bella doesn't have school, so I've got plans to spend the entire day in bed, snugglin' my Swanie, lovin' her and watchin' the top two movies ever made with her.

Dirty Dancing and Tombstone.

Surprisingly we haven't watched them since our plane ride together. We've watched a ton of movies. It's Bella's favorite thing to do aside from makin' love with me. If I could, I'd live inside her forever.

Bendin' down, I kiss Bella's sweet face before leavin' Chip to keep her company. I head down the hall, my eyes always scannin' the pictures Bella framed there - every picture from our road trip together. She developed every single one, and they make me smile every time I walk down the hall.

She hung a giant sized photo of us on our wedding day above the fireplace, and I love that picture. I catch her starin' at it all the time. She just shrugs, sayin' how beautiful we are together. She's right except it's her that's beautiful.

I get to the kitchen and start coffee, flipping open the box of donuts Bella bought yesterday in town. She said they were for breakfast in bed. She's been talkin' about this day for weeks - how it's goin' to be the best day ever.

Every day with her is the best day ever.

She's always tellin' me she's obsessed with me, but I'm just as obsessed with her - probably more so. When I'm workin' I'm thinkin' about her - I just wanna bring her with me, so I can stare at her pretty face all day.

It's fucked up and needy, but she's to blame for bein' so damn cute.

When the coffee's done, I pour a cup and grab her a Dr. Pepper, bringin' the whole box of donuts with me back to our room.

Our room is her favorite part of the house. When I brought her home last year, she gave Chip a cuddle before draggin' me down the hall and beggin' me to make love to her in our bed. I wasn't gonna argue because I'd make love to her all day if she wanted me to.

I get to share a room with a boy, she had said all those months ago, smilin' with all of her pretty teeth. How sweet is that, cowboy? I never want to leave this bed. Come here, hubby, come make love to me.

My Swanie loves life, and she makes life worth livin'. She wakes up smilin', and she goes to bed smilin', and she never stops talkin'. That's my favorite thing about her.

I set the shit in my hands on the dresser and nudge Chip off the bed. He whines a bit before leaving me alone with my wife.

"What are you doing all the way over there, cowboy?" She says, rollin' over, grinning damn cute. "Come here, I need a kiss." She holds her arms out, and I crawl up the bed and into her arms.

"Mornin', Swanie."

"Good morning, hubby. Today's my favorite date in the entire world," she says, kissin' my lips too soft. "I'm more obsessed with you today than I was then." She kisses me again, and I slip my tongue in her mouth, makin' her moan and wrap her arms around my shoulders.

We kiss for a bit, until I'm so fucking hard for her, I can't help but rip her panties off and slide all the way inside her.

"Cowboy," she breathes, wrappin' me up tight in her arms. "I'll never get tired of this." I'm thinkin' she still doesn't get what her sweet voice does to me especially when I'm inside her. "It always feels like the first time." She kisses my cheek, her hands findin' their way into my hair, scratchin' at my scalp, makin' me feel so damn good.

I shove my face in her neck, kissin' her skin and tryin' to be gentle with her even though she loves when I'm naughty. My mouth stretches into a smile thinkin' about how much she loves it, and I move a little faster, a little harder, until her breaths come fast and hard in my ear.

"I want to be on top, cowboy," she pants into my ear.

"We've got all day, baby," I say, grinding deeper, my eyes closin' when she tightens around me. I fucking love bein' with her like this. "We're not gonna leave this bed."

"Not even to eat?" She asks, nibblin' my ear, givin' me fucking chills.

"We'll eat in bed," I say, liftin' my head and kissin' her pouty lips.

"Okay," she breathes. "I need to come."

"Alright." I push up on my hands and stare down our bodies as she slips her small hand between us, her pretty painted finger gettin' herself off.

She gasps and arches, and I lift my eyes to her face, watchin' as she tightens and comes around my cock. It feels so fucking good. When she's done, her eyes slowly open, lookin' satisfied as she grins and pulls me all the way on top of her.

I keep movin', not really wantin' to end it yet but when her nails scratch down my back and her whispers meet my ear, I can't fucking help it. I bite down on her shoulder and groan as I finish inside her, her hands rubbin' up and down my back as I catch my breath.

"One year later, and you're still a God, cowboy. I'm so lucky," she says, giggling like the cute girl she is. She pulls my head from her shoulder and kisses me. "Happy anniversary, hubby." Her smile makes my chest feel all warm.

"Happy anniversary, wifey," I say, likin' the way her eyes light up.

I pull out and fall onto the bed next to her, but she's not there for long. She crawls from the bed and slips her panties on, grabbin' the donuts and tossin' them on the bed before she brings me my coffee.

She's in nothin' but her panties, and she's really fucking sexy especially when she crawls into my lap and pulls the donuts closer. "I bought a variety pack. Are you wanting a specific one?"

"Nope, Swanie. I'll eat whatever you wanna feed me."

She bites her lip, eyes on the opened box and then she pulls out a caramel coated one, holdin' it up for me. I take a bite, chewin' and watchin' her as she watches me. "That's a good one, baby."

She takes a bite and nods, swallowin' and lickin' her lips before feedin' me some more. "A year later, and I still love feeding you, cowboy. It's probably my favorite thing ever. I don't even know why, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy." She shoves the rest in my mouth and kisses my closed lips, grinnin' as she pulls away and leaves my lap.

"Where're you goin'?"

"I'm thirsty, and I need to pee. I should probably wash my face and put clothes on."

"I've got plans for you and you don't need clothes for them," I call out to her.

"What would Chip think of seeing me naked all day?" She yells, makin' me laugh.

She's crazy about Chip, and he's crazy about her. I'm thinkin' he'd choose her over me if it came down to it.

She comes out wearin' my shirt from last night, and I like when she does shit like that.

Grabbin' the remote from the nightstand, I turn the t.v. on and pull Bella against me. "Are we going to watch a movie?"

"I was thinkin' Dirty Dancing first," I say, and she bounces on the bed excitedly.

"Oh my God! We haven't watched it since the day we met. Aww, you're so cute, cowboy." She smacks a kiss on my cheek and grabs another donut. "I freaking love you."

"Same, baby."

While the movie gets started she tears off pieces of donut and shares it with me. "You know, this has been the best year of my life. Like nothing beats it." She snuggles into my side and kisses my arm. "You're so special, cowboy."

"You're makin' me blush, Swanie," I joke, and she giggles, slappin' my arm.

"Hey, wait, we need to take a picture." She reaches over me, grabbin' her phone. She upgraded her storage so now she can keep thousands of pictures on her phone, and she has about 3,000 of them. She's always takin' pictures, and I'm usually the star of the show. I don't mind at all. She gets on her knees next to me, pressin' her face into mine. "Smile big."

I smile and she takes it then she takes one while she's kissin' my cheek then another with me kissin' her cheek. Then she's just gotta take one with me holdin' up a fucking donut. I do it because like I said, I'm fucking obsessed with her cute ass.

"Can I eat this now?" I ask, smirking when she rolls her eyes playfully. I eat it in three bites and then put the box on the nightstand. "We're missin' the movie."

Baby's carryin' the watermelon, and Bella lifts her head, laughin' herself silly. "What a classic line," she says, snappin' a picture of the t.v. before tossin' her phone in the blankets and crawlin' between my legs, her back against my chest.

I wrap an arm around her, pullin' her against me. "I remember you nearly quotin' the whole movie."

She nods. "I know. I even called Patrick Swayze a God." She laughs and shakes her head.

"And he's not?"

"Oh, he is," she says. "But you're the real God. He's got nothing on my cowboy."

"Shut up," I say, tightening my arm around her. Sometimes she says things that make me feel so good I can hardly handle it.

She tilts her head back, smilin' huge. "I love when you blush," she says, puckerin' those sweet lips so I give her a kiss. She rights herself and snuggles deeper into my chest. "But seriously, you're number one."

I chuckle and kiss her head. She starts quotin' the movie, sighin' every now and then at the real cheesy parts. I honestly could do without the movie, but the way she watches it and loves it, it's the cutest fucking thing.

She's spent the last year, showin' me how cute she really is.

She's messy, not dirty, but just fucking messy. She likes to get undressed for bed and toss her clothes on the floor, waitin' until the next day to pick them up. I always toss mine in the hamper, and the way she giggles, rollin' in the bed when she sees me pickin' hers up - well, it's fucking adorable.

I'm sorry, cowboy. I'll try to not leave them thrown she always says, but it never fails. It doesn't bother me, not really. I kinda like that she's always in such a hurry to get naked for me that she just throws her shit all over the room.

When I've gotta work late, she stays up, always sure to climb in my lap no matter how dirty I am or what time it is and feed me. The first time I asked her to feed me one of her sour candies and she did, it turned me on real fucking bad. I can feed myself, but why would I want to when she's so excited to do it for me.

No matter what, we shower together every single night. Another thing that she looks forward to - me too. I'm thinkin' I'd not like it at all if I ever had to shower alone. The way she uses those small hands to wash me clean, it's too fucking good.

She spoils me but she's spoiled, too.

Whatever she wants, she gets and that's because she deserves it all. She's grateful and happy and never selfish.

Another cute thing about her is that she's deathly afraid to ride the horses - alone anyway. She'll ride with me, she loves sittin' in front of me, holdin' my hand.

What if it bucks me off was the first thing she had said when I wanted her to go for a ride with me.

He won't I told her, smilin' at her scared, cute face.

I don't know, she said, bitin' that lip. I think I should just ride with you. I could fall off and break my neck or something. That would be horrible and it would hurt. I've seen movies. Not all horses are nice.

Come ride with me, Swanie. I like your neck the way it is, I had told her, and she's ridden with me ever since.

She's afraid of a lotta things - alligators, sharks, horses, natural disasters, and she's always thinkin' - mostly out loud, and she always tells me what's on her mind.

I can't even remember what it was like livin' alone.

She's almost done with her second year of college. She loves goin' online, says it's easier goin' at her own pace, and I'm glad because I wouldn't want her to quit but I don't want her four hours away from me either.

Dad loves her, thinks she's a real riot, and mom and her talk on the phone nearly everyday even if it's just textin' some days.

She's dyin' for mom and dad to get back together, always sayin' they're goin' to be this epic love story - separated for years until they realize they still love each other and can't live without one another. Then mom will live on the ranch, and her and Bella can be closer.

I'd like it if Bella's dreams came true.

She talks with her mom just as much, and even her dad. She misses them, but says FaceTime is a lifesaver.

She calls Granny once a week and joined her book club even though we live fucking thousands of miles away. She reads out loud to me sometimes, laughin' herself sick durin' the sex scenes, not believin' Granny reads that shit. I don't like thinkin' about it.

Swanie, she's the real fucking deal.

"God, cowboy," she says after Johnny and Baby's last dance. "This movie never gets old. Are we going to watch Tombstone now or are you hungry? I'm kind of hungry." She turns in my arms and kisses my cheeks, both of them before pullin' me out of bed. "I forgot you were naked." She hugs me, pressin' herself all over me. "You're so hot."

"You want me to do you again or do you want your present?"

Her eyes widen, and she bounces on her toes. "You got me a present? What is it?"

Chuckling, I grab her and kiss her. "It's a surprise, baby. You want it?"

She bites her lip, thinkin' real hard. "Well, now I kind of want you to do me first…"

"Yeah?" I ask, liftin' her and tossin' her on the bed.

"I mean, yeah, you're just too irresistible." She grabs my thickenin' cock, makin' me grunt. "I want to put it in my mouth."

Fuck, she's killin' me.

"I'll let you, baby." She smiles and nods, pushin' me to my back. Her small hand wraps around the base, and I lift my head, watchin' her pretty lips wrap around me.

"Fuck, Swanie…"

She smiles, and I close my eyes, lettin' my head fall back onto the mattress. She sucks me so good, drivin' me fucking crazy, and when she lets me finish in her mouth, I nearly come again watchin' her swallow me.

"You're so good at that, baby."

She smiles and kisses my stomach before grabbin' my hands and pullin' me up from the bed. "Did you get me a puppy?" She asks, guessin' wrong because that's gonna be her birthday present. She tosses me my boxer briefs, and I pull them on. "Chip needs a friend. I mean, we're his friends but he needs someone that he can speak doggy with. I'm sure he gets bored of us."

Shakin' my head, I grab her hand, my smile bigger than the one she levels at me. "Come on. I'll show you."

Now, I'm wonderin' if she's going to be disappointed. Dad picked her up for me, said she was a good one.

I slip on my boots at the door, and Bella slips on her flip flops. "Maybe we should put on more clothes if we're going outside," she says. "You're in underwear and boots." She giggles, but I think she likes seein' me like this. "I wish I had my phone to take a picture of you."

Kissin' her forehead, I say, "Later you can take one."


"Okay," I say and pull open the door.

"What! Oh my God," Bella squeals, spottin' the little filly on the other side of the yard. She looks up at me, wide eyed and beautiful. "You bought me a pony?"

"Not a pony, Swanie," I say, laughin' a bit. "She's a horse - a baby one. I'm thinkin' if you raise her, you won't be afraid to ride her when she's big enough."

She smiles and hugs me. "I like riding with you."

"I like it, too. You can still ride with me when you want to."

She kisses my heart and slowly walks toward her baby horse. She looks fucking adorable in nothin' but my shirt.

"Hi," she says to the horse, talkin' all soft and gently touching her, makin' me grin like an idiot. "I don't know what to call her."

"You can call her whatever you want."

She thinks for a second, and then smiles huge. "I think Frances but we'll call her Baby. That's cute, huh? I love it, actually."

She's crazy cute.

After a couple of minutes of pettin' Baby, she leaves her be, and runs into my arms. "You kind of suck, cowboy. My gift for you isn't as good as a horse!"

"You're all I want," I say, kissin' her cheek. "But what is it?" Now I'm real curious.

"Just pretend you love it, okay? Personally I think it's the most romantic thing ever, but that's just me." She smiles and grabs hold of my hand, pullin' me into the house, down the hall and then drops to the floor and slides a rectangle wrapped gift out from under the bed. "I've been hiding this thing for weeks. Come here." She grabs my hand, wantin' me to sit on the floor.

I sit next to her and pull her between my legs. "Help me open it, Swanie."

"Okay," she says, rippin' most of the paper off. "I thought I'd hang it over the bed. It's beautiful really."

It's a frame with a map of Washington, a heart in Seattle with the date we met printed on it.

Fuck, she's really messin' with my heart.

"I'm thinkin' this is better than a horse," I say, really fucking likin' this picture.

"Shut up," she says, laughin a bit, turning to stare up at me.

I kiss her cute nose. "Really, Swanie. You're so romantic." I grin, and her smile stretches so big across her pretty face, it kills me a little. "Gimme a kiss, so I can get up and hang this."

"Right now?" She asks.


"You really like it?" She kisses me a couple times, smilin' the whole time. "Both our moms said you would. They adored it. I wanted to get one for every state on our trip but didn't want to over do it."

"I'm likin' that idea," I say, gettin' up and pullin' her with me. "I loved you in all those states, Swanie. I wanna see a heart in Siesta Keys."

"Holy cow," she says. "I was going to do our wedding, but I fell in love with you in Seattle."


"I'll hang it later," I say, pullin' my shirt off her sexy body. "I'm gonna need you to show me how much you love me, Swanie."

"Okay," she breathes.

"Okay," I say.

My Swanie is the real fucking deal.