A/N: The song Harvey sings is 'Come Softly To Me' by The Fleetwoods. (Thank you, Zivitz!) Definitely give it a listen, it's so beautiful. Enjoy :)
between the moon and new york city
Donna had gone to bed early, nursing a migraine and a sore throat. Harvey had told her he'd be fine cooking dinner and taking care of Eliza on his own. Still, she'd only gone reluctantly, insisting she'd be fine again tomorrow when he'd worriedly checked her head for a temperature. Dinner went well and bedtime too, Eliza even fell asleep while he was still reading her a bedtime story.
It's much later at night when he hears her footsteps padding around to his side of the bed.
"Daddy," she whispers quietly.
He loosens his hold on Donna's ever-growing belly carefully, making sure she doesn't stir. The fact alone that she didn't hear Eliza walking in tells him all he needs to know. His wife really isn't feeling well; juggling a heavy workload and caring for Eliza while being 37 weeks pregnant has been taking it out of her lately.
"Can't sleep..." her voice sounds lost, just like it always does when she wakes up during the night and is confused why she's alone.
"Come on, let's get you back to bed, peanut."
He leaves the bed and picks up his daughter easily. She still fits into his strong arms perfectly and he carries her into her own bedroom in a few strides. Her small body is shivering against his, the cold New York temperatures seeping into the house at night.
He puts Eliza under the covers, making sure her feet and shoulders are covered before sitting down on the side of her big girl bed. Her hand sneaks out from under the blanket to tug on his, wanting him to lie down next to her.
"You have to get some sleep," he whispers, his hand stroking over her forehead and tangling in her curls.
Her voice is small when she says, "But there is a monster."
"A monster? What kind of monster?" He reaches for the teddy bear lying upside down on her pillow and hands it to her.
"A big one," she says decidedly, grabbing her best cuddly friend and tucking it into bed next to her.
"Was it in a scary dream?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes," she replies fearfully, lower lip quivering the same way Donna's does when she's emotional, and he thinks that's it and crawls into her big girl bed which isn't all that big, his tired bones creaking.
"You don't need to be afraid, pumpkin, I'm here," he reassures her.
Eliza snuggles into his arm, bunching his shirt in her fist and pressing her face into his chest. He holds her tiny body against his, breathing in her shampoo, thankful for her in his life. The idea of ever having a family of his own hadn't even entered his mind until Stan had asked him in a therapy session. It had awoken a longing for family and home inside of him that had been buried so deeply that he had forgotten what it was like to have that.
Donna had given him all of it; faith, trust, love, a sense of belonging and finally a family.
He feels Eliza's legs kicking against his thigh, not sleepy at all. So he begins to hum, deeply and slowly. The sound reverberating in the room.
His daughter finally starts to relax and her fists loosen on their hold on his shirt.
I want, want you to know
I love, I love you so
Please hold, hold me so tight
All through, all through the night
His arm caresses her back in lazy strokes lulling her to sleep.
The song is one of his and Donna's favourites to sing to their daughter, the melody incredibly soothing and beautiful. It fits them perfectly and he can't wait to sing it to their son as well once he's born.
The bedroom door squeaks and his eyes open a crack, just enough to make out Donna's silhouette in the dark. He smiles and continues singing softly.
I've waited, waited so long
For your kisses and your love
Please come, come to me
From up, from up above
Donna steps closer, wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown, barefoot and her hair tousled. Harvey reaches out to her instinctively, still singing and humming.
She sits down with some difficulty and Harvey places his hand on her belly.
I need, need you so much
Wanna feel your warm touch
Mm dooby do, dahm dahm, dahm do dahm ooby do
Dahm dahm, dahm do dahm, ooby do
Dahm dahm, dahm do dahm, ooby do
Dahm dahm, dahm ooh dahm
By the time he finishes singing, his daughter's breaths are coming out evenly against his chest. His eyes find Donna's in the dark, silently asking her if she's alright. She nods, communicating that she just wanted to check on them.
They stay like this for a while until they are sure that their daughter is fully asleep. Eventually, Harvey kisses Eliza's head and follows Donna out of the room as quietly as possible.
Donna leans into his side, admitting, "I love it when you sing to her, it's so precious."
Harvey chuckles, "I know."
"I always knew you were a softie inside." She bites her lip, grinning.
"No, you and Eliza made me one."
"And we enjoy it very much," she says proudly. She sits down on her side of the bed, taking off her robe and rolling into bed. "God, I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore," she groans. "I look like a T-Rex."
"The most beautiful T-Rex." It's the truth, but he says it mostly to see her reaction.
"Oh, you sap," she quips back, but it comes out more affectionate than anything else.
He pulls her closer, spooning her, his mouth finding her exposed neck on instinct. Her skin is warm and soft against his lips and he lets out a slow breath. Donna shivers immediately, leaning into him. Their hands join on her belly like before their daughter woke them up and he nuzzles his whiskers on her skin until her breaths even out and she falls asleep in his arms.
He is exhausted, his body screaming for a good night's sleep but he wouldn't trade this, his family, for anything.
A/N: Reviews are very much appreciated. xx