Hello all. I just got a bug up my nose and had to write this. I am hoping that this will be multiple chapters but *Shrugs* Who knows!


This will be a Doctor/Harry pairing. Don't like, don't read.

I do not own anything.

I have no idea what the rating on this is going to end up being so brace yourself to a possible M rating.

Lastly, Im a shitty person who can not update in a reliable manner.

Harry stared at the Victorian clockwork man in confusion.

This was not a Time Lord.

This was not a TARDIS…

Then why was he here?

It was true what they said, history does repeat its self. Before Gallifrey and the Time Lords, before Omega found him and the people where just Space Lords, before Gia was renamed Gallifrey, and even before Earth was renamed Gia, there was a group on this planet who were wizards.

Oh so long ago, three said wizards who at the morning of a man named Tom Riddles death swore on their magic to protect their people. Looking back, they really should have worded the oath differently. But given that one of the members where currently unaware of his new title of Master of Death, it didn't really occur to him the life long sentence of servitude he just signed up for.

This man was also the same one that helped the magical world integrate with the muggles 300 years in the future when magic had blessed over 40% of the population on the planet. The same one who watched his friends and their family die out into non-existence, helped create technologies that allowed the now magical planet to harness space travel.

Magic was lost along the lines, well maybe lost is not the correct description. Changed, developed, evolved. He stayed the same, as he always did, well he and the veil. The veil was weird in his opinion. The people of this planet (The mages…or was is Space Lords? Meh time was lost and jumbled in his head) had named it the void and the vortex. They got their energy that way, not his kind of energy, a new kind that changed them from humans to something else.

Death was kind to its master in a way that is not common. Sleep was his mercy. The Master was not one to sit around and do nothing, nothing meant boredom, boredom meant thinking, and thinking led to sorrow. And a sad Master was not ideal.

He was woken up on occasion to help the Space Lords…then the dark times happened, and his Master changed. When he came back to Death, he was no longer just deaths but tethered to the Others and their things. The Master tried to explain but it mattered not. Master swore an oath, an oath he had to keep.

The man, Harry, had not been known as such in a long time. For when he was needed, he was known as The Engineer.

Short but I had to get a general outline/backstory done.

Taa for now :)