Disclaimer: So sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. We had a four day power outage here and quarantine is driving me insane.

I hope you enjoy!

The ordeal with Beryl frustrated everyone to the point of each of them finding their own quiet spot within the confines of the Palace.

Rei and Makoto lounged about on the second floor balcony on the back side of the Palace.

Minako sent for the apothecary, requesting soap bombs and candles to pamper herself before dinner that evening. While showing a strong exterior, something about Beryl put her off immensely and she wanted to appear to confident all around tonight.

Serenity holed up with Luna in her bed chambers. She pulled a few cat toys she acquired during her stay and helped Luna get some exercise.

Endymion holed up in his chambers with Jadeite and Zoicite, discussing beefing up the Palace's security immediately while Nephrite inspected the walls and used his own magic and abilities to strengthen the barriers around them.

Normally Kunzite would be included, but Kunzite excused himself to research other matters with the help of Ami.

He led Ami downstairs, one floor up above the dungeon where Terran Archives of the Universe were kept. At the dawn of mankind and other beings, leaders agreed to keep records archived of their existence should some event ever repeat itself. These archives were protected by magic. Such magic prevented their destruction. Hence, Kunzite knowing Sailor Saturn destroyed everything once before.

Kunzite had many questions about the recent events as did Ami. In the center of the room was a control pad, one more sophisticated than Ami believed Earth to have. It was on par with Mercury's archiving system. The back wall was lined with book shelves and another with a laboratory table where tubes and vials set ready to perform some chemical testing. Another door led to what Kunzite had explained as the main testing facility for all unknown substances.

"I dare that I'm impressed." Ami said awestruck. Kunzite pointed to the control system and explained how to bring the electronic archives online. With the touch of a button, a glowing light came up followed by darker blue and red lights which formed words and pictures. "Holographic archives? I thought only Mercury used these?"

Kunzite smirked, "We tend to keep up with the most sophisticated technology. If Mercury is using it, we're using it. Zoicite and I manage the system."

"What are we looking for, Kunzite?" Ami asked deciding to get to business.

Kunzite racked his brain. Where to start indeed? With the Prince's behavior and constant fascination with Serenity? That wasn't as important as Beryl, if he was honest. Her casual entrance to the Palace worried them all. He knew Ami wouldn't understand until she read the history. Beryl was not an idle tease, she posed a great threat. "Beryl." He stated as serious as he could. "Beryl is a witch. She doesn't derive her abilities from some force of light and all things good in the world."

Ami nodded and began typing a series of search terms. Searching through a few of the articles and following the terminology, Ami finally found something.

Beryl's image appeared on the screen along with her entire history as they knew. Both eyed the results carefully.

Beryl's home was in the north. Her age is unknown. She was born into a noble family and the only child. Her talents consisted of petty fortune telling among the surrounding villages and she played the sitar.

"So far she isn't interesting." Ami sighed tilting her head to look at Kunzite questioningly.

"Keep reading, bluey."

Beryl, the third of her name was engaged to a young man. The two were very much in love. He later died of a plague from unknown origins. He was buried even further north at an area known as D-point. Beryl visited his grave every Friday to clean off the snow. One Friday, Beryl didn't return until the following Monday. Villagers claim when she finally returned, her once bright red hair was darker, her skin pastier, and her eyes changed colors. She removed herself from usual activities she enjoyed. Most disturbingly, her parents were found with their throats slit.

"Okay, point made." Ami said, rubbing her neck gingerly. "Looks like something happened to her at this place."

"Beryl arrived in Tokyo about a year ago, she demanded an audience with Endymion. He thought she was 'precious' and fell victim to her charms. We looked into her background and found all this." Kunzite moved his finger and clicked on more text. "Beryl sold her soul to something surviving at D-point. It's called Metallia. It is an evil force that wants to destroy the Earth and everything as we know it. However, Metallia needs a huge source of energy to escape D-point."

"Endymion carries the golden crystal of Earth, does he not?"

"He does but it isn't as powerful as the Silver crystal. When Serenity arrived, some creatures reared their ugly heads. Her energy practically screams to everyone sensitive to that kind of aura. Beryl included."

Ami frowned, "Beryl can't be allowed to get ahold of the crystal. I did some research and tested the substance Diamond carried with him when he attacked Serenity. What I found was a substance of unknown origin. Completely evil."

"Wouldn't it be ironic if it originated from D-point?" Kunzite asked taking a seat and offering Ami one. She gladly accepted considering his words. "I wonder if they've ever met."

"Kunzite, let's stick to facts instead of speculation." Ami chided after consideration. Serenity announced she was ready to leave once preparations for the wedding were finished. Now, returning back to the Silver Millennium didn't sound like a bad idea. "Serenity has to return home. It isn't safe here."

"What if Endymion is her mate? Her powers will fully activate and she will be safe." He suggests watching the blunette for a reaction. He wondered if she had an opinion and if it was favorable. Not that he fully supported Endymion's obsession with Serenity unless it was beneficial.

Ami listened, her blood turning to ice but keeping her composure. She would be safe with Endymion if he was in fact her mate. They didn't know if he was or not. They couldn't be sure. Sometimes mating only involved a shared glance between two people. That was for normal people, not Serenity. Possibly not Endymion.

"I don't have an opinion, Kunzite. I don't know Endymion well enough to pass judgment. I respect his leadership on Earth. If they are mates, we will all have to adjust, I suppose." Ami finally responded after careful deliberation. She didn't want to sound insulting or encouraging.

Endymion left his chambers with orders to have Serenity meet him outside in the rose garden. His chambers felt stuffy and he didn't like it. He didn't think he could sit any longer, his ass was going numb. Not to mention his own heart pounded loudly against his chest. Every fiber of his being screamed at him that Serenity was his. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe after all these damn years, his mate had been on the Moon.

He sat for a few minutes after his Guard left to ponder what to do about Serenity. She wanted to leave Earth as soon as she could. He didn't like her choice. There was no time to really explore their potential connection. It made his stomach twist in knots. He couldn't let her leave without trying to convince her to stay, that this would be more than just Aphrodite telling her who she should be with.

He stood outside in the evening air, staring at the blooming roses. His hands clenched in frustration. His brow furrowed. What could he do? What options did he have at this point?

"You wanted to see me?"

He blinked and turned to see the blonde arrived, wearing an oversized long sleeve shirt and leggings. How very Earth like and not royal like. It didn't matter, she still done things to his insides; turned him to mush. Finding his nerve he turned to face her completely.

"I did."

Serenity smiled and walked closer instinctively. After the outburst earlier, she was surprised to hear Endymion wanted to see her outside even if it was within the confines of his Palace. She thought they were all splitting up that evening to regroup and meet for dinner later. Regardless, she didn't want to stand too far away. "What's up?"

Suddenly, he just blurted out what he wanted to know, "Do your hands glow?"

She cringed in response and pursed her lips. Why did he want to know that? How did he know about that? She was speechless, without a witty comeback and she could see that look of determination written all over him. Determined men didn't quit. They never give up. Finally, she responded, "Why do you want to know?"

Endymion chanced a look at his feet before meeting her big blue eyes again, they were so different from his dark blue eyes that made him look brooding. There was no going back now. "My hands glowed after we touched that first evening you arrived."

Shut the front door.

She replayed the scene in her mind. The hooded figure that bumped into her and hardly stopped. Looking past him and to the distance, she entangled herself in that memory. Comparing him to the man standing before her now. Same height and shape. She sucked in a deep breath and looked back at him after a few minutes of silence. "My hands glow too."

His world began turning and he unclenched his fists and took a step toward her. "You radiated emotion when Beryl was insulting you."

"You were worried about me jumping." She said quietly, refusing to move. She was considering what these revelations were meaning. She didn't know. He felt her and she felt him which proved there was something. Were they mates? Is this meant to be? It isn't what she wanted. She is attracted to Endymion. It isn't like there is nothing there at all.

"Serenity." He began losing the rest of the sentence. His world was shaking in her presence. He couldn't detest his mate. Not her. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that's what this meant. Everyone who ever told him, he wouldn't be able to deny his mate was right. This was more than that, he felt something deep inside for her that wasn't just a link. He is attracted to her. Her softness, her courage, and her stubbornness.


He blinked almost missing the bitter response she gave him and his eyes narrowed.

She no longer beamed, instead she clenched her fists and gawked at him incredulously. "I don't want to be with someone just because I'm their destined mate."

"You're kidding right?" He chuckled, the corners of his lips turning upward signaling his amusement.

"We don't even know that's what any of this means." Her voice was cold and words clipped. She crossed her arms still defying it. "It is supposed to be different for me."

"Oh and it isn't for me? I told you that I didn't want to be with someone who I was mated with. Clearly, there is more between us than that." He began, taking another step to her, towering over her. His eyes pleading with her to understand. "I am attracted to you. I like your hairstyle. Your fierce determination. You aren't a trophy to be had."

Serenity shook her head, still attempting to fight him but she was running out of reasons to deny it. He was right, there was more. He was perfect. He had everything she knew she wanted in her mate. Even if there was no title involved, she wouldn't care. He carried himself like a gentleman, he's smart and resourceful and he's a warm soul. "We don't know, Endymion." She should have been elated but she couldn't find it in herself to be.

"Oh for Selene's sake!" He groaned stepping away from her in frustration. "I care about you. I want you. It isn't just because we're soulmates. Why don't you see that?"

She looked down, her own heart thumping wildly. She felt the blood rush to her face. He turned back and stepped toward her, taking her hands in his. Her eyes met his and she couldn't deny that he was right. He cared for her. Those words of his, hit every spot that needed touching.

"Your powers are awakening here, Princess." He reminded her, "You protected us that night with Diamond. Stay with me, Serenity. Stay on Earth with me."

Something held her back still.

"Endymion, just stop." She stated as she shook her head growing tired of it and pulling her hands out of his. "We don't know. This could be just physical between us. That isn't enough for me to consider staying here. I'm retiring to my chambers early. Goodnight."

He watched confused as she walked away from him. He couldn't believe she was acting this way with him. Maybe he got his hopes up for nothing and this was a cruel joke. Maybe Beryl really is the better choice. He sneered at the thought before disappearing further into his rose garden for the evening trying to collect himself.