He had to be sneaky if he wanted to follow Master Magor's orders. If he was found too soon, he'd have to do it all over. Not that he didn't enjoy this, he just loved winning.
The volcano was their home since forever, he knew it like the back of his pocket. Though at this rate, he was running out of places to hide in.
He heard footsteps coming into the room. He couldn't lock it out or block the way in without being accused of foul play, he was the mouse in this game of cat and mouse after all.
"Get ready, Fume! I'll get you!"
"Fat chance!"
Fume realized he should've kept quiet once he saw rocks being thrown near where he hid himself. He tried to take a peek behind his spot, surprised to see no one was there.
Weird, didn't he just…?
"Gotcha!" said the young Gormiti, grabbing the fiery one by the shoulder.
Fume jumped back, raising his fist into the air… before giving the young Earth Gormiti a light tap on the back.
"My, my, Prince Agrom, you're getting better at this than I am." he said.
"You say that as if I didn't always beat you at hide and seek." snorted Agrom.
Fume shrugged before taking the young prince back into the inhabited part of the volcano. Hide and seek was a childish game in comparison to what Fume usually did for his master, but it at least acknowledged his stealth skills (and small size, added Sceven).
Prince Agrom was always so eager to get out of the volcano, entertaining him was the least they could do to keep him away from harm. Master Magor refused to let his son out too far at his age.
It wasn't unusual for a Gormiti to birth one that could belong to another Tribe, and for that, Prince Agrom was a very special child.
Despite being raised among Lava people, he had a certain kindness nobody would ever expect, especially not with his father's identity. At the same time, it was common knowledge that Agrom was probably the only Gormiti Magor could have a soft spot for.
Their soldiers were always tossed around for failing any simple task, even if it was just attending to their job. Agrom however had an unequaled luxury, Magor never showed any ruthlessness towards his only son, he was always patient and in fact, amused at times.
Talking about their prince outside of their territory was forbidden, for they knew if word got out about it, harm could reach him and they'd regret it severely. He wasn't old and experienced enough to know about the rest of Gorm yet, Magor still waited before he could tell his son about the island that'd be theirs soon.
Agrom did not fully know of his father's actions, aside from that he fought valiantly to keep their territory safe and that the other Tribes would be full of treasures to seek once he'd be old enough to go out of their land's boundaries.
As soon as Fume wasn't looking over him anymore, Agrom rushed towards the throne room, eager to hear about their lieutenants' latest adventures. It could be so boring to be stuck in one place all the time, and their stories were always so interesting (mostly funny whenever he heard they made fool of themselves again).
This time however, things seemed different, as he noted, stopping before he could get inside. Only Firespitter was in the throne room, bowing to Magor as usual.
"If what you say is true, Firespitter, then there could be more of these lying inside Hearthkeep."
"Our sources were not certain, but we've found this one buried deep beneath the sand. Once we get our hands on more Gorm Stones, you shall be certain we'll return them to you, Master."
'Gorm Stones? What is my father talking about? And what did Firespitter bring back?'
He gulped, realizing Firespitter was coming nearby, ready to exit the room. Should he run away or should he go in? If the other soldiers saw him rushing out, they'd definitely tell his father, but if he went in and asked, his father might not give him an answer either…
Instead, Firespitter found him lying on the wall, acting nonchalant as if he had never heard anything the two fire Gormitis said.
"My prince, it is an honor to see you on this wonderful day. Might I ask in what way I could possibly aid you?"
"Hey, Firespitter. Cool rock, what are you holding?" asked Agrom.
"This, my prince, is a Gorm Stone. I was tasked with securing it into the vault after bringing it back."
"Can I have it?"
"Er, my apologies, my prince, but your father solemnly forbid me from letting it fall into anyone else's but his righteous hands."
"What is it anyway? Something important?"
"It… is very valuable indeed, but I cannot lose sight of it before securing it."
"Come on, can I at least see it for a second?" said Agrom, having already retrieved a rock on the stone wall behind him.
"Well, I do not really see any harm to it…"
Reluctantly, Firespitter handed the small item over to him, letting Agrom take a closer look at it as he turned around.
It had a strange yellow symbol on it, one he did not recognize from the runes his father taught him with. Five triangles on a circle, all yellow. Maybe it was meant to represent something…
"So, this rock is one of a kind, right?"
"Well, to be precise, there should be three or four of these crystals. Master Magor wants them all for a greater purpose you will have the pleasure to witness in a few days, Prince Agrom."
"I see." he said, readying himself for the oldest trick in the book as he hid the Gorm Stone behind his back. "Can't I keep it?"
"I am sorry, young master, but it would be unwise to go against your father's word."
"Fine, you win." said Agrom as he handed over the fake stone. "But you gotta tell me, are you going on another mission soon?"
"I have to head to Hearthkeep as an emissary tomorrow."
"Can I come? Pleaaaaaase?" he asked, curious about what this Gorm Stone could be about.
"I apologize, but erm…" Should he mention Magor again, he knew Agrom would throw a tantrum, complain to his father and result in Firespitter being punished for getting his hopes up. "I was tasked to go alone, as it's a very dangerous and top secret mission only a general as I am qualified for."
Sighing, Agrom turned his back on him, all hunched in defeat. Looks like he'd have no choice but to sneak out on his own while everyone else was busy. He knew he could get in trouble for this, but he just had to see it for himself.
He had never seen any other Earth Gormiti before, and Hearthkeep was apparently full of them. This was a chance in a lifetime, he just had to see it for himself!
Besides, if he ever got in trouble, he could just ask for help from Firespitter since he'd be nearby. Maybe not tell him about pulling the ol' switcheroo on this crystal, unless he needed him to hold his tongue.
Unbeknownst to him, not far from the volcano, an old man was waiting. What the young prince had in mind might forever change the way the island of Gorm lived, soon enough...