"You know it had to be done, Hermione," Luna frowned as they noticed Lavender's face go gray on their tapestry.

Hermione clenched her fists as she continued to stare at the tapestry. All of them knew the risks of their missions. All of them knew that one day one of their own was going to be caught. However, this has put their plans behind.

"Lavender was one of our best recruits, Luna," Hermione turned to her friend, "Not only that, she was our friend. Our sworn sister. We shouldn't have made her go. Your father shouldn't have made her go."

"We needed her go to," Xenophilius appeared behind them. "Blaise just popped back in, darling. Did you want to go see him?"

Luna nodded before disappearing behind her father through the doors. Xenophilius looked over to Hermione who didn't even bother to turn towards him. She was the best assassin apart from Blaise. She sacrificed the most out of all of them, but her heart still wasn't true to their cause.

"You're upset with my decision to let Lavender go on that mission," Xenophilius spoke as he walked up towards the young woman.

"I am furious with your decision of letting both her and Blaise go," Hermione answered, "It was a stupid decision on your end. That mission was always going to be a dangerous mission, especially trying to infiltrate a recruiting camp."

"We needed to infiltrate. We needed to see who was behind the Rogues coming to be."

"We didn't need to do anything, Lovegood," Hermione glared at the old man, "Unlike everyone else in our brotherhood, I know your feelings towards both Blaise and Lavender."

"I can never hide anything from you."

"No one can hide anything from me among our brotherhood," Hermione corrected him. "Whether you like it or not, Blaise is Luna's husband. Underneath the moon of the Interfectorm Lunam, they were bonded. As for Lavender, I know the way you look at her just because she was a half-breed."

"Luna married Zabini without my permission. Need I remind you that it was I who recruited Lavender Brown to our brotherhood."

"She didn't need your permission. Our sacred book of laws have proven that. And trust me, she and I studied that book till our eyes burnt to make sure that she wouldn't need your permission," Hermione growled already feeling the power of magic spark around her, "And need I remind you that it was I who was the one who really recruited Lavender. I knew her new abilities would work perfect for our brotherhood and they worked perfectly until you sent them on that ridiculous mission."

Hermione didn't wait for him to respond, she turned with a swish of her cloak and walked out of the tapestry room away from Xenophilius. She did not realize the anger in his eyes as he watched her go nor did she realize the sparks of magic moving behind her from her anger.


"I'm okay, Luna," Blaise smiled at his wife who was laying next to him. He felt fine, but he knew that the healers wouldn't let him move nor would they fight Luna to move away from him. Blaise sighed as Luna hugged him tightly. He kissed the top of her head and smiled against her hair.

"I'm worried for Lavender," Luna said in Blaise's neck.

"I am too," Blaise frowned, "You know I wouldn't have left her if I could."

"You had no choice, Blaise," the two looked up to see Hermione coming into the infirmary. Hermione sat next to the bed and ran her hand through her unruly curls. "Tracey's tracking device on Lavender is still active."

"And you're positive that my father isn't aware of it?" Luna asked as she sat up on the bed.

Hermione nodded, "The modified disillusionment spell I put on it made sure of it," she pulled out a long piece of parchment and flicked her wand. A map appeared on the parchment and on it was a dark red blinking dot. "I would've used a muggle tracking device, but we're still not successful in making muggle electronics work with magic," she said as she laid the parchment on the bed as Blaise sat up.

"They seem to make their base very close to a very familiar area," Blaise said looking at the map.

"That's Wiltshire," Hermione said, finally realizing where Lavender's dot was. "But Malfoy Manor is the only known Wizarding building in that part of Wiltshire."

"Keyword known," Luna spoke, "We've been keeping track on the magical buildings thanks to the birds in the Ministry, but there have been many revelations of unknown magical buildings that were under Death Eater hands."

"We know for a fact that Draco isn't a Rogue," Blaise said, "When his mother moved to France after his father's imprisonment, he handed the Manor to the ministry. I believe it's being used as an orphanage now."

"We can't rule out Malfoy Manor," Hermione said as she stood up and rolled the parchment up, "Even if it was given to the ministry, it is one of the oldest magical buildings known in the Wizarding World. There's bound to be secrets in it that haven't been discovered."

Blaise nodded, "Malfoy Manor goes back farther than even the founding of Hogwarts. Draco used to boast about how his forefathers were highly acquainted with the founders, specifically Slytherin."

"I'm sure our library has something on Malfoy Manor and if it doesn't, I may have to pay it a visit again."

"Hermione," Luna frowned, "My father is already suspicious with the things we do, so don't do anything rash."

Hermione laughed, "I won't do anything rash. I need to head to London anyways. I have to check on the scouts there. The birds informed us of an explosion in Diagon Alley, so our scouts have sent for assistance and you know your father. He needs to send his best."

"Just be careful," Luna said, "Harry got close to intercepting you, because you wandered off too long."

Hermione knew what Luna meant. The last time she was in London, Hermione had paid a visit from a distance to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. She had found out that Harry was still looking for answers about her and it was in Diagon Alley that Harry noticed her hair. It was a long chase till Harry stopped chasing after she disappeared into the shadows.

"I'll be careful, Luna," Hermione smiled, "We need to see what the Rogues are doing to London. Once we figure it out, we can finally intercept them. I'll send you word once I've arrived at the safehouse in London," she said.

Luna watched her disappear through the door and frowned. "She may be the brightest witch of her age, but sometimes, I wonder if this was the best thing for her."

"She made the choice to join us, love," Blaise kissed Luna's forehead, "unlike you, she and I made a choice. We chose to sacrifice happiness and family for the better cause."

"And yet here you are with both of those that you sacrificed."

Blaise laughed, "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Hermione's time will come when she comes to the decision to stay or go."

Luna nodded before the two snuggled up in the bed. Blaise fell into a slow slumber while Luna was still thinking about her friend.


Hermione arrived at the London safehouse and greeted the scouts there. She sent a message with a scout heading back to headquarters for Luna to let her know that she arrived in London safely.

"What's the news?" Hermione asked one of the scouts.

"The Rogues have blown up a building in Diagon Alley," the head scout spoke.


"Multiple," the scout answered, "The Aurors moved quickly to respond. Unfortunately, it has been confirmed that muggle explosives were used."

"Muggle explosives?" Hermione looked at the scout in disbelief, "Why would the Rogues even use something that is made by those they deemed beneath them?"

"We've been theorizing that whoever is in charge of these events happening figured out that muggle explosives do more damage than a bombarda spell."

"How bad was the destruction?"

"Devastating," the scout frowned, "The building they placed the explosives completely demolished the two buildings next to it and half of the others in the vicinity."

Hermione nodded. She was handed some messages from the scouts all throughout England for any information headquarters needed to be updated with. "How are the birds in the Ministry?"

"Still hidden. Tracey's division is the one we should be concerned about. After we returned Nott to the Aurors, he and Malfoy have been vigilant about who we are and whether or not if we're a threat."

"They haven't found out about us just yet, so we don't need to worry right now," Hermione said as she walked into the sitting room where the other scouts were lounging.

"We didn't expect you so early, Hermione," Miriam, one of the eraser scouts, said from where she was sitting, "You weren't due in London till next month. What changed?"

"The Diagon Alley incident. What do you know of it?"

Miriam stood up immediately and walked towards her. She flicked her wand and images appeared in front of them. "The confirmation of muggle explosives came in today by the investigation team of the Auror department."

"What building was used as ground zero?"

"Madam Malkins," Miriam answered, "Unfortunately she perished in the destruction along with 19 others."

"Any children?"

Miriam frowned and nodded. "Four confirmed with the deaths and a few hundred were injured. It is the time of year for children to get ready for Hogwarts, so Diagon Alley was at its busiest."

Hermione's heart broke hearing that children were injured during this attack. "Did any of you catch who did it?"

"No we didn't," Miriam answered, "We do know that the Rogues are the reason for it, because their mark was on the building that was destroyed."

Hermione knew the mark all too well. It was an updated version of the Dark Mark. Two twin daggers were added to the head of the skull of the mark. The speculation of the daggers was to represent the downfall of the Dark Lord.

"Okay," Hermione looked at everyone who started gathering, "We need a scouting team sent to Wiltshire immediately, we have clues that the rogues made base there. I will be heading to Wiltshire to inspect Malfoy Manor."

"Do you need us around here as well?"

Hermione nodded, "The scouting team who are responsible for Diagon Alley need to keep a close eye on the people who come and go to and from the Leaky Cauldron. I want all eyes and knowledge on every person that comes and goes."

"We've word from the scouts in the muggle world saying that unknown occurrences have been happening there as well."

"Send word to the scouts in the muggle world and tell them to investigate, but quietly. If there have been some unknown occurrences that means that the Aurors will be there as well. Remember, do not come in contact with the aurors unless necessary. We have the birds in the ministry that can handle the aurors, but always stay vigilant around them."

"Since Harry Potter became Head Auror, they've been more vigilant than usual," Miriam answered, "Whatever special training he has them do has made them more aware of their surroundings."

"That'll be Ron's doing," Hermione explained, "Ron is a brilliant strategist and has been since we were younger. If there is something that needs to be done, Harry sends him to train the new aurors. However, we have to always be weary of the six in the Department of Mysteries. Malfoy is leading a team of brilliant spies."

"Isn't that why we have Tracey there? To keep eyes on them."

"If my gut is certain, they have suspected Tracey of something by now," there were murmurs in the room, "It is not a surprise that Tracey's involvement could be compromised, but she knows what she signed up for."

"Will she truly not remember us and our plans if something goes wrong?"

"Yes," Hermione said seriously, "The spell I created specifically makes sure that if a brother or sister has been compromised that their memory of our organization is completely wiped from their thoughts."

"I can have a scouting team ready to head to Wiltshire once you're ready to move out, Hermione," Miriam answered.

"Send the scouts out first," Hermione looked at her with a smile, "I will head to Wiltshire by myself, but I do need to change my appearance. Do you know if Gardener is finished with the modified polyjuice potion?"

Miriam nodded, "He just sent an owl yesterday confirming the success of the polyjuice potion. He says the shipment will be ready to be picked up today."

Hermione nodded, "Very well. I'll head into Knockturn Alley. Set every scout to a duty, Miriam, I'll be off."

Miriam nodded and the last thing Hermione heard before walking out of the building was the silent pops of apparation. Hermione pulled her hood over her head and looked up at the sky. The clouds were gathering above Diagon Alley as if aware that another tragedy hit the area. The best time for her to walk around Diagon Alley without being seen.


"If Tracey is a traitor or a spy, she might know that we're on to her," Theo explained as he stood in Harry's office with Draco.

"Or she isn't aware at all," Draco replied, "If she really is a traitor or a spy, she might not know that we have any evidence of her being that."

"Even if we are aware or not, it still does not bode well with me that one of our best could possibly be working with someone that could either be dangerous or not at all," Harry answered as he ran his hand through his already messy hair.

Draco was playing with the old snitch and stopped to examine it even more. It looked like the ordinary snitches that they used in their missions, but there was something about it that was strange. "Hey Potter," Harry looked at Draco curiously, "When you found the resurrection stone, it was inside of a snitch right?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Draco examined the snitch and found a small button. He raised an eyebrow and pressed it. The snitch flew out of his hand and all around them was a giant map of England.

"Bloody hell," Theo looked at the map and noticed red dots in many locations, "These are magical locations."

"Not just any magical locations," Draco was processing all the things happening around them, "These are unknown magical locations."

"How are they unknown if they're shown here?" Harry asked.

"This is bloody brilliant. I've never seen any of these locations. Do you suppose these are more locations that the Death Eaters had hidden?"

"Just the Lestranges alone had multiple hidden locations," Draco said as he walked to Wiltshire, "This is directly behind Malfoy Manor."

"Do you think your father had a hidden location?" Harry asked.

"It is possible, but my mother knew of every location that my father owned. He may have been the head of our home, but mother was head of our family. She had more control over my father's doings than even he did and he was unaware of it."

"So she would know if that location is his or not?"

Draco nodded, "You want me to owl her to come to London, don't you?"

"I know it is a risk bringing her back here what with the Rogues and the Assassins, but she is our best help. We can't trust any of the reformed Death Eaters or their families as much as we can trust your mother, Malfoy."

"Harry is right, Draco," Theo said, "My mother would never out my father's secrets even though the bastard is dead, but your mother was never scared of your father."

Draco sighed roughly and nodded. "I'll owl her right n-"

Just then a beeping noise came from behind Harry's desk. The three men looked behind and Harry's eyes widen. "Change of plans, Malfoy, I need you to head to Knockturn Alley."

"Whatever for?"

Theo and Draco watched as Harry moved around his desk and flicked his wand, the papers that Draco knew were of Hermione Granger came flying towards the board in front of the Auror tapestry.

"There's been a possible spotting of Hermione heading into a shop in Knockturn Alley."

"Harry…" Theo frowned.

"I know it could just be a massive goose chase, but she's my best friend and I need to know why she left."

Draco just nodded. "I'll do this, but you two need to look into this whole thing," he gestured at the map glowing around Harry's office, "Theo, I need you to floo my mother and request her officially to come back to England. Potter, you need to owl Andy and let her know that she'll probably have a guest if my mother agrees to this."

Theo and Harry nodded before Draco disappeared from the office.

"You think you'll find your answers?" Theo asked Harry.

Harry sighed roughly, "I honestly don't know. I hope I do."


"Honestly Gardener, you'd think that you'd fix up your store more," Hermione laughed as she made her way around the mess of a shop, "How you get legal business is a shock to me."

The shop owner, Gardener, laughed, "Ah Miss Granger, I didn't expect you for another month. Please darling, you know that this mess is the reason why my shop is as successful as it is."

Hermione shook her head and smiled, "How are you old chap? I apologize that I haven't been sending any owls."

"Don't worry your pretty curls, love," Gardener smiled as he moved around behind the desk and pulled out the box, "I know you lot have been busy with the Rogues. Besides Amelia would have my head if I didn't let her know that you came to visit."

"How is she?" Hermione asked as she stood next to him.

"She has been sad after the incident. She was good friends with Marion, so she's been beside herself with sadness. She'd probably be happy if you go on up and visit her."

"I'll do that after we've done our business. Have you truly completed that modified polyjuice potion?"

"I have actually," Gardener said proudly as he pulled out a vial of potion, "I've been able to modify it to either last a few hours or a couple of days," Hermione examined the potion. "And I've also made it where it doesn't taste like absolute shit."

"This is absolutely brilliant, Gardener!" Hermione said proudly.

"Thank you love," Gardener laughed, "I will send the box I have now to the scout house and the one that I am currently working on will be sent to headquarters. Now off you pop, I'll put this on Xenophilius' tab."

Hermione nodded before handing the vial back to Gardner and heading upstairs to meet his wife. Right as she got upstairs, Hermione gasped when Marion pulled her into the loft quickly. Hermione looked at the elderly woman who put a finger over her mouth and pointed downstairs.

That's when she heard it.

"Afternoon Gardener," Hermione knew that voice, "My boss seems to think that Hermione Granger was seen in your shop."

"Well Draco, dear boy, it has been awhile since you've come to my shop," Hermione heard Gardener speak, "Miss Granger? I haven't met her other than know of her from the Daily Prophet articles. Why does Mr. Potter think that she's in my shop?"

"He has a tracking spell on her whenever she enters Diagon Alley or Knockturn Alley."

Hermione's eyes went wide with shock. Of course she wouldn't have put her guard down when it came with Harry. She looked at Marion who hugged her tightly.

"I am so happy to see you, but it's best if you leave now, darling," Marion whispered.

"I was hoping to have tea with you," Hermione frowned at the older woman, "But it seems my plans have changed."

"We shall meet in muggle London once your mission is done," Marion smiled, "At that cute little pub we always meet at."

Hermione nodded before hugging the elderly lady once more and disapparating immediately with a soft pop.

However, the pop wasn't soft enough. Draco looked up at the ceiling and back to Gardener who was doing his best not to look at Draco.

"Who else other than you and Marion is here, Gardener?"

"A friend of mine," Gardener answered, "He's very private with his life, so he does his best not to be seen by people."

Draco didn't believe the man one bit, but since he didn't have the warrant to search, he couldn't head up to find the trace of magic. "I hope you're not lying, sir, because if Potter catches wind that Granger was in fact in your shop, you'll be the one in trouble."

Gardener shook his head. "Unless there's a plausible cause then I have nothing to worry about. Now off you go, boy, I have a business to run."

Draco scoffed before heading out of the store. Once he was outside, Draco apparated away immediately back to the office. He moved towards Harry's office while everyone around him were busy working together with the Diagon Alley incident. When he pushed into Harry's office, he found Harry on his desk, scribbling notes that flew away whenever he was done.

"Did you find anything, Malfoy?" Harry asked without looking up from his work.

"I didn't find Granger if that's what you were wondering, but I have something sort of strange."

"What do you mean?" Harry finally looked up.

"Hiram Gardener," Draco spoke as he flicked his wand, a bunch of parchment came flying next to him. "It was his shop that your Granger sighting occurred."

"We've had our eyes on him for awhile now. There were rumors that he was doing trades with some sketchy lots."

"It is Knockturn Alley after all," Draco frowned as he looked at the profile. "However, the majority of the rumors have been true about him. He has been on high watch in this office since the Second Wizarding War."

Harry nodded, "What was the strange thing that you mentioned?"

"When I was speaking to Gardener in his store front, I heard a silent pop of apparition in his loft above his store. You and I both know that his wife and himself have been banned from apparating after she was caught attempting to steal supplies from Ollivander's."

"That would be a breach to his agreement with the Ministry if it was his wife apparating out. But my guess is that you don't think it was his wife."

Draco nodded, "Whoever was up in that loft could've been Granger, but it could also be anyone. However, I wasn't able to go up there without plausible cause."

"And you think that's where I come in? Honestly, Draco, you're forgetting that Kingsley has to accept a search warrant because he is the Minister for Magic."

Draco sighed roughly, "Potter, sometimes I wonder how you became Head Auror. Gardener has a lot of baggage to his name and if we use that to our advantage, we will get what you want."

"I don't take well to blackmail, Malfoy."

"You're the one that wants to find Granger."

"Is there another way?"

"You're no fun," Draco rolled his eyes, "Our snitches are silent enough to trace magic and since we are already familiar with Granger's magic, we might be able to pinpoint if it really was her."

"And you didn't pitch this first because?"

"As I said, you're no fun."

Harry laughed and rolled his eyes. "Send the snitch out, Malfoy. That way we don't have to go through the whole legal process."

"This could even be considered illegal, Potter. Are you okay with that?"

"I'm the bloody Boy Who Lived, so I deserve to do something that's barely illegal to find my best friend."

Draco laughed, "Fine I'll send out the snitch. What do you want me to do if I do find her magical trace?"

"Come to me immediately and we'll work together to pinpoint where she'll be next."

Before Draco could reply, Harry's office door slammed open. Ron was standing in front of and breathing roughly. The two men looked at Ron who looked like he ran a mile or so.

"Ron? Is everything okay?" Harry asked concerned for his best friend.

"We've found a Rogue base," Ron said as soon as he caught his breath. "Just on the outskirts of Wiltshire."

"Wiltshire? Are you sure?" Draco asked.

Ron nodded, "It's the biggest base that we've found so far, but there's something even more concerning."

"What?" Harry asked.

"They have a few captures."

"How many are a few?"

"Edwards said a total of five when he scouted. One of the captures was a shock for me."

"Get to the point, Weasley."


Harry and Draco stayed quiet. "That's not possible," Harry frowned, "Lavender died during the Final Battle."

"It is possible, Harry. Edwards wouldn't lie to us. He described her and it is her."

"That'll mean Brown is a half-breed like your brother, Weasley."

"I know that," Ron growled, "But Edwards said that she seems like a person of interest for the Rogues. He also said that it's just like how the Death Eaters were with recruiting werewolves and other creatures."

Harry started pacing behind his desk just as an alarm went off. He looked up and on the Auror Tapestry, Edwards' face was blinking red.

"Ron, get a squad and head back to Edwards now!" Harry shouted, "Malfoy, I need you…."

"I'll head to Diagon Alley immediately and send out the snitch then head over to Wiltshire. I need to check with the orphanage," Draco answered immediately.

"This is a double Code Red, you two," Harry looked at two of his best aurors, "Immediate interaction with the threat. I want all the threats neutralized. If we can, we need to take at least one alive. We need to figure out who is in charge of them."

"And if we come in contact with those assassins?" Ron asked.

"I trust your judgement with what needs to be done, Ron. As long as the threats are neutralized before they head into the village and cause more destruction. The Daily Prophet is already having a field day with what happened in Diagon Alley."

Ron and Draco nodded before they walked out of Harry's office. Ron turned to the aurors waiting and started barking orders while Draco turned immediately and apparated.


Hermione hid in the shadows before taking a sip of the modified polyjuice potion. The one she was taking wasn't the advanced one, but a strong one nonetheless. Her hair turned straight and blonde, her eyes changed from brown to green, and she shrank a whole foot. Once Hermione knew she was satisfied with her look, she flicked her wand and her robes changed into regular robes. She looked towards the house she was standing in front of and took a deep breath.

It has been years since she entered this home. Bad memories and a scar came with it. However, that was years ago. Now she was older and stronger. She walked up to Malfoy Manor, but unlike before, it wasn't ominous or dark. There was a new mood to it.

The house still held it's gothic look, but around, there were flowers blooming of all different colors in the courtyard and also there were remnants of children around like balls, toy brooms, and more.

She walked up the courtyard and towards the house. Hermione took another deep breath and knocked on the door. She waited until the door opened. She had to look down to see a house elf standing in front of her dressed in a deep purple robe.

"'Ello," the elf said, "Is you expected by the caretakers of the orphanage?"

Hermione smiled at the house elf, "Yes I am expected by Miss Eloise Cartridge, I am Harriet Maynard. I wanted to donate to the orphanage."

The elf looked at Hermione curiously before nodding, "Please come inside. Stay in the foyer while I call fer Miss Eloise," he said.

Hermione nodded before walking into the foyer. She heard the soft pop of the elf disappearing and started looking around. Even with the dark exterior, there was a new light to the house. You can hear the giggles of children to one area and talking on the other end.

"It's good to see you, Harriet," Hermione looked up to see an elderly woman standing at the grand stairs, "Please follow me," she said before walking up towards the east wing.

Hermione followed but felt a pair of small eyes keeping watch of her. She turned her head to see a young girl looking up at her from where she heard the giggles. Hermione smiled at her before the little girl turned and ran away.

When Hermione and the elderly woman made it into one of the rooms of the east wing, it was an office with a whole row of books in the back of a desk.

"Did Xenophilius send you, child?" Eloise asked.

Hermione closed the door, "Yes. He asked me to get updates from everyone."

"Ah, but you're here with another mission as well. Are you not?"

"We can never hide anything from you, Eloise," Hermione said.

"I should hope not then my talent as a seer would be moot. Tell me, did you think there was something hidden here in the Manor? Because I assure you, I personally have cleared out any room or secret room along with the son of Lucius to make sure it was safe to become an orphanage."

"We know of secret locations that the Death Eaters had hidden during the war and I did not want to rule out Malfoy Manor. Lucius Malfoy had his secrets even from his own family."

Eloise nodded, "I do warn you, Hermione, you are treading into dangerous waters much worse than the ones we are familiar with. One wrong move and you might end up revealing yourself to those you promised to keep hidden from."

"You expect me to make a mistake?"

"I expect you to be careless. This is someone who was in your life so this is personal."

"I won't make a mistake. I will not make a mistake."

"Even the best people make the worst mistakes, Miss Granger."

"I am not most people," Hermione growled.

Just as she was about to retort more, there was a loud commotion downstairs. Eloise immediately moved out of the house and Hermione followed. Her eyes went wide when she saw who was standing there.

Draco Malfoy.

She had not seen the Malfoy heir for years, but he looked different. More calm and relaxed.

"Draco, my boy," Eloise called to him as they watched Aurors move the children and adults around, "What is going on?"

"There's been loud Rogue activity on the outskirts of Wiltshire. An auror has been attacked while he was scouting. I am here along with others to reassure you that you will be safe."

"We will be safe, the wards you've modified have held up."

Draco shook his head before he noticed a young woman next to Eloise. He looked at her while she didn't make contact with him. Strange, he thought.

"The wards have been manipulated somehow," Draco frowned, "This is a double code red, Eloise. We are on high alert for the entire Wiltshire, especially here. Malfoy Manor has always been a target whether from those rogues or those bloody assassins."

Hermione's ears perked up when she heard Draco mentioned the assassins. "If we encounter the assassins, we are to capture them or deal with them accordingly, but Weasley is taking charge. I am here as a personal order. This is my family home and these children are important, so I want to make sure that you are all safe."

Eloise nodded. "Harriet," Draco looked at the woman who was standing next to Eloise perk up, "Unfortunately our business has to be postponed. Will she be able to leave, Draco?"

Draco looked at the woman curiously right as she looked at him. There was something about her that felt familiar. "Apologies Eloise, but everyone must stay in the manor until we are certain that the second auror group has everything under control."

Eloise nodded once more.

"I'll be fine to stay here for awhile, Eloise," Draco heard the woman speak. He was certain he's heard the voice somewhere, but he just couldn't pinpoint where he heard it. "I'll help any way I can to make sure that the children and everyone else is safe."

"The aurors have that handled since you will be here for a bit, you may use the library for the side business that you came here to do."

The woman nodded before disappearing to the West Wing. Eloise walked down towards Draco who kept his eyes on the young woman until the elder woman came in front of him. "Do not bother my business partners, Draco. She is here to make sure that everything is stable in the orphanage."

"Is she an accountant with Gringotts?"

"No she is not," Eloise answered as she walked while Draco followed, "She is one of my colleagues' most trusted employees."

Draco didn't ask any further questions, but he was still curious as he followed Eloise to greet the children.


Once in the library, Hermione took a deep breath. Something about Draco Malfoy being there in front of her has stirred up something in her. She flicked her wand and sent Luna a patronus about the danger of the rogue base being found.

She looked at the library and couldn't believe how expansive it was. She knew that some of the books were donated to Hogwarts and majority if not all of the books of Dark Arts have been given to the Unspeakables. Hermione walked towards one of the shelves when she heard a voice.

"The book you're seeking won't be there, Miss Granger."

Hermione froze before turning to see the portrait of Lucius Malfoy staring down at her. "How could you have possibly known it was me?" she asked.

"Well my dear, whatever potion you were taking no longer has an effect."

She looked down at herself and he was right. She looked like herself. That was impossible. The potion she took was supposed to last ten hours at the most. "This isn't possible."

"Whatever polyjuice potion you were using must have some wisteria. The old Malfoy blood magic cancels out any potion with that plant."

"Will you inform them of my real identity?" Hermione looked at the man.

"I will not," Lucius said with a bored tone, "I am dead and my son doesn't speak to my portrait at all. Eloise has confined me to the library where the children do not have access to for their safety."

"Why will you not inform them of my real identity?"

"Because when I was in my death bed, I had come to realize that I can let go to ridiculous beliefs and such. Whatever you're doing that made you disappear years ago, I will not disrupt. You have your business and the book you're looking for is down the left row of shelves. It will be a dead end, but if you tap your wand twice on the snake head in the wall, a secret door will open. In that room are all my hidden locations I had kept while I was a Death Eater."

"Why are you helping me?" Hermione asked, still rooted in her spot.

"Because my dear," Lucius flashed her a smirk so similar to his son's, "You are the only one that can take down Dolohov and not leave any evidence that you were the one who did it."


Lavender was breathing harshly as her body was having a hard time healing from the wolfsbane infused water that was poured on her. She growled at the man who was laughing at her along with the few that were laughing around them. Even if she was in so much pain, she wasn't going to fold.

"You will tell me who you work for, woman," the man said as he pulled Lavender's hair.

She whimpered from the tug and growled. "I don't need to tell you shit."

Lavender howled in pain from being kicked in the stomach. She was about to cuss out the man when she heard a commotion. The man let her go before she sat up to see some snatchers and a body floating above them. She smelt blood and felt pain from the body. Even in pain, she could make out the robes of an auror.

"My my, what do we have here?" the man who was just torturing her asked. "A new little prisoner to mess with eh?"

"We found him in the trees. If it weren't for the werewolves, we wouldn't have caught him. He's an auror."

"Yes I see that," the man laughed.

Lavender could feel her body healing but the hit she took from earlier still hasn't been healing. She knew that the auror was not going to last, so she had to do something. Anything to save him.

"Leave him alone," Lavender growled, "I'll tell you what you need to know."

The man turned to Lavender and smirked. "I knew you were going to get somewhere, little one," he walked towards Lavender's cage and knelt down. He moved his hand and the snatchers dropped the auror on the ground, but the werewolves were sticking close.

"Now, little one, who do you work for?"

Lavender growled at the man, but she heard the faint distance of moving closer to where they were. She knew from the faint scent that it was the auror's backup, but if she smelt it, that meant the other werewolves did too. She glanced to them, but the werewolves weren't moving from the man. She caught a glimpse from the man who shook his head.

She turned to the man who now had a grip of her hair. "I work for your bitch of a mother," she growled.

The man growled before lifting his hand to slap her. Lavender closed her eyes but the slap did not come. A flash of light came close to her that made her open her eyes immediately. There was shouting and there was fighting. She could see the robes of aurors, but a familiar scent came to her nose.

"Lavender?" Ron Weasley knelt down in front of her cage, "Lav, is that you?"

Lavender felt relief coming from her body as she slumped on the cage.

"Ron," she said before she blacked out.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This was the longest chapter of the story I have written. However, it might not be the only one. The drafts I have for the next chapters are currently making it seem that they'll be longer than expected.

Big thanks to my new beta reader, Jayce.

Please leave me reviews, I absolutely love reading them. If you have any questions, just write them into your reviews and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities.