Here is another chapter. I hope you all enjoy it. Please don't ask me for constant updates, I am not consistent.
Hestia already accomplished both of the goals that she was here for, one being to confront Freya personally and two being allying with Loki and her Familia to face off against Freya or at least to make sure Loki doesn't ally herself with Freya.
Hephaestus wanted to say something against the notion but couldn't since it was the best thing they could possibly do at the moment. They now started to leave after Hephaestus gave one last dirty look toward Freya and a final warning.
Freya now alone chuckles to herself, she was amused that even though many plans for Bell now went to scrap since three of the Goddesses are aware of them, The fact that she was able to realize that both Hephaestus and Hestia love Cranel was able to sate any of her anger or resentment that she was feeling for the two.
"He he….Hestia and Hephaestus….I promise you this that I will make sure to steal Bell Cranel for myself under your very eyes and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I will make very sure of that."
Chapter 8: Student of Magic
Third Person POV:
Back in the mindscape of one Bell Cranel, The Dragon-Spirit, Issei Hyoudou was observing his student who was studying, with a serious expression on his face however his eyes were laced with nothing but pride and joy on how quickly the boy was progressing.
It wasn't the first time that Issei Hyoudou had taught someone about the Arts of Magic. He had many students that learned from him back in his former world, who later made a name for themselves as powerful mages, wizards, sorcerers, magicians or whatever else you like to call them.
To be perfectly honest, Issei thought that teaching Bell was going to be troublesome not because Bell wasn't diligent enough...that boy surely was but because he didn't know much about magic to begin with.
Bell understanding was a bit...skewed much to his irritation. The boy thought that magic was nothing but a trick up someone sleeves to beat the absolute living crap out of Monsters and Criminals.
The other problem he had to deal with was that before he began teaching Bell about Magic, he first needed to understand the properties of Magic of this world. The Magic here was similar to the Magic of his former world but it wasn't exactly the same. Thanks to Goddess Hestia, he already had a bit of an idea of what the differences between both world's magic are.
Magic here is considered to be a strong power in the dungeon world (As Issei likes to call it). There are two different categories of Magic; congenital magic and acquired magic.
Congenital Magic:
Magic based on one's own ability and race.
Acquired Magic:
Magic based on the Falna given by the Gods and Goddesses.
When the user becomes unable to control the magic power when using spells or an incantation, an Ignis Fatuus occurs, causing it to explode and damage the user. If a user gets carried away with his Magic or if they don't have enough mental energy, then they will suffer from Mind Down, A state in which you are basically knocked out….Issei shook his head on that fact.
'Not Good…. especially when you need magic in a desperate situation'. He thought to himself.
It would've been convoluted for him to understand if he were in his teenage years but after being trained by magical experts such as Le fay, Hecate, Medea, Solomon and even apprenticed under the Magus of Flowers, Merlin himself, it was a piece of cake. Issei had a small smile as he remembered the old geezer. He isn't one to ruin the reputation of his former mentor (even if that Old Geezer is a bastard) for a small nuisance like this.
Much to his surprise however, was that somehow Bell Cranel was able to perceive and apprehend everything that he was being taught. The boy somehow was able to understand multiple concepts, theories and studies of the very fundamentals of magical powers such as Chanting, Magical Circles, Magical Formula and Equations, Concurrent Chanting, Chant Connection, Ignis Fatuus, Different branches of magic like Spirit Magic, Elemental Magic, Alchemy, Castor Magic, Holder Magic as well as various Lost and Ancient arts of Magic which Issei was sure Bell mind wasn't capable of comprehending. He was ecstatic but also inwardly shocked by this since it takes at least a month for even the most talented of mages to fully understand those above mentioned studies.
He was thinking on how impossible it was for a person to progress this quickly before facepalming himself hard….he came to the conclusion that he was and still absolute moron.
He wanted to curse himself as somehow he forgot the fact that he activated Bell skill [Devil's Blood] prior to Bell entering his own mindscape.
Bell himself was devouring every piece of knowledge and wisdom that was spewing from the mouth of the Sorcerer Supreme.
Unknown to Bell, Everybody back in Issei's former world would have killed to be in Bell's position since each and every last word spoken by Issei Hyoudou held a lot of significance for those who dedicated themselves to become a magic user.
Finally after Issei lectured Bell about Magic, Its dangers and its applications for God knows how long. He finally asked Bell on how he would define magic now. The answer he received in response did not manage to disappoint him at all.
Cranel's words were like a Melody to Issei's ear as he felt like his efforts had not gone to waste. The answer that He received from Bell was;
"Magic is the main form of combat utilized by mages and by those who have manifested it in their falna. It is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Though Magic goes beyond reason, it is still born of reason and it takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use it. One's magical powers are also tied to one's life force."
Marvellous…Issei couldn't have been even more happier. He was showing a wide smile with his teeth showing to express how much in joy he was. He was relieved and glad that Bell, his protege had learned everything there is theoretical about magical arts...even if the boy was cheating (Not that Bell was even aware of that fact).
Now to the exciting part, to use Magic practically…
He instructed Bell to meditate once again much to Bell's dissatisfaction but this time with his clothes on which at least got him some relief. Issei instructed Bell to feel the Falna from the surroundings and after doing that, try to make it flow around his body in a wave motion in order to gain control over it.
The reason why this sort of practice could even be possible in the first place is because they were inside Bell's mindscape. A realm created from nothing but Imagination, there is neither Order nor Chaos inside here to make their influence known and form a balance between themselves. A perfect place to let loose without caring for the consequences.
Issei, while Bell was meditating, was checking out which elements Bell had affinity with. However much to his surprise, Bell had affinity with not one, not two but three elements that being Fire, Wind and Lightning. Issei narrowed his eyes in suspicion at that information as the only way that a person could have these many affinity if that person had Legendary Ancestors or had been personally blessed by a God.
He knew that even if the former was possible was highly unlikely since even though Bell Cranel didn't know his parents were since the boy was an orphan, the rest of the world might have an inkling of an idea of what his lineage is since Bell Facial features like his natural white hair and red eyes were very unique even in the dungeon world.
Issei though was betting all of his money on the latter, since there is one person from Bell's life that Issei was always skeptical of, the boy's grandfather.
'Lightning and Wind, Grey Beard and Moustache, A Womanizer and a Pervert by Heart as well as the timing of his all bloody fits. I should've checked his goddamn affinity earlier on' He thought with apprehension.
The Dragon-spirit realized who this man or should he say this God is. The God in question is the Supreme God and ruler of Olympus, the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea. He is known by many titles: Lord of the Sky, the Cloud-gatherer, the Rain-god and the Thunderer. He is Zeus of Olympus.
Zeus of Olympus:
Chief Deity from Greek Mythology. Zeus is the god of the sky, lightning, thunder, weather, fate, law, justice and moral conduct. His Roman equivalent is Jupiter.
Issei decided that he shouldn't dwell on the topic for now since he knew that if he does then suffering from a severe case of a headache is a guarantee in his case. He made a mental note to remember that he should talk to Lady Hephaestus and Lady Hestia about this privately on a later date.
As for Bell's Origin, unsurprisingly it was the same as Issei himself, that being Fate. Origin is the starting point that defines one's existence and directs one's actions throughout life. The reason why it was expected for Fate to be their Origin is because All Heroes have it….Their actions at their starting point are always entirely decided by Fate. Issei might have been bitter at one point to be a pawn in Fate's Game (The only pawn he was is of Rias Gremory's Peerage) but didn't mind it much since after all Fate is the only reason why he is even alive and breathing at this point of time.
After knowing and comprehending the Origin and Elements of Bell, Issei chose to teach the boy a series of Magical Spells that would be suitable with him.
Oh! You believed that he was just going to teach Cranel just one spell and be done with it...No no no! Issei isn't going to be satisfied by just teaching Bell one or two spells and calling it quits. That will only lead to ruining his reputation as the Supreme Sorcerer of his World.
He himself has the knowledge and comprehension of more than a billion of Magic Spells because of his connection with the Akashic Records and had personally developed thousands of Magical Series himself for the world to see. His generation wasn't known as the Era of Miracles for not doing anything.
Akashic Records:
A Compendium of all beings events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past and the present including the supernatural. Unlike some sources, It neither records events that have not occured (basically can't record the future) and nor of any alternate universes (so it only carries everybit of knowledge from the DxD Universe). The current master of the Akashic Records is Issei Hyoudou.
This particular magic series that he was going to teach to Bell is a very iconic magic series for Issei...No!...Not his Oppai Dragon Series, Although it would be hilarious to see Bell use that particular brand of magic even if Hestia and Hephaestus would kill him for it. What he meant was his other magic series, the one that he used quite often during his later years.
Oppai Dragon Series:
A Magic Series developed by Issei Hyoudou in his teenage years for... perverted purposes. This Series includes spells and chants such as the infamous Dress Break and Pailingual.
He knew that it would be perfect for the boy to use. The series just by its name alone may sound intimidating and highly difficult and impossible to get the hang of but in reality, it's fairly easy to use and master.
However to use it proficiently like Issei can in just a short amount of time is just a pipe dream. It would take more than twenty years of training even with the help of a mindscape.
Issei knew that Bell would never have that much time.
'Which Hero did have that much time on their side?' Issei thought with a grimace before widening his eyes as an eye popped in his head.
Maybe, Just maybe. . .By exploiting [Realis Phrase] as well as Bell's exponential growth caused by Issei's spiritual presence. Issei felt that the impossible might become possible.
Huh...Maybe Lady Luck is finally smiling on top of them or maybe she has a crush on Bell just like the Goddesses Hestia and Hephaestus… cough!... Shaking those thoughts out of his head. Issei once again now puts his entire focus on Bell who was now skillfully controlling and revolving the magical energy around his body forming a dome of pure Mana around himself.
To get Bell out of his meditation state, Issei decided to take the Issei route and just shout rather loudly.
"Okay Bell, That's enough!"
Bell's POV:
"Okay Bell, That's enough!" Issei's voice spoke. It was very loud enough to break my focus.
This in turn made me lose my concentration and forced me to open my eyes only to see the accumulated energy to dissipate very slowly into thin air.
I rapidly shook my head to get a grip of myself after the meditation. I then sent an annoyed look at Issei who raised an eyebrow at my look.
"Did you have to scream like that? My ears are still buzzing from that shout you did just now" I said while rubbing both of my ears.
He chuckles "It was the easy way. I am not just going to waste my time thinking of how to wake you up"
He said with a small smile full of mirth. I couldn't help but smile too after I stood up from the cloud like floor.
"So, Now What?" I asked in anticipation.
"Now, we put that knowledge to use." Issei said before snapping his fingers which formed a small fireball into existence.
"A Fireball?" I deflated at this. I was thinking that he was going to show me something cool.
"Not just any Fireball. This is my Fireball!" He said with a maddening grin before proceeding to launch the fireball high into the sky.
I looked up only to see the fireball go even higher than I possibly expected, it went so high to the point where I could see a small speck of light shimmering into the distance.
That is before I came to witness the Most Massive Violent Explosion that I have ever come to witness in my entire life. It was so big that it manage to cover the entire clear blue sky in my sight and it did it just in a blink of a second.
The Shockwaves that came after were so strong that they would have flung me way high into the air if it weren't for Issei, who was holding me down with his magical barriers. However unlike me, Issei was fully exposed to the blast and he was without any sort of protection. He didn't look uncomfortable or harmed by the massive pressure and heat from the explosion engulfing him.
I looked over once again at the giant fireball with awe and some fear. If the explosion happened anywhere near Orario then the city would cease to exist. I wasn't even sure if the dungeon would survive such an impact.
I looked back at my teacher who was also starring skywards, he looked like he wasn't even bothered in the least by the power he just unleashed just now.
'Amazing!' I thought with wonderment. I knew that Issei was extremely strong but witnessing his power first hand will make you realize how truly powerful he really is.
Issei now looks straight at me and finally speaks;
"Yea, I mean yes!" I hesitantly replied back. I don't want to admit it but Issei did a fine job of scaring the crap out of me.
"This was just the basic spell for novice mages, Fireball. Every mage in the world knows it but they would never ever be proficient enough to use it like I just did. The reason being that it takes a massive amount of energy to form the fireball in the first place and enough concentration to even be able to control it to use it like me. The reason I started teaching you the theory about magic first because I want to broaden your views on how much limit does magic carries within itself in general as well as for you to not make the same mistake the majority of mages do, that being that they tend to increase their magical energy before their knowledge, control and concentration. Hell! I can say with confidence that you are already highly advanced among your peers at those three departments before you even used your first spell"
I was gobsmacked by this. First, that the massive explosion that just happened was just a Tier 1: Fireball, a simple basic magic spell. Second, that I was somehow better than many other mages, I mean who wouldn't be dumbfounded by this sort of information.
It's hard to believe that you can be better than an experienced magician when you haven't even used magic in your life. In my head, that just sounds kind of ignorant.
"Bell, this will take some time for you to learn and for me to teach. I ain't gonna teach just one or two spells. I decided that you are going to learn an entire magical series filled with offensive, defensive and support spells that are well suited for you.
"An entire series!...But you said that those take years to master!" I exclaimed with some uncertainty, not believing what Issei just said.
"Bell, you are again underestimating yourself… I said Normally it takes years to master, emphasis on the word normally. Do you really think that every mage is taught by a Draconic-spirit who is also the Supreme Sorcerer? Or that they are taught inside a mindscape, A realm made by pure imagination?"
"Oh!…right, I forgot about that!" I answered sheepishly as my cheeks redden from embarrassment. I then became curious and asked;
"Uhh...Issei, What is the name of the Magic Series that you were saying, you were going to teach me?"
"Umm..Oh that, It's one of my favorites known as the Disaster Slayer Series" He answered much to my excitement.
Disaster Slayer Series:
A Series of Magical Spells created by Issei Hyoudou. It consists of spells with affinity of Wind, Lightning, Fire and slight affinity with water. It is one of Issei's more iconic magic series as he used it more often during his twenties.
But that excitement soon faded and turned into horror as Issei was now looking at me with an evil grin on his face.
I tried to back away from him but couldn't as those magic barriers of his were once again holding me down, this time not for my protection but for my demise.
"Well… Bell, We haven't even started and you are already backing away. That's just not nice!" He said each word spewing from his mouth getting more terrifying after another.
'What the hell have I gotten myself into? Please, Goddess! Save Me!' I pleaded inwardly to my Goddess even if I knew that it was hopeless to escape.