Chapter One: So it Begins
*Karakura Town, Japan*
It was a rainy day in Karakura, Japan, as a young boy of 11 years old walked along the side of his mother and younger brother. The boy had mid-length wild black hair that went around his head and dropped over the front of his face slightly. He also had violet eyes and his skin was a slight peach color as well. The young child's name Takeshi Kurosaki.
However in truth he was the adopted child of Masaki and Isshin Kurosaki. Takeshi birth parents having died from attack by an unknown animal of sorts. while there had been no witnesses to the attack, investigators had to conclude it was done at the hands of some sort of mysterious creature. His real father had died at the scene of the attack, his real mother had somehow managed to escape after being injured. She was at the time pregnant with Takeshi and only a couple weeks away from her due date.
The shock and trauma of the attack forced her into labor soon after escaping. Despite the doctor's best efforts, she died from a combination of her injuries and stressors of childbirth. Leaving the newborn Takeshi an orphan from the start.
Fortunately, his parents had been very good friends with Masaki Kurosaki. After hearing the tragic incident, Masaki convinced her husband to take Takeshi in and adopt him into the family. Masaki and Isshin loved and treated Takeshi like he was their own flesh and blood son. About a year after that Masaki gave birth to her and Isshin's first child by blood, Ichigo.
Takeshi and Ichigo grew up with each other and were as close as brothers could ever be. Both of them were happy children who loved their family with all they could muster. Especially when a few years later Ichigo and Takeshi became older brothers too twin little sisters, named Karin and Yuzu.
Takeshi from the time he could properly walk and move about, immediately showed a strong passion for martial arts. His parents signed him up for classes as soon as he was old enough and quickly excelled for his age group. This love of martial arts also bled over into a love for kendo when he discovered it. after some persuading, his parents agreed to let him take alongside his martial arts classes. He also showed a strong aptitude for someone his age in sword play as well. A fact Isshin boasted about and made Masaki slightly concerned.
Takeshi loved his parents Isshin and Masaki. While they weren't his birth parents, they were the only parents he's ever known and considered them as much his birth parents as Ichigo did. Isshin was a somewhat eccentric man who ran a small but well respected medical clinic. Maskai was a stay at home mom who seemingly loved everyone and everything around her.
One thing Takeshi learned about himself early on was that he could see the spirits of the world around him. A trait that he shared with his brother Ichigo. It was a pretty cool thing to him, though he had to admit some spirits could be pretty annoying at times. Sometimes ghost forget the importance of personal space.
All in all he loved the life he had. Though sometimes his mind wondered about the birth parents he never got to know. The only thinking he really had to remember his birth parents by was a necklace left to him by his father. It was a small pendant of sorts that was carved to look like a karambit knife, that was colored black and silver. The necklace practically never left his person, he adored the piece of jewelry.
Takeshi walked alongside his mother and brother in the rain, along a path next to the local river. Nothing seemed to be all that special going on as he kept his eyes forward not really paying much attention. When suddenly he caught out of the corner of his eye's he saw Ichigo take off in front of him and Masaki towards the river's edge.
He looked to see what his brother was running towards and saw something peculiar. There seemed to be a young girl of sorts with black hair wearing a kind of dress, she was standing near the river's edge. It looked as though as she was going to jump into the river. He knew why his brother had taken off to seemingly stop the girl from doing so. He was about to go and assist Ichigo when his mother suddenly yelled out.
"ICHIGO STOP!" as she quickly ran after Ichigo. What happened next seemed to happen too fast for Takeshi to seemingly understand.
As Masaki was able to get in front of Ichigo, suddenly some red like hand shot out and stabbed her through the chest. She immediately fell and landed on top of Ichigo. Ichigo in turn passed out from the shock of the whole situation with the now dead Masaki laying on top of him.
Takeshi stood there in total shock and horror, the color having drained from his face. He quickly ran over to the lifeless form of his adoptive mother.
"no, no please…..please don't be dead mom." He weakly choked out as tears began to well in his eyes. He fell to his knees and weakly shook Masaki.
"please, wake up mom… have to wake up…. You can't leave us…. Please don't leave us." he spoke as tears now streamed down his face.
"my, my, now isn't this a touching sight." A deep voice boomed from behind him.
Takeshi turned around and saw something that genuinely scared him.
It was some sort of monster it had thick green fur, red bird like feet it, an odd bone like mask with a large creepy smile adorning it, plus an appendage of sorts that stuck from out of its head. Its overall appearance resembled some kind of giant mutant hamster.
Takeshi was looking over its features when he took notice of the red bird like feet. Then it all clicked in his head.
"it was you? You're the one responsible for this." He spoke out.
"Heh-heh-heh, indeed I am boy" the creature spoke out mockingly. "she was a tasty one too."
"you…you bastard!" Takeshi yelled out. "just what are you!?" his sadness and fear being replaced with anger.
"I'm what you call a 'hollow' boy. Where spirits that eat other spirits and the souls of living beings with high spirit energy, like the woman there. In fact I can tell that you and the other brat are quite high in spirit energy. Even more so than the woman was. How delightful." It finished as it chuckled darkly to itself.
Then suddenly the fur on the hollow shot and wrapped around Takeshi. Next thing the young boy knew he was brought up to the monster. Who preceded to grab him with his hand.
"yes you'll be very tasty indeed child." It said.
"who the hell are you?" Takeshi asked
"call me 'Grand Fisher' boy." The hollow replied. Then suddenly straightened up a bit. As if it suddenly felt something it didn't like.
"damn, one of them is coming this way. I won't be able to savor the orange haired brat. As for you, all just have to take you back to hueco mundo first before I enjoy you as my snack." Said fisher.
With that said, the creature opened some sort of gate way and walked through it carrying Takeshi along with him. A few moments after the gateway closed, a new figure arrived at the scene of the incident.
It was an older looking man, he blond hair, he wore an outfit of green and white. He also carried a cane and wore a bucket hat of the same coloration as the rest of his outfit. he overlooked the scene with a sad and somber expression.
'this is very bad, I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough Isshin.' He thought to himself as he overlooked the deceased Masaki, the unconscious Ichigo and noticed the missing Takeshi. "it's going to be a very long night." He muttered to himself.
*Hueco Mundo, above the Forest of Menos*
A garganta opened up in the sky above the forest of menos. Jumping out of it was Grand Fisher and his soon to be victim. Takeshi having his survival instincts kick into overdrive, does the only thing he feel he can do, while in the hollows grasp. He opens his mouth and clamps down as hard as he can on the closest finger.
"GAAHHH!" yells fisher and on instinct flings his hand and unintentionally throws his latest prey away from him.
Takeshi is sent flying away and down from the hollow. He lands roughly on the ground and slides across the sand with no control. Before he can stop, he slides directly to one of the openings in the ceiling to the forest and falls in.
Fisher meanwhile curses at himself for this sudden predicament. Before he can start to move to go chase down the human. he suddenly feels the presence of a much stronger hollow. 'damn it all.' He thinks to himself as he realizes he has no choice but to run and hide. Thus letting the human get away.
*inside the Forest of Menos*
Takeshi after falling into the opening, lands on the branch of tree after falling only about a dozen feet or so. He quickly steadies himself and decides to take a moment to gauge his surroundings.
The place looks like an endless forest of sorts, blanketed in constant night and moonlight. Even the tree he thought he was on, wasn't even a real tree. It was more like some kind stone in the shape of a giant tree. Looking up, he notices he can't reach the ceiling and has no choice but carefully make his way.
It takes what seems like hours but eventually after carefully working his down the branches of the strange rock tree, he was able to make his way down to the forest floor. Taking in a moment to finally process all that has happened, the boy slumps to the ground, tired, sad and frustrated at all that has happened.
"why did this have to all happen?" he chokes out to himself as tears of frustration begin roll down his face. "why did mom have to die? Why did that monster have to take me away? Why did I have to get stranded in this place?" he continued to mutter to himself as he held the pendant around his neck with hand trying to bring some kind of comfort to himself.
His musings were cut short when he heard the sound of something shifting in the distance in front of him. He looked up suddenly alert and nervous in the direction of the noise. Then something he could've gone without seeing for a long time. It was another hollow.
This wasn't nearly as big as the last one but was still the size of a small car. Its body shape and mask gave it the appearance of a rat. It locked eyes with Takeshi and spoke.
"well, this is a surprise?" it said with a high pitched voice. "I don't know how some human got here but, I won't complain. You'll make a tasty treat little human."
Takeshi's instincts kicked in again and he did the only thing he thought he could do in such a situation. He immediately jumped up and began as fast as he could running away from the hollow. The hollow giving chase right behind.
Takeshi ran with reckless abandon trying to escape, never looking back at his would be killer. Sadly, as he turned the corner around a tree, he came face to face with the wall of a small plateau in front of him. He whipped around as he heard the hollow catch up.
"nowhere to run human." spoke the rat hollow.
Takeshi kept his face towards the hollow, nervousness keeping him in place from moving at the moment.
Takeshi gripped the pendant in his hand as he began to think to himself in panic.
'is this really it for me? Is this where my life ends? Am I destined die in this strange place at the hands of one of these monsters? NO! no, it can't end like this! My life can't end here! Everyone back home is going to be waiting for me. Dad, Karin, Yuzu, Ichigo! I can't die here! I have to survive! I have to make it home somehow!'
"this is it human!" yelled the hollow as it jumped high into the air towards Takeshi.
As the hollow began its jump Takeshi gripped his pendant as hard as he could and yelled out.
As he yelled this out a sudden surge of energy rolled through his body and focused at his hand holding the pendant. A glow of visible silver energy burst out in a sudden flash. The light faded as quickly as it came revealing that now instead of holding the pendant in his hand, he was holding some sort of sword.
The blade was around 32 inches in length, the blades width was around three inches where the blade met the handle. The width of the blade increased up to about six inches at around the middle. Before the width shrank back down to the same three inch length towards the pointed end of the blade. The final eight inches of the blade towards the end was curved slightly like a talon. The entirety of the blade edge of the weapon was serrated. The entire blade portion of the weapon was black. The handle of the blade was ten inches in length with a hoop at the end. It was wrapped with silver cloth that had spots of black. Despite the size and shape of the weapon it fit well in his hands and felt incredibly light.
Before Takeshi could ponder anymore at this sudden development, he caught the rat hollow still flying thought the air at him. He quickly acted and gripped the sword with both hands and prepared to strike. The rat hollow was caught by surprise by this sudden development and was unable to adjust being still in midair.
As the hollow neared, Takeshi swung down at his enemy and landed the blade and left a deep gash across the hollow's belly.
"AAAHHHH!" yelled the hollow in pain as it landed on the ground and quickly righted itself and turned around.
"you'll pay for that you little bastard!" it roared and charged with a huge burst of speed directly at Takeshi.
Takeshi caught off guard, took the full speed head-butt from the hollow. He could feel his ribs crack from the force of the strike, and he was sent flying back. he did his best to ignore the pain as he got up on a knee, the taste of blood filled his mouth a bit.
The hollow charged him again, trying for another headbutt. Takeshi was ready for the attack this time. He readied his blade and at the last moment he dove forward dodging the hollow as he did and thrust his blade up and forward. The blade pierced the side of the hollow with it running clean through it out its back.
The hollow howled in agony and fell to the ground, no longer moving. Takeshi wretched his blade out and stepped away from the downed hollow, walking some distance away and leaned against the rock wall of the plateau. His back facing the downed hollow. He looked at the sword and stared in wonder. When he looked down at himself, he was shocked at what he saw.
It didn't notice it in the heat of the moment, but his pendant was now gone. His upper body was covered in a black mist like shroud, that acted like a vest with sleeves that ended just above his elbows. His legs and feet were covered in the same black misty shroud. With his legs it covered just below his knees like some kind of shorts. The misty shroud covered his feet resembling boots of sorts. he then noticed is hands where covered as well, it started bottom of the palm of his hands and ended halfway up each of his fingers. The same black mist covered his face from the top of his mouth and down. It stopped at the top of his neck and wrapped around as a type of mask.
"just what is happening to me at this point?" he questioned to himself, becoming lost in thought.
Suddenly a voice boomed in his head.
"LOOK BEHIND YOU!" yelled the female sounding voice.
"what!?" he mentally thought back to the sudden voice in his head.
"JUST LOOK BEHIND YOU DAMMIT!" the mysterious voice yelled.
Takeshi turned his head and his eyes went wide. The rat hollow he thought was dead had gotten back and was charging him again. Before he could turn enough to do anything. The hollow got up next to him and slammed one of its arms into Takeshi's side, sending him flying. He landed hard on the sand with the wind knocked out of him.
He tried to get up, but the hollow had already made it to him and pinned his arms down with his feet. Looking at him with pure rage.
"you proved to be a lot more trouble than I thought you would human." it wheezed out. The injuries from earlier clearly taking a toll on it.
"no matter I'm going to enjoy feasting on you" it spat out and began to lower it head.
Takeshi knew he was done for with his arms pinned he couldn't use his blade. He closed his eyes waiting for the end to come. Then when out of nowhere the roar of a lion was heard. He opened his eyes just in time to see something collide with the rat hollow. The rat hollow and mysterious new being both winding up going a fair distance away, thus freeing Takeshi.
He turned his head in time to see the new being having pinned the rat hollow to the ground. The rat hollow gave out a cry of terror before it cut off by the sound of unsettling death rattle and its body went limp for good this time. Then the figure who had saved Takeshi and finished the hollow turned to him.
Takeshi noticed it was another hollow a bit larger than the rat hollow. Its mask was bone white in the shape of a lion's head. Its body was also shaped like a lion including a tail with a tuff of brown fur at its end. Its body had a short smooth layer of light brown fur and it had a large fluffy golden colored like lion's mane surrounding's its neck.
The new hollow walked towards Takeshi with the dead hollow clamped in its jaws. As it got only a few feet away, it dropped the dead hollow in front of Takeshi.
"well your certainly an interesting little thing. Aren't ya?" it spoke in a clearly in feminine voice.
*Forest of Menos earlier on*
In the forest of menos where basic hollows and gillians tend to live. A basic lion like hollow by the name of Franceska Mila Rose, was carrying about her day. She was on the look out for potential prey to help her grow to the next stage of her evolution. That or find someone willing to work alongside with to help with her growth.
She wasn't a fool she knew she was not the strongest of hollows around and finding a mutually beneficial partnership. That would help quicken her growth and vice versa would be ideal. Granted that sort of thing was better said then actually done. Most other hollows were to selfish for such things, but hey a girl could hope right?
She continued her day searching about but sadly she had no luck.
"well, shit." She muttered to herself.
After walking along a bit more she came across the edge of a short plateau. Taking some steps back she decided to take a break from her searching for the time being. Laying down on her side she began to try and drift off to sleep for a short nap. As she laid on the sands relaxing, she suddenly felt an odd feeling.
Perking up a bit at the new feeling, she focused on it trying to get a read on what it was. She knew it wasn't hollow, then became shocked when she realized what it was. The mysterious presence was human, and it was coming her way from below the plateau she was resting on top of.
'this is an unexpected but maybe it's the break I've been looking for?' she thought to herself.
She began to her movement now with her sensitive cat ears. She was able to tell whoever the human was had stopped just in front of the plateau. She picked up another presence that she recognized as another hollow. She began to hear voices. She could tell which one was the human voice but was surprised that it seemed to belong to a child.
'a human child in hueco mundo? Now I really have to check this out.' She thought.
Mila got up and kept low and quiet as she made her way to the edge of the Plateau until she could see all that was happening.
Once the source of her interest came into view, her suspicions were confirmed it was a human child. A boy, he had black hair and violet eyes to her surprise. He was standing in place holding onto something around his neck. She could also the other hollow some distance away from the child. It looked like some kind of oversized rat and it was about ready to strike.
The hollow then leapt high into the air towards the child. As it started to leap the human gave a loud cry of defiance towards his would be killer. The next thing to happen certainly caught Mila by surprise.
The boy's hand near his chest suddenly glowed silver and burst in a quick blast of light that disappeared as soon as it appeared. The boy was now shrouded in some kind of black mist looking clothing, including a mask that was wrapped around the bottom portion of his face. He now held an oddly shaped sword of sorts that was all black with silver and the blade edge was serrated.
'just what the fuck is going on with this kid!?' she exclaimed internally.
She continued to watch as the boy quickly readied himself with his blade as the hollow was still flying at him and delivered a good swift swing with his blade. That left a good gash on the rat hollows belly.
'seems the kid has some amount of training.' She mused in her head.
Sadly no one seemed to teach the boy the importance of dodging when the hollow gave a sudden burst of speed in fury. It wound up headbutting the kid quite harshly sending the human flying back closer to the plateau. The child quickly got up on a knee and readied his blade as the hollow charged.
The child lunged forward and managed to plunge his blade into the hollow and out its other end. The hollow fell to ground not moving at the moment.
'I'll be damned the kid pulled it off. I think I found my lucky break!' She thought excitedly herself.
She watched as the child walked over to the wall of the plateau his back turned to the fallen hollow lost in thought. Then she noticed the hollow moving, it wasn't dead after all! It was badly hurt though that was for sure, it'd be easy to pick off at this point. The child didn't seem to notice and turned around too late as the injured hollow batted him away harshly and then pinned the boy down.
Mila decided it was the time to act, the boy had genuinely peaked, her interest and was her best in finding assistance in her evolution. Saving the kids butt would make for a good reason to convince the kid to team up with her. Quickly she positioned herself took aim and leapt towards the rat hollow. Giving out a mighty roar as she dove at her target.
She slammed into the opposing hollow knocking him away from the boy. Quickly acting she pounced on top of the hollow and clamped her jaws down on its throat. It soon going limp after giving out one final death rattle. She then turned around and walked towards the boy with the dead hollow in her mouth. Stopping just a few feet in front of the kid, she dropped it and spoke to the child.
"well your certainly an interesting little thing. Aren't ya?"
So here's the first chapter of my next story. I had the idea for this pop into my head one day and I just had to write something out for it before I forgot about it. hope you enjoyed and please review.