chapter 3. hanging out with escher
dot's pov.
a low sigh left my lips. looking at the work on my desk.
"that's a lot of work dot"
herm said eyeing the work on my desk.
" I know. why does everyone always put the work for me on my desk,while I'm on break?"
herm shrugged before looking away from me.
I took one of the papers off my desk. and studied it.
" I already did this!"
I yelled making herm jump.
" done what?"
herm asked taking the paper from me.
" oi? this? why did they give you this again?"
herm asked crumbling the paper into a ball. then tossing it in the trash bin.
" I don't know!"
I snapped making herm wince.
" im not giving them this paper tho"
I told herm.
" so you talk with buddy lately?"
herm asked glaring at Jacob. who just came by to say hello to me.
" no. iv'e been busy"
" wally says buddy is Joey's favorite!"
I wagged my finger at herm.
" don't go saying that herm! everybody knows that Joey has no favorites!"
herm rolled her eye. looking at me.
" buddy is joey's gofer. "
herm had caused a few people to raise their heads up from their work. wich annoyed me.
" herm quite down!"
I hissed at herm who rolled her eye again.
" fine. but let's just go someplace eles!"
herm suggested glaring at the others.
I shook my head.
" latter. Iv'e got work to do"
more eye roll.
" so? is there a deadline?"
I shook my head no.
" then what's the issue?"
herm asked with a laugh.
" work"
I told her. bending over a piece of paper.
" oh really?"
herm said.
" herm!"
I hissed. already knowing she just used her magic.
" did you just use your magic on my work?!"
herm nodded with a grin.
" you can't do that herm!"
I hissed.
" just did. and let's go! I need to meet up with somebody!"
herm said jumping off the desk she sat on.
I groaned knowing I had to go now.
getting up from my seat, I noticed herm looking back at the lift. eyeing it?
before I could ask what was wrong. herm grabbed my arm. and dragged me away from somewhere.
ugh. where is herm taking me now.
that was soon answered.
herm had made buddy meet us at this bar I love going to.
" I'll go oder drinks!"
herm said clapping her hands. with that she was off. only leaving buddy and I alone.
" how long have you known herm for?"
buddy asked looking to his left.
" bout three years."
I said with a smile.
" tho herm will smack you if ever needed. so look out for that"
I said with a giggle. buddy shook his head.
" really? honestly I never thought herm would smack people. doesn't seem like her"
I frowned then asked.
" what do you mean by that?"
buddy rubbed the back of his neck.
" herm seems really nice. one of those people who never smacks others"
buddy chuckled before he spoke.
" your joking right?"
why does buddy think I'm joking? I'm clearly not.
" your not joking are you?"
I shook my head no. earning a nervous chuckle from buddy.
" well then."
buddy said rubbing the back of his neck.
" I'll keep that in my mind"
oh shit. did herm set up a date for buddy and I? am I ruining the chance herm is giving me?
why do I do things like this? why can't I just relax for once?
" oi? what are you lovebirds talking about?"
herm teased appearing out of nowhere.
" H-Herm no!"
I snapped punching herm on the arm.
" clearly your flirting with dot here right buddy?"
herm asked moving a chair from another table to our table.
" shut the fuck up herm"
I whined not wanting to deal with her teasing. sadly latter I would't hear the end of her teasing.
" well herm"
buddy said getting up from his chair.
" i've got to go"
herm rolled her eye leaning back in her chair.
" bye buddy. say bye to buddy dotty!"
herm said siping her wine.
" herm don't call me dotty!"
I snapped pushing her out of her chair.
" nope. aww you didn't get to say bye to your lover dotty!"
herm teased me with a grin.
" whatever. im going home"
I mumbled throwing money on the table. then walked out.
" night dotty!"
herm called after me.
" night"
I grumbled