chapter 1. working after I met you.
dot's pov.
another day at the studio. where nobody cares about me.
yep. nobody cares for dot. the one who fixes grammar. who would care for that?
that's when I seen him. he was tall. almost like a twig. I noticed he was jogging to the door. ( must have seen my purposeful walk)
I gave a small smile. making sure he didn't see it.
once the guy got to the door I had been holding for him. I gave him a quick once over.
" I thought you were tall"
I said.
" well I am tall"
the guy replied with.
" you were like a baby horse,all seemed off balance. I like that"
after our little chat. I walked right past the front desk. I gave the lady there a quick glare. then walked faster.
another day of work. but that guy seemed nice. strange.
going in the elevator pression the number floor I needed.
my mind keeps going back to the chat with that guy. why? I only just met him.
yet,my mind seems fixated on him!
I braced myself for the stop. making sure my teeth didn't knock together.
then I was here. in my crowed workplace. a.k.a story.
seeing a few of the guys glaring at me. I knew they hated me being here. and I hated them being here.
I pulled out my chair and plopped down. unsure if I was ready for today's work.
le time skip.
latter as I fixing more grammar.
that guy had came by. giving me more work.
after taking it from him. he went on saying he was new here. a gofer for Joye. oh,and his name was buddy .
I just went back to my work. feeling bad for buddy.
but I couldn't go after him. I had to much work.
damn that work.
around lunch I was able to go try to find buddy.
when I had gone up to the art department. I asked where buddy was. Jacob said he was at the music department. but he hasn't came back yet.
that worried me a little. buddy was new here. I know the studio's is big. sometimes it's a maze!
with a low sigh I went to find buddy. maybe my good old friend hermione409. or herm as I call her.
I did end up finding herm. she'd been chatting with wally about the ink in sammy's closet.
" sammy's pissed about it wally"
herm said shaking her head sadly.
" said some pipe full of ink burst and flooded the closet. hell he said some of his sheet music was ruined."
wally shook his head.
" I don't want to clean that up."
wally said crossing his arms over his chest.
" you wont have to worry about that wally"
said herm a frown on her pale face.
" why is that?"
wally asked.
" sammy is having some gofer do it. I feel bad for the guy"
sammy was making poor buddy clean up the ink? Buddy doesn't need to do that!
I ran to where sammy's closet was.
there I found buddy swriling ink around with a mop.
" buddy?"
Hi guys! welcome to the story. now. herm is an oc Im adding in. cause I feel like it. and I don't own any of these guys. ecxpt herm.