
Thank you for all the reviews and lovely thoughts about this story. First off, I hope everyone is staying well as some states relax restrictions. We have some small relaxations here, but not much. I'm happy with staying at home. My local city has instituted a month-long program where they're blocking off some residential streets from traffic in an effort to get people out of the house more. I have seen more people out walking.

I love that you felt connected to this story. Sorry if you feel it ends abruptly. Austen wraps P&P up in a bit of a hurry too: they resolve their differences, and then Mrs. Bennet gets her happy day. I've thought about whether I can continue, but I wrote it when life was different.

I actually finished writing this in the fall. No COVID-19 then. My younger kid had left the nest for college, and the husband and I were enjoying a quiet house. Life was pretty sweet. Holidays and other writing projects and then a trip to Puerto Rico to help rebuild in February meant I didn't get to editing it for, forever. I'm not sure I have the same frame of mind to pick it back up again. I've got two young adults back home, finishing up their semesters, and worried about whether they will be _in_ (or is that at) school in September.

If anyone ELSE wants to write a sequel, feel free.

I also fear that what _I_ would write, wouldn't please. Writing is about conflict as I once explained to a 4-H writing project. "I got a new puppy; he has brown eyes and a shiny coat. The end." Isn't much of a story. But: "My new puppy ran through a hole in the fence, almost got hit by a car and disappeared. I couldn't find him for hours. That creepy kid from around the corner found him and brought him back. I discovered he likes dogs and maybe isn't so weird." Is a far better story.

So I'd probably have Lizabeth leave William for this wanna-be actor who works as a barista because he has an 'in' on some new production because, of course, she's caught the acting bug after two seasons of Bella Montana. And Mama Bennet would make a scene, but Lizabeth and her new friend would get starring roles in this Amazon production, and …

You'd hate me. Plus Registry has clocked in at 152K words, which is 50% more than the average novel. (Though online works differently.)

Again, if someone wants to write a sequel, feel free.

The P&P World War II story is coming along. I have about 30K words written and scenes sketched out (which I don't often do—usually I just sit down and write). But it probably won't be until the fall that finish. Lots of twists in this one, sort of a thriller and a little Casablanca-ish too as I set it in late 1942, early 1943, so the dark days of the war. Fitting in these times of shelter-in-place and uncertainty.

Stay Safe,
