Lucy sat next to Natsu's bedside at the guild hall. He had gone overboard again and was out like a light. Wendy healed him up as best she could but said it would take time for him to become fully conscious. In the meantime they all had to take turns watching him in case he tried to do anything stupid. So far he had only said random, hilarious things. Gray had reported him sitting up, looking out the window at the sunny day and exclaiming "Why is it always night out!?" before promptly falling back, snoring against the pillow.

So far for Lucy's shift he had remained sleeping, no weird comments, just those funny faces he makes when he is asleep sometimes. That soon changed when he sat up and looked right at her. "Hey Lucy, you smell good today." He said with a smile. Lucy looked up from her book in surprise, but saw his eyes were still closed. Sighing, she knew his being still was too good to last, she placed a bookmark in her book before closing it and turning to Natsu.

"That's nice of you to say Natsu, but why don't you lie back down for a while?" Lucy asked, putting pressure on both of his shoulders to try to get him to lay back down. He frowned a little and said "I don't want to, I want to look at you." Lucy paused in her pushing before asking "How can you do that with your eyes closed?" Natsu's face shifted to one of confusion as he said "Are they? But you right there in that dress you wore to the job at the ball."

Lucy decided to see where this would go and said "Oh, how do I look?" Natsu grinned and said "Amazing! Hey do you wanna dance?" "Umm sure." Lucy replied, shocked when he got out of his bed and took her hands and started dancing with her. Mira started to walk in to take her turn at sitting with him, but stopped with a smile on her face before backing quietly out the door, Lucy not seeing her and Natsu not smelling her.

"You look really pretty Lucy. Can I do something?" Natsu asked. "Wh..hat?" Lucy asked. "This." Natsu said, before leaning in to give her a kiss. Lucy was shocked, but soon found herself returning it only to realize a few seconds in that Natsu's eyes were wide open. Breaking off from the kiss as one, Natsu asked "Oh my gosh Lucy, is it really you and not dream you!?" Lucy blushed as she looked at her feet and said "Yeah, is that okay?"

Natsu stared at her in shock before his gaze softened and said "If it's okay with you its more than okay with me." "It is, I've loved you for a long time Natsu." Lucy said, finally daring to look him in the eye as her blushed deepened. Natsu smiled and said "I've loved you too." They smiled before leaning for another kiss, this one getting interrupted by a squeal at the door as Mira returned to check on them.

I told you that line was going to make it into a short story FTAnt XD I almost had Natsu playing Minecraft, but I didn't feel like doing an AU world with this one, so it inspired the Natsu being out cold/saying weird things bit XD