Chapter 24: The End of a Good Game

That boss fight was good. VERY good. Decently challenging but not too difficult that'll make you want to rip your hair out. VERY good. Really. It kicked ARSE.

Rosalynn saw her three-letter player name, RWW (Rosalynn Wrights-Winstor), appear in the credits. She was named "Best Player" of the game. Rosalynn jumped for joy. She knew she was the ONLY one playing this game that she bought from a second-hand bookstore. But maybe there were many other players before her but none of them played it as well as she did. And their files were deleted before the game was sold. She kept jumping until her boyfriend, who was taking a nap, woke up to ask her what she was doing.

"I finished the game, and I'm the best player! The game said so!" she cried. She went and hug the messy-haired cutie.

"Aww, that's great." He yawned. "Which game? Rayman 2?"

"I'm going to go back to the bookstore and see if I can find the rest of the games in the Rayman series."

Nicholas Maurice Winstor rubbed her hair. "That could take ages. It's a pretty big store with all kinds of things. Want me to come along? You could use a little help……"

Rosalynn looked up at her bosom boo. "You silly little lad. Don't you know you're welcome to follow me wherever I go?"