After Ezran shook off the rest of his sleep, the party prepared to head down the spire. The united army of sunfire elves, Duren soldiers, and Katolis's broken links had made camp at the bottom of the imposing tower, but even now they were preparing to be on the road again. Callum, Rayla, Ezran, Amaya, and Sorren stood outside the Storm Spire complex. Ezran creeped up to the edge, trying to catch a glimpse of the armies below. However all he managed to see was the large, billowing cloud that slowly drifted passed under their feet. Amaya walked up next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Ezran looked up at her with a grin. "Well, it's time to be a King again."

Amaya gave him a proud smile and wrapped him in a hug. Sorren took one step down the massive staircase and looked back over his shoulder. "We better start heading down if we want to make it down before lunch."

Ezran gave a nod and he and Amaya walked over to Sorren by the stairs. Rayla moved as if to join everyone else, but Callum took her hand to stop her. "Uh… Rayla and I are going to take a shortcut down."

Everyone looked at Callum with confusion, including Rayla. "We are?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Callum tapped one of the runes on his exposed arm with his free hand. "We are."

Ezran let out an excited gasp. "Are you gonna do the mage wing thingy? I haven't seen it yet!"

Callum nodded. "Yeah, well check this out."

He stepped up to the edge of the platform, looking down at the cloud still drifting by. He took in a deep breath and brought his arms up, holding them straight out to the sides. "Manus, Pluma, Volantus!" He shouted at the empty sky.

Everyone waited expectantly, but nothing happened. Callum looked down at his arms with disappointment. "Come on this worked yesterday. Manus, Pluma, Volantus." He tried the incantation again as Rayla walked over to him.

She placed a hand on his chest, looking into his eyes with a kind smile. "It's ok Callum, I'm sure you'll master it soon." She leaned forward to kiss him.

As soon as the elf's lips pressed against his. Callum's arms shone with blue light and brown feathers began to erupt from his skin. With a rush of air, his wings fully materialized. "H-hey, I did it!"

Amaya and Sorren apparently thought the sudden emergence of Callum's wings was hilarious, and they doubled over in laughter. Amaya signed to ask if the extra rush of blood normally helped when casting spells. Callum felt the heat in his face rise as Ezran's look of wonder was replaced with confusion. "Blood? What are you talking about Amaya?"

Callum cleared his throat and shot a look at Amaya, who looked away with a mischievous expression on her face. He sighed before turning to Ezran. "Don't worry about it, Ez, she just talking crazy."

"Wait, is this something to do with sandwiches?"

Everyone looked at Ezran with a weird look except Callum, who went immediately rigid. "Uhhh… No… Yes…" He was about to facepalm but stopped himself when he remembered he didn't actually have hands at the moment. "Aren't you guys supposed to be heading down by now?"

Sorren tapped Ezran on the shoulder. "He's right, Ez, let's get going."

As the group started heading down the stairs again, Sorren looked over his shoulder, giving a thumbs up. Callum mouthed the words "Thank you." before they disappeared around the bend in the stairs.

Rayla looked over at her mage with a quizzical look. "Sandwiches?"

Callum let out a nervous laugh. "It's a… brother thing."

Rayla gave a slight nod, a smirk on her face. "Right." She gestured towards the open air. "Should we be going as well?"

"Yes please." Callum said with a dramatic nod. He turned around to face towards the stomach churning drop. "Well, hop on."

Rayla wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped her wrists. She suddenly felt a nervous feeling wash over her as she looked past Callum to the empty sky. "Are ya sure about this?"

"Don't you trust me Rayla?" He asked, looking back at her over his shoulder.

"Of course! It's just that… I'm not so…" Rayla's words were cut off by a surprised yelp as Callum leaped into the void. She wrapped her legs around his waist and shut her eyes tight as the wind whipped past. A layer of water droplets formed on her skin as the pair plunged into the layer of clouds. After a few tense seconds Rayla could feel they were still dropping through the air like a stone. "CALLUM!" She cried out over the sound of the rushing wind.

He let out chuckle and unfurled his wings, letting them catch the air and slow their fall. Rayla's grip relaxed slightly as she felt gravity's hold on them loosen. Cautiously, she opened her eyes to take in the view. "Wow." Was the only thing she managed to say as she looked around in wonder.

Green, meadowy hills stretched as far as she could see. She looked down to try and spot the gathered armies below, but felt her stomach drop as she saw the dizzying height they were still at. She leaned into Callum, holding him a little tighter and he could feel another wave of butterflies as she pressed her body against his. He swooped in a big arc, turning to make a pass by the spire. As they did so, Rayla spotted the Amaya, Sorren, and Ezran making their way down the swirling staircase. Ez jumped up and down, shouting words that were lost to the wind. Rayla made to wave back at them, but quickly reset her grasp as she felt herself start to slip.

Callum continued to circle around The Storm Spire, slowly descending to the ground. Rayla felt the last of her apprehension melt away and she squeezed Callum in a hug. "It's so wonderful up here. I could stay like this forever."

"Me too." He replied, looking back to give her a smile.