A/N: Hi everyone, after reading most of the Azur Lane stories on here, I was inspired to write this. As this is my first story on here, I apologise in advance if some parts are a bit bland. Anyway I hope you enjoy this and depending on how it goes I might write more.
Chapter 1: The War Begins
My name is Lt. Commander Matthew Sparks, of the Eagle Union Navy. I'm currently stationed at NAS Pensacola, training to command an aircraft carrier fleet. I fly a modified P-51 Mustang off the CVT here as part of the training. Not exactly sure why the instructor insists on this, my guess is that it's part of learning carrier tactics. Anyway, when I landed my plane, following another successful run my squadron leader approaches me.
"Another outstanding flight Sparks. Why you aren't training to be a fighter pilot is beyond me." Skipper says, then he gives me a serious gaze. "The boss wants to see you." He then leaves before I could ask a question.
As I'm heading to my instructor's office, I'm trying to figure out what the Skip's expression was for. Usually that look only shows up when one of my squadron members screw up.
"Lt. Commander Sparks reporting as ordered sir." I say as I walk into General Thorpe's office.
"At ease Sparks, have a seat. What I'm about to tell you is to not leave this room, understood?"
"Crystal, sir."
"Those damned Sirens, aided by the recently formed Crimson Axis, just bombed Pearl Harbor. Son, all of our Battleships out there are either damaged or sinking."
"What about the Carriers sir?" I ask concerned.
"All were either out ferrying planes to our nearby island airfields, or due back this morning, reports from CINCPAC say that the Enterprise's fleet was caught in a storm last night."
"Thank God, but what does all of this have to do with me?" I say relieved knowing that the Carriers are essential to winning any war.
"I understand that before you transferred here, you were a student at Azur Lane's International Academy?"
"Yes sir, I was Valedictorian of my class."
"CINCPAC received a request from Azur Lane's war council to have you command their 'Kansen Fleet'. Congratulations, Son you are hereby promoted to Azur Lane Commander."
"Thank you, General!"
"CINCPAC's already approved your transfer orders, you are heading to the island as soon as you are able."
"What about my Mustang, sir?"
"In order to give you sufficient time to read up on the 'Kansen Fleet' you will sail out there on the next transport, your fighter is already being loaded onto it. All of the information on your fleet will be in your cabin on the transport. Any other questions?"
"No sir."
"Then good luck, and God Bless the Union." He says as we stand to shake hands and give a final salute.
- A Few Days Later -
The trip has been fairly comfortable so far, I guess being the commander of a multinational fleet has its perks.
The files on my fleet were somewhat of a refresher on what I learned during my time at the academy.
The Academy was actually split into four separate campuses, one in each of the four factions of Azur Lane. As most of my family tree traces back to Iron Blood, naturally I applied to be an exchange student there. All of the cadets in my class were paired with a Kansen as part of the "Vanguard/AA tactics class." I had the honor of being paired with Prinz Eugen; we learned a lot with and from each other eventually becoming best friends. Following our final trial exam, which we aced, she told me "When you get your own fleet, I want you to be Mein Kommandant."
As I began to read the status report of my fleet, knowing that the Crimson Axis was composed of the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood, I feared that we will end up meeting again as enemies. Then I read the fleet composition overview which mentioned the fleet also has Sakura and Iron Blood defectors. So maybe with a miracle she's one of them.
Meanwhile that same day on the Island
"Miss Hood, I just heard from Enterprise she's arrived at Pearl." Said Cleveland as the shipgirls began their emergency meeting.
"How bad is it?"
"Enterprise said that it's as bad as she feared it'd be, and that she's resupplying as fast as she can to make the return trip here. Phoenix, Cassin, and Downes somehow didn't get a scratch. Pennsylvania was damaged, but will be able to sail whereas her sister Arizona's ship was sunk, and was knocked unconscious, so her rigging is going to be disabled until Vestal can heal her up."
"How's everyone else?"
"Nevada, Oklahoma, California, and Tennessee are all going to ride with Pennsylvania."
Next was the resident shop keeper to deliver the status update on her fellow Sakura.
"Hood-san nya."
"Yes Akashi."
"Ayanyami is bringing Fusou, and her sister Yamashiro along with Kirishima, Takao, Atago, and Yukikaze nya."
"How did she manage to do that?!"
"After Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku left with the sirens to attack Hawaii, she snuck them away last night but will take a while to return nya."
Turning to Eugen, Hood asks her about the Iron Blood.
"Prinz Eugen, how is Nimi doing?"
"She's bringing Gneisenau and her Schweister, Deutschland and Spee, Bismarck, Tirpitz, and my dear Schweister Hipper."
Last to speak is the head of the Maid Corps.
"Madam Hood, I just heard from Her Majesty."
"What did she say, Belfast?"
"Her Majesty along with Madams Warspite, Illustrious, Unicorn, and Ark Royal are going to escort our Iron Blood allies through the Panama Canal."
"I guess that makes sense, will be easier for them to get here sooner without scaring the Union."
"Her Majesty also said that we will be receiving a Master tomorrow."
"Sir Matthew Sparks of the Eagle Union, as requested by the Council."
'Mein Leibling??!!!' Thought Eugen.
That's the first chapter, thanks for reading and maybe see you in the next chapter.
Azur Lane and its Characters do not belong to me. Ownership is of Yongshi, Yostar, and Manjuu.