Her father's death caused Arya to grow even wilder during the winter years. Arya left with her brother Rickon to escape her mother's never-ending quest to match her with some Northern or Riverlands Lord. She went with Rickon to White Harbor, where he Warded at the age of ten.

While there Rickon falls in love with Lady Wylla Manderly. He enters the tourney and wins it for her. With Lord Wyman's permission Wylla travels with Rickon and Arya, the latter acting as chaperone. They travel to Storm's End for the tourney of the new Lord of Storm's End Gendry Baratheon. He had been legitimized by the King and made Lord of Storm's End.

While traveling with Rickon she learns the sword from him and teaches herself the bow. Arya is now sixteen name days old, a beauty in her own right. Evident by the young men of the Stormlords who try to talk with her. "You must be Ser Rickon Stark."

"I must be." They laugh, "Lord Gendry Baratheon?"


"My sister Arya Stark."


She looks at him, "You don't address me as Lady Arya."

He smiles, "Well your brother didn't introduce you as Lady Arya. I caught that and did not. I take it you don't like titles."

"No not really."

"Myself I'm still getting use to all this."

"I heard you killed a thousand men., during the battle for the Capital." Arya says.

"I heard that as well. It was more along the lines of a hundred and nine…"

"People love to exaggerate." Rickon says.

"They sure do. Might I interest the two of you in a tour of the Castle?"

"Yes thank you My Lord." Rickon replies.

"Its just us, so Gendry is fine."

"I like the Bull." Arya says. Gendry had turned the sigil of his house to that of a Bull.

"Thank you. The Stag didn't say to me…Ours is the fury. And I wanted to make it my own." The Bull is black running in a charge on a yellow field, there is a war hemmer under the bull as well. They walk through the castle exploring, sometimes Gendry would get lost. Arya found this funny. Sometimes it would only take Gendry a few seconds to remember which way to go. "Um…Arya would you sit with me during the tourney?"

"I'd like that." The next day the tourney starts. Rickon wins four of his matches unseating them all in one lance.

"Man I wish I was out there."

"Why aren't you?" Arya asks.

"Apparently there is some stupid rule about the host of the Tourney fighting in his own tourney."

"Well if it were my tourney I would fight in the tourney and not give a flying fig what people thought."

Gendry smiles and kisses her on the cheek, drawing the attention of a few people. She looks at him, "Sorry if I were out of line…" She grabs him and kisses him on the lips, shocking the nobles in attendance.

"If you're going to kiss someone do it right."

"I will remember that next time." He stands up.

"And where are you going?"

"Its my tourney and I don't give a flying fig what people think."

"Lord Gendry Baratheon." The herald announces. Since he is a late entry, Gendry must face one of the top qualifying Jousters. They are Ser Rickon Stark, Ser Daemon Sand, Ser Wylis Manderly and Lord Edmure Tully. Gendry draws Ser Daemon Sand and after four lances Gendry unseats him. As the Tourney progresses over the next few days Gendry wins in both the sword and the Joust. Arya follows his lead and in disguise she enters the archery contest and wins. The last Joust is between Rickon and Gendry.

To the shock of those gathered Gendry wins five to four Lances and crowns Arya the lady of beauty. He loses to Rickon in the dueling ring. When the tourney is over Arya and Rickon are invited to stay at Storm's End. A week later a Raven is sent to Winterfell announcing Arya's engagement to Lord Gendry Baratheon.



He did not miss his father Lord Tywin at all. Tyrion felt a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. All his life he had tried to impress his father and make him proud. Those days were over. Jaime was another story, Tyrion missed his brother. On many occasions Jaime stood up for him against his father and sister. The Lannisters always pay their debts. The Starks were building a fleet in White Harbor. Tyrion paid men to head north and set fire to the fleet. He would ger back at them some way and he did.

As the Lord of Casterly Rock Tyrion prospered. He was ruthless when he needed to be, merciful, and just unlike his father who ruled through fear. As time passed Tyrion earned the respect of his banner lords and the small folk he ruled. His siter tried to be a hinderance to him and his success, but he was always three steps ahead of her.

His love life turned around when he met Lady Shae. She was a self-made woman of business. With a reputation of being a force to be reckoned with. Lady Shae came to Casterly Rock and both she and Tyrion were taken with each other. She was well read and provided Tyrion with the stimulating conversation he rarely got from people around him.

As time passes the two fall in love and his Aunt Genna plans a wedding. Casterly Rock has its own Sept and they marry in it. During the wedding Cersei shows up drunk and causes a scene. Tyrion has the guards take her back to her room. After he beds his wife Tyrion has Cersei murdered making it look like she committed suicide.



If not for his uncle the Lords of the Riverlands would have rebelled against House Tully. As such Edmure made his Uncle Brynden Castellan of Riverrun. He grudgingly marries Rosalin Frey of the Twins, but eventually they fall in love and have a son they name Hoster after his father. Bryden takes the boy under his wing and is a second father to him. He instills in Hoster discipline, and the family words, Duty, Honor, Family.

He hires swordmasters from Essos and Westeros to teach his great nephew so that he would become the greatest Lord the Riverlands has ever had. As time passes Edmure becomes resentful and jealous of the relationship between his son and uncle. Then tragedy hits Rosalin dies giving birth to their third child a girl he names Minisa after his mother. Their second son is named Edmyn.

Edmure takes to drinking and leaves the running of his House to his Uncle and son. One night while drunk he was walking by the river and fell in. Edmure drowned, his body was found three weeks later. Brynden became Regent of the Riverlands until Hoster came of age to rule.


After touring Westeros and gaining an oath from the lords on behalf of his brother and house. Darius returns to Essos and rules as King in New Volyria. Many parts of the city are still under construction, but for the most part the palace and sixty percent of the city and the market is finished. He would rule until his father retired as Emperor. Before parting ways Galarad told his son Darius that when Darius turned 30 name days old he would retire and Darius would become Emperor.

It is in New Volyria that Daenarys has another child, a girl they name Rhaella Palidyn after her mother. She has red eyes and hair like her mother, she does not possess the gift like her father. They have another daughter they name Constance. Constance has dark hair like her father and her eyes change color every three days. Then they have a son and name him Rhaegar Palidyn. He like his father and sister possess the gift.

A year before his thirtieth name day Darius moves his family to Meereen. His name day celebration and coronation last a week. There is a tourney and horse racing. People from all over come. Lord Gendry and his wife Arya show up. Tyrion and Shae Lannister, Maegyr and Margaery Tyrell, Prince Oberyn and many others. Rickon as well and his wife Lady Wylla Stark.

"Hail Darius! Emperor of the World Lord of House Palidyn,.Long may he reign!" They all say unison; both commoners and nobles alike. After the feast, Galarad retires to an island with his wife. They are often visited by the Children and Grandchildren. Galarad retired at the age of 70 and died at the age of 101. His wife died the day after him and they were buried in the family crypt next to Emperor Dorran Palidyn the founder of House Palidyn.