"Then we let them come and put an army between them and you." I spoke up. "If there is nothing we can do but prepare, then we will do just that. I stand ready."

"No, I want you to look over my sons." The king turned to me. "Your young, and you have someone to live for, don't throw it away for my sins Kirishima."

"But, King Harrow..."

"No buts, you are to take the boys to the Banthor Lodge as soon as you can tomorrow. I ask this of you, not as a king, but as a father and fellow man." I looked into the kings brown eyes and sighed.

"I'll protect them with my life."

Iron will. Unmoved.

Mission of Elven Revenge.

Riot and Moon Blade.

Chapter 4: Assassin

I leaped from tree to tree, blades in my hands, stained red with berry juice in place of the blood that they should have spilt. I landed on the forest floor, with out a sound. I walked through the bushes into the encampment. "Your back" Runaan said.

"Yeah, I used both of them." I said as I tilted them up wards.

"I can see that." he tossed me a cloth to wipe my blades with. As I cleaned them he said something that only made me feel worse. "I'm proud of you."

We awoke in the earliest rays of dawn, tonight was the full moon. And we knew what must be done. "Everyone, it is time for the binding." Runaan ordered. We stood in a circle in a small grove. "Tonight we deliver justice on those who murdered the Dragon king, and destroyed his only egg." He pulled out the binding strand and tied it around his are. "We bind our lives to justice."

One by one we pledged ourselves to the oath. And as we said our oaths we placed our clenched fists in front of us.

"My breath for freedom."

"My eyes for truth."

"My strength for honor."

"My blood for justice."

I looked to the others before placing my hand over my heart, "My heart for Xadia."

Runaan went to each of us and tied the long strand around our wrists. "Life is precious, life is valuable. We take it; but we do not take it lightly."

"Moon reflects sun, as life, reflects death." I finished the oath and Runaan cut the cords, the magic taking hold and tightening our bonds.

As the others returned to their duties I stopped Runaan. "What is it Rayla?"

"What if they know we are coming?" I asked, thinking of the man I spared.

"We have the element of surprise on our side, I know you worry about this mission. But we will avenge the dragon King."

I packed my clothes in the bag. The Princes had been told to get ready to travel to the winter lodge. "I should be staying to fight." I said to myself. "Not running away when a man's life is in danger."

"I know how you feel, but orders are orders." I looked behind me to Marcos, the man who had brought us the news of the assassins. "The king trusts you to keep his son's safe."

"I know. I know." I rolled my eyes. "I'll make sure the most dangerous thing they encounter is my training sessions with Prince Callum."

The dark haired man looked at me as I roughly packed some more clothes. "I hope that's all you have to deal with." I nodded to him and moved out of the room.

"Fight with glory." I said as I passed him.

"Die with honor."

I then set about looking for the princes. I found Callum on his way to speak with his father. "Hey, are you guys packed?" I asked.

"Oh, uh yeah totally." He pointed at me as he backed away.

"Callum." I said. "You lost Ezran?"

"Lost is such a strong word." He gave me a strained smile.

"Callum." I chuckled. "I'll keep looking, we have to be out of here before dark."

"Fine, after I'm done talking to my father we will find him." He hurried off to his father.

I sat on large stone as the sun crossed the blue sky. the slow methodical scrape of stone on metal filled my ears as I sharpened my blades. At first I didn't hear it, but soon the thumping of hooves filled the air, I stood up as a lunar moth landed on my nose at the same time Runaan crushed his amulet and cast a spell, hideing us from the world.

A large group of humans entered the grove, among them was the dark haired man I spared.

"Looks like the old man's tracking spell doesn't work." the leader said as he looked around, pushing his blonde hair out of his eyes. "Come we defend the king the normal way." The hooves faded into the distance as the spell faded.

"You fool, you've killed us all!" Runaan stormed to me. "You were to kill him."

"He did nothing wrong, and the fear in his eyes. It wouldn't be right." I defended my self.

"I shouldn't have brought you. You're to young and immature. You are off the mission." He moved past me.

"Off the mission, I bound myself, you can't just leave me behind!" I said.

"No, you gave us away, now they will be ready for us. You may be the strongest among us, but you have the most growing to do. The binding will come undone when the King and Price lay dead."

"Then you need me all the more, you can't go into this a elf down."

"You don't get a say in this anymore." The rest of the assassins picked up their weapons and took of to the castle.

"Nay, I won't just sit pretty, I have a job to do as well. I'll prove my worth." And I took off for the human castle.

I kept an eye on the sun as it dipped lower and lower towards the horizon. I was walking down the hall ways until I heard a loud crash of metal. "Ezran?" I asked as I jogged into the next hall and saw Callum being chased into Viren's office by a figure in green... an assassin. "HEY!" I charged them down as the figure slammed the door shut, my body hardened over as I crashed through the wood, tackling the figure to the ground. They twisted out of my grip.

"What the... that door is a foot thick!" Her accent is thick, she backed away with her four fingered hands on her blades.

"It's isn't manly to hunt down a child." I stood up straight.

"Same age as you man."

"I'm not a man."

"Both fair points." We all turned to Ezran who's head was poking out behind a painting.

'Right... secret tunnels.' I thought. "You two run, I'll hold her off." my arms hardened over, my fingers forming claws.

"What the..." Callum said before Ezran pulled him into the tunnel.

"What kind of dark magic is that?" She pointed her blades at me.

"No magic, it's just the way I was born." I lunged at her, fist smashing a hole in the stone wall. She slashed at me which I blocked with my right arm, the metal blades sparked off my skin. I swung again and she ducked under my arm, her blades flicked open and shut, they were now hooks. She hooked my leg and swept it out from under me. I landed on the palm of my hand and spun on it, not unlike one of Mina's dance moves.

My leg impacted her arm and knocked the blade from her hand. I did a kip onto my feet as she slashed at me with her second blade. I blocked it with my hand and grabbed her by the clothes and threw her against the wall. She landed horizontally and pushed off to attack me but I was ready. I ducked under the hook and jabbed her in the stomach. She fell to the ground gasping for air. 'The Princes, if there is one assassin, then where are the others!?' I pulled the painting away from the wall and rushed down the cobblestone hall. I could hear them up ahead. I rounded a corner to see them descend a spiral stone staircase in the floor.

"Kirishima! Hurry up!" Ezran called out to me.

I shot down the stairs which Ezran closed behind me, the stones setting back into place. "Man what was that! Your body looked like it was made of stone!" Callum yelled to me.

"My Quirk, Hardening, I can harden any part of my body. A simple power, but effective." I looked at the two.

"Quirk?" Ezran asked.

"I'll explain when we don't have a murder elf after us." I said as I looked around the chamber. "What is this place?"

"I don't know, but you two have to see..." The sound of stone grating on stone cut him off as the elf descended into the chamber.

"What the, how did you? It took me months to figure out that combination." Ezran backed up as Bait croaked in his arms.

"I touched all the stones with jelly on them." She said. I got a good look at her, white hair, black horns, and blue markings under her eyes.

The young prince slapped him self in the face, leaving a jelly smear. "Get back." I stood between her and the princes.

"Wait, there is something you have to see first." Ezran called out.

"Ezran, this isn't the time for show and tell." Callum said as he backed up.

"It's under that sheet." He said while pointing at a large object hidden under a dusty sheet, a fait glow emanating from inside the cloth. "You'll want to see it." He said as he looked at her.

"Fine but if it's a trick, I'm killing all three of ya." She walked past us and the princes moved behind me as she pulled the cloth away to reveal a huge glowing egg, a multitude of shifting colors gleamed in the midnight blue shell. "It can't be... the egg of the Dragon Prince."

And chapter 4 is completed.