This is the second spin off of my Roses among Heroes stories, go read them if you want context, also at this point of writeing this I haven't reached the raid yet, I'm in the build up to it.

Rayla is best girl,

You can't win this argument,

I made a Haiku.

Chapter 1: Katolis

I laid flat on my back, light dancing in my eyes, as I stared up into the night, I groaned as I sat up. I got my bearings as I looked around, laying on the ground next to me was Ruby, her clothes torn up and black blood dripped from several small wounds. I tried to think about what had happened. "We were in the raid... Chisaki had become some sort of monster... then as we were falling... Ruby had screamed in pain... all I can remember is silver and purple light." I said as I held my side. Rappa had done a number on me. My entire chest was covered in bloody bandages and my body screamed in protest as I stood up.

"Ruby..." I said.

"I can't move..." She said quietly. She gave out a small hiss as I picked her up. "Please... be careful."

"I'll get you help." I brushed her dark hair out of her face, pale as snow with red markings around her black and silver eyes, two thin horns curled around her ears and back up under them. A single scar marked her face, a thin imperfection on her cheek. "I see smoke." I ran in the direction, west ward. trying my best to not jostle her, We soon found a road and I ran as fast as I could in the dark moon light.

I spotted a large town surrounded by tall walls and the red banners that adorned them had two towers, one taller the then the other. To guards stood with their weapon raised and poised to strike us. "HALT!" I slowed at the command. "What is your business so late at night?"

"We need help... please you have to help us... my friend is badly hurt, she needs a doctor." I huffed out.

One of the guards tilted his head towards me and the female warrior came forward, spear in hand. In the dim light she could see the torn and bloody rags that covered my wounds. As she came up to us Ruby shifted her body to look at her. "Black magic... there is only one man who can help you... Lord Viren." She said.

"How much will it cost? Please... I need her..." I said as even with her small size my arms began to burn but I refused to let her go.

"It won't cost you a thing. Come with me." She said and her partner signaled for the gates to be opened.

I didn't pay attention to the town, once we arrived at the central Keep I was lead to the throne room where four people we're waiting for us, a man with dark brown skin and gold trimmed clothes fit for a king. A man in long dark ornate dress and a white staff, his hair beginning to grey with age. A girl who was clearly his daughter, raven black hair and a knight with blonde hair and a more youthful face of the man with the staff. They gestured for me to lay Ruby on a table.

"What happened to you two?" The girl asked.

"We... had been in a fight for our lives... I don't really want to go into the details." I said as I sat in a chair hissing as my body screamed in pain. "Bandits."

"I don't see how bandits could have done such black magic to her." The man with a the staff walked around the table.

"They didn't, her grand father had experimented on her, trying to make a weapon... our teacher put a stop to that." I said, "It's a permanent state for her."

"I see. Viren… as much as I disagree with dark magic... we can't leave her to die." The man kingly man said.

"Of course King Harrow, Soren, bring him to the physicians, Claudia and I will do what we can to save her." Viren said, a smile on his face, "We'll save her."

I didn't sleep that night as my bandages and wounds were fixed. I was still awake when Soren came for me again. "Up you get!" He yelled as he burst into the room

"I was never down." I said pushing myself away from the window, "How's Ruby?" I asked.

"She's talking with my sister. Girl stuff, come on man." He walked in, "Dad was able to fix her up."

"That's good..." I sat down on the cot.

"So what is your relation to this girl?" He asked. "To defend her and carry her is pretty manly."

"Except I had promised her I wouldn't let her get hurt, not after what happened last time. How can I be there for if I'm so weak."

Soren pulled me to my feet. "Come on kid, I know what will cheer you up, some of the bakers jelly tarts, we'll pick some up for your girlfriend as well. She is your girlfriend right?" He asked as he leaned in.

"She is." I said.

"Well it isn't my place to judge." He shrugged as he marched out of the room. I rolled my eyes as I followed him. We soon found our selves in a really old fashioned bakery, the baker was just taking the jelly tarts out of the brick oven.

He noticed us enter the room, he waved to us. "A bit early for jelly tarts Soren?" He asked.

"It isn't for me, then man carried his injured beloved for miles last night to save her life, so I was thinking you give him some, on me of course." Soren smiled.

"Ha, such a honorable man, it'll be on the house." He turned to pastries but there was well dressed child with his hand halfway to the tarts. "Prince Ezran! How many times do I have to tell you!" he made a grab for the child. he danced out of his reach.

"Run for it Bait!" He giggled as he scooped up a yellow and blue creature and ran past us. I had a good laugh, I had tried similar things as a kid.

"Oh I'll talk to his father." Soren said with a wink. "I really won't," he whispered, "After all you don't rat out your friends."

After we got what I thought as too many of them we spotted the young prince, to whom Soren gave a sack full. "Your the best."

"Anything for the Crown Prince." He said.

I stood in wide court yard as I used my magic for Lord Viren and Claudia. "Simply amazing. I would love to take you under my wing as a apprentice mage, dark magic with out words or components, I am truly jealous." The man said.

"Well it isn't all fun, I have to be careful with it." I said as pulled on the ripped remains of my cape, they had offered me a new one, but this one was special to me, I had to completely scrap my old clothes, wearing one of Claudia's old mage robes, it was red with black and gold trim. I picked up my Scythe.

"You never said what that red box was for." Claudia said as she smiled at me.

"This 'red box' is my weapon." I flicked the switch and my baby Crescent Rose spun in my hand, "I forged Crescent Rose my self." I placed in on the magnetic holster hidden beneath my clothes.

"Amazing." Viren said. "You have talents beyond your tender years." He eyed me. "As the Kings most trusted advisor I would like to make you a offer. As you said, you two seek to help the innocent, well I offer you just that. Protect the innocent as warriors of the Kingdom."

"I'll have to talk with Kiri about it." I said.

"I understand, it is a great responsibility." He gave a shallow bow. "One that I hope you accept." I heard footsteps approaching, I turned to see Kiri with a knight in black and white armor trimmed with gold. "I see my son Soren has brought your friend."

"Kiri!" I tackled him in a hug before kissing him on the cheek, "Thank you."

"You'd do it for me." He hugged me tight. "A few days and I'll be back in fighting shape."

"Young love, makes me ache for my younger years." We turned to the king, but before we could bow he continued. "I would like to introduce you to my sons." He gestured to one boy. "Callum where is your brother?"

Callum had brown hair and fair skin, and he didn't bear a resemblance to the king. "Don't worry my king, Ezran is playing with Bait." Soren said. "We ran into him on the way here. Jelly tart?"

"Oh, that boy." He shook his head as he took the treat.

"Hi, so you two were the fuss last night?" Callum, "Glad to see your safe."

"Thank you." I said, "I hope we weren't to much of a disturbance." I said.

"Oh not at all, just unexpected is all." The king said. "I'm just glad we could help."

We spent nearly three months in the city of Kitolis, acting as Heroes to the people of Kitolas, I was at first met with a bit of fear, but it soon was washed away. Kiri would spend the mornings training with Soren and Callum, and I would learn magic from Lord Viren and Claudia.

One such morning the subject turned to the history of dark magic. "Dark magic is the magic of humanity, we weren't born with a connection to the natural magics. So to defend our selves we had to take from others." Lord Viren said as he paced. "The elves cast us out because we chose to stand up to their tyranny."

I nodded along, everything I had heard of the distant land of Xadia and been so negative, the peoples hatred for the elves of long ago hadn't seized it the centuries that had passed. "I'm just not comfortable with pulling the power out of something else, it doesn't seem natural."

"But I understand your hesitation, but when you kill a animal you use every part, the hide for clothes, the bones for tools, and the meat for food. How is taking it's magic any different?" He asked as he looked down at me. "When you feel ready, come to me."

And I know, I know. I'm great.