Hey, I'm back. I know a lot of you were mad that I went on a long hiatus. Had some personal problems and I needed to figure out somethings. Anyway I bring you a new chapter and it's battle training. I have also fixed pervious chapters in the name Mirio.
DragoFae24: Yes, Izuku will be able to curve bullets like in the movie wanted.
HighPaladinRath: I am looking for an editor, the process is slow.
doomNgloom: I know In felt bad too.
PartyinLA: Thanks for the support.
Anyway that's it for reveiws.
Chapter 5: Team Battle Begins
Izuku rubbed his eyes as he woke up from his sleep, the annoying sounds of his alarm were coming from his phone. The teen groaned and tapped his phone to stop it, it did and when it did he checked the time. Izuku slowly got up from his bed and boy it was hard to do so. The bed felt so comfortable that he wanted to sink into it, but school calls and it's time to go.
Izuku rubbed his bed head and got up to do his morning workout and hygiene, once that was completed he got dressed for school. Izuku was going to leave now, but looked at his bed. It was neatly made, but that isn't what he was worried about. He had everything, but one thing. The teen turned his head back to the hallway to see that his mother was up now and making a small breakfast.
The emerald hair teen decided to reach his hand underneath his bed mattress and grabbed his vape pen. When he did he quickly slipped it into his pocket without his mother noticing.
'Might as well take it, hell Katsuki might make me switch to real cigarettes.' Izuku thought as he began to head out of his room. He didn't stay long to eat breakfast, he just took some toast and pieces of bacon with him.
When Izuku got outside he could see that everyone was now outside and going about their day. Izuku put his headphones in and decided to tune the world out. Izuku played some music as he began to make his way to school and as he walked he didn't realize that some people were watching him from above.
"So, that's Hood's kid?" The voice came from a male and was soon followed up by another only this time it was female.
"Yeah, and you know, I can really see the resemblance. I mean those freckles had to come from the boss." The woman spoke, her voice was soft and young.
"Should we go see him?" Both the man and woman looked behind them to see another male individual, this one with a deep voice and wearing a black hooded shroud around his body.
"No way, the boss said we can't make contact with Izuku unless he is in danger. Besides the only one of us that can break that rule is Tatsu." The young woman mentioned another member of this team that Red Hood has.
"We shouldn't even be here, we should be looking for Stain."
"I couldn't agree more." The three mysterious individuals that were on the roof spying on Izuku turned around in surprise when they heard the voice of another woman. A woman that they didn't want to piss off and that said woman looked very irritated right now.
"Katana, hey. What are you doing here?" It was obvious that Katana knew what they were doing and who they were spying on. The young woman tried to play off the obvious while the other two men just shook their heads. Tatsu aka Katana was an anti-hero and a member of Red Hood's gang called the Outlaws.
She is deadly, scary, powerful, athletic, hot, sexy, you know name it. The woman is in her early to mid twenties judging by her looks, she has long black hair put into a ponytail, red eyes, nice breast, but the most distinctive feature was the scar that was on her face. The scar went in a diagonal direction and from forehead to chin.
"I could ask you the same thing, but it seems like you're spying on my little brother. Hood, gave you strict orders not to interfere with Izuku's life. When Hisashi is ready he will bring Izuku in, but till then unless the situation says otherwise you all stay all away. Understand?" Katana asked them and they all understood. The scarred woman just shook her head at her teammates, she then walked to the edge to see Izuku walking to school.
"Stain has gone MIA and Hood wants him found. This was his last known, check it out and report back to him." Tastu handed a slip of paper to the woman and she nodded her head with a smile.
"What will you be doing? Playing big sister too little handsome down there." Tatsu glared at her female friend, but answered nonetheless.
"I will be looking into a tip. Someone is looking for villains for some kind of job, a tip came in from our spy in the inside of the force. His CI told him and our friend told Hood, and now I'm here to investigate."
"Got it, let us know if you need back up." The other man said as they all nodded, but Tatsu kept her eyes on Izuku.
"We'll be heading out. Cloak, want to give us a ride." The dark skinned man named Cloak is the one with the hooded shroud, he nodded his head and opened his cloak out. The two other members stepped in and soon were gone from the rooftop, and soon Cloak was as well leaving only Katana on it.
The woman had turned her eyes away from Izuku and was now on another person, that person was Inko. She watched Inko with sad eyes and lonely eyes, eyes that said she wanted to be next to her, to meet her.
She wanted to meet Inko so much, but not right now. Now wasn't the right time, now she had a mission to do. "Soon." Tastu whispered as she turned around and made her way off the roof.
Izuku had made it to UA, he took off his headphones when he saw Minoru come up to him. Izuku pounded fist with the shorter boy as they walked in and as they were doing so Izuku was getting looks from the rest of the students in the hallways. He already knew why and just sighed inwardly.
"So that they know now huh?" Minoru sadly nodded his head knowing how his friend wanted to escape his father's shadow.
"I have a suspect, but I'm sure you already know who."
"Katsuki." Izuku growled, that damn teen can't just leave him alone. Why does he feel the need to be better than him? He wasn't trying to be the number one hero, all he wanted to do was escape his father's shadow, catch him, and live his life in peace.
"Yeah, he was the main suspect, but the other students might have told people as." Izuku nodded his head as both friends continued to walk down the hallways.
"The Media?" Minoru honestly shrugged his shoulders, the media was not here so that may have been a good sign. But for how long is the question.
"They may be to occupied with All Might becoming a teacher to worry about you, but-"
"I doubt it. The son of Red Hood going to UA to become a hero, heh...That's a headline in its own right." Minoru nodded his head again because Izuku was right, it's only a matter of time before the media gets here and they get wind of him being here. It's going to make headlines all over the papers, news, and radio stations.
"There is also another thing we need to talk about." Izuku now looked at his sidekick curiously and he could see the serious face on him. A look that seemed unnatural for him.
"They also know that you took a shot at Aizawa-sensei." Izuku gritted his teeth frustration, is anything private anymore.
"Great," Izuku dragged as they were nearing the classroom, but before going in, Minoru still had some things to say to Izuku.
"Wait, before we go in young to some explaining to do." Izuku looked down with confusion.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Minoru made a face and saw that his friend really didn't know what he was talking about.
"When were you going to tell me that you knew Shoto Todoroki and not only that, but you're his cousin?" Izuku rolled his eyes at the grape teen, it wasn't that big of a deal to him.
"Our dads worked together. My dad is his godfather and I'm his Endeavor's godson." Minoru dropped his jaw in shock. Izuku was the godson of Endeavor and he didn't even know about it.
"Wait if you're his godson does that mean that you're Frost's godson." Izuku knew that Minoru was talking to his aunt Rei, who is now the retired Ice Hero Frost. Rei and Enji made the fire and ice duo, one of, if not best duos ever.
"Yes, I still don't see the big deal about it. They are my godparents and their kids are my cousins, nothing more to talk about." Minoru put his head in his hands, Izuku was one of a kind. Only he would not see that his cousins, godfather, and godmother are arguably the first family of heroism.
The Todoroki's have always been heroes since the early days, Endeavor's father, Captain Burns, is a former number three hero. His mother, Phoenix, is one of the first female heroes to ever crack the top ten. She was trend sender when it came to females becoming pros.
Izuku ignored Minoru's reaction and just headed into the class where many of the students were waiting and conversing. Izuku saw that their eyes were on him, but he ignored them and just walked to his desk with Minoru behind him.
He sat down and just leaned his head on his hand, while Minoru sat in front of him. The short teen leaned up to speak with Izuku, because their conversation was not done. He still had one more thing to ask him and it was about a certain girl.
"We also need to talk about a certain someone that sits next to you." Minoru Izuku opened his eyes, he could only assume that this certain someone was female.
"There is nothing going on, period." Izuku told him, Momo and him were not a thing and he wasn't looking for a thing. Minoru could see that, but he being the woman expert that he is, he could also see when a girl is interested in a guy.
"Yeah, in your eyes maybe. But I think she is interested in you." Izuku looked back at him like he was crazy, there was no way that Momo was into him. I mean she is a princess from an aristocratic family, while he is...well, he is him.
You're wrong, now hush up class is about to start." Izuku told Minoru as he saw Shoto and Momo come in together and take their seats in back with him.
As they were walking Izuku saw the black eyes of Momo staring at him. He ignored them though and just turned his head to the window, but even looking outside he could still feel that gaze of the princess on him. Izuku was not the only one who saw it though, as Minoru and Shoto caught the gaze of Momo.
Minoru had just been given more evidence that Momo likes Izuku and now he really needs to have a talk with his partner. Momo and Izuku together is a serious situation...for Izuku.
Shoto on the other hand was curious as to why Momo would be staring at Izuku. He figured that it was because he was the son of Red Hood. That seemed to be the talk of the hallways as he and her were coming here.
Shoto heard what everyone was saying about his cousin, saying that Izuku would be like his father, saying that he is a future killer, saying that he has no place in a school of heroes. Shoto wanted to freeze that entire hallway filled with students, but he controlled himself. His father and mother always taught him self control, his emotions fuel his powers and if he is out of control than so are they.
"Hey, Izuku."
"Hello, Izuku." Momo and Shoto greeted the green haired teen and Izuku just grunted to give his hello. Minoru just sighed in defeat, there seemed to be no way to help Izuku.
"And hello to you, Minoru." Minoru was caught off guard by the greeting, he didn't think that his short self garnered the attention of one Momo. Shoto looked at Minoru curiously, he wanted to ask how he knew Izuku, but before he could ask Aizawa had come in.
Everyone stopped talking and faced toward the desk where their teacher stood behind. The eraser hero looked at everyone, but took a much longer glance before speaking to his class.
"Yesterday you took the apprehension test, today you will learn what it likes to fight like us. Today each of you will doing battle training with your hero teacher and that-"
"I am here, coming through the door like a normal person!" Everyone got excited when they saw All Might bursting through the door...which was anything but normal, but what hell. He was All Might.
"Yeah, I'll let him take over." Everyone ignored Aizawa and just paid attention to what All Might was going to say. The number one hero stood in front of the desk in his silver age costume and all the students including Izuku marveled at the number one hero. Izuku didn't show it like the rest, but he was damn well impressed and he still couldn't believe that this man is a teacher.
"Today each of you will be doing Battle Training as teams, but in order to do this you all need one thing. COSTUMES!" All Might shouted, he was so loud that the whole could hear him.
"YES!" The students roared, making All Might smile, he activated a device on the desk and soon cases came out the wall with names on them.
"Here are your costumes. Get suited up and then meet at the training grounds." All Might ran out after that and many of the students got up to grab, but before Izuku could leave he was stopped.
"Izuku, wait." Aizawa called out as he was about to leave with suitcase in hand. Minoru, Shoto, and Momo looked back at him to see him sigh.
"Put down the case. We need to talk." Aizawa ordered his student and Izuku did so, there was no point fighting him again since the outcome would be the same.
"You three can go." The students that truly knew Izuku were hesitant to leave, but one word from Izuku was all that it took.
"Go." Izuku told them and they all nodded, each of them left the classroom. Minoru took one last look as he exited the door, he looked back to see that his best friend gave a nod of his head. That nod meant Izuku will handle it, he'll be alright and he will meet up with him.
Now that the friends left Izuku walked in front of the desk that Aizawa stood behind and gave him an uninterested look. He didn't want to be here and he didn't want to hear what he had to say, but the teen would be surprised what this conversation will do for him down the road in the future.
"What do you need, sensei?" Izuku asked with a bored tone and Aizawa could tell that he didn't want to be here and neither did he, but the kid needed to hear some advice. If not then his future is ruined before it could even get started.
"I like you kid," Izuku was caught off guard by that comment, he did not have time to react as Aizawa continued.
"I think you have skills to be great in this job, but you need to learn how to control your emotions. Yesterday was a test to see if you could handle yourself when people mention your father and compare him to you. You failed when you attacked me."
"But nothing. You failed simple as that. You attacked your teacher, tell me. Are you going to attack a civilian or a fellow hero when they badmouth you about your dad? Are you just going to shoot at everybody that you're angry with?" Izuku didn't answer, but he did shake his head. Aizawa had a point, even if that point hurts like hell. His words were like gut punches to the teens' stomach, hell it was worse than the knee.
"I get it, you're angry at your old man and you're angry at everyone else that is thinking that you're the second coming of him. They are always going to be people that are going to think that you're him. Your job is to prove them wrong and to do that you need to control your emotions. You need to be a hero. Am I understood?" Izuku nodded his head and Aizawa leaned back into his chair, he opened a sippy juice and began to sip it.
"Now, get too class." Izuku nodded his head once again and grabbed a case, one he got to the door he stopped.
"Thanks, Aizawa-sensei." Izuku thanked him and then left, Aizawa just nodded his head as he continued to sip his juice.
'He's just like you, Hisashi. Stubborn and trying to prove himself. Wonder if he knows about your past?' Aizawa thought as he finished his juice, once he was done he grabbed a sleeping bag and opened it up to sleep in it.
As 1-A was getting ready, the voice of All Might boomed around the school earlier and basically told everyone that Class 1-A was doing something.
"Mmph, guess All Might is starting the battle training with 1A. Do you think we can watch them?" Toya asked as he and other members of the Big 4 were in english class with Present.
"Toya, we skipped math class yesterday. We can't skip english." Neijire told him, but Mic had other plans.
"Sure we can watch, there is nothing to do anyway."
"What about the lesson you are supposed to teach?" Tamaki asked the obvious, but Mic just waved his hand at it.
"You english is good. Now let's watch." Mic got the remote and turned the television to the battle ground where class 1A will do their training. The monitors gave them the cameras of the building and they could see what they would and where they would attack.
'I hope Izuku does well, the rumors are starting to spread, but I believe that he will do well.' Mirio thought as he saw that the students were starting to come out in their costumes. Ah, he remembered that in his first year here. Oh man, he's getting old.
With 1-A
Izuku was still in the locker rooms getting dressed, everyone else had left and was now outside. The reason for his lateness was because of the much needed talk with Aizawa and as much as he hated to admit this, but his sensei was right. He needed to work on controlling his emotions when it comes to him and his father. Katsuki is one person in particular that has been egging him on and he knows that there are more out like him.
He just needs to ignore them and focus on the job, the job of being a hero. That is what he is here for, that is what he wants to be, and that is what he will direct his full attention. No matter what people say about him, he will prove them wrong by becoming a hero. Izuku looked at his guns and grabbed them.
He checked the guns to make sure that it was good, he aimed it at another locker to make sure that its sight was ready to go, and finally he checked the ammunition. Everything was good. Izuku got up from the bench and walked to the mirror, he had everything on him except for the mask. Izuku took one last deep breath and put the mask on, his costume was complete and he headed out to meet the rest.
"Come on, Zu. Where are you?" Minoru asked aloud as he and everyone else was in their costume waiting for All Might to start the class. They didn't have to wait long as Izuku came out in his costume and Minoru was the one to spot him.
"Whoa Zu, nice costume." Minour said aloud as everyone turned their heads to Izuku costume and were impressed.
Izuku had on black kevlar body armor under his black jacket, black gloves, green camo pants, and black boots. His guns were at his sides and on his face was a black domino mask with white lens. To everyone the costume was nice, but it seemed more advanced than theirs.
"Thanks," Izuku said simply as he joined the rest of the group. Izuku had various costumes that everyone was wearing, but only one really stood out and that was Momo.
'Damn.' Izuku was glad that his mask hid his eyes, but he was staring at Momo's assets for a while and he doesn't know if she noticed or guessed it but she did see him looking at him.
"Nice costume, Izuku." Momo complimented him and Izuku turned his head to the side, one reason was to hide the blush and the second reason was to hide his eyes from staring at Momo's chest.
'Does she really have to show that much skin to use her quirk?' Izuku thought he didn't even need to see that his best friend had fallen under spell since his eyes were replaced with hearts.
"Yours is...unique." Izuku told her he had to pause to find the right word that fitted her costume description and unique was the...most appropriate word for it. Momo smiled when she heard his pause, he was just so shy that it made her smile for some reason.
"That's one word for her costume." The three friends looked to see Shoto coming towards them in a blue costume. The dual quirk user coming up to them and looking at Izuku, he could definitely see that it was more advanced than the rest which made him wonder one thing. Where did Izuku get it?
"Izuku, if you don't mind asking who gave you the costume?" Izuku looked at Shoto and told him the answer.
"Uncle Enji gave it to me. He sent it to my house after my run in with the slime villain." Shoto nodded his head, he didn't know that his father sent Izuku something. He wish that he would've known so he could've helped out, Izuku was his family too.
"Looks like time is up." Everyone saw Minoru's eyes on All Might as the teacher coughed into his hand to get everything's attention. All students' eyes were now on the older pro and All Might had a pick smile on his face for the battles were about to begin. All he had to do was announce the teams and the objective.
"Alright, listen up. First off, you all look good in your costumes. They say if you look good, you feel good, you work good. Now second of all, each of you will be teams for your battle training. The teams will consist of four members and this battle will be traditional hero vs villains. The villain team will defend the bomb and the hero team will be making the assault. The time on the clock will be one hour, if heroes fail to retrieve the bomb before then they lose and if villains can hold on until then or capture the heroes they win. Understand?"
Everyone nodded hand and put both his hands in two boxes, one had a H and other a V for the teams. When All Might withdrew his hand he told students who would be going first.
"The hero team will be Mashirao Ojiro, Toru Hagakure, Eijiro Kirishima, and Yuga Aoyama. The villain team members will be Izuku Midoriya, Minoru Mineta, Momo Yayoruzo, and Rikido Sato. You all know your teammates, now go get ready. You all have 30 minutes. As for the rest of us will be in the observation room watching the fight. Take note everyone, you never know when it might come in handy."
After announcing the teams All Might and the rest of students headed up into the observation room, but not all left quietly. Katsuki passed by Izuku and gave him some words of advice, advice that Izuku did not want to hear.
"Try to not kill anyone, Deku." Izuku took a deep breath at Katsuki's comment and made a fist.
"Control your emotions." The words that Aizawa gave him came into the teens mind, as much as he wanted to lash out at the teen it wouldn't be the right decision. So Izuku decided on the best move at this moment.
"Oohh!" Everyone echoed as Izuku stuck up his middle finger and gave Katsuki the bird. Izuku walked away without even speaking to his teammates, he just headed to the building that they were going to defend.
"Good luck," Shoto told the villain team, but before he left he looked down at Minoru.
"Keep an eye on him." Minoru was caught off guard that the son of Endeavor was talking to him, but he nodded at him.
"Yes sir!" Minoru saluted and then ran back to catch up with Izuku. Shoto looked back and hoped that Izuku was in good hands, his worries would be put to rest when he heard Momo's voice.
"I'll make sure that he is alright." Momo told him as she and Sato began to make their way to the building. Shoto smiled, he is a friend always worrying about him.
"Thanks, Momo. I'll see you after the match." Shoto told her as he began to walk back to the observation room to join the rest of the students. Izuku had arrived at the building and before walking in he punched the wall, his mind allowing him to think that the ash blonde face was the wall.
Minoru saw the punch and ignored it, he had seen this already from his friend back at middle school. There were a lot of holes at school thanks to Izuku.
"Hey, Zu. Wait up!" Minoru called out to him, but he ignored him and kept walking, heading up the stairs.
"Don't you think we should wait for everyone?" Izuku stopped walking when he heard, he was so pissed that he didn't realize that he was walking without the team and he would need them to win this.
"Sorry," Izuku apologized as he sat down on the steps, he didn't get up far, he was on the fourth step. Minoru came up and sat next to him, he wonders how many times they have been like this. Ironically this is how they first met, Izuku being pissed and sitting on the steps and Minoru being a lonely kid saw him. He walked up to him and introduce himself and from there it was smooth sailing.
Who knew that one day when a short grape haired teen would end being best friends with the son of Red Hood? Even after being friends for seven years, Minoru wouldn't change a thing. Izuku and him are here for the long run and they will be there for each other.
"Want to talk?" Minoru asked simply, knowing that Izuku wasn't going to say yes and he was right.
"No." Izuku said simply, he didn't want to talk, he never did. Izuku just reached into his belt and grabbed his vapor. The teen put his mouth and smoked it, with a release of breath he allowed the cloud to come out his mouth.
"Does your mom know you vape yet?" Minoru asked and Izuku gave him a knowing look, a look that said no.
"Does your mom know that you keep your porn in a hidden floor compartment?"
"Touche." Minoru and Izuku shared a laugh, its times like these that they cherish. Two best friends, two misfits, two misunderstood people, two guys just trying to do the best with the hand that fate dealt them.
"So, what's that other thing you wanted to talk about?" Izuku asked as he took a hit of the vape, after he did he put it away.
"We need to talk about Momo?" Minoru clarified, bringing the topic to the discussion that was ended by Izuku earlier in the morning. Izuku sighed, releasing the smoke. I mean what was there to talk about anyway with him and her.
"There is nothing going on and there will never be, I mean look at us. She is an aristocrat, heir to a family fortune, no doubt a straight A student, smart, and someone that doesn't need to hang around me. Then there is me, a guy who is the son of a vigilante/villain/killer. I deal with issues on a daily basis, I'm a gun lover, and I vape head. We are polar opposites, not meant to be together." Izuku said simply as he leaned back on the stairs.
"Careful, Zu. You almost sounded sad in that last sentence." Minoru got a slap to the head for that comment.
"Hey, I'm serious though."
"And I'm serious. Momo and I can't work, so stop freaking out when we speak to each other. I doubt she see's me like that anyway." Minoru just shook his head and this time gave Izuku a look.
"Well that's where you're wrong, the ladies man knows when males and females are attractive to each other." Izuku gave a rare smile and decided to hit Minoru with something funny.
"Yet you are never able to tell when a girl is not interested in you." Minoru felt that one in his gut and just dropped to his knees in shame.
"Izuku, you're so mean." Izuku smirked and got up from the stairs, he headed towards the door since he could hear Momo and Sato speaking. Their conversation meant that they were close and it was time to plan.
"M, get up. We need to get ready." Minoru got his mopey self up off the ground and huddled up with Izuku, Momo, and Sato. Momo looked at all her team members and told them a plan, she brought a blueprint so they all could see the layout of the building.
"This here is where the bomb is located. There are multiple entrances into the building meaning,"
"That the heroes have more than enough entrances to get in. We should barricade the door to the bomb room and the windows making getting a whole lot harder." Momo nodded her head at Izuku, that is what she was going to suggest as well.
"I agree, but that still leads the hallways."
"Sato and I can handle that, we'll be the enforcers. Sato, you're the muscle and I will cover with my guns. Minoru you flood the hallway of the bomb room with grapes, they'll be our traps." Izuku told them, now that left the heroes themselves."
"What about the hero team and their quirks?" Minoru asked as he looked at the blueprint of where he will plant his grapes. "I think one of them is invisible and the other can harden himself."
"I can take care of Eijiro, my sugar rush will give me enough strength to take him on." Sato told his team confidently and everyone nodded at him.
"The big man is confident, got to love that." Sato chuckled at Minoru's joke as Izuku spoke next.
"Ojiro seems like a martial arts expert and Yuga is a range fighter. I can deal with them, but we still have one problem."
"Toru, the one who is invisible." Momo said, they all could see how dangerous the quirk is. She could easily just walk in and they would be none the wiser. Single Handedly she is the strength of her team and a giant problem for them.
"You think she's naked right now?" Minoru asked out of curiosity, Izuku and Momo ignored him, and Sato won't lie. He was curious as well, but he didn't have the courage to ask that aloud like his teammate.
"Probably, but focus on the mission Minoru." Izuku told him as he looked at his friend, Minoru might be the key to stopping Toru.
"You might be the key to stopping her. Your grapes will have to trap her, that way you can see where she is." Minoru got the plan and nodded his head, this could work if they all work together and play their cards right.
"What about me? I assume that I will be the last line of defense if you three fall." Izuku nodded his head to Momo's words, she would be the last line of defense.
"Guys, we can win this. Now we all get ready and get to our positions." Everyone nodded their head, but before Momo headed up to the bomb room. Izuku needed one thing from her.
"Momo," Momo turned back around to see the green haired teen down at the stairs. "I need something from you." Momo gave a cheshire smile and Izuku rolled his eyes.
"And what would that be?"
"I need a gun." Izuku told her seriously, but Momo still wanted to play games. Games that Izuku was in no mood for. He just wanted to win, not dance with this princess.
"What's the magic word?" Izuku eye twitched at the question and the fact that he saw Minoru making inappropriate motions with his hips.
Izuku didn't have time for this and he didn't have time for this. They need to get ready, the need to step the traps and get battle positions.
"I'm serious." Izuku told her hardly and added more base to his tone, but Momo still kept her smirk on her face.
"As am I. Having manners is needed for a gentleman and a hero, Izuku." Izuku just sighed and put two fingers to the bridge of his nose.
This girl was starting to be less annoying and more of a pain in ass for him. Izuku still had no choice, but to conceded to her wish, he needed the gun and they needed to get ready. They have about 10 minutes left and they don't use it wisely then they are screwed.
"Please, can I have a gun." Izuku asked as nicely as one could through gritted teeth, it was quite comical to Minoru and Sato.
Both hid their smiles though for they didn't want to face the wrath of Izuku's emerald orbs. Momo on the other hand was satisfied with the mannerism and nodded her head with answer.
"Yes, you may. What kind am I making?" Izuku didn't hesitate to answer her question with the gun, gun type, attachments and the bullets required for the gun.
"The MP5. SMG type, 9mm bullets, with a red dot laser sight, and tactical suppressor. Get all that?" Momo did indeed get all that Izuku said as she began to create it.
Soon she pulled a black SMG out of her chest with all the requested attachments, but that's not because she created three clips of ammo for the gun and gave Izuku a flash bang. The teen didn't request the flash bang, but he didn't say no as she handed him his weapon. Izuku took hold of the gun and looked at it, checking for any mistakes or flaws, but there were not any. It was perfect.
"Not bad," Izuku admitted, he wouldn't give the girl the satisfaction of knowing that she made a perfect weapon, but Momo knew that she did. So she just settled for the compliment that Izuku gave her.
"Alright, let's move." Izuku told them all and they all nodded. Soon they all began to move into their positions and got ready for battle.
Minoru set his grapes all over the third floor, the floor where the bomb was located was covered in grape, but it wasn't just the floor. It was the walls, the windows, and the ceiling. Minoru made sure that no one, but him was going to be able to be on this floor. Once that was done he signaled Momo to set up the barricade.
Momo soon began working like a machine as she barricaded the door with metal, making sure that no one was getting him. Once that was done she barricaded the windows, a while downstairs Izuku and Sato were getting ready.
They had one minute before the battle began. Izuku took off in a room where he could have a good line of sight to see the entrance. He checked the bullets and loaded them back in. He was ready and when the heroes come in, he can scatter them with his gun.
"Sato, make sure you get the red head. He will no doubt be able to block my bullets." Sato nodded his head, but before he left to hide in the room he had to tell Izuku something.
"Hey...uh, I know that you're Red Hood's son and all, but I don't care. I think you are a good dude." Izuku plainly nodded his head, not caring about what Sato said, but deep down he was glad to hear that. Maybe Sato will be the first of many to see that he is not his father and that he will not be the next Red Hood.
The countdown was at 5, then 4, 3, 2, 1. "GO!" When All Might yelled go the battle began. Five heroes, five villains. One goal, win.
To be Continued