AN: Hey peeps, Rt here and welcome to a new story. I present you the gunslinging Hero. In this story will have not OFA, he will have two quirks not powerful ones though. His main source of weapons will be guns, any and all types. Pistols, SMG's, rifles, and so on. As for Pairing I decided to go with Momo, she can make bullets and guns. Alright let's get to the story.

Also Miro has OFA and will be a role model of sorts for Izuku. Think of Miro as his All Might who will guide him on his future path of a hero and keep him away from the darkness. You will see why when you read this chapter and I'll go over everything at the end.

All Might



Chapter 1: The Law is Broken

A man sighed as he was on the roof of a tall building, smoke came out his mouth as he smoked a cigarette. This man was Hisashi Midoriya, the pro hero: Red Hood, but he gets called that because of the famous red hooded jacket that he wears and he thought the name was cool. His costume consisted of a black kevlar armor, with black army pants, black boots, a brown jacket over his red hood, and he had two black semi-automatic pistols. Glock 22 to be precise.

The two pistols were attached to hips for quick drawing action and he had a hunting knife at his side just in case things got a little too close for comfort. For his looks, well if you ask him he's a handsome man. He has a mop of short black hair, black eyes and freckles all over his face. Outside of that, there is nothing much that makes him stick out. Well he does have a smoke addiction, but if you ask him, he will say no.

Hisashi is an underground hero, he doesn't like being in the spotlight, unlike his partner. He preferred to be in the shadows and do damage, the fewer reporters he had to deal with the better. He put the cigarette back into his mouth to take another smoke. He sighed as he smoked it, it had been a slow day at work. Not many crimes were happening and because of that he had to do paperwork, and boy did he hate that.

"I should call Inko." The man said aloud as he blew some smoke out. Today was the day that his son would find out what quirk he would get. Hisashi smiled when he remembers the look on his son's face when he left for the doctors. His little Izuku was so excited, he looked like a kid on Christmas morning. Hisashi took another smoke before he threw it to the ground and put it out with his foot.

Hisashi grabbed his phone from his pocket and called his wife. After a few rings, he heard a voice. "Hello," Hisashi smiled when he heard his wife's simple voice.

"Hey, babe." Inko smiled when she heard the voice of her husband. She wondered what made him call during his work shift.

"Hey, you. What are you doing calling me at work? Did something happen?"

"No, nothing happened. You always assume the worst right away and start to worry. Besides I can't call my wife to see how she's doing. Also, how did our little man do today?" Hisashi asked and Inko knew he was talking about Izuku.

"He got his quirk...well, to be more specific he got both of ours!" Hisashi got excited at hearing that, it was rare to find people with both their parents' quirks.

"Really? You mean he got your Telekinesis and my Bullet Control." Hisashi asked with excitement if his son got those quirks then he would get strong when he gets older.

"Well not exactly mine. The doctor told me that Izuku has a smaller form of telekinesis. He calls it attraction. Izuku can pull small objects toward him. As for your quirk, honey. He got it!" Hisashi had a smile on his face, he was glad that his boy got that.

That quirk is now third generation, Hisashi being the second and his father being the first. Bullet control is a quirk that allows the user to control the bullets in their guns. The quirk has three different abilities. One is called ricochet, it allows the user to bounce bullets off walls and other surfaces. The second is known as bullet trajectory and it allows the user to change the trajectory of the bullet. This allows the user to hit targets hiding in corners and giving them the ability to curve the bullet.

The third is the most powerful ability is bullet speed, which allows the user to control the speed of the bullet when it's fired. The bullet speed increases leaving a trail of fire. He or she can make the bullet go faster to pierce through cover and armor. If one can control all three very well they make one hell of a shooter and a powerful person.

"That's great! I can't wait to teach him how to use it. He's going to be a hell of a shooter when he grows up.

"Easy tiger, we're not getting Izuku a gun yet. Wait till he's at least thirteen before you start influencing my baby. Besides, I still haven't forgiven you for giving a Nerf gun on his third birthday." Hisashi rubbed his head at that, he did get a yelling from his wife about the gun. Even though it was a toy Inko was not happy.

"Alright, alright, I will wait until he's older. But if he wants to start early that's not my fault." Inko laughed at her husband's antics, the man does love his guns.

"Alright." Hisashi looked up at the sky, the sun was still up, but the sky was orange. The man didn't know the time, but he could tell that nightfall would soon hit.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Inko asked with sweetness in her voice.

"Yeah," Hisashi said simply, he hadn't spoken to his son all day and he wanted to hear his voice right now. Inko called her son over to the phone, he was watching his favorite video of the number hero while she was talking to his father.

Which video was Izuku watching you may ask, well it was the All Might one where he saved a bunch of people from a collapsing building. Izuku loves that video, the young lad watches it every day. It was one of the reasons why he wanted to be a hero, the other was because his father was one and he wants to be just like his daddy.

"Hello," Hisashi gained a small smile when he heard the young voice of his son.

"Hey, Zu." Izuku knew who it was and was excited. He wanted to tell his father about the news he received today.

"Daddy! Daddy, I got my quirk today!" Hisashi heard the excitement in his son's voice and smiled. Izuku would get excited about anything that pertains to a quirk.

"I heard and I can't wait to see you when I get home."

"When are you coming home, daddy?" Hisashi lost his smile at that, he wanted to say right away, but when he turned around to see his partner at the door he knew that he might be at work for a little longer.

"I don't know, Zu. But I promise I when I get home the first thing I do is hug my future hero." Izuku smiled and showed his teeth as he heard those words. His favorite hero is All Might, but his role model is his father and it doesn't hurt that he is his second favorite hero.

"Ok, daddy." Hisashi nodded and told Izuku to give the phone back to his mother. "Inko, I got to go. Work is calling." Inko nodded her head even though Hisashi couldn't see it.

"Alright, honey. Be safe and I remember, I love you." Inko told him with sweetness and worry. The life of a hero is never easy, death can come at any moment and Inko doesn't want to lose her husband so early in their years of marriage.

"I will, and I love you too." Hisashi then hung up the phone after those words and spoke to his partner.

"Work," Hisashi said simply and his partner nodded. They both were in the stairwell heading downstairs when he Hisashi spoke again.

"Yes, we got a call from a station not far from here. They found him." Hisashi widened his eyes, "him" could only be one person and he hoped that he was wrong.

"You mean Jigsaw," Hisashi said the name with hate and venom. Jigsaw is a major villain to the papers, but to those that have seen him or heard of him, he is a monster. The man kills without remorse, he kills with no mercy, he kills for fun, and he kills for no reason but to do it. He murdered men, women, even children for god sake.

The last time Hisashi and Endeavor arrested him they found four dead kids. Hisashi would sometimes have nightmares of the cries of the parents that had to see their children's bodies in plastic bags. Nightmares of seeing his own son like that and that is something he would never allow to happen.

No one is safe from Jigsaw cruelty, he is an animal that has escaped prison countless times and it was starting to get on Hisashi nerves, but he will keep that to himself.

The man sighed as he grabbed his red domino mask with white lenses and put it on his face. "You ready, Enji." Enji Todoroki, the flame hero: Endeavor. Enji and Hisashi grew up together, they went to UA together, passed the hero exams together, and even were best men at each other's weddings. They were brothers in all but blood, the two men had fought villains and crazies all in the name of peace.

Enji wanted to become number one, that was one of his goals. While Hisashi's goal was to just protect the people close to him, Enji included. But sometimes he would go too far and Enji began to worry about his mindset.

"Let's go," Enji said as both him and Hisashi headed down to the streets below to go hunt this dreaded Jigsaw. Both went into the elevator that would take them to the streets, from there they would make their way to the police station that called them.

They would all get calls when it came to Jigsaw, no other hero had faced him more than those two. It was like no matter what they do they would always find their way back to Jigsaw. Both pros have arrested him a total of ten times and after each arrest Jigsaw had escaped from prison.

It was almost like he was playing with the two, that every time that he was arrested he would break out and kill more. Like he wanted them to be responsible for their deaths and now this would be his sixth arrest.

"How many times have we done this with him?" Hisashi asked as the two were now on the streets making their way to the station.

"Too many times." Endeavor said tiredly. It's one thing to arrest criminals countless times, but it's another thing when it's starting to seem like they're obsessed with you. That's when it gets dangerous for the hero and everyone around them.

"He's broken out of prison time after time and each time he left nothing but death in his wake. Why don't they just give this guy the death penalty and call it?" Hisashi was starting to voice his displeasure and Enji could see it. He narrowed his eyes at his long-time friend and partner, this kind of thinking was wrong for a hero.

"You know why, he's mentally insane." Hisashi snorted at that, he doesn't believe that insane crap for one bit. Yes, Jigsaw was insane monster, but he's not stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing and that makes it even worse that he's still alive.

"You and I both know that's a load of crap. No insane person can constantly escape prison and then kill people the way he does. He knows what he's doing and that's starting to make me worry." Hisashi looked at Enji this time as his friend looked at him.

"I don't like it either, but there is nothing that we can do."

"Yes, there is." Enji narrowed his eyes at Hisashi again, he was starting to get worried now.

"What would you do then?" Hisashi was about to open his mouth, but stopped. He wouldn't say what he was thinking as much as he wanted to. Hero's are not killers and they can never be. 'Or maybe it is time for them to be.' Hisashi thought as he shook his head.

"Nothing, I would do nothing." Enji didn't believe that but nodded his head nonetheless. Their walk soon came to an end when they saw the police station. The two soon walked in and everyone looked at them. The officers knew who they were and knew why they were here.

"The chief is in his office, he's waiting for you two." One of the officers said and both pros nodded. They soon headed towards his office and while they were walking they could feel the tension in the air.

Hisashi suspected that all of them knew that Jigsaw escaped and were afraid for their lives, just his name alone makes people fear him. Both pros soon made to the chief's door and knocked.

"Come in," They heard a voice and they opened the door to see the chief himself. The chief was a man with grey hair and his bye the look on his face you could tell that he has seen all that life had to offer. The man was sitting at his desk smoking a cigar when he looked at the two pros.

"Where is he?" Hisashi said, the man was not beating around the bush. He wants Jigsaw caught and he wants him now. The chief sighed as he put out his cigar.

"He's west of here, he's stocked up at some warehouse. We got word from some small offenders that he headed in that direction."

"Then let's go get him," Hisashi said determinedly, but the chief stopped. There was more to the situation and he was about to tell the pros.

"There's more, he… he took someone's kids. The child's parents are dead, nothing left of them to even bury." Both pros widen their eyes, Jigsaw has a kid in his hands. "Get the child back and get Jigsaw!" The chief told them and both of them nodded as they headed out.

"Hisashi, don't you find this strange?" Endeavor asked his friend and he looked at him.

"What is strange about this to you?" Hisashi asked back and asked if he didn't care about the question. What he did care about was getting Jigsaw.

"This is not like Jigsaw. Escaping prison, yes, but what he's doing now, this is never his MO. He never lets himself get caught this easily, no less be spotted out in the open that easily. There is something going on and we need to be careful." Endeavor told Hisashi and he started to see his point. The man nodded as they left the station and made their way to the warehouse.

The warehouse wasn't far, the chief had given vehicles for both Endeavor and Red Hood to travel in to make there. Endeavor took a car while Hood took a motorcycle, and after 45 minutes both pros were able to reach the warehouse. The warehouse was about three stories tall, it was old and rundown with spray paint was all over its walls.

"This is the place." Endeavor said as he turned off the car and got out of the car. Hisashi did the same with his bike and grabbed his pistols. He checked the ammo and turned off the safety while Endeavor flamed on. His hair and beard turned into flames, and he created a flaming mask.

"You ready?" Endeavor nodded his head and both men headed into the warehouse. "There are three people inside." Hisashi told him as he narrowed his eyes in the building.

"You've been spending a lot of time with support I see." Endeavor said as they continued too near the building. Hisashi smirked, he was tech head and like Enji said he has been spending a lot time with support. He's been creating new toys, one of them is something he's called detective mode.

The mode is built in with his mask lens and it allows Hisashi to scan the area, to get an idea of where the target is hiding. It has a night vision mode, infrared mode, and x-ray mode where he can see the bones of his target and check heart rate.

"Yeah, I have. I see him he's in there." Hisashi was hugging the wall while Endeavor was in front of the door. Before the fire hero opened it he wanted to know what's in there.

"What do you see?" Hisashi took long looks at the warehouse, scanning and analyzing it. He narrowed his eyes behind his lenses as he saw nothing, it didn't sit right with him.

"There's nothing in there, but him and two other people. One must be the child."

"And the other?" Endeavor asked, he didn't like this either. Jigsaw always had something planned, and the fact that there was nothing makes even more sure that something is going on.

"You take the front, while I go up stairs. I'll cover you from up there." Before Hisashi grabbed his grapple gun, Endeavor stopped him.

"Hisashi, wait! There's something not right about this. Don't you think that this is too easy? I mean there's no traps, no jokes, no sick mind games, not even his voice. It's just quiet. This is not something that Jigsaw's does, he loves to cause attention, he loves to cause a circus." Hisashi agreed with everything that his friend said, but they don't have time to go over the details. The longer they wait the more time Jigsaw has to do with god knows what to those kids.

"We don't have a choice, Enji. We have to go in." Hisashi fired his gun after that and grappled up to the windows. Enji nodded and opened the door, he then began to walk in and he looked around.

Endeavor saw nothing, but that didn't mean he wasn't on guard. He knows from his former battles with the villainous fiend that there is alway something. 'Expect the unexpected.'

Endeavor treaded slowly through the warehouse, his eyes scanned around that they came in contact with, but he still didn't see the monster. "Hisashi, are you in?" Enji whispered and he soon got an answer from his friend.

"I'm in. I'm above you." Enji looked up and did indeed see his friend on the catwalk. Enji motioned his hand forward and Hisashi nodded. They both began to walk forward and as they did, they began to hear it. The sound that they were hearing sounded like a humming, like someone was humming a sound. Hisashi swallowed a lump on his throat, he was near.

Enji came upon a door and Hisashi jumped down from the catwalk, they both looked at each other and nodded. This was it, behind the door would be Jigsaw. They both opened the door and they saw him. The monster was in front of him, his back was facing them as he continued to hum.

Jigsaw from the back was a tall man and medium size build. He had a shaved head, on his feet were black boots that looked worn out, yellow gloves on his hands, he was wearing blue shorts that were cut up, and he had a grey tank top.

"Hands up, Jigsaw!" Hisashi yelled as his guns were aimed at the villain and his fingers ready to pull the trigger. Jigsaw said nothing to them as he continued to hum. Hisashi got tired of the games and gave him a warning shot by firing his gun. The bullet grazed Jigsaw's shoulder and that made him stop humming. Endeavor put a hand on Red Hood's guns, telling him to hold his fire.

"My, my, my, someone's is very anxious." Both pros heard the villain voice and got tense. They were not liking this as seconds passed.

"Turn around, Jigsaw." Endeavor ordered and the villain did follow the flame hero order. Jigsaw did indeed turn around and that's when they saw widened their eyes in horror. Jigsaw turned around, the pros saw the pool of blood on his shirt and the doll mask on his face. The mask is not what made them scared, it was the blood that did that.

"Whose blood is that?!" Hisahi screamed as he feared the worse, the blood must belong to one of the children that Jigsaw had taken. Jigsaw didn't answer them, he just let out a sick laugh as he opened his arms wide like he was about to hug someone.

"I have made them perfect. Hisashi and Enji were confused as they saw the maniac continue to his laughter.

"Perfect? Made who perfect you, bastard!" Hisashi screamed again as Jigsaw moved to his left. Hisashi guns were still trained on him and he was about to fire till Endeavor told him to look ahead.

Hisahi didn't want to turn his head away from Jigsaw, but he did and he wished that he didn't. What Jigsaw was blocking them from an operating table with a single person on it. Hisashi and Enji both widened their eyes and dropped their jaws in horror when they saw that on the table was the child.

Jigsaw laughed at the reaction, they could never understand that what was standing before them was not a child anymore. What was standing before them was now one of his children and now he and the rest were perfect.

"Rise, my child. Rise for your father and show these imperfects what I have made you." When those words were finished from Jigsaw the child on the table did indeed rise. The child began to rise up like it was a zombie. Both Endeavor and Red Hood have seen many things, but this one took the cake.

The child that they have come to save was no longer a child in front of them. The child was wearing a doll mask similar to Jigsaw, he had one boot on his left foot, black shorts were pants, his hair was cut leaving bits on the side, and attached to his hands were jagged blades. Jigsaw had turned an innocent child into...into a monster.

The child got off the table and looked at the pros. Soon a low growl was heard coming from his mouth. "Kid, stop!" Hisashi pleaded, he didn't want to shoot the child, but it ignored him and kept walking forward. The child... if one could still call it that had only one thing on its mind and that was killing the pros.

"What have you done?!" Endeavor roared as his flames exploded, Hisashi was no better. He wanted to shoot and kill Jigsaw right there. The masked villain only laughed at the flame hero as he answered him.

"Didn't you listen, I perfected him. I made him complete. I took away his pain and saved his innocence. Now they won't ever feel pain. Go my child, protect your father." The child growled at Jigsaw's command and began to run at the two pros. Hisashi aimed his guns, he took a warning at the child near his feet.

The child still didn't stop and lunged at Endeavor, the flame hero overpowered the child and threw him to the side. The young boy landed hard and one would think that he would stay down, but after what Jigsaw did, the child seemed to be immune to pain.

The boy rose to the ground and snarled at the pros. Hisashi didn't want to do it. He didn't know if he was going to sleep anymore after this, but the child had to be stopped.

The gun hero aimed his pistol at the shoulder of the child and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit, it was a clean shot with the bullet going through, but even that didn't slow him down. The deranged and damaged child charged at Hisashi the man did the only thing that he could do, he pulled the trigger.

Hisashi pulled the trigger on his gun and using his quirk his slow the bullet the down so that it wouldn't kill him. The bullet hit the boy in the chest, it didn't hit any vitals, but that didn't mean that Hisashi and Enji were out of the woods yet.

They turned their eyes to Jigsaw and saw him the monster clapping, they didn't understand how someone could be clapping after what just happened. "You monster!" Hisashi growled, he had enough of this. The law be damned, he was going to kill Jigsaw and he was going to make him suffer.

What Jigsaw did was the last straw, Red Hood aimned his pistol at demented man and his eyes glowed red. He was going to rip Jigsaw to shreds with his bullets, Endeavor saw his partner and called out to him.

"Hisashi wait!" Endeavor screamed as Jigsaw ran to the door, Endeavor grabbed his friend's hands and changed the direction of bullets. Bullets that came out fast, hard, and left a trail of fire behind.

"The hell are you doing?!" Endeavor glared at his best friend, he was not acting the same. They couldn't kill Jigsaw. They were heroes, not murderers.

"Not like this." Endeavor told him hardly, their arguing made the sick man laugh as he went to the wall. Endeavor and Hood saw the man near the wall and got ready, the Jigsaw was not done.

"Ohh, you both. How I love playing with you two. You make things so fun for me, not like those other heroes. They are boring, but you two. You're fun, you give my life meaning. We need each other, we can't lose each other."

"The hell are you going about?" Hisashi yelled, his guns were still on him as Endeavor had flames ready as well. Jigsaw smiled evilly behind his mask, the heroic duo couldn't see it, but they felt something was wrong. The feeling was turning their stomach inside out and they feared what Jigsaw was going to tell them.

"I hear that you both had families," Both Endeavor and Red Hood widen their eyes in fear, the thought of their wives and children in the hands of this man is sickening.

"We can't have them interrupt our own fun." Jigsaw pulled a leaver and the dark room came a lit with white light, both men turned to see cages filled with children in.

Cages surrounded the room and soon five of them opened. Both pros heard snarling and animalistic sounds coming from the cages. They would soon see children much like the boy they stopped coming out of them. There was one girl and four boys, they all had the same weapons as the previous boy, but the most distinct feature was the hair. The girl had white hair, one boy had red hair, another two boys had white hair, and the final boy had green hair.

These weren't random kids, they were picked to look at their children. Fuyumi, Toya, Shoto, Natsou, and Izuku. Jigsaw selected specific children that would resemble their own. This was a message that he is coming for the people that they loved.

"You sick sonuva bitch! I'll kill you!" Hisashi fired his guns at the twisted villain, Jigsaw took off running. The man went through the back and Hood went after him.

"Hisashi!" Endeavor roared, he was going to follow the but the brainwashed children charged at him. Endeavor created a circle of flames to give himself space, but that didn't stop the children as they charged through it. The flames didn't even affect the children, almost like they were immune to pain.

"Damn it," Enji cursed, he didn't want to do this, but he only saw one way to stop the children. He had to use force, but he only prayed that doctors would be able to fix what Jigsaw did.

"Forgive me." Enji apologized as the flames covered his fist and attacked the children. The monster children attacked Enji, one was hit in the stomach by the flaming fist.

Enji saw another lunging at him and blasted him a beam fire, that was two and now there were only three. The three boys with their jagged blades ran at Enji, the one with green hair jumped in the air and thrusted his blades at the flame hero. Enji moved his body so the blade would miss, he would then grab the child and punch him in the stomach.

"Performance Burn!" Enji roared as he fired a beam of fire from his arm and the child flew off, the boy landed on the other two boys and knocked them down.

When Endeavor saw that the children were down and he looked around the room when he heard a sniffle. Enji walked to the cages and widened his eyes when he saw a scared child in the back of the cage, fear written all over the child's eyes.

Enji turned off his flames and opened the cage, but still the child didn't come out. "It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." Enji told softly and the child slowly, but hesitatingly came out of the cage.

When he did he saw that he was safe, he quickly hugged Enji and the man did the same. "It's alright, it's over." Enji gently told him, the young boy that he is hugging was held by Jigsaw and he saw what he did to the other children.

Endeavor grabbed a phone from his belt and called the police, he even told them to bring an ambulance. When that was done Enji was going to stay with the child, but he couldn't. Jigsaw is still out there and Hisashi is going after him and his friends' mindset is not right. He knows the idea of what he will do Jigsaw if he gets his hands on him.

"I have to go, but the police are on their way. You are going to be strong. You're a hero, alright." The boy nodded and Endeavor to find his comrade, he only hoped that he wasn't too late.

Hisahi was running after Jigsaw, he left Endeavor to deal with the children. He knew that his friend could deal with it, Jigsaw was the prize. After what he saw, after what Jigsaw did to those kids, after making the threat to kill their families. All bets are off, the monster dies today and no one is going to stop him.

"JIGSAW!" Hisashi roared as he saw the monster feeling, Jigsaw ran out of an emergency exit and Hisashi followed him. When the gunslinger kicked the door down he was ambushed by Jigsaw. The monster had turned his arm into a sword and made a swipe at Red Hood's head. Hisashi ducked and rolled through, he turned and fired his guns at the masked fiend.

Jigsaw took the bullets, but that didn't stop him as he charged at the hero and grabbed his neck. "Ack!" Red Hood choked as the mask villain had his throat in a vice grip. Hisashi black eyes glared at the doll mask that Jigsaw was wearing.

He threw a punch at the man's face and he didn't even flinch, the mask though had a piece broken. Hisashi was now looking at the sick and twisted red eyes of Jigsaw and the look in his eyes told the entire story. Jigsaw's eyes were crazed and deranged, just like his mind.

"What's wrong Hood? You didn't like my children, I model them after you and Endeavors own families." Jigsaw tighten his grip on the man's throat and Hisashi kicked his legs, his guns fell out his hands. "You know I never saw myself as a father, but when I made those kids. I won't lie and feel a warm spot in my heart. You understand this feeling don't you, Red Hood."

"…" Jigsaw smiled crazy behind the mask and brought Red Hood closer to him.

"I can't, they won't let me back in." Hisashi felt his life being taken from as Jigsaw squeezed tighter, he was not going to go out like this. The man reached to his belt and grabbed a flash grenade, when in hand he pulled the pin and let it drop. Jigsaw heard something hit the ground and looked down, he widened his eyes when he saw that it was a flash grenade.

The flash came and blinded Jigsaw. Hisashi was fine since his mask protected him from the bright light. With the distraction in hand, Hiashi used this opportunity to grab his knife and stab Jigsaw in his arm.

The attacked free him as blood poured from the villain's arm, but even with a knife stuck in him he didn't scream out. Jigsaw didn't feel any pain, he had no soul, he was a living, a devil.

Hisashi fell to the ground and quickly grabbed his pistol, he looked up and saw Jigsaw bladed arm come down. Hisashi rolled out of the way and opened fire at him. Red Hood empty his whole clip of the Glock. Fifteen bullets were shot at Jigsaw and Hisashi didn't stop there as he activated his quirk, he activated bullet speed which increase the power of the bullets being fired and bullet ricochet. The bullets that went cleanly through Jigsaw hit the wall and bounced right back at him.

A normal person would howl and scream in pain, but Jigsaw is far, far, far, from normal. The man was laughing as he felt the bullets pierce him. When the gun was empty Hisashi stopped, it took the sound of the constant clicking of the trigger and the fact the no bullets were coming to realize that he was empty. Hisashi looked and saw that the monster was still standing, blood poured at the bullet holes, and somehow through everything he was still standing.

He was wrong though when he saw the villain fall back, Hisashi sighed and reloaded the gun. He walked up to the down villain and glared at him. Hisashi ripped off his mask, his face was pure anger. He kneeled down and aimed the barrel at Jigsaw's forehead, ready to put an end to this monster.

"How many? How many did you kill, Jigsaw?! How many children have you hurt, how many loved ones have you made cry, how many graves have you filled?! How many?!" Jigsaw coughed and laughed at the man that was threatening to kill him.

"I don't know, I lost count after 50." Hisashi pistol whipped him, knocking off more of the mask and now he could see the sick smile on him.

"I do and now those people will have justice" Jigsaw cackled this time as the hero kept him down. He had no intention of moving, but what he said was really just funny.

"Justice? HAHAHA...You going to send me jail again?" Hisashi pulled back the slide and was now ready. He didn't care anymore, he was ready to do it. He was ready to kill this monster that was just a waste of life.

"No, you are going back to hell." Hisash was going to pull the trigger and Jigsaw was actually surprised, but even in the coming death he still had a smile on him. Jigsaw would be dead right there, if it weren't for Endeavor and the sound of cops cars.

"Hisashi, stop!" Endeavor roared as he came over to his friend's side, he saw what he was about to do and he had to stop. Endeavor went over to his side grabbed his arms, he began to plead with his best friend, his comrade, his brother that this wasn't the way.

"Hisashi, stop this, this is not who you are. You're the Red Hood, you are a hero." Hisashi heard the words, but he didn't listen to Endeavor. All he saw was the sick smile of Jigsaw, a smile that he was about to take off. Officers began to come out of their patrol cars and make their way to three. The cops took out their guns and aimed at Hisashi, but a flaming look from Endeavor told them to stand down.

"How many people have to die, so he gets to live?" Hisashi asked the question with so much hate. It was a question that he has been asking himself for some time now, good people die while monsters live in their place. It wasn't fair damn it! Why do the ones that deserve to live die and the ones that deserve to die live?

"I want him to die too, but not like this. We will not kill him in cold blood. We are heroes, we protect the law and we don't allow ourselves to fall to monsters like him. We hold ourselves to a higher standard than him." Endeavor glared at Jigsaw and the villain just smirked as he looked at them. Endeavor saw that Hisashi still wasn't budging so he had one last card to play.

"This is not the man Inko married or the father that Izuku looks up too." Hisashi widened his eyes at those names. The names of his wife and son, the reason why he fights against villains. Enji was right, this is not the man they love.

As hard as it was for him to do this, Hisashi holster the weapon and put it away. He took one last look at the disappointed Jigsaw and left both him and Endeavor. Hisahi didn't say a word, he just left.

"Oh boo, and here I thought he was actually going to do it." Endeavor grabbed the mad man by his dirty and bloody tank top. He pulled him and threw him onto the ground near the cop.

"Take him away." Endeavor ordered them and they nodded their heads, they saw no point in arguing with the flame hero. They grabbed Jigsaw and lifted him up, Jigsaw eyes though never left Endeavor.

"Enji, I hope you like my present...hehe-" Jigsaw was cut off by a flaming punch by the flame hero. The flame hero's eyes burned with intensity as he grabbed the man by the shirt.

"If you ever come near my family, I swear I will kill you." Jigsaw laughed at him as the police took him away. They had gotten Jigsaw, but not without casualties.

The children that he had taken...god knows if they will ever recover from what that monster did to them, but now he Hisashi. Enji watched his fleeting friend and watched him closely. Hisashi was very close to taking someone's life and if he does that, only gods know what happens next.

Police Station

Hisashi and Endeavor were behind the glass of the interrogation room as they watched Jigsaw look at them. The villain couldn't see them because of the glass, but he knew that they were there. The villain was in custody, but before the two could leave they were going to wait to secure him in a transportation vehicle that would take him to the villain supermax prison known as Tartarus.

Endeavor turned his eyes from Jigsaw to Hisashi and he could see the look in his partner eyes, the look of murder. Hisashi's eyes were soley on Jigsaw, watching his ever moment, a hand on gun in case that the murder deciedes to move.

"Hisashi," The gunslinger turned his eyes to Endeavor for a quick moment and then back to Jigsaw.

"What is it?" Hisashi asked hardly, he knew what Enji wanted to talk about, but he didn't want to talk about it.

"We need to discuss what happened." Enji said, the tone left no room for arguing. Hisashi though didn't care, he was adamant about not talking about doing the world a favor by getting rid of some worthless trash that is Jigsaw.

"There is nothing to discuss, Enji. I lost my cool and that's it." Enji looked at them and sighed, he had no choice.

"Your off duty for two weeks." Hisashi widened his eyes and looked at his friend. He couldn't believe what he heard, Enji was benching him. Hisashi was going to argue it, but an officer entered the room.

"The transport vehicle has arrived." Both pros nodded and went to grab Jigsaw, when he saw them he smiled behind that ugly mask.

"Ah, are we taking a field trip. Will there be goodies?" Jigsaw was acting childishly on purpose, both Endeavor and Hood had seen this act many times before.

"Is it time for me to go to Tartartus?" Still Jigsaw got no answer, but he already knew. The man chuckled and looked at his two favorite heroes, but he took the most time looking at Red Hood.

"I'm going to miss playing with you both, especially you Hood. You were extra fun today. Maybe we could spice things up next time when I break out. Oh, I know. How about I bring Izuku with us?" Hisashi had enough, it all took was for that monster to say his son's name and he lost it.

"You son of bitch!" Hisashi roared as he went to choke Jigsaw, Endeavor grabbed him and pulled him off. "You stay away from my son! I swear if you go anywhere near him or my wife I will do to you what you did to those kids." It wasn't a threat that Hisashi made, it was a promise. A promise that he would make a reality if Enji didn't pull him off.

"Hisashi, that's enough!" Endeavor was indeed able to pull his friend off the monster and he ordered the officers to him outta. Hisashi can't control himself right now and it's not best he be around Jigsaw.

As one of the officers was taking away Hisashi, Endeavor grabbed the villain by the arm and began to take him outside. As they were walking Jigsaw decided to have some fun with Endeavor.

"I meant what I said though, I will be breaking out again. There is no prison that can hold me and this time I will have another child to make perfect." Endeavor ignored the sick remarks that Jigsaw was saying and continued to walk him out the station. As they were walking Jigsaw was getting glared at by every officer in the station, he was quite popular.

"You want to know something, Endeavor?"

"No." Enji said hardly as he kept walking, but Jigsaw ignored him.

"Your friend is very close to falling. I can see it in his eyes, the look of murder. I actually thought that he was going to kill me back at the warehouse." Enji ignored him, he won't let him corrupt Hisashi and he won't let himself get bitten by the villain.

"I actually believed back there in the room as well. You made a threat very similar, but the difference is I don't believe you. You are not capable of that, but Hisashi...Whew! I believed every word he said, in fact I think he would make a helluva of vill-"

Jigsaw was cut off as Endeavor slammed him into the wall and glared at him. "Listen here and listen closely. Red Hood is one of the greatest heroes that I have ever worked with. He has overcome so much just to be where he is now. He has saved my life more times than I can count and I promise you. He will never, ever be a villain." Jigsaw looked at Endeavor with a smile on his face and gave him a cryptic answer.

"Never say never, Enji." Endeavor ignored the remark and pushed him to walk again. When they got outside there was a sea of reporters and people holding signs that all said murder. A wall of police were blocking them from getting too close to the monster.

All of these people had one thing in common, they all had lost someone to Jigsaw. Endeavor pushed Jigsaw to walk to the vehicle, but unknown to him, everyone, and Jigsaw. Things were about to change and no one could see it coming.

Hisashi pushed the hand of the officer off of his shoulder and walked away from him. Jigsaw had gotten under his skin, he the kids, the children he destroyed, the threats to his family, to his wife, to his son. Hisashi leaned his head on the wall and punched it, a loud thud coming from the punch. That monster threatened to take his son and make him one of his children, one of his playthings.

Hisashi didn't even want to imagine what Jigsaw would do to then, but his mind did. He imagines what Jigsaw would do Izuku. He saw the monster cutting his son open like a lab rat, he saw him torturing him, he watched as he screamed for someone to save him, and he watched it all for the monster had trapped him.

Hisashi now knows what the victims of Jigsaw must've felt like when he had them. How they pleaded for someone to save them, but no came and when they did it was too late. No more. No more victims, no more monsters, no more funerals, no more playing by the rules, no more of the broken law. Just no more of it.

Hisashi opened his eyes, he grabbed his gun and clocked it back. After that he made his way to the door. He saw the crowd of the people, the media, the cops, the victims families, and he saw him. The saw the devil that had caused it all, all their pain, all their suffering, Jigsaw caused it all and he gets to live. Well no more.

"The law is broken." Hisashi whispered as he moved to Jigsaw, his hand on his gun, and his finger on the trigger. Time seemed to slow down as Hisashi was making his way to the man, it was like faith wanted him to rethink this action, but there was no rethinking it. He knew what he was about too and he had no regrets. This is for the greater good.

Hisashi lifted the gun up and aimed for Jigsaw, and swift motion he pulled the trigger. A loud and massive bang had come about and everyone stopped. Endeavor stopped and turned around, he widened his eyes when he saw that it was Hisashi with his gun hand and smoke coming out the barrel.

"No." Endeavor thought as he turned to his head to see Jigsaw with a hole in his head, the villain's body unmoving and unresponsive.

Jigsaw didn't move because he was dead and it was confirmed when his body fell to the ground in heap. His mask falling off as he was coming down and his face revealed, an ugly face with a smile on him.

Hisashi had done it, he had killed him. He had killed Jigsaw. He had killed someone. Dear god, what did he just do?

To be continued

AN: So, what do you think? I hope you enjoyed it. Izuku quirks are attratcion, he can pull his guns and other objects to him. Bullet control his a fire type quirk that I got from watching Fire Force. Expect Endeavor to be good father and a good hero. You will see all members of the family next chapter.

As for Hisashi this is not a typical Izuku dad is a villain story, no it's different. Hisashi is anti-hero who thinks that certain villains need to die. He will kill and he will try to make Izuku see his way. In Hisashi world too many people have died so monster get to live. That is going to bring a dispute about, the eternal question that has asked everywhere. Should Heroes kill?

Izuku will challenged his father and will hunt him down. He is going to stop him, next chapter we have aftermath of what happened and then we have a time jump. Izuku character, he will be distant, he doesn't a lot of people, he won't like his father, and he won't have many friends early on. People will ostracize him because he is the son of the villainous Red Hood. The inspirations for this Story came from Viridescent and Fafnir Knight. Alright that's it, peace fams.