It all began with a Luminicend Child in China, from that point more and more Humans appeared that had Strange Powers. Slowly the Paranormal became the new normal. In this Day and age over 80% of Humanity has one of those so called Quirk and out of the Chaos that came with their appearance a new Carrier was formed. The Professional Heroes, a dream once fought to be impossible, only to be found in old legends, became reality. But even with rising Crime Rates Heros where in the minority...until he showed up.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" A giant muskulös Man was climbing over debriefs while carrying a dozen People on his Back.

"THERE IS NO NEED TO BE AFRAID" Behind him a Building was burning but he still kept his Giant Smile.

"WHY YOU ASK? BECAUSE I AM HERE" This Man was All Might. The Number 1 Hero and Symbol of Piece of Justice. A Hero who Always saves the People with a reassuring smile. A Smile that tells the People that no matter the circumstances, as long as he is here, Nothing bad will happen. Awry Child wanted to be like him...but sadly...Not awrey Child is born equal. While 80% are born with a Powerful Quirk...the other 20% have no Powers at all. As is the case with young Izuku Midoriya. A Plain, Boy who only has one dream. Becoming a Hero like All Might. A Hero that saves everyone with a Smile on his Face. But sadly at the tinder Age of 4...this dream was crushed when he was told that he did not possess a Quirk and never will develop one. His dream crumbled around him but...he did not give up. He started to learn and analyze Heros in the hopes that one day he could become a Hero, despite everyone telling him it's impossible. He tried to endure the bullying he had to face from his former best Friend Katsuki Bakugou but at the end there was this one sad trough. He had no Powers. Little did he know...that soon...a Hero would arrive to bring him on the Path towards his Goal.

It was afternoon and School had already ended. Izuku Midoriya was Walking home after again getting bullied and threatened by his former best Friend. Izuku was a plain looking kid. His Hair was a dark Green that became slightly lighter at the Tip. He had freckles in his Face and was more on the Short Side. He was on his way Home, trying to cheer himself up with lathing...when it happened.

"Hehehehe...a perfect little Body Suit to hide in" Before the Boy could even react he was attacked by a living Slime. He did his best to get free but he had no way of getting free of the Slimes grip.

"Don't worry it will only hurt a little and than be over Hahahahahaha"

"(N-NO. I-I can't breathe...i-i dont wanna die. me." Suddenly his Chest began to Glow.

"Oh are you trying to youse your Quirk? Well it will be of no help" But the Light got bigger and bigger. Now the hole Tunnel they were in was illuminated.

"W-WHAT IS THIS GRAAAAAAAAAAAAA" A Shockwave through the Slime completely off the Boy and the Villain had to reform. The Boy was still glowing but slowly out of the Glow stepped a Person. A Menacing looking Knight appeared. His Armor was mostly Silver but had many Red Details and was rather bulky. His Helmet covered his hole Face and had Big Horns and also his Sword looked Menacing.

"THE HELL? YOU HAVE SOME KIND OF WARP QUIRK?" The Slime had completely reformed. But the Knight ignored it and looked down at Izuku.

"...Speak. Are you the one who summoned me?" Izuku was...;absolutely terrified. Both of the Knight AND the Slime. He TRIED to give a answer but all he did was stutter. The Knight just stared and looked around. No one else was there.

"...OH COME ON MY MASTER IS THIS WIMP?" Suddenly all the Tension was gone. Both Izuku and the Slime just looked dumbfounded.

"Is it really too much to ask to get a decent Master? APPARENTLY YES. Seriously you are the most Pathetic little Wimp i ever saw. And believe me i saw my fair SHare of them. Lanky Arms with NO Muscles, a Face that just screams Crybaby and worst of all a Short Stuff too" Now both realized that the Knights Voice sounded Female but they also noted that she was apparently ignoring the Fact that she herself was not the biggest...she was actually the same height as Izuku.

"EY. As much as i enjoy you talking down to the Kid...I am afraid you have to GRAAAAAAAAA" She did not even look. She just swung her Sword one time and completely Splashed the Slime everywhere on the Walls, and she also created a Massive Shockwave with her Swing.

"...Ugh annoying asshole" She lifted her hands and took her Helmet of. Izuku was a little...surprised. He was now looking at a Teenage Girl. She had Messy Blonde Hair and green Eyes.

"I am Saber and as much as i really dislike it am now your Servant. You should feel lucky Broccoli Shrimp." Izuku just...blinks.

"Huh? S-Servant? M-Master? What a-are you talking about?" Saber narrowed her Eyes.

"Are you telling me that not only got i summoned by a wimp...BUT THAT I WAS SUMMONED AND BOUNDED TO A GUY WHO HAS NO IDEA WHAT A SERVANT IS?" Her Eye twitched and Izuku immediately lifted his Arms as if he was expecting her to punish her. He also really looked terrified which made Saber feel a little guilty.

"...urgh great. Okay Broccoli Shrimp a deal. YOU invite me for Lunch because i am FREAKING Starving here and I explain everything to you Deal?...and sorry for scaring you i guess." She grabbed Izuku by the neck of his Uniform and put him on his Feet.

" we have a Deal?" A little reluctant he nodded...and then noticed something.

"Y-Your Clothes...are you a Pro Hero?" Now Saber looked confused.

"Pro...Hero? Well i am a Heroic Spirit...and i am CERTAINLY a Pro with the Sword but...waaaait...why the Fuck do i know nothing of where i am? Ore When? The Fuck is that Fucking Grail messy again? Ugh who cares. About the Armor?...huh...guess your right...ugh who cares. Food first, questions later" She just grabs Izuku and walked away, leaving the Tunnel full of Slime. A few Minutes after they were away.

"I AM HERE...huh?" All Might came running into the Tunnel and confused he looked around. The Slime was there everywhere but no sense of who defeated him.

"...I feel like i missed something VERY important here." Confused he rubbed the back of his Head but then decided to contain the Villain first.

Izuku and Saber where sitting at a small Fast Food Stand. Izuku had just a Cola and some Pommes while Saber...Was eating a 3 Big Hamburger. But what made Izuku really nervous where the weirded out looks everyone gave Saber, mostly because of her Armor.

"ARMPF Oh this is Good believe me Broccoli Shrimp i was starving. SO...i am confused. And SO are you. So i guess we switch around with who can ask questions. You can go first" Izuku just nodded nervously. He still had Problems believing he was talking to a Girl...than again...Saber was acting very Boyish...and also not as Izuku would imagine a Knight to act.

"...who or...what are you?" Was his first Question. Saber ate her last Hamburger before she answered.

"...I am Saber. A Heroic Spirit and, to my probably never ending dismai, your Servant. My turn...why the Fuck are the People looking at me strangely when i just saw a Guy leaving that looked like a Humanoid Crab...and i'm pretty sure i saw a Girl who had Vines for Hair and last time i checked living Slimes are NOT normal. So what the freaking fuck is going on here?" Izuku looked surprised.

"You...don't know what Quirks are? Well...Quits are basically Superpowers most Humans are born with. They can be awrithing from Super strength up to Strange Mutations. 80% of all Humans have a Quirk these days. No one knows why it happened but 200 Years ago they suddenly were just...there." Saber looked more confused than before but nodded. It was again Izuku turn.

"Are you...a real Knight?" Now she looked kinda bitter.

"I was. Untim my Shityhole of a Mother manipulated me to betray my honestly also Shitty Dad. Tz i will give no further comment...SO what are" But she was interrupted by a Shout.

"Hey look its Deku" Izuku froze and Saber looked at a Group of Teenagers. They all were wearing the same Black Uniform Izuku was wearing so she assumed they went to the same School. But she then looked confused to Izuku.

"You're names Deku?" He just shook his head.

"N-No it's Izuku Midoriya. D-Deku is just a nickname" One of the Boys lathed.

"A fitting one too. Because he is Useless. Therefore Deku like in Dekumonori a worthless Person BWAHAHAHA." The newt Person who spoke was a Girl.

"Yeah. Say who are you? A Student from UA? Why are you wasting your time with a Quirkless Loser like him?" The first Spoke again.

"OH you probably didn't know he is quirkless. PHA that idiot. Believes he could be a Hero despite not having a Quirk" The Children all begann to lath and to Sabers disgust...some other Customers too.

"A Hero without a Quirk? Ridiculous" Muttered one old Man. More such Words where muttered until Saber had enough. She stood up.

" all think he can't be a Hero because he has no Quirk?" Her Voice was menacing. Everyone took a step back at her tone. The Boy was finally able to utter a Word after nearly 4 Minutes.

"W-Well of course not. Quirkless People are just useless they can do anything" He really fast realizes that he should not have said that...because Saber now glared at him. Before he could even mutter a response, Saber was suddenly behind him and was holding her still sheeter Sword against his Throat.

"...I too possess no Quirk. But i was still able to do this you little Shithead. I could have killed you weary WEARY easley. You better leave my Master alone ore god will be my witness...i will show you how Dangerous a Quirkless Loser like i can piss off...i said Piss of not Piss Yourself" Sie grinned while the Boy Indeed had his Pants all wet. He immediately ran away, his Friends right behind him.

"Hmpf. Worthless Fools. Come Master i think we should continue our discussion in more...filthy company" She glared at all the other Visitors who were frozen in Shock. Izuku on the other hand was just looking in awe at the Girl in Knight Armor.

They were quickly Walking through the Neighborhood in there Izuku was living. Sunset was already on its way and Saber was deep in thought.

"(I was not given the basic knowledge of this Era and i also feel no Connection to the holy Grail. Hell considering he summoned me without any knowledge of Magic or anything like that i guess there is no Holy Grail War...but how did he summon me...could it be...a Quirk?)"

"A-Ahm...Saber-Sun?" Saber turned to Izuku.

"You know YOU are suppose to be the Master here right? Ugh why do i Always get total Wimps?...What is it?" Izuku looked at the ground.

"...Can...can i become a Hero without a Quirk?" Izuku was looking at the ground.

"All my life...i wanted to be a Hero. I wanted to safe People with a reassuring Smile on my Face. It was my dream ever since i could think...everyone Always told me it is impossible but...i kept clinging to this dream...and hear you are. Saying you have no Quirk. can i...CAN I BECOME A HERO?" Saber was looking at him...and started to Grind.

"To my Time Heros needed no stupid super Powers to claim such a Title. We earned our Status through hard Training and a LOT of Work. I despise my Bastard of a Father but i respect all the Work he put in to be so strong as he was. So to your question...Fuck yeah. And i will make sure of it. I will not allow my Master to be some kind of weakling. I am a Heroic Spirit after all i have some standards. So to make it clear to you Brocoli Midoriya...You too can become a Hero" The Sun shined bright and reflects itself in Saber's Armor. The sight and the words...filled Izuku with joy beyond belief. Tears started to come down his Face and he fell to his knees. All his life;...he wanted SOMEONE to say those few simple Words. He got overwhelmed with happiness. Normaley Saber would find such a thing Pathetic but...being told all your life you can't do something but than someone believes in you...such a thing can have a lasting impact on a Person so...this time she just grinned at Izuku and waited until he was finished. There was after all a LOT to do.

"But don't think for a Minute it will be easy. I will grind you into the Dust be sure of that. Are you ready to go through hell to achieve your dream?" Izuku looked up to here, his Eyes burning with Determination.

"YES. I WILL" Sabers smile god even wider.

"Good. I will make you a Hero little Shrimp...i swear it only Male I Mordred Pendragon will make you a Hero"

"...Huh?" Izuku now looked confused...than shocked.