DISCLAIMER: This is a fanfiction arising from Margaret Mitchell's book "Gone with the Wind". This story has been written for recreational/leisure purposes only and now profit whatsoever has been derived from this work.
SCENARIO: Rhett and Scarlett prior to Bonnie's birth
"No" Scarlett said.
"For Christ sake Scarlett, stop arguing. Give that damn thing to me".
"No" Scarlett said, retreating towards the back of the closet.
"Give it to me or so help me I'll burn every single corset you own. If you don't believe me, just try me."
Scarlett exhaled, she certainly didn't want to see her corsets, and most likely her whole wardrobe, go up in flames due to Rhett's antics. She knew he was perfectly capable of doing what he threatened. Pouting, she handed him the corset and stormed out of the closet into the bedroom again.
"I don't see why you're being so silly about this. I'm pregnant- not made of glass".
"I know you're not made of glass. But you're carrying a little baby in there. .. Do you really want to see your own child hurt by a stupid corset".
"Don't be ridiculous Rhett. Lot's of women-"
"Lots of women are idiots. If you think that these things can't hurt the baby then you're wrong. I don't care what it does to your vanity- no more corsets until the baby is born. If it was up to me you wouldn't ever wear a corset again. Do you have any idea what corsets do to a woman's body?".
"You're not going to order me about and tell me what to wear after the baby is born!"
"Then it seems we have reached an agreeable compromise. You'll promise not to wear a corset until the baby is born. I'll promise to hold my tongue and not stop you from wearing one after the baby is born. Do we have a deal?"
Scarlett paused, she hated the fact that she could never seem to win an argument with this man. "Fine!" she huffed. Tired, fed up and irritated, she took a seat on a lounge chair in their bedroom, put her feet up on a cushion and folded her arms across her chest. Ooh, how she hated being pregnant!
Noticing her low mood, Rhett wordlessly returned the corset to the closet. When he came out, he took a long look at her, and finally spoke, breaking the silence. "Do you feel up to going out somewhere tonight? You look absolutely miserable, my poor Momma to Be. Let's have some fun!"
Scarlett looked at him warily. She was fed up of being at home. The pregnancy was getting on her nerves and she was feeling like she would stifle if she had to stay in the house a minute longer.
"How can I? I mean look at me- it's obvious that I'm- in the family way. What will people think?".
"My dear, when did what people think ever stop you from doing anything? If you're worried about people seeing you we can go to the theatre. We'll organise for the coach arrive after people are already seated. It will be dark- no one will see you anyway".
Scarlett paused...She really was desperate to get out of the house. And who knows- it might work. Her lips slowly spread into a smile.
"Alright, let's go to the theatre! What's on?"
Rhett gave her a devilish smile. "Wait and see".