- The Dark Blood

She walked to the dark chamber. The throne towered before her, its dark spires like hungry fingers, grasping for life. What is this place?

The throne seemed to look into her, into her mind, into her soul. The many Sith who had sat upon that throne seemed to be studying her. Watching her. Rey gazed into the room. She heard the voices talking about her. Seeing her potential.

"Long have I waited." Rey broke into a cold sweat. With terror in her eyes, she faced the speaker. Palpatine.

"For my grandchild to come home." Palpatine's mouth curled into a wicked grin. Rey's breathing was getting faster and faster. Something about his face... Was he proud to see me?

Palpatine gestured to the throne. " Welcome, Emperess Palpatine". Rey's eyes widened. Palpatine smiled. He looked down at his granddaughter. He enjoyed her fear.

"You will take the throne. It is in your blood. Our blood. It is your birthright. It is your destiny." Rey wore a determined look on her face. " I haven't come to lead the Sith. I've come to end them."

Palpatine chuckled. "As a Jedi?"


Foolish girl. "No. I can feel your anger. Your hate. Your suffering. You want to kill me. That is what I want." Rey took a step back. My spirit possesses all of the Sith. Kill me, and you will gain the spirits of all of the Sith before you. You will be Empress, my granddaughter. We will be one."

Rey took a step back. She knew he was manipulating her. But in the back of her head, she wondered if this was her destiny. Was this what her heritage had led up to? She wanted to kill him, but his promise made her hesitant.

Palpatine gestured to the battlefield. He showed her the Resistance bring pummeled. Her friends - no,family - were being slaughtered right in front of her. "The Resistance is dying, granddaughter. You lead them here. Their deaths are the result of your decision. By becoming Empress, you can call off the attack. You can save your friends."

Rey looked at Palpatine, then at the battle. She saw the wreckage that the Imperial Order had done. It was tough to admit, but it looked like evil had won.

Maybe embracing the dark side is a way to save my friends... I could call off the attack, give the Resistance protection...

Rey turned to face her grandfather. Clenching her fists, she took a deep breath, and drew her lightsaber. It's blue blade sizzled to life.

Palpatine laughed. " Yes, granddaughter. Kill me, and be reborn as a true Sith! The Jedi are dead! The Sith are reborn!!"

Rey brought the saber to his chest. He smiled. His plan was finally coming together. He saw Rey's determination. A small smile crept on her lips. Yes. She will do just fine. His granddaughter will restore the Palpatine name.

Rey swung with the emotion to kill a man that took everything she ever cared about away from her. He killed her parents, and her allies. Palpatine gave a final cackle as Rey drove her lightsaber into his heart.

As Palpatine crumpled to the ground, Rey opened her arms, and the essence of Palpatine rushed into her. She should've felt scared, or worried, or felt immense pain, but she didn't. She heard the dissapointed voices of her masters, she saw their faces filled with regret.

She also heard the voices of the Sith, telling her she made the right decision; "Welcome to your new family, Empress. All hail Rey Palpatine, the greatest Sith there ever was."

Rey felt the raw power instead her. She closed her eyes, and they went from brown to yellow, as she took her seat on the dark throne as the Supreme Empress of a new Galactic Empire.

As she sat, a satanic laugh escaped her mouth, and it seemed to echo throughout the galaxy.


Ben Solo dashed to the throne room. He needed to make sure that Rey was okay. Who knows what Palpatine was doing to her. Ben turned a corner and ran into the chamber.

He didn't feel the same energy from the last time he was here. It had been rough, and scratchy. This one had the same dark energy, but it was more like velvet, soft and smooth.

Looking up at the throne, he doesn't see any sign of Palpatine anywhere. He does, however, see a tiny form sitting cross-legged on the throne. Her cream white clothes was a stoic contrast to the smoky black throne she sat on.

Ben approached the throne. "Rey."

Rey's eyes looked down at him. "Ben Solo.