DZ2's 'The Boy Who Waited' Challenge

Plot: Time is a mysterious thing, but with time comes change, but can these changes be better or worse? I daresay Harry's friends are about to find out.

Rules: Grey Harry ONLY (Dark moments allowed, obviously)

The story MUST start with Harry in a tense, life-or-death situation that forces his magic to clash with another (Battle at the DoM)

When his magic clashes, Harry disappears - whoever/whatever he's facing still dies/is defeated - but, soon after, an older, stronger, less-naive Harry reappears

The new Harry MUST be at least 5 years older than he was when he disappeared and, because of this, he's also stronger...a LOT stronger!

What, exactly, happened in 'Harry-time' is up to you, but it MUST have changed Harry physically, mentally, magically and even emotionally

There MUST be someone who doesn't like the new Harry and even tries to put him 'back to normal' (Hermione)

If the Harry who returns is older than 17, one of his first new objectives MUST be to take control of everything he's owed/he owns

All pairings are welcome

~Super/OP Harry- ACCEPTED
~MoD-Harry- MAYBE
~Somehow, the Harry who returns is a Creature-wizard- SOMEWHAT ACCEPTED? It's debatable the degree of how human a God Eater is after being bonded to the armlet containing aragami flesh (or just look at the ray of sunshine that is Soma…)
~'Flashbacks' show what happened to Harry in the time he was gone (like CW's Arrow has flashbacks showing Oliver's experiences)- MAYBE
~Instead of being the one to dislike/distrust the new Harry, Dumbledore offers to help Harry- DECIDEDLY NOT
~Upon returning, Harry claims the Elder Wand- MAYBE
~Harry doesn't return alone- ACCEPTED
~The new Harry isn't afraid to kill if/when necessary- AGREED
~Slash- DENIED
~Harems- NO
~The only reason Harry's returned at all is to end Voldemort, and/or anyone else who stands in his way, then he's planning to leave again- ACCEPTED BUT HIS COMING BACK TO BEAT VOLDEMORT ISN'T FOR THE REASONS YOU MIGHT SUSPECT
~A prophecy speaks of the Boy-Who-Waited- DENIED
~The Harry who returns has powers/abilities/magic unknown/forbidden/lost to the magical world- UNDECIDED
~As well as a stronger wizard, the new Harry's a bit of a 'player' (in terms of relationships, wealth, attitude, etc.)- MAYBE, APPEARANCES ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT AND PERCEPTIONS CAN BE WRONG

~Dark or Evil Harry
~Weak Harry
~Harry returning as anything less than 5 years older
~Harry NOT going to claim/control all that he's owed/he owns
~Harry siding with Voldemort
~Everyone accepting the new Harry
~Anyone convincing/being successful in returning Harry to normal

Other than that, it's up to you...

ALSO: In case anyone's wondering, the DW episode I referred to is 'The Girl Who Waited' in Matt Smith/11th Doctor's time and the minimum of 5 years rule was inspired by Oliver Queen and how 'five years in hell' changed him into the warrior-hero we know as Green Arrow.

A/N: So.. I got nothing to say other than I blame plot bunnies...

Harry could help biting down on his lip to avoid the swear that wanted to escape his lips as a curse glanced his arm opening a bloody wound. How could he have been so stupid?!

He and his friends were stuck in a battle for their lives because of him! Hindsight he decided was most certainly a cruel bitch. He shouldn't have believed the vision of Sirius being in danger was real. Voldemort had abused the connection between them before and a simple misleading 'vision' was childsplay for the dark monster that had plagued him the last few years. He should've mirror called Sirius to check yet he hadn't. Instead of doing the logical thing, he rounded up his friends he knew could handle themselves and plunged into the Department of Mysteries to rescue his 'in danger' dogfather.

As if to add onto the danger he put them all in, the group of underage witches and wizards had been ambushed by Death Eaters in the Hall of Prophecies. Surprised but equally not, it was Lucius Malfoy who had lead the group of terrorists who demanded some prophecy about him and Voldemort in exchange for the lives of his friends being held at wand point. A resolute refusal and shattering of the prophecy orb was what lead to the current predicament of the group fleeing for their lives.

"Aw, itty bitty baby Potter scawed?"

Harry's eyes narrowed in anger. Of course he was scared, no sane minded person wouldn't not be scared in a situation like this. Outnumbered , outwanded and being pursued by superiorly more experienced opponents not shy about murdering you wasn't a happy situation to be in. "Screw you LeStrange! A mad dog like you should've been aborted in the womb before your mother even knew she was carrying such a monster!" he roared over his shoulder ducking into the first open doorway. Instead of finding a way out, not to mention being separated from his friends, he found himself trapped in a room that empty save for a weird archway on a mound of earth. What marked the archway as weird was primarily the symbols on all sides that looked like runes from Hermione's books and the ominous dead green swirling vortex like film connected to all internal edges of the arch.

Bellatrix, the mad witch that she was, snarled at disrespect even as her criminally insane eyes showed some amusement. For her Lord and Master's most annoying nuisance to show some backbone just before his almost certain death was funny to a degree but her Black blood boiled at her honor, what little was left, was impugned upon. Being the eldest of the Black Sisters, her wedded name being LeStrange now notwithstanding, her honor was one of the cornerstones of her identity as a witch descended from a Sacred Twenty-Eight family. Letting her rage take control for the infinitesimal moment she did the one thing she swore to never do after receiving her Dark Mark, she ignored Voldemort's order to bring Potter to him alive. Between a roar of fury she could barely make out the pronunciation of the Killing Curse.

For Harry time seemed to slow before his eyes. With nothing to block the deadly spell a moment of resignation came over him. In the blink of an eye his life flashed before his eyes and he realized just how little he actually did. He realized how startlingly worthless his accomplishments, few as they were, were compared to his meager fifteen years on Earth.

"Pup move now!"

Harry was violently moved from the path of the deadly green curse after being tackled by the only person to ever call him pup. The only person to ever well and truly care for, to ever wholeheartedly love him. "Sirius.." His breath came in rasping, gasping breaths as the tumble disturbed the earthen mound the archway rested on and he inadvertently sucked some of the organic material into his lungs.

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed in anger. So close! She was so close to wiping the half-blood stain from the mortal plain of existence!

"Pup, you need to let me handle Bellatrix. She's far too skilled a duelist for you to win" Sirius said with a grimace as he took a defensive stance in front of Harry. His pup could piss and rant at him later about not giving him due credit for his abilities but what he said was not wrong. Bellatrix had excelled in dueling in her younger years and held a national youth dueling champion title while in Hogwarts. He didn't know what her current dueling abilities were now but they weren't to underestimated with her massive spell arsenal, most of them undoubtedly Dark Spells if not worse.

What unfolded in front of Harry's eyes was a terrifying display of magic. For every destructive spell the mad witch launched at them Sirius managed to either shield or counter with a ferocity that rivaled the rage of the dragon from the tournament last year. What neither noticed til the last second was the Bombarda that was reflected by Sirius' shield charm blew up the ground at their feet blowing them within feet of the green vortex inside the archway.

Bellatrix, ever the opportunist, launched a volley of curses at the downed wizards. Between the standard and Dark curses she fired several Killing curses at the pair. There was no way they would survive this encounter! Impugning her honor, spitting on the honor of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black & daring to be a nuisance to her Lord was more than enough cause to die!

Sirius did his best to shield against the volley of curses. It was only once he was shoved to the side did he see three Killing Curses impact Harry's body and send it through the archway. A roar of beastial fury rose in his throat as the Black Insanity, a curse laid on those of Black descent centuries ago, turned his eyes pitch black. His godsons murder would be avenged if he had to murder all of England to tear his bitch of a cousin limb from limb.

In the Ministry lobby the remaining members of the Hogwarts students barely found safety as Headmaster Dumbledore seemed to appear just in time to duel with the Dark Lord. The titanic duel was as awe inspiring as it was terrifying. The amount of magic in the air and the damage it caused as spells were reflected or redirected to destroyed parts of the lobby with seemingly little consideration for collateral damage of any kind.

"I killed Harry Potter! I killed Harry~"

The entire lobby seemed to stop in its tracks. Harry was dead? This news brought out a variety of reactions from all around. Ron, Hermione, Neville Luna and Giny couldn't believe it. Harry couldn't be dead! He was too stubborn to die in this place!

Dumbledore had sorrow and anger written across his face. Harry would have died at the right time, For The Greater Good of course, but he was not supposed to die like this.

Voldemort had fury written across his face as he glared at Bellatrix. She was supposed to bring him back alive so he could make an example of the thorn in the side. He was supposed to break the spirit of the wizarding world and make them submit to his will or die trying.

The duel seemed to intensify until a terrifying sound filled the air.

"Rip! Tear! Devour!"

From the shadows of a hallway two dark demon like things appeared with snarling visages. The teeth were like a sharks gaping maw and along its long limbless body yellow bulging pockets of something seemed to expand. In the blink of an eye the Death Eaters were little more than pieces of corpses on the ground, puddles of blood and pieces of organs littering the ground. Over the sound of the retching and the duel a set of footsteps made themselves known as a figure emerged. The figure, a man, was relatively tall at what had to of been close to six foot two. His hair was obsidian black with pale skin and a set of dark green almost black eyes. His underclothes were rather unremarkable, a set of slacks with a belt and white collared button down shirt, but his jacket bore an emblem that was rather unique. The jacket in question was a black leather duster with a silver almost tribal style wolf head clenching a wreath between its teeth and the wreath sides going up around the sides of the head enclosing it in. Clasped in the mans hands were two swords, one in each hand, that the demon like heads retreated into nearly smacking into the dual large red metal bracelets adorning his wrists.

"General Potter sir!"

The man smirked as the world seemed to freeze and the witch he looked so forward to killing, not mention his dogfather who was seconds away from using a spell that would have him kissed for sure, seemed to freeze up. 'On second thought, maybe I'll let her handle the witch in my place. I have bigger aragami to devour than a whelp like her' he thought shouldering his weapons. "Alisa, kill the woman with purple eyes. She's no better than the aragami. The snake faced fucker is mine."

From the same hallway that the man emerged from, a young woman with snow white hair made her own appearance. Her outfit, if it could be called an outfit, was barely enough to keep her naughty bit from flashing. Her half shirt was half closed from the top leaving an ample amount of her cleavage, not to mention her slim but muscled stomach, open to being ogled by any and everyone in sight. Her skirt was rather short and plaid like her hat while black stockings provided support for what appeared to a sidearm in a holster made of unknown material but looked like creature flesh. "What about the others General? The cowards and the man with the long beard, Sir."

"Lay so much as a single hand on one hair on the blonde and I'll string you up by your small intestines." Emerald green eyes glanced over to the blonde and connected with silvery-blue. "It's good to see you again Little Raven. You stay right there and big brother will take care of everything. Don't be afraid ok? Big brothers a decade more prepared to protect you."

Luna, head ever in the clouds, gaped silently in shock seeing the eyes looking at her so warm and adoringly at her. "Harry…" she said in a voice low enough to not be heard by her friends.

"Now if I can have the attention of the terrorist and the puppet master who doesn't care who dies as long as it suits his plans.. Well, actually either title could apply to both of you." Emerald eyes narrowed in thought before shrugging. "Albus one too many names Dumbledore and half-blood inferiority complex Tom Marvolo Riddle, I have a bone to pick you. Both of you. A rather large one and if I have to murder you both to be done with this pain in my metaphorical ass so be it."