Busted Chapter 1

I don't own anything.

Post X-2.  Rogue and Wolverine deal with the aftermath.  How they feel.  About each other, Jean, and life. 

I forget when words were only words

She knows the party makes me nervous

In this stage we can't get hurt

Don't try to understand me

we're too cool to be alone but,

Not too crazy to get busted

The man known as Wolverine felt numb.  Numb, and weak and not at all like a man with enough strength and power to defeat a whole army of anti –mutant soldiers and all the demons of his past.  But that is what he had done.  Well maybe not all the demons.  And he had had some help.  One person in particular had helped a lot.  And given her life saving them all.  He wanted to cry for Jean.  He wanted to cry like Scott cried, like Scott was still crying.  But he couldn't.  He was too numb.  He thought back to the past days events and he couldn't believe them.  How had they happened?  He'd just got back.  Hadn't even had enough time to settle in – wash his clothes – take Marie to dinner – piss of Scott by flirting with Jean in front of him.  Nope, hadn't got to do any of that.  He was starting to think he was bad luck at ole' Mutant High.  As soon as he arrived the shit hit the fan.  Soldiers, kidnappings, near plane crashes, the guy who was responsible for turning him into Magneto's wet dream, girls with fingernail knives, and then Jean.  Jean was gone.  God and he had almost lost Rogue too.  A couple of times.  First at the school, then when she was sucked out of the plane and then when she flew the damn thing to save them even though she had no idea what she was doing.  Damn what was it with his woman trying to save him?  That wasn't their job.  But he'd be dead himself if they hadn't.  Dead like Jean.  When this day had started he certainly didn't think it would end like this.  He should have done something differently.  He shouldn't have stolen that kiss.  He had no right pulling her emotions into two different directions.  She belonged with Scott.  She knew that – hell he knew that.  She belonged with someone who could make her life better, ease some of her burden.  And that was never going to be someone Logan could be.  Logan created chaos, turmoil, he had never been able to help anyone, not even himself.  Well except Marie.  Marie was the one person who he had saved.  He'd given her a lot of issues and nightmares while he was doing it but…He knew that she didn't mind.  She was the only real friend he had ever had.  That is what she was to him – not a sister, not a daughter – a friend, the only one he had ever had.  Jean hadn't even been his friend.  No she was just an object of his affection.  A symbol, a beautiful symbol of everything he could never have.  And now she was gone.