Part 3 Second Mission. A Super Saiyan Awakens?!

(Jordon's POV)

I went to Knuckles's house to get some rest alongside Knuckles when he asked me a question, "Hey Jordon, do you know any Saiyan legends? And if you do, could you tell me them please?"
"I do know two. And yes I will tell you them. First, the legend of the Super Saiyan. This legend tells of a golden haired Saiyan with incredible power that only appears about 1000 years. Next up is the legend of the Legendary Super Saiyan God. It is said that once seven pure hearted Saiyans undergo a special ritual, a Super Saiyan God is born." I told Knuckles.
"Wow! That sounds awesome! Anyway good night!" He told me, and I did the same.

(No one's POV)

The next morning, they went to the meeting. "Okay so for this mission Jordon, Knuckles, and Sapphire will go to the base to find all helpful information and to destroy it." said Sally.
"I promise you that we will complete this mission, Sally." said Sapphire.
"We agree!" said both Jordon and Knuckles.

Later, "We got the info!" said Knuckles.
"This is too easy." said Sapphire.
"Yeah. Almost like it's..." started Jordon being interrupted by Eggman's voice.
"A trap? That's because it is one! Hello, Sapphire and Knuckles, oh, and you two Jordon." said Eggman who appeared on a monitor's screen.
"Well anyway, after witnessing Jordon's fight with my giant robot yesterday, I've made a newer version. Robot destroy them." ordered Eggman to a giant robot that then appeared from out of nowhere.
The giant robot started by throwing a punch, which both Jordon and Sapphire dodged, but Knuckles didn't and was sent flying into a wall knocking him out cold. "Knuckles! That's it! Kaio-Ken!" said Jordon as he activated the Kaio-Ken.
He then with Sapphire started to attack the robot. They got knocked away, and Jordon kicked the Kaio-Ken up to X10, and said, "Ka...Me...Ha...Me...Ha!"
He then let it fly, but it didn't even leave a scratch on it. It then hit Jordon away. Sapphire then did her Spin Dash attack, but it caught her and threw her towards Knuckles knocking her out too. It was about to kill them when suddenly, "You, you get away from them. I won't let you kill them. I WON'T LET YOU!" said Jordon as he suddenly transformed into a Super Saiyan.
"Super, Ka...Me...Ha...Me...Ha!" Jordon said as he let this attack fly towards the robot.
It was destroyed from that attack. "What was that?!" asked both Sapphire and Knuckles.
"I think I turned into a Super Saiyan." answered Jordon.

(To be continued)

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. SuperJordonGod out, peace. *Instant Transmissions out*