I'm feeling kind of different so anyone that has questions for my resurgence story please feel free to ask and I will answer in a different fanfic separate from TBTR (Truth be told resurgence). They can be about anything to do with the story or anything in the story you want to know in general. It can also be to clear up any intentions with the Truth be told story and how I want to take it in general. I figured it would be a good time to introduce something like this considering I've wanted to do it for the people sceptical on how I'm continuing Truth be told.

I've taken enough of a break consisting of three days so time to get back to writing for the Truth be told chapters I want to release at once maybe? Might take longer than a usual update but that's why I want to answer any questions to make sure that you guys understand how I want to take the story. Sound fair? Ok just either leave me a review or write me a PM a question and I will put it together in between writing TBT. Should be interesting.

That's about it really... I do mean it. I'll answer anything with detail but not loads. Also, I will not explain how the future of TBT is going to be. If you want to know the different variations of TBT's future. Again, add me on discord Kano #6890

Also, a shot in the dark but I want to get into contact with a certain person who used to help TBT out... Some of you know him. Oslight? Right? Well he did drawings of TBT back when Imherepresent was still with us. Oslight if your reading this somehow... message me on either discord or PM for more details on the story and a few things I had planned. If you guys could go on deviant art and message him that would be great lol. Bigger the people telling him someone's picked the story up, the better if you know what I mean lol

RIP imherepresent...

Also I never intend to ever replace him. I never could but just like everyone else reading this. I was a massive of fan of Imherepresents work for a long time and to not see it finished... is bad.

I waited a while to see if anyone else is going to pick up TBT and no one did so like Thanos once said. "Fine I'll do it myself."

Almost finished now. I had a few ideas a while back for a... manga TBT? Wouldn't that be cool? It would be in my opinion but unless any artists want to then I can help in any way I can. I'm no artist lol so I can't do it myself. If you're wondering how I thought about that. I got it from one of Oslight's stash of TBT. There was a manga like drawing of Ichika in chi-tsuki I think? I do highly advise checking his work out. Very talented person.

I have been considering a break but not in the form you think? I'm having personal issues at the moment so I need to get my stuff together and get my life going once again. If I do take a break within the next few months. Best believe it will be like I never left lol. I don't think I'll have a proper break but it's a Plan B if things keep going like this. COVID ruined my plan of life. I had everything I wanted to do and now I'm in square one.

on a real note. I'll end it at that.

Make sure to get questions in as I'll answer some within this week on a separate fic like what Imherepresent did.

I think I'll try to get into contact with Oslight. If any of you wanna help, it would be much appreciated.

I look forward the the questions lol