This was written for Hermione's Nook's rare pair soulmate fest.

My prompt: being around your soulmate heals you.

I based this fic on the old English myth that if someone who truly loved and trusted a werewolf called out their name during the full moon, they would change back to a human.

The first time Ron witnessed sanamora, he had been three years old. His mum had told him to pick up his toys, but he hadn't listened. Fred and George had turned his teddy bear into a spider which promptly made him forget all about the toys covering the floor of his room.

He had run to his mum, sobbing. She had picked him up and started yelling at the twins. The whole time, she had rubbed his back soothingly.

Then, she had carried him back up to his room. It was dark. She hadn't seen his train set.

Luckily, when she had tripped, it was right into Ron's soft bed, but she still had twisted her ankle. Ron had cried louder and tried saying he was sorry. The crash, his crying, and his mum cursing had brought his dad in.

His dad had gone to his mum's side and had spoken to her in a low voice. After a minute, he had lifted her skirt enough to see her ankle. It had looked painful, but his mum wasn't crying.

A warm golden light had surrounded his mum's ankle. His parents hadn't seemed surprised, but Ron was. It was the most magical thing he had ever seen.

"Mama, what that?" he had asked, pointing at her ankle.

"Sanamora, love. We all have someone special in the world. Someone we are meant to be with always. We call them soulmates. When we are in the presence of our soulmate, our magic heals them if they are hurt." His mum had brushed her fingers through his hair.

"Where mine?" Ron demanded, looking at his mum's healed ankle in amazement.

She had laughed and tucked him into bed as his dad had used magic to clean his room. "There are lots of people in the world, so not everyone gets to meet their soulmateā€¦ but if you are patient and keep your heart open, I think you'll find the one for you."

It hadn't taken him long to find her, though he didn't know it for awhile. It had taken until Harry's second quidditch match for Ron to finally notice. Malfoy had given him a bloody nose. It wasn't until Hermione had conjured a handkerchief and told him to tilt his head back that he had realized his nose was surrounded by a faint golden light.

Every time he had gotten injured around Hermione, the healing magic started. It wasn't like with his parents though. It was weak, almost as if it was diluted. Hermione didn't even notice it.

Ron wondered for years if Hermione just didn't love him and that's why she couldn't see the healing magic. Maybe it was because she was a skeptic about the whole thing. He wasn't entirely sure, but it made no difference. Their sanamora simply wasn't as powerful as his parents.

It wasn't until they had escaped Crabbe's fiendfyre that Hermione finally saw sanamora in action. Harry and Malfoy had collapsed against each other in the corridor, both coughing and burned. That golden light had encompassed them, shining too brightly to be missed.

Hermione, of course, had tried to apply logic to it. She theorized that love and stress from being injured had amplified their magic and made it possible for a wandless healing spell to take place.

Malfoy, who had grown up with the same stories Ron had, had known immediately what was happening. It was almost funny how quickly Malfoy's pale skin turned red.

There hadn't been time to talk about it. They were in the middle of a war. The diadem was destroyed. All that was left was the snake.

Most of that night passed in a blur for Ron. After Fred had died, he managed to force himself to fight on autopilot until there was hardly anything left in him. He only came back to himself when he heard Hermione scream.

She had taken off, running through the fight. Ron wasn't quick enough to stop her. Greyback had abandoned Lavender's body and lunged at Hermione, his teeth bared in a snarl.

Ron had pulled out his wand and cast the knockback jinx, but it had been too late. Greyback had already bitten her shoulder.

It had taken Ron too long to get to Hermione. Every second wasted was time he could be healing her. Even with sanamora it would be impossible to reverse a werewolf curse, but he could at least try healing the wound with their weak magic.

Hermione had tried telling him to check on Lavender, but Ron couldn't leave her side. He had had to heal her. The feeble magic between them was working, but only just.

People had been scrambling around them, but Ron hadn't noticed them. It had been as if they were in the eye of a storm. Hermione had passed out from the pain.

It had been like a miracle. Out of nowhere, their sanamora had strengthened. The light surrounding the bite mark had suddenly grown brighter as Hermione's skin started stitching back together.

Ron had nearly cried with relief, but then he noticed someone was standing beside them. He had looked up, finding jade green eyes. Pansy Parkinson had stopped, her hand covering her mouth as she looked down at Hermione and Ron. Her eyes had been full of tears. When she noticed Ron staring up at her, she had turned on her heel and ran.

The light surrounding Hermione's wound had faded, but the bite was almost entirely healed. Ron had stared down at the fragile light, a single thought entering his head. No way.


If you liked this chapter, feel free to leave a comment! I love it when people say hi!