Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Author's Note:

This story was inspired by the following fanfictions:

1) THE DARK LORD'S DAUGHTER, Or, the Corruption of Hermione Granger by Amandah Leigh

2) Second Time Around by Neko-Tenchi

3) You're Mine by Nautical Paramour

4) Delilah's Black Book of Poems by Dark Whisper - (Absolutely one of the best fanfictions I have ever read!)


Summary: "I went to Dumbledore," he confessed. "I want to join your side, Hermione. I don't want to be like my father. I want to be a better man. For you and only for you."


Chapter 4: In which suspicions arise and truths were revealed.

"The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution."

-Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

November 8, 1991

(five years ago)

"Frigus Ignis."

Hermione watched Theo cast the charm at an empty jar of jam. A bright blue flame appeared inside the jar and she suddenly felt warm. Then, he cast 'Lumos' to light their way. The Slytherin boy must've noticed the amazement in her face and that she was eyeing the jar. He smiled and offered his hand. "It's called the Bluebell Flame. I've read about it."

"'Course you did," she giggled and took his hand. They started walking silently to the Gryffindor Tower. After dinner, she went to the library to study and read about defensive spells and dark creatures, because she wasn't learning much from their D.A.D.A. professor. She unintentionally fell asleep in the library and that was how Theo found her. He heard and saw Potter and Weasley looking for her just fifteen minutes before curfew when they were walking from Hagrid's hut to the castle, and Theo was just returning with Malfoy after secretly drinking butterbeer by the lake (to Hermione's dismay). He decided to look for her, too.

"Teach me the charm tomorrow, will you?" she inquired.

"Of course. It's November already; very cold. It will keep you warm when you go outside, especially when you, Potter and Weasley decide to visit Hagrid," he replied kindly and Hermione felt him squeeze her hand.


November 17, 1991

(five years ago)

"If you want to know about Nicholas Flamel -"

"Theo, don't," she cut him off but not rudely. "I want to find this on our own, but I appreciate your offer."

Theo shrugged and opened a Chocolate Frog, then he continued reading his Charms book, subconsciously playing with the card, but Hermione didn't bother to look who the featured witch or wizard was.

She frowned at him. "Theo," she hissed. "This is the library! Madam Pince might catch you eating and kick you out!"

Theo smirked and took another bite of the chocolate. "She won't. No one comes here. Have some."

She was still frowning, giving him a disapproving look, but Theo tossed a box of Sugar Quills to her. "You've become relaxed about breaking rules with Potter and Weasley, and you won't let me do this?" he teased.

Hermione rolled her eyes but smiled. She reached for the box of Sugar Quills and took one. "Fine."

"Rule-breaker," Theo smirked.


November 8, 1992

(four years ago)

"Polyjuice Potion." That was the first thing she said to Theo when she slid beside him on the couch near the window at the library.

Theo was reading, as usual, and Hermione wondered if there was even a day he didn't read. "Hmm?" he murmured, looking up at Hermione.

"Polyjuice Potion," she repeated with confidence.

He cocked an eyebrow.

"I have to convince Harry and Ron that Malfoy isn't the heir of Slytherin and that he didn't open the Chamber of Secrets. So, I thought of sneaking into the Slytherin dorms with them to speak with Malfoy. Harry and Ron will be disguised as Crabbe and Goyle and I'll be any Slytherin girl in our year."

"Tracey Davis. You can disguise as Tracey. She's usually quiet."

Her eyes widened. "So, you agree with our idea?"

He rolled his eyes. "Like what you said, you have to convince your friends. Talking to Draco is the best way to convince them that he isn't the heir. And, great timing, he and I are staying for Christmas hols. I'll back you up."

Hermione grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you, Theo! You're truly a great friend!"

"Do you have all the ingredients for the potion except for the hair and Fluxweed?" he inquired.

"No, but I'll take care of it. It's full moon two days from now, and Harry, Ron, and I can sneak into one of the greenhouses to pick Fluxweed."

"What about the Boomslang Skin and Horn of Bicorn?" Theo eyed her intently and it gave Hermione the impression that the wizard was a Legilimens.

"I can sneak into Professor Snape's private store," she replied slowly.

"You don't have to steal. We can buy via owl post," he suggested.

Hermione's mouth formed a small 'o'. Not only Theo was agreeing to her, Harry, and Ron's plan of brewing Polyjuice Potion to sneak into the Slytherin House, but he was also offering to help her get the ingredients. "Are you serious?"

Theo raked his hair. "Of course. What if Professor Snape caught you stealing from his private inventory?"

"But, he's never suspected me," she reasoned.

"He will suspect you because you're spending too much time with Potter and Weasley. You're breaking a serious school rule - disguising as someone else. Don't make anyone suspect you by stealing, otherwise, you might be expelled." Theo placed a hand on Hermione's shoulder and he looked at her like a protective adult. "You always help Potter and Weasley in every single way you can. How about you? Let me help you, all right?"

Hermione was touched by his words, so she nodded and gave him a fond look.


November 21, 1993

(three years ago)

Hermione felt alone. Again.

Harry took Ron's side when the latter accused her pet of eating Scabbers. Ron's pet rat was nowhere to be seen, and Crookshanks was seen by Fred and George 'talking' to a black dog - to which Harry and Ron suspected as the 'Grim' Professor Trelawney had talked about in Divination. Hermione insisted that Crookshanks didn't eat Scabbers and neither was he talking to a grim. She insisted that what the twins saw was an ordinary black dog.

Yesterday, during their second Hogsmeade trip, Harry sneaked into the Hogsmeade by taking the secret passage to Honeydukes Fred and George mentioned to him. Of course, he was under the Invisibility Cloak. Hermione noticed Harry's footprints just when they were about to ride a carriage and told Harry off.

"It's dangerous, Harry! There are Dementors in the village!" she hissed at him, remembering Theo's advice.

"But Hermione, he's under the cloak!" defended Ron.

"It's already bad that your Boggart's a Dementor! What if they sensed you under the cloak?" she told Harry, ignoring Ron.

"They won't! I just want to see the village and I'll be careful," reasoned Harry.

But Hermione wasn't happy when Harry still went to the village. She was furious; too furious that she parted ways with them.

If Harry doesn't care about what I say, why should I care about him?

But then, an hour later, she saw Ron running in the streets, so she followed him. He stopped at a tree, near the Shrieking Shack, and talking to space.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Harry pulled out the Invisibility Cloak. He was crying. Ron comforted him and she found out about what the two boys overheard at the Three Broomsticks: Sirius Black was after Harry and he betrayed Harry's parents.

Hermione felt sorry for Harry, but he was angry at her. "Look! If I didn't sneak, I would never know he's after me. I would never have any idea he's the reason my parents are dead!" he told her furiously. "It's already too bad that Malfoy knows everything and I don't!"

Harry stopped talking to her after that.

And then there was Theo. He put up an invisible wall between them, since the first Hogsmeade visit. He said, he was only troubled by family problems, but he would get over it with. Hermione wanted to help by listening and perhaps offering advice. She wanted to be a good friend to him. She wanted to be there for him and to pay back, for the times he helped her. But he would politely decline and say something like: "You should go back to Potter and Weasley."

That hurt Hermione because it gave her the impression that Theo didn't want her anymore as a friend.

She Conjured another bluebell flame and wrapped her cloak around her firmly. She had been sitting by the almost frozen lake. That's how Hagrid found her.

"Hey, Hermione!"

Hermione looked up and saw her, Harry, and Ron's 'big friend'. She offered him a small smile and she stood up. "Hey, Hagrid."

"It's chilling out here. Let's have tea?"

Hermione smiled sadly but nodded. She followed Hagrid to his hut. The Keeper of Keys did not ask where Harry and Ron were and didn't press her to tell him the real reason why she was alone by the freezing lake. She couldn't tell him the main reason why she was sad: Theo.

She had argued with Harry and Ron in the past. She was used to it and she was fine because Theo was always there. He was her first friend. He was the mature one and he would distract - or even entertain her - by giving her sweets, lending her books and having a debate on some magical theories.

But he wasn't around this time. He was facing his own endeavors.

Then, Hagrid mentioned about Buckbeak's trial. Hermione gladly offered to research to help him prepare his defense for Buckbeak's case. So, after the tea with Hagrid, she went to the library.

"What do you need law books for?"

Hermione stopped reading and froze. She inhaled deeply and was greeted by a familiar scent: spice with lemon and cinnamon, but she ignored the owner of the voice... and the scent.

She felt him slid beside her. "Hermione..."

"What?" she snapped.

Theo looked taken aback. When Hermione faced him, she noticed his appearance. His hair was tousled and eyes looked tired. "Are you all right?" she asked in a concerned tone, forgetting the invisible wall between them for a moment.

Theo ran his fingers in his hair. "I'm fine. Just... tired. You?"

Hemione looked away. "Fine."

"You don't look fine," argued Theo.

"You don't look fine, either," she retorted. "And you wouldn't tell me why."

Theo gave her a guilty look. "I'm sorry. I thought... No, forget it. It's stupid."

"I wish you would tell me about your problems, too," she said softly, facing him again.

"Me, too. But I can't," was his only reply.

Hermione frowned.

"Let it go, Hermione. You know I'm not comfortable talking about my family. What are you working on?"

Hermione didn't want to drop the subject, but she knew that she wouldn't get any more information from Theo. "I'm helping Hagrid prepare for Buckbeak's defense."

"Right. I think I know some books that might help you..."

And just like that, Theo was talking to her again. Hermione was glad.


November 20, 1994

(two years ago)

"Why are we avoiding the library?" she asked when she entered her and Theo's classroom. He was bottling a newly brewed potion.

"Krum likes studying there and girls are following him. Unless you want to see him?" he teased.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not Ron."

Theo chuckled as he put a stopped to the bottle of the purple potion. "What's that?"

"Dreamless Sleep potion," he replied. "Been having bad dreams."

Hermione wanted to ask more, but Theo gave him a warning look. He set the potion aside and sat on the couch. "How's Potter's training?"

The First Task of the Triwizard Tournament was only four days away. Hermione had been spending her free time with Harry, teaching him the Summoning Charm and some transfiguration spells she found on one of the books Theo gave her as a birthday present. Her Slytherin best friend had been very supportive by lending her more advanced books on Charms and Transfiguration. They also researched about dragons.

"He's doing fine," she replied, relaxing on the couch. "I think he's mastered the Summoning Charm already." She smiled at him. "Thanks for helping Harry."

"Your teeth look different," he noticed.

"You think I'm going to keep the fangs your brother gave me?"

"Sorry about that and Professor Snape. So, why are they smaller?"

She felt her cheeks blushed. "Well, Madam Pomfrey offered to shrink them a little more. Mum and Dad won't be too pleased, for sure."

Theo smiled and patted her hair in a brotherly manner that made Hermione feel a bit upset. "You look good."


November 20, 1995

(one year ago)

Hermione never met anyone she could hate more than she hated Umbridge. She would rather pretend to be interested in Professor Trelawney, or listen to Malfoy's insults.

Umbridge is a bitch.

That vile woman gave her detention for questioning the curriculum. She was sort of prepared for it. She knew what was coming. She healed Harry's hand, after all.

Hermione clutched her injured hand and stared at the words: I will not question the Ministry.

She knew that once she soaked her hand in a bowl of Murtlap Essence, she would be fine. But she wanted to cry both in physical and emotional pain. She had been avoiding Theo and he didn't seem to be bothered. He would still show up in the Great Hall during mealtimes and engage in conversations with Zabini and Davis, sometimes with Malfoy.

Biting her lip to stop herself from crying, she continued the walk back to the Gryffindor Tower, but when she reached the third floor, he was there, pacing back and forth, looking worried.

Hermione stopped in her tracks. Theo spotted her and he looked rather relieved. Hermione looked away and continued walking. Theo followed her. "Hermione," he whispered.

Hermione ignored the voice and walked faster.

"Hermione, please," he begged.

And that made Hermione's heart soften. She slowed down and walked towards the other corridor, the one leading to their classroom.

As soon as they both entered the room, Theo heavily warded the door. She sat on the couch, just looking down at her lap. She didn't meet Theo's eyes when he sat beside her.

"Let me see your hand," he asked gently, reaching for her right hand.

Hermione frowned, but still didn't look at him. She allowed him to inspect her hand. "Fuck that old hag," he cursed. He slowly released her hand and went to a cupboard where they would keep their potions and ingredients. He returned to her side with a bowl of Murtlap Essence. Theo took her injured hand once more and soaked it into the bowl.

She felt relieved and inhaled deeply. "Thanks," she mumbled.

After five good minutes, Hermione was no more in physical pain. Theo set aside the bowl and he handed her a clean towel.

"How did you know?" she asked quietly, still not meeting his eyes.

"Pansy was practically telling everyone in the common room," he replied and reached for her good hand to squeeze it. "Are we still friends?"

Hermione bit her lip and bravely looked up. The moment she met his beautiful blue eyes, she melted. The butterflies in her stomach and the fluttering of her heart were back. She couldn't say 'no' to those eyes.

"If you want to," she replied.

Theo frowned. "Of course, I want to. But it's up to you."

"I'm sorry, something was troubling me for the past weeks." It was true, but she wouldn't tell him that it was him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Theo carefully.

She shook her head. "No."

Theo looked surprised, but then, perhaps he remembered that she wouldn't ask him more if he didn't want to talk about his problems. He nodded. "All right. But please, Hermione, don't avoid me ever again. You're my best friend."

She gave him a small smile. She could never end their friendship. He did nothing but good things to her and if he was in love with someone else, well, she just has to accept it. He had been there for her since her first day as a Hogwarts student. It wasn't his fault if she was in love with him.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

Theo pulled her for a hug. Hermione closed her eyes and melted into the wizard's embrace.

Oh, Theo. I'm in love with you and I don't know what to do.


November 1, 1996

(eighteen days ago)

Hermione lay flat on the bed and stared at the canopy of Theo's four-poster, remembering the scenes she had witnessed in the Pensieve. "I got jealous of a child," she murmured in the darkness. "Silly."

Theo's hold on her waist tightened. "You're not. I made you think I'm in love with her," he whispered against her bushy mane. His other arm was tucked under her head. She smiled at their position. She was enveloped on his arms.

"I thought you're asleep already," she said. She really thought he was. The room had been very silent for half an hour now. The only thing she could hear was their breathing.

"It's hard to sleep when you're here," he told her honestly and kissed the crown of her head.

"Shall I go back to my dorm?" she mused.

Theo tightened his hold. "Don't you dare," he warned and she giggled.

"Honestly, what are you thinking?"

She shifted to face him. "The other Hermione, and your past. Do you still think of her when you're with me?"

Theo frowned. "I used to. In our early years. There were times I wanted to leave you alone, just watch things happen again, but then, I would remember the day the kids messed with a time-turner... I wanted to help defeat Voldemort and prevent innocent people's deaths. I wanted to save Draco from taking the Mark. He doesn't have to be alone this time and be punished for his father's mistakes. Dumbledore doesn't have to die. And... you. You won't have to Obliviate your parents and be on the run with two teenage boys without proper food. I don't have to run away like a coward, just to avoid being a Death Eater. I want to be a better man."

Hermione ran a hand in his cheek. "Oh, you're a good man, Theo. You're one of the most compassionate people I've ever met."

Theo smiled rather painfully. "Sometimes I feel guilty for changing some events, then feel guilty for not changing some. That's why there were times I would distance myself from you. Last year, I thought I would let you get close to Weasley because in the other universe you've fancied him since we were third years."

"Because you weren't Hermione's friend in that universe. But here, in this world, in this time, you were my first friend; my best friend, and the only wizard I've ever liked, after that silly crush on Lockhart."

Theo chuckled. "Some things didn't change."

She gave him a rather emotional look and continued running a hand on his cheek. "I'm glad you befriended me this time, Theo, and you didn't give up on our secret friendship. I love you so much," she told him sincerely.

Theo didn't break the eye contact. "I love you too, Hermione. I've loved you yesterday, and I love you still. There will never be a universe where I don't fall in love with you." He kissed her slowly, carefully, but passionately. Hermione was in heaven and she couldn't ask for more.


November 19, 1996

(the present)

They haven't done anything more than kissing, and Hermione was frustrated. Theo wanted her to view some more of his memories before they go further in terms of physical intimacy. He even wanted Hermione to learn the Occlumency, and that was one of the things that kept her busy the past two weeks. She would go to her classes, do her homework, review Harry's and Ron's essays, learn Occlumency with Theo after dinner, and before they go to bed (his bed), she would view a memory or two.

She didn't sleep in her dormitory anymore since November came. Of course, she would still go there to change her clothes, get her things and shower. She would stay in her bed until it's safe to go down to Theo's room, and she would get up early in the morning to go back before Lavender and Parvati woke up.

"Potter's been following Draco."

Hermione pulled away from her reverie at the sound of Theo's voice. They were in his room. It was just before dinner and that was something new. Usually, they would spend the time between after classes and dinner either in their classroom or at the Room of Requirement. Theo would only allow her to go to his room after curfew.

From her position at the couch between the shelves, Hermione saw her boyfriend at his study table, looking down at the Marauders Map. "Harry thinks Draco is a Death Eater." She had been referring to Malfoy as 'Draco' when she was alone with Theo, ever since she learned that he had been very supportive of the other Hermione's relationship with Theo (in the other universe).

"He was, in the other time. But not this time," murmured Theo.

"Because of you and Professor Snape," she smiled. "But, Voldemort promised your fathers that he is going to mark the two of you after the sixth year, right?"

Theo faced her. "He did. But that's not going to happen."

"What's he doing at the Room of Requirement, then?" she asked.

"A task Lucius promised to the Drak Lord. He wants to impress him." He put away the map and moved to the bed. "How strong is your faux layer?"

And we're back to Occlumency, Hermione giggled inwardly. "Better than the last time, I think."

"We'll see about that," he smirked and moved further into the bed, resting his back at the headboard. "Want to skip dinner at the Great Hall?"

She cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh, don't give me that look, Hermione. I was about to ask if you're going to write to your mother. It's her birthday tomorrow, isn't it? Surprise her by telling that you now have a boyfriend, if you haven't already."

She was surprised that Theo knew her mother's birthday. "Well, I already sent her a letter and a present this morning. I told her that I'm no longer single months ago. Anything interesting in your mind?" she teased.

"Oh, I have a lot of interesting things in my mind, Hermione Granger, that involves you and me in a bed," he retorted with a playful smile in his lips. "But unfortunately, you have to view more memories. I want you to be sure of what you're signing up for."

Hermione pouted. "I already told you, nothing can ever change my feelings for you. I love you for who you are, Theo. And whatever happened in the other time, I will accept them, because those events led you to me, again, to be a better man."

He looked at her affectionately. "I know you love me, Hermione. I don't doubt that. I'm protecting you from me. Because once we do it, there'll be no more turning back. I will not let you go. I will never let any boy - or man - have you, or even touch you. I have been patient, Hermione, all these years, but I can be a possessive bloke. I don't want you to have regrets."

Hermione found herself climbing on the bed to be close to him. "I won't regret choosing you, Theo. I'm not the other Hermione who carried a torch for Ronald Weasley and later on, got engaged with him; the Hermione who went to the ball with Viktor or to a party with some Quidditch guy."

Theo chuckled and pulled her to him. "He wasn't 'some Quidditch guy'. He was Cormac McLaggen."

Hermione pulled away, just enough to meet his eyes. "That arrogant prat? The toe rag?" she asked in disbelief. "What the hell?"

Theo laughed even more. "So you know him."

"I had to Confund him to make Ron the new Keeper because he insulted Harry and Ginny!" she sneered.

"So you won't go with him if he asked you to be his date?" Theo looked amused.

"NO!" she shrieked.

Theo gave her a pleased look. "What about Krum, then?"

She rolled her eyes. "How would I even know? You meddled with my life in our fourth year."

Theo grinned and pulled her again, but this time, not for a hug but for a snog she had been waiting for.


November 8, 1999

(Theo's past)

"Theo, it's time for lunch," came Hermione's friendly voice.

"Hmm?" Theo looked up from a document he was reading about a young werewolf - a ten-year-old boy who was bitten in Coed y Brenin Forest in Wales last month. Being the head of Werewolf Support Services, he started drafting a letter to Headmistress McGonagall about the young werewolf's Hogwarts education next year.

"You're working too much," Hermione said to her fondly.

He grinned and leaned back on his chair as Hermione sat on the visitor's chair. "As if you weren't. Werewolf Support Services has just been reopened, so there's so much work to do. I wish I know a werewolf personally to help me with this new assignment."

Hermione's smile faltered. "I used to know one. Remus," she said in a small voice.

"Old Professor Lupin," he affirmed. "I never knew you were close."

Hermione raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I never knew you were our classmate."

He placed a hand on his chest and faked a hurt look. "Ouch. That hurt, Granger. I know I wasn't prominent, but we've shared Arithmancy and Ancient Runes classes for four years."

Hermione chuckled and stood up. "Of course I've noticed you! You were the only Slytherin who was interested in reading as much as I was. Lunch?"

He offered a small smile. They would often eat lunch together at the Ministry cafeteria with the other people from their department, much to the Great Harry Potter's dismay. "No, thanks. I'll pass. I'm meeting Tracey."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Girlfriend?"

He laughed. "No. Tracey Davis."

"Oh. What happened to her? Haven't heard about her after our sixth year."

"She left the country, too, after that. We met somewhere in Africa two years ago and stayed together for half a year. She's happily living in Sweden now and just visiting," he explained, a bit disappointed that there was no hint of jealousy in Hermione's reaction.

She smiled warmly at him; the kind of smile that made Theo's heart flutter. "All right. See you later."

He nodded politely. "See you later, Hermione."


November 20, 1999

(Theo's past)

"Thank you, Theo, for your company," Hermione said fondly.

He sipped his butterbeer and nodded. "Of course. Not a big deal."

"You should come with me, Ron, and Harry. I'm sure my mother will like you," she encouraged.

Theo wanted to but decided against it. Draco would surely smack him for his foolishness. Offering Hermione company to Carl Philip's Finest Dental Instruments in Switzerland via international Portkey was already a bad idea.

"I promised Draco and Narcissa dinner," he lied. But he could always go to Malfoy Manor anytime. Cissy wouldn't mind, even if Draco wasn't around.

She frowned. "But I thought Draco left the country for a five-day business trip?"

He swallowed. "Yeah, but Cissy's home, so..."

Hermione nodded. "All right, then. In case you change your mind, you're welcome at my parents' place. They don't bite, you know." She chuckled.

"I know," he smiled. "I practically lived in a Muggle community for a year."

"I wish I got to know you when we were in Hogwarts."

"I was a Slytherin and practically avoided everyone, except Draco and Blaise," he shrugged but was touched by Hermione's words.

"But you weren't happy." It wasn't a question.

He shrugged. "I've been happier at Hogwarts than at home with my father. Now that Voldemort's gone, I am free from my father's clutches, so I can be happy. Thanks to you."

Hermione blushed a little. "It was Harry, really."

Theo's smile probably faltered because Hermione gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry about how Harry's been treating you. He doesn't want to believe Draco didn't want to be a Death Eater, and that you left the country and no contact from your father and Voldemort's Inner Circle."

He scratched his nape. "That's all right, Hermione. It's not your fault Potter still doesn't trust me."

"But you're my friend - "

"And that's enough for me," he assured her. "I don't have to be friends with Potter, right? At least your boyfriend trusts your judgment."

Hermione nodded and muttered her thanks for his acceptance and understanding. Theo was very contented drinking at the Leaky Cauldron with Hermione Granger on a Saturday afternoon without being frowned upon. The people around them at the pub didn't even throw a glance at them. Everything was fine until Potter and Weasley arrived. Of course, Potter always had to ruin the moment.


November 11-12, 2000

(Theo's past)

He pressed the doorbell just once and waited. It was opened by Hermione. She looked awful, Theo noted. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun (messier than when she's sleeping at her desk), her eyes were red and looked tired. She was sniffling.


He held up his full hands. "I bought pizza and chips," he offered.

Hermione sighed and opened the door to let him in. Theo stepped into Hermione Granger's flat. He noticed that the house was very clean, even if Hermione wasn't in the right state. There were books on the coffee table in the sitting room, but they weren't in a mess.

Hermione led him to the dining area and cleared the table for the big box of pizza. "Thank you, but, why are you here, Theo?" she asked seriously when he moved to get plates.

He turned around to face her. "Because I'm your friend," he replied casually. He didn't want her to think that he was there because of pity. He wasn't. He truly cared for her and he wanted to help her; to cheer her up.

Hermione bit her lip. She didn't smile nor met his eyes.

"Hermione, you aren't yourself. You look thinner than last month."

"You noticed, but Harry didn't," she said quietly.

He gave her an inquiring look. So this is about Potter, too?

Hermione saw his reaction and she shrugged. "He's barely talking to me," she admitted and looked down, hugging herself. "I know he's hurting, too, but Ron's death wasn't my fault, was it? Why isn't he talking to me, Theo? Why did he stop inviting me over at his place? Is it because I remind him too much of Ron? What about Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys? Is he avoiding them, too?"

Theo couldn't answer her. He didn't know what was happening, so he said something based on experience. "Nothing heals wounds much better than time. Give him time, Hermione. He's your best friend and Ron was his best mate; the brother he never had. For sure, Potter knows you're hurting, too and probably thinks that you're blaming him."

Hermione sniffed and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. Theo crossed the room to hug her. "But I don't. I'm not blaming him..."

Theo pulled Hermione to his arms and ran a hand on her back. "I know," he whispered against her hair. "Give him more time and then you two can talk, yeah?"

Hermione nodded against his chest and did the most unexpected thing: she wrapped her arms around his waist.


"Theo? You're still here?"

Theo turned around from the sink and greeted Hermione with a smile. "Good morning. I fed Crookshanks and brewed coffee. We still have pizza. Do you want me to reheat it?" he offered.

Hermione smiled bashfully. "You didn't have to stay," she murmured, toying with the hem of her oversized shirt.

"I don't want you to feel alone."

Hermione's smile changed. She was grateful. "Thanks."



November 13, 2001

(Theo's past)


Hermione found him waiting at the lobby near the minister's office.

He nervously turned around and saw Hermione practically running towards him, so he opened his arms. She threw herself around him. "I got the job!" she told him happily.

Theo smiled against her hair and tightened his embrace. "Congratulations."

Hermione pulled away, just enough to meet his eyes. "I'm Madam Fawley's new assistant! I'm moving to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement!" she exclaimed and her happiness was contagious, so without thinking, without minding the other people passing by, Theo lifted her and spun her around.

"Told you, you can do it!" he grinned when she was back on her feet.

"Thanks for encouraging me. You're the best." Hermione linked their hands and they started walking.

"Of course," he replied proudly. "No one else can bring you takeaways on Saturdays, lend you their family library, and get ain international Portkey for you instantly."

Hermione laughed. "Influential, caring, and rich," she teased. "Oh, what more could I ask for. I can marry you right now."

His heart fluttered, but he glared at her. "So, you're a user now?" he retorted, faking a sneer.

She bumped her shoulder to him. "Prat."


November 19, 2001

(Theo's past)

"Theo?" Hermione called as soon as she stepped out of the Floo of the drawing-room at Nott Manor. She looked around and found Theo pacing back and forth at the other side of the room, holding a glass of whiskey.

"Theo!" she called louder this time.

He spun around and placed the glass on the nearest table when he saw her. "Hermione."

"I got your note," she said with a smile, holding up a folded parchment, then placing it back in her trousers back pocket.

"Thanks for coming," he said rather nervously, which Hermione instantly noticed, so she crossed the room and stood in front of him, placing gentle hands on his shoulders.

"Are you all right? Did something happen?" she asked, worried.

Theo smiled tentatively but didn't meet her eyes. He wrapped his hand in one of her wrists. "I'm good. I just need to tell you something."

Hermione could practically hear the pounding of her chest and her palms on his shoulders suddenly felt sweaty. "What is it?" her voice trembled, fearing that he might tell her a piece of bad news.

Hermione peered into Theo's eyes and he finally met her gaze, with a rather sad smile in his face. He held her wrists with both of his hands and ran her thumbs into smooth circles.

Ignoring her accelerated heartbeat, she forced an encouraging look. "What is it, Theo?" she asked calmly.

"I cannot ignore this feeling anymore and if I don't tell you I might bottle up, but I don't want to lose your friendship, Hermione."

She frowned slightly. This was Theo Nott, her friend of three years; the boy who had been her constant companion, aside from Ginny, when she had returned to Hogwarts for her final year; the one who applied for a job with her at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and later on, encouraged her to go after her dream: a career in DMLE. She couldn't imagine ending her friendship with Theo, especially after the things he'd done for her when Ron died and she was moving on. With him, she gained another friend: Draco Malfoy. Harry had been her best friend, but Theo and Draco were true friends. They were with her when she was at her worst.

"I can't - " she trembled. "I'm not going to end our friendship, Theo."

Theo gave her a pained look. "Even if I tell you that I've been in love with you since our fifth year?"

"W-what?" she gasped, not believing her ears.

"I'm in love with you, Hermione Granger," he blurted, not breaking their eye contact. "It started when we were fifteen, and you were the reason why I left the country; because I didn't want to fight against your side and I didn't know how to fight with you either. I thought I can be contented with just being your friend, but I... I can't and now that you know, I'm afraid you might not accept my feelings -"

"I'm in love with you, too," she declared, releasing the breath she had been holding for a few minutes now.

"What?"Theo asked with a confused look in his face.

"I'm in love. With you," she enunciated. "When I lost Ron, I thought, I'd never love again, but you stayed by my side; you gave me hope and motivation. At first, I was not happy. I thought I only wanted to see you because I need something from you. I thought, what I was feeling isn't love. So I pushed my feelings and thoughts in one corner and focused on our friendship...But they keep coming back, like that day when I got the job at DMLE... I blurted something that surprised me, too."

Theo grinned and let out a relieved sigh. "When you said you could marry me."

Hermione bit her lip but smiled and nodded. "That... and some other moments, like waking up in the middle of the night and finding you asleep on my couch. I wondered how I will move on once you find someone to love; the right woman for you."

Theo's grin widened and he chuckled. "But I wasn't planning on going anywhere, because the witch I love is already in front of me." He cupped her cheeks. "Oh, Hermione! You make me so, so happy and I don't know what I did to deserve this."

She gave him an affectionate smile and leaned into his touch. "You're a good man, Theo. You deserve to be happy; to be free, to love and be loved."

Theo obviously couldn't contain his happiness. It was all over his face and Hermione was glad she was the reason for it. Then, he lowered his face to hers, just stopping a few inches away. "I love you, Hermione."

"I love you, too," she replied truthfully.

"May I?" he asked, his eyes were fixed on her lips.

She nodded and in an instant, his mouth captured hers. He kissed her fervently and she didn't see any reason to hold back, so she melted in his arms and kiss. Theo's hand traveled to the side of her head while the other rested at her hip before pulling her to him. She allowed him to press their bodies together, feeling the need to be close, and then wound her arms around his neck and toyed with the hair at his nape.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat, causing the two of them to stop kissing, but Theo tightened his hold to her. "Just let him watch," he whispered with a smile.

She turned her neck to see who was standing by the fireplace and she rolled her eyes when she saw him. Draco Malfoy was grinning from ear to ear, looking at the two of them.


November 19-20, 2004

(Theo's past)

When he stepped out of the fireplace in the drawing-room of his family home, Theo's eyes instantly found his girlfriend. He smiled and his heart warmed. After three years of being in a relationship with Hermione, those sleepovers on weekends weren't just enough anymore. She finally gave up her London flat and moved in with him. For the first time in almost two decades, he truly referred to Nott Manor as his home again.

He noticed that Hermione was sitting cross-legged on the sofa with a book in her lap, but she wasn't reading. She was staring at the empty coffee table in front of her. She didn't even notice his arrival.

After clearing his robe from the soot, Theo walked and sat beside her.

"Oh," she gasped. "You're here."

He pulled her to his side, tucking her under his chin. "What's wrong?"

"Ginny came to see me this afternoon," she said, looking down at her crossed legs.

He was surprised. Hermione hadn't been on speaking terms with her old friends for a few years now. "What did she want?"

"She asked me to be her secondborn's godmother."

He frowned. "Is Potter okay with it?"

She shook her head. "No, but Ginny talked to him."

"Are you accepting it?"

"I don't know, Theo. It's been four years since my friendship with Harry ended. Ginny has been reaching out over the years, but it isn't just the same."

"Do you still want to be a part of their lives? Do you want them to be a part of your again?" he asked gently.

Hermione slightly pulled away to meet his eyes. "I'm not sure. I just don't feel the same emotion anymore, when it comes to them. I guess it started when I felt so alone after Ron died. They didn't reach out to me and Harry isolated himself. He just... stopped meeting me, but he dared to tell me off when we got even closer. I doubt he will accept you and our relationship."

"Don't think about me. Think about yourself; your friendship with them," he encouraged.

Hermione shook her head. "I can't do that. I can't listen to and watch Harry again talking shit about you. You are my priority."

His heart fluttered at her words and his hold tightened. "Thank you."


He felt tiny but warm hands around his waist, just when he was setting the table. He smiled and leaned to the body behind him. "Morning, love."

"Why did you leave me alone in bed?" she asked like a child.

He chuckled and placed the plates he was holding at the table to turn around and embrace her. Hermione tucked herself under his chin. She could fit there like they were made for each other. "I thought I'd prepare breakfast for the two of us. I gave Pinky a day off."

She rested her chin on his chest and looked up. "What did you cook?"

"Pancakes. It's not much, but that's the only thing I can make," he admitted.

She smiled contentedly and pulled away from him to help around. They ate and talked about the news in the morning paper. They discussed how to spend their day together since it was a Saturday.

"I wonder if Pinky left us some scones? I'm still hungry." Hermione looked around the kitchen.

"We have cake," he said softly, his right hand was in his trousers pocket.

Hermione turned to him. "Really? Let's dig in."

"Go back to the dining and I'll get it for you."

She did as told. Theo went back to the dining room with a square box of cake. Hermione was sipping her tea.

He set down the box in front of her. "Open it," he urged, standing beside her.

She looked up to say her thanks and opened the box. She gasped when she saw the square chocolate cake he asked Pinky to bake before leaving that morning. There was a dedication written by Theo with an icing.


marry me and

let's make a family.

When she looked at him again, he was already on one knee, holding up a ring with a beautiful Sapphire stone.


November 23, 2009

(Theo's past)

Theo had been staring at the letter he received at breakfast for five minutes now.

When she opened it at their breakfast table, he froze and didn't know what to say. Hermione went to his side and asked what was wrong. Instead of speaking and looking at his wife, he showed her the letter. Hermione gasped.

"Theo, what are we going to do?" she asked in a concerned tone.

He sighed and stood up, taking the letter back from Hermione. "I'll be in my study," he announced.

And there, in his study, he stared at the letter once more.

"Mummy, why is Daddy sad?" Theo heard Mia-Rose outside the study; the door was ajar.

"He received very sad news about his father, sweetie," Hermione explained patiently and gently, he heard.

"Daddy's father?" asked Mia-Rose. "Where is he, Mummy? I haven't met him."

"Do you remember when Scorpius said something bad to his Mummy? Do you remember what Uncle Draco did?"

"He was angry and punished Scorp by making him face the wall," replied Mia.

"That's right, sweetie. When old people do something bad and against the law, they go to prison."


"Yes, love. Well, Daddy's father did something bad, and he had been staying there for many years now. But he got sick, so he was brought to St. Mungo's."

"Is Daddy going to take care of him?"

"I don't know, sweetie. Let's ask Daddy later, okay? Let's bring Hugo outside for his sunbath."