Disclaimer: I don't own Kamen Rider Agito, Kamen Rider Properties, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Chapter Prologue.

Long ago, there existed twin entities; one is the embodiment of light while the other was the embodiment of darkness. These twin 'brothers' co-existed in harmony for a time, eventually creating our world and humanity.

However, Humans started to over-populate the world. Fearing the destruction of the world in the hand of his own creation, the OverLord of Darkness is creating a system to balance the world with sacrificing the innocence of a chosen teenage human girls, using their unstable emotion for evolving them to become a malevolent creature called Witch. The witch will devour some humans, and creating a balance of the world as what OverLord of Darkness intends to be.

Knowing this, the OverLord of Light confronting the OverLord of Darkness to erase the system and suggesting another way to balance the universe without sacrificing the humanity, but the Overlord of Darkness refuse the suggestions.

Overlord of Darkness wants to reign over their creation and a battle for control took place. In the end, the OverLord of Darkness triumphed over his brother, the OverLord of Light. But with his dying breath, the OverLord of Light bestowed his essence upon humanity, the power of Agito, with the hopes that one day, they would evolve beyond his control and help and protects the chosen girl, also prevents them to become a witch.

But the OverLord of Darkness refused to let this occurs, taking it upon himself to personally eliminate the vessels of Agito, creating creature called Lords to kill all humans who possess the potential to "evolve" into Agito and also creating the Incubator to contract the chosen girl and keep them away from the vessels of Agito.


In the deserted alley of Mitakihara City, a teenage boy with clothes that stained with blood and dirt limped and almost out of his breath. The blood is indeed his own blood, someone or something is chasing him, wanting him to death.

The teenager himself doesn't know why someone wanting his death. Maybe he hurts or kills someone in the past? Yes, the teenager doesn't remember his own past, he suffers amnesia. The only thing he remembers is that when he wakes up on a beach at night, and then there someone or something suddenly attacks him.

From darkness, a humanoid creature that resembles a jaguar appeared. Looking at the wounded teenager, the monster makes a weird hand sign.

"N..No..." The teenager whimpering.

As the jaguar monster lunged at the teenager, he closed his eyes expecting his demise.


But suddenly a loud sound of gunshots can be heard.

As the teenager open his eyes, he saw the jaguar monster wipe the blood of its wounded chest. And he also saw the person who saves him from his demise.

A young girl with waist-length black hair and violet eyes shots the monster with a shotgun on her hand. The girl wears a white, long-sleeve coat with a silver collar over a black, long-sleeve dress, and silver skirt with white trim. She also wears black leggings with dark-gray diamonds that cover the sides of the legs, and black heels. The coat appears to have a flower-like pattern with 3 "petals," and has 2 ribbons attached to it.

Her appearance resembles what people call a magical girl. A common trope that usually appeared in children's programs on television.

"Weird, I never saw witch or familiar like that before." The girl commented. "And it doesn't need a barrier too."

The jaguar monster looked at the young girl and then chuckles creepily.

"Why are you laughing, monster." The girl takes a handgun from the shield on her left hand and shots the jaguar monster several times.

Ignoring the pain from the gunshot, the jaguar monster charged at the young girl. The monster tries to claw the girl's face, but she suddenly disappeared and then appeared behind the monster and kick the monster in its head.

Then the girl takes an auto-rifle from the shield and shots the monster several times hit the chest. The monster growl in pain and charged at the mysterious girl again. The girl disappeared as the monster attack almost hit her and then appeared behind the monster. But the monster anticipated the attack and catch the girl's leg quickly and throw her at the barrel drum.

The mysterious girl quickly recovers and throws three grenades at the jaguar monster, but the monster deflects it with sweep kick and the explosion almost hits the monster felt enough and decides to run away from the battle, disappeared in the fog of night.

"Tch!" The girl wants to chase the monster and take it down, but she needs to ensure the unknown boy's condition. She let the monster go away for now and approach the wounded boy.

The boy looked at the mysterious girl's face with an expression full of relief and gratitude."Th-thank you." Then he loses his consciousness.

The mysterious girl checking the wounded boy's condition. "The wound is not fatal but he lost many bloods. He needs to go to the hospital quickly." As she touches the boy's forehead. She felt a weird sensation come from the unconscious boy. And suddenly she had a vision of a silhouette of a man with a weird bright ray in his waist. The girl quickly releases her hand from the boy's forehead. "W-what the, what was that?"

"What is that?"

"Where are you going?"

"I heard a sound came from that alley."

The girl hears a sound came from behind her. She quickly jumps to the rooftop and hides.

"Papa! Mama! Come here!" the mysterious girl's eyes widened as she saw the person who approaches the wounded boy.


The girl named Madoka, a 14-year-old girl with bright pink twin tails and bright pink eyes. There also another person approach Madoka. One of them is an adult male with glasses and dark-brown hair carrying a male toddler, besides him is an adult female with short eggplant purple hair.

"Oh no!" The adult woman said in concern as she closes her mouth.

"Dear, take Tatsuya, please. I'm going to check his condition." The adult male gives the toddler, Tetsuya, to his wife. Then he checks the unconscious boy condition.

Madoka looked at her father in a worried expression. "Papa, is he..."

"No, he's just unconscious. But we need to take him to hospital as soon as possible." The adult male said.

"I'm on it." The adult female reaches her phone and calls the ambulance.

After waiting for a while, the ambulance has come and the ambulance officer quickly takes the unconscious boy inside the ambulance. Madoka and her family also went inside the ambulance because they were the ones who found the boy.

The mysterious girl watches the ambulance that leaves the scene from a nearby rooftop. Then she leaves the rooftop for searching the jaguar monster.

"I never saw anything like that before. At first, I want to give up this timeline after I found Madoka already become a magical girl. But then after this incident, and also the weird feelings came from that person, I think I'm going to stay here for a while."


The boy slowly opens his eyes.

"Where... am I...?"

All he saw is a white ceiling.

"Papa! Mama! He's wake up!"

The boy startled as he heard a loud voice. He turned his head to saw a Madoka standing beside him.

"Madoka, this is the hospital. Low your voice, okay?" Madoka's mother scolds.

"He, he, he, I'm sorry." The girl laughs sheepishly.

The mysterious boy looking around him with confused

"Hey there," Madoka's father approaching the mysterious boy while carrying the sleeping male Tetsuya.

"H-Hello," The mysterious boy greets back.

Madoka's father chuckles. "You must be confused right?" The mysterious boy only answers with a nod. "You are in the hospital right now."


"Yeah, we found you unconscious and full of wounds in the street. What happened?" Madoka's mother asks.

The boy shakes his head. "I... I don't know myself. Someone suddenly attacks me from behind when I wake up on the beach."

"Wake up on the beach?" Madoka's mother raises her eyebrow. "Why are you on the beach?"

The boy tries to remember. "I... I don't know. I don't remember why I was on the beach and why I woke up there. I... I don't even remember who am I."

This surprises Madoka and her parents. "You don't remember? You don't even remember who's your parents, siblings, or where is your house?" Madoka asks.

The amnesiac boy trying to remember his past, but is futile. "...No..., I don't remember if I had parents and siblings or not. I also don't remember where I live."

"Hmm..., he suffers amnesia," Madoka's father quietly mutters.

"We found this in your pocket." Madoka's mother shows a paper that the letters began to disappear maybe because of exposure to seawater. The only visible letter is 'To: Shouichi Tsugami'. "Shouichi Tsugami..., maybe this is your name."

"Then we call you Shouichi, is it okay for you?" Madoka's father asks.

"Yes, I don't mind." The boy, whose name is Shouichi Tsugami from now on, nodded in agreement.

"Then you can call me Junko. My full name is Junko Kaname." Madoka's mother, Junko, introduces herself.

"My name is Tomohisa Kaname, You can call me Tomohisa." Madoka's dad, Tomohisa, also introduces himself. Then he introduces the sleeping toddler. "And this is Tetsuya."

"My name is Madoka Kaname, nice to meet you Shouichi-Kun." Madoka introduces herself.

Shouichi looking at the Kaname family. Then he bows his head. "Tomohisa-san, Junko-san, Madoka, and Tetsuya. Thank you for saving my life."

Junko chuckles seeing Shouichi bowed at her and her family. "You don't need to do that." Then she stands up from her chair and taking her bag. "Shouichi, you can rest now. We'll take our leave." Junko said as she and her family walk to the hospital room's door. "See you tomorrow."

"See you, Shouichi." Tomohisa pats Shouichi's shoulder and follows Junko from behind.

"See you tomorrow, Shouichi-Kun." Madoka waves her hand and also leaves the hospital room.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Shouichi waves his hand, and then he rests his body.


On the way of going back to their home, the Kaname family discussing something about Shouichi.

"He seems likely a good boy. I don't understand why there is someone who wants to hurt him." Junko said.

"I know right? Maybe there is a maniac on the loose." Tomohisa added. "I remember I read news about some mysterious random murder that happens lately."

"Do you think Shouichi is a victim of random murder?" Madoka asked.

"I don't know, we can't ask Shouichi because of his amnesia. There is a possibility that maybe he had indeed been a target of murder from the start before he lost his memory." Junko's answer makes Madoka worried. "I said maybe because he looks like a nice boy."

"So, then what we're going to do?" Tomohisha asked. Then the Kaname family paused for a moment.

Madoka raises her hand. "Papa, Mama, can he... stay with us?"

This makes Tomohisa and Junko turn their head to Madoka.

"I-I mean until we find his family and relatives, or until he regains his memories." Madoka stutter. "I-I know there is a possibility of dangerous risk, but..."

Junko sighing. "I know you would say that Madoka, the truth is I had the same idea."


Tomohisa chuckled. "I thought the same thing too."

"Papa too!?"

"Well, we are the one who found him, so we can't leave him alone like that, isn't it?" Tomohisa said.

"Besides we are the one who pays the hospital bills. The longer he stays in the hospital, the more expense we incur." Junko added, makes Tomohisa and Madoka laugh.

"Thank you, Papa, Mama! I can't wait to tell him tomorrow!" Madoka said cheerily.


On the beach where Shouichi is stranded, a human-sized weird-shaping box rolled by the waves of the sea and stranded on the beach. A weird creature that looks like a white cat watches the stranded box from a distance.

"Soon, my lord. You will awaken once again. I can wait when the time comes."


Awaken The Soul