Eleven Months have passed since Sonic defeated his Arch Enemy EGGMAN for the who know how manied time...and he was freaking bored out of his Mind. There was NOTHING to do. Not even some leftover Robots that needed to be cleared out. Normally there were Always SOME Badniks to be find who did simple things like gather Materials ore were simply left behind. But not even that. And so Sonic had Nothing to do but running through the Zones and hoping to find EGGMAN. Because if he was honest he got worried. The last time EGGMAN was so silent for so long he builded up such a Big Fleet and build a Cannon that cracked open the Planet. Sonic just hoped he did not try to AGAIN waken up Dark Gaia. After all that failed catastrophically the last time he tried it. But then Sonic came to a hold when he heard a Voice in his Head. It was faint and he could not make out any clear Words. But the Voice...definitely a young Girl sounded...desperate.

"Hello? Is someone there? Gees i hear Voices in my head. I think i start to losing it..." Then he heard it again. This time more clear but also it was just a Whisper.

"please...give me...a friend" Sonic's Eyes kinda widend at that and he was even more shocked when a Green Portal appeared in front of him.

"Well...normally i don't jump into random Portals but...that Girl did sound like she needs help..." Solwey Sonic stepped into the Portal and he all he saw was a Big Light Show, that forced him to cover up his Eyes. When the Light went away he found himself in...the COurtyard of a Castle? He was surrounded by Humans. A few of them wore Armor, clearly Knights. But there was also a alderley man in Priest Clothes, a regal looking Woman that was clearly a Queen, a few Girls in Maid Uniforms and in front of him a Young Purple Haired Girl in a white Dress.

"You succeeded Princess...but i do have to say i do not know what this creature is..." Said the old Priest like man.

"Hey are you blind old man? Are those not telling enough?" Sonic pontet with a Finger at his Spikes. To his surprise everyone was taken back when he spoke.

"It Spoke. How fascinating. It seems you have summoned quite an interesting Familiar my dear" The Queen looked smiling at the Girl who clearly was her Daughter.

"I guess Mother...Hello i am Henrietta. Princess of the Land of Tristain. Who do i speak to?" Sonic recognised her Voice. This was clearly the Girl he heard before.

"I'm Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog. So ahm why am i here?" Henrietta seemed...uncertain.

"Princess would you please proceed?" Said the old man in haste.

"I will do not Cardinal Mazarin. I can not just bind a sentient being like this as my Familiar." Sonic just tilted his head confused. But he did not like how the old man, The Cardinal, looked disapprovingly at Henrietta.

"If you had summoned a Human, even a Commoner, i could understand your hesitation. But despite his Ability to talk he is but a mere beast so seece your Childish behaviour at once." Both Henrietta and Sonic narrowed her Eyes.

"Ey does the Old Fart annoy you? Want me to beat him up?" The Knights tensed up and put there Hands on their Weapons. Henrietta just smiled."

"As much as i think a beating would do him a good Lesson in Humility, i am afraid it would do more harm than good. But thanks for the offer. Let me explain why i summoned you and also apologize. You sea i am a Noble Mage and as that it is my Duty to summon a Familiar, today at the Springtime Familiar Summoning. Normally the Summons are normal creatures like Dogs, Cats or Birds. I know that my Grandfather summoned a Giant Shark so more unusual Creatures are also not uncommon. After we summoned the Creature we bind them to us as our Familiar but...you sea i do not feel well ob binding you to me, because you are sentient...but at the same time if i don't do it i could come in a lot of trouble..." Sonic nodded. He didn't really understand that much but he assumed summoning a Familiar is something important. He wanted to help but being binded to this Girl...especially with the Danger in his Home...uuuugh curse his good nature.

"Okay first what does a Familiar do?"

"A Familiar is our longtime Companion. Must treat them as pets but a Familiar is much more than this. He is our closest Friend and also a protector who guards the Mage from Harm." Sonic rubbed his Nose before he nodded.

"Oh well i guess i COULD be your Familiar...if we lay out some ground rules. One i will NOT be put into any form of Cage. I want the Freedom to explore this Place and Run. Got it?" Henrietta smiled.

"Of course. I have no problem with that. SO you agree?" Sonic have a single nod and Henrietta raised her Scepter.

"Oh Pentagon Of the 5 Elements please bless this humble being as my Eternal Familiar...oh" Suddenly she began to blush furiously.

"ahm...t-The binding is d-done with a Kiss so...i apologize" But before she could lean forward Sonic said

"Does it have to be on the mouth?" Henrietta blinked and looked back at the Cardinal. He had the hole time a real unpleasant Face.

"...No. It doesn't" Henrietta smiled and kissed Sonics forehead. Suddenly from Under his Hand came a faint glow. He put if off and saw a Strange Symbol appearing. It kinda hurt but he was used to a lot more.

"This is the Royal Familiar Rune. Only Familiars of the Royal Family bear that mark. I thank you for agreeing Sonic. SO now i guess i give you a tour through the Castle" The Cardinal wanted to protest but she grabbed Sonics Han and speeded out of the Courtyard before anyone could say something. The Queen just gave a big sigh.

"Well i am happy that she seems to have gaines a new Friend. She was so lonely since Little Louise is not allowed to play with her anymore." The Cardinal scoffed.

"You know she cant be friends with such a Failure of a Mage. Lady Karin agrees with me in that regard. The Girl will probably be expelled today anyway." With that he stormed away. Especially because the Sky got dark and cloudy and it soon began to rain.

Further away, at the Tristain Academy of Magic the last Student, Louise Valliere just summoned her Familiar. It was a rather Strange Golem out of Blue Metal. She never saw the Design but she guessed it was better than Nothing. The Moment she kissed the Familiar and the Runes were burned into his Metallic Hand. His till now Glass Like black Eyes started to glow Red. He slowly started to rise, still being no bigger than Louise and then he spoke in a Deep Menacing Voice.