A/N Thanks for your support and love everyone. If you are not wanting spoilers for wolf's rain please hit the back button now. While it's an older anime I would highly recommend it.

Warnings: Aizawa/Izuku. Possible sad ending unsure yet. Soulmates au. Suicidal thoughts

Wolf Inko Human Hisashi. Good parent Hiashi but not until later.

Izuku's POV

He leaned on his hand as he stared out the window. The day was cloudy and it looked as if it was going to rain. Not that it mattered to him. Rain or shine it was all the same.

Izuku Midoriya was a green-haired with green eyes. To his fellow students, he was a quirkless loser. The first part was correct. He was quirkless. The second on the other hand wasnt correct.

When he was a small child he found out that he took after his mother's side of the family. He was a child of the moon.

Most people believed that wolves went extinct 200 years ago around the time when quirks appeared. Like with their assumption of Izuku they were wrong about wolves. Wolves were very much alive just hiding in plain sight as humans so that they could survive.

When he was four he was diagnosed as quirkless. The next full moon found his first transformation. The change from wolf to human was not given by a quirk. It was from a bloodline that went back thousands of years.

It was the day that he found out he was one of the last surviving members of the Okami clan. The Okami clan was once of the largest wolf clans that still roamed the world. His mother was the last clan head and as such he was the next heir.

Seven clans in total made up the high council. Without risking their lives a member of the Okami clan could not take their seat. The other clans had gone after them with the intent of destroying them.

Inko Midoriya had left one night and never came back. Everyone thought she had gone after his father. Izuku knew better. Two nights after she left him the bond that tied him to her snapped. A bond between packs could only be broken with death. At the tender age of five, he learned about death.

No matter what the police did they couldn't get in contact with his dad. So the Bakugo family took him in so that he wouldn't be taken to an orphanage. The thought didnt please his Bakugo who had always been an only child.

While they had grown up together Katsuki had become a bully since Izuku never manifested a quirk. He had burn scars all over his chest and arms. His friend might have been young but his quirk was powerful.

The bullying was only made worse by his silence. Since the night his mother was killed and the bond snapped he had not said a word.

Aunt Mitsuki had done everything she could think of to get him to speak again. Nothing worked and all she could do was sign him up for sign language courses.

No one understood why he was silent. Or why the happy light in his eyes was slowly going out. Until the day he turned seven and like most children he received a soul mark.

It was a black wolf with green tips running holding what appeared to be a white scarf in its mouth. A black cat with red eyes was chasing it. The mark had appeared right above his heart.

Like everything else in his life, Katsuki made fun of him. It hurt hearing how his soulmate would never love a quirkless freak like him. Other kids in school took up trying to suicide bait him.

More than once Izuku had gone silently up to the roof of their school wondering if the fall would kill him. Having the wolf inside him made his body stronger than most humans. Running under the moonlight made his body fat melt away into lean muscle. If he did jump he wanted to make sure that the fall would kill him. Otherwise, he would be watched even more closely and bullied more for failing.

So he ignored the mockery and suicide baiting. No matter how much it hurt he kept his chin up towards where he knew the moon would be. Like all wolves, he followed his heart towards the moon.

Sitting in the middle school class though was going to drive him insane though. He was a third-year middle school student. In the summer he was to take the Yuuei entrance exam.

For the last 200 years, wolves that remained hid away. A captured beast within human skin. During the Yuuei exam, he would use his wolf form to take the place of a quirk. They would think it was simply a transformation quirk. No would be able to tell the difference.

During the nights of the last two years, he had been practicing agility movements on his own. Due to being a wolf, he was stronger than most. Basic strength was still continued on the human side of things and it carried over.

At the current rate of his training, he should be able to pass the exam. Even if they look Katsuki gave him translated to go find a place to die. He could say it aloud right now and the teachers wouldn't care.

Sighing Izuku turned his head so that he could look out the window. It was a dreary day and most likely there wouldn't be a moon tonight either. He would have to be careful not to get hurt today. Without the moon, his injuries would be slower to heal than normal. While still faster than a normal human's healing rate it would leave him miserable for a few days.

Suddenly the bell rang realizing that he ignored the entire lecture. Oh well, he did his studying on his own anyway. It wasn't like he needed sleep that much anyway.

As he was packing his bag a scoff drew his attention. Izuku's green eyes lifted to meet the red ones of Katsuki. There was pure hate in the red eyes and it made the younger wonder how he ever expected to be a hero. A hero was supposed to protect the weak. Not beat them into a bloody pulp and give them second-degree burns.

Izuku turned his head to the side in question. Katsuki grabbed the front of his shirt and snarled, "What do you think you're doing not coming home, Deku? Mom has been worried sick about you. And she keeps sending me to find you."

Not that he was actually looking for him. His secret wouldn't stay a secret for long if Katsuki actually tried in looking for him. Somehow the ash blond-haired boy always seemed to know where he was when he wanted to find him. If he didnt know any better he would say there was a tracker in his clothes. The only reason that he knew differently was that he could scent anything off about his clothes.

Izuku signed, 'Avoiding you. I can take care of myself.'

"Like hell, you can Deku! You're just a useless, quirkless fool! You want to be a hero but there's no way that's possible."

Bakugo was right. He was quirkless and without the wolf inside he wouldn't last long in a fight against a villain. Unlike the other quirkless, he had an advantage and he was no longer afraid to use it.

Staring hard into his ex-friend's eyes be allowed the wolf to come forward slightly. His eyes went from their usual emerald green to the amber of the wolf. Katsuki took a step back in fear something Izuku had never seen in the other's eyes.

Using that as a distraction he went to leave the room. It seemed the fear had only lasted a brief second.

A hot hand landed on his shoulder and Izuku could feel burns forming from the use of Katsuki's quirk.

Damn so much for avoiding injuries today. This was it though. He was tired of being Katsuki's punching bag. It was time to show his ex-friend what he had learned on his own.

Gripping Katsuki's wrist he twisted his body and used his strength to throw the other. The ash blond-haired boy landed with a pained grunt. Izuku released the wrist and walked off.

He was tired of being pushed around but he would not become a bully. Katsuki was down and that was the end of it. Even if part of him wanted to do more damage to make sure he never went after Izuku again. It took careful self-control not to give in to that side of himself. He wanted to be a hero, not a villain.

The moment he made it outside he was running. It wouldn't take long for Katsuki to recover. When he did Izuku didnt want to be anywhere near the school. Not if he wanted to spend tonight running.

Stashing his backpack away in an abandoned warehouse by the water he began to let his muscles loosen. This was the place he always came to for training and to change in. No one ever came out this way anymore so it was the perfect hiding spot.

While waiting for dusk he went through his normal stretches. He was grateful that he was born a wolf and that this ability wasnt a quirk. If it was then there would be limitations on his size and skill. As his human body grew so did his wolf side. To make it better it could not be erased by quirk means.

Izuku had heard of the hero with the erasure quirk. They called him Eraserhead. It was said that he could erase any quirks as long as they weren't manifestations like a tail. Beyond that, he didnt knows much about the hero. Being an underground hero meant there wasnt a lot of information available to the public.

Instinctively he knew that if being a wolf was a quirk and it was used on him when he was human he would become a wolf. Thankfully it wasnt.

When dusk fell his inner wolf was itching to be released. Pulling that side forward he shifter. Black fur with green tips sprouted from his body. His face elongated into a muzzle. Teeth became sharp as knives. The world as he saw it was sharper than before.

Once the change was completed he shook his fur. There wasnt any muscle pain that would keep him from running.

With that done he took off bursting out the door. The cooler air hit him and it refreshed the young wolf. He began running through the back alleys.

Aizawa's POV

Patrolling the city was part of his usual routine. Twice a week he would patrol and teach at Yuuei. During the breaks from school, he did more patrols. Or if there was a particularly dangerous villain that needed to be taken care of.

Tonight he had received a briefing that a mysterious animal had been seen in the city. Many of those who reported the sighting claimed that it was a wolf.

Shouta knew that shouldn't be possible. Wolves have been on the extinct list since before quirks. Too many humans in the past believed that the path of paradise was real. So they hunted wolves in order to try and force a path to open. For his part, Shouta didnt believe in such a thing. Wolves were just creatures like cats and dogs. They simply wanted to survive.

Still, he was sure that what people were seeing was a large dog. It was part of his job to help the police and they wanted to investigate the creature.

According to the information he received the creature came out only at night. On top of that, it was most active under a bright moon. With the rain that was currently pouring down, there was a very real possibility that he would not cross its path.

Already night had fallen and most of the normal citizens had gone home. The few that were still out ignored him. Underground heroes weren't bothered unless they had information.

His attention was drawn to the feeling of being watched. There wasnt a pause in his steps as he heightened his awareness. Someone was following him and more likely than not they meant him harm. If they thought he would go down easy then they would be in for a surprise.

As he turned to face the follower a dark blur rushed at him. He didnt finish the turn before he felt a yank on the scarf around his neck. As Shouta tried to grab the remainder of his capture scarf it slipped through his fingers like water.

A beast too large to be a dog had the scarf in its mouth and was running towards the end of the street. Once it was far enough away it wrapped the scarf so that it didnt drag. Emerald green eyes met his onyx ones. Then as he blinked the beast took off.

Shit! And he took off after the beast.