Today sadly was not just another day. It was the anniversary, a milestone. For 200 years she was for lack of better words...lost. Not lost in the sense that didn't know where she was, but lost in the sense that she had no idea what she was meant to do. There was a time that everything made sense. There was a time where her path was clear. She knew her place and questioned nothing.

Yet again she was starting at a new school under another pretense, Every few years she would move on. Cut ties with the few she would talk to, gather what belongings she wanted and would decide where she would go next. This time she had decided to go somewhere she actually never went before. She decided on quite a small town, a town known as "Forks." It was for sure very different from what she was used to. For the most part she always felt gravitated towards the sunlight and wide open places. This corner of the United States was very different. It was under a near constant coverage of clouds with green moss covering most of the trees and land. The land and its surroundings were quite moist for lack of a better word.

She brushed her hair just like every other morning. She latched the one piece of jewellery she had in her possession and let out a sigh.

She wore A simple outfit, jeans and a blue blouse. She left her long brown hair to cascade down to the middle of her back and stood up.

Walking out to her garage, she got into her simple but convenient car and drove towards her new high school. She was starting out as a Junior. She never stayed too long in one place. The longest she ever dared was 5 years. She stopped aging regularly long ago. She wouldn't show any difference in her physical appearance she suspected for probably another 500 years.

Although she lived on the outskirts of town it only took her about 10 minutes to arrive at the school.

The school was what looked like a bunch of smaller brick buildings scattered about. She walked slowly up to the door that was labeled " main office." Approaching the small office she looked upon a short middle aged lady.

" Excuse me today is my first day. When I called I was told to come to the main office before i went to any of my classes. I have to get my schedule."

The little lady looked up startled, not hearing anyone enter.

" Oh yes you called last week. I'm so sorry dear but your name slipped my mind. What was your name again?"

"Bella, Bella Donna Swan."