All-Might was not here, the class list he had decayed the main gate and stolen had listed him as one of the three teachers that should have been here with the class of heroics students. Him not being here was an unexpected and unwelcome change, what good was a raid without its final boss?
He had gone out of his way to gather all the low-level NPC's he could to keep the class busy while his tank, Nomu, killed the main boss. Sensei had even given him extra party members as another tool to hurl against All-Might, the three triplets. They were like his Nomu but at the same different, were Nomu was created with the singular purpose of killing All-Might the triplets were created from the copied skill of a long-imprisoned villain who had not only given All-Might a tough time but had taken so many heroes to bring down.
Tomura didn't really care how they were made or how skilled and powerful they probably were, the three of them creeped him out. The way they spoke as one alternating between which one said what and always starting and ending a sentence together was unnerving, he'd have rather just brought Nomu and be done with it but Sensei had insisted that the triplets go along with him for 'his protection'.
"All-Might's not here," Tomura snarled reaching up to scratch at his throat in irritation glaring hatefully up at the class of heroes, "We came all this way with so many playmates to take this high-level dungeon and the symbol of peace could not be bothered to show his face." Tomura glanced around at the various villains before looking back at his Nomu and the triplets before settling his gaze on Kurogiri, "Maybe some dead students will bring him here?"
Getting a nod of acknowledgement from the villain made of smoke, Tomura watched as Kurogiri began to disperse in the air the thin black smokey wisps that were his body flowing around the plaza and up towards the assembled group of students. He smiled behind his hand mask watching as their teacher, who reminded him or a shaggy homeless man, leapt the entire length of the stairs leading to the entrance and into the assembled mass of low-level scrubs he'd brought.
Tomura watched impassively as the shaggy hobo took down scrub and after, it was honestly boring to watch a miniboss beat down the low-level NPC's. "You three deal with him, I don't want dead weight in my party." Turned his gaze towards the triplets as he lazily gestured towards the shaggy hobo hero wanting the three of them to get involved.
The triplets all turned to face him, their gold unblinking eyes staring at him with the cold empty Ness he'd only seen in the characters in a video game. "Our… Orders... Were… To… Keep… You… Safe… Tomura…" Their voices were soft and emotionless, almost robotic in a weird way as they overlapped each triplet saying a separate word, it was creepy.
Tomura snarled angrily glaring at the three of them, "I'm the party leader so you listen to me!" He reached out to grab the arm of the closest triple intending to disintegrate it partially and show them his orders were to be followed.
Before he could lay a hand on the triplet baring the numerical mark 'zero-seven' she had stepped back as the other two had spun to face him and all three of them levelling their arms towards him with the tips of missiles forming on them, it was clear they would fire forcing him to stop and growl in frustration at uncooperative party members.
"We… Do… Not… Bend… To… Your… Whims… Use… Your… Pet." As they spoke zero-seven pointed a finger towards the hunched over form on Nomu, the purple beaked monstrosity stood there it's eyes unfocused and tongue lolling out the corner of its mouth.
Tomura snorted and turned back to face the brawl between the shaggy hobo and the scrubs, watching as the hobo slammed two of them into each other, before vaulting over their prone forms and rushing towards him. Tomura grinned as the hero charged him counting down the second's as he himself counter-charged the hero if he timed it right he could cripple the hero. Watching as the shaggy hobo of a hero thrust an elbow out towards his ribs, Tomura twisted his body just enough to move a hand to intercept the elbow.
"Your mana pool must be low," Tomura chuckled darkly his hand clutched tightly around the elbow aimed at his stomach, all five of his fingers gripping it slowly disintegrating the limb, "You clearly ain't specked for raids are you Eraserhead?"
Tomura's mouth broke into a wide smile as he watched the Pro-Hero leap backwards away from him, narrowly avoiding two of the scrubs rushing him only for the two of them to be brutally knocked out with practised ease. But before the hero could land properly Tomura watched one of the triplets, two-nine, rocket past him and towards Shota, rapidly closing the gap the two-nine thrust one of her hands out impacting it against the Pro-Heroes chest.
A loud thunderclap echoed out from where her hand struck Shota's chest propelling the hero further back and leaving him in a heap on the ground gasping for breath, shakily Shota climbed back to his feet a large hole blown in the centre of his outfit showing the already heavily purpling impact point on his chest.
The site of the massive purple bruise made Tomura cackle with manic laughter, while not fatal the massive bruise would make it difficult for the Pro-Hero to breathe properly during a prolonged fight, something he'd be sure to capitalise one. Flicking his glance between two-nine, zero-seven and four-zero, Tomura noticed how both zero-seven and four-zero had moved themselves to achieve an overlapping field of fire on the hero should he try moving. This made his smile crack even wider, gently tearing at the skin on the corners of his mouth, he honestly hoped the hero would try charging again so he could see the triplets in action and then let Nomu loose on the heroes still in their tutorial stage.
"Heroics… Teacher… Categorised… As… High… Priority… Threat." The three triplets spoke beginning to circle around Shota waiting for him to make a move and give them an opening to strike. Like predators circling wounded prey they watched and waited as Shota flicked his gaze between the three of them before locking his gaze on 'four-zero' activating his quirk, trying to stop hers from working.
Whoever instead of deactivating her quirk, as he would have expected from a quirk that held emitter qualities nothing happened. Not giving Shota a chance to recover from the brief moment of shock, four-zero shot towards him closing the gap between them rapidly her left fist cocked back ready to strike. Seeing the clearly telegraphed attack Shota braced himself ready to deflect and reverse the girls charge to pin her to the ground, at the last possible second four-zero feinted to the left causing Shota to overshoot his own lunge to grab her and leave his left side exposed.
An exposure that zero-seven capitalised on by unleashing a missile into his upper left shoulder, the resulting explosion from the impact searing off not only more of Shota's hero costume and charring his capture weapon, but also blackening the flesh underneath causing a massive spike of pain to rip its way through Shota's body. Before he was given any time to recover, or even acknowledge the pain of his skin peeling away from his shoulder in huge black clumps, another explosive impact slammed into his right arm bathing Shota's entire upper right side now in a burning jet of explosive flame.
With most of his upper body covered in burnt and charred skin, blood began to ooze out between the large gaps the slightest of movements now caused to form on his skin. Painting heavily Shota dropped to his knees, hands on the ground to steady himself as he watched his own blood pool beneath him, trying to come up with a way to keep his students safe and get them out alive. While from what he had observed from the initial group of villains he had subdued was that they were nothing more then street thugs, something he was sure his students could hold their own against if need be. It was the five villains before him and the black and purple warping villain that had him the most worried, they were the real threats here.
The white-haired one who spoke as if this was a game stood out as clearly the one calling the shots, his quirk being some destruction based quirk with a similar activator to his student Uraraka if he could cripple one of the villain's fingers he'd be next to useless. That had been his plan after he'd been knocked back by the concussive blast from one of the three identical villains who's quirks bore a frightening resemblance to one of his biggest problem children, Midoriya.
After the rapid impacts, he'd taken from the three villains as they now circled around him, gliding just above the ground waiting for an excuse to strike, Shota heard the white-haired villain begin to cackle an insane thing of someone taking glee in the carnage before him.
"Do you like the newest extras in my party Eraserhead?" Tomura cackled gesturing to the triplets, "The perfect little adds to keep you busy and my Nomu at full HP for All-Might." He cackled again watching as Shota levelled a glare towards him while the triplets continued to circle him, their arms aimed squarely at the hero. "Well, I think it's time we finish this mini-boss and then warm up Nomu on some of the kids here before the main boss shows up. Girls if you would?"
Trying to bring himself back to a standing position to attempt and dodge what was likely to be a fatal attack Shota caught sight of someone shooting up above the ruins zone, making the logical leap that is was likely Midoriya doing something reckless by normal hero standards but by ISAHF standards something mundane he turned his gaze back towards Tomura.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Shota held his gaze on the spoilt brat that had the nerve to threaten his students, all while he waited for the trio of villain girls circling him to deliver the killing blow. Yet the seconds ticked by and their fatal attack never came, flicking a quick look towards one of the villainesses Shota saw how while the girl had kept her arms trained on him, she had turned her head towards here Midoriya was rapidly climbing towards the domed roof of the USJ.
An angry snarl left Tomuras throat as he watched the triplets turn from staring at the hero to watching something off towards where his extras should have been killing a bunch of trainee heroes, "Are you three lagging?!" He screamed in anger, "Hurry up and kill him!"
Not bothering to respond or even glance towards Tomura, the triplets lowered their arms and dropped into a crouch all three turning to face towards the ruins zone, "DNA… Match… For… The… Ribbon… Detected… Original… Protocols… Engaged…" Now with all three sets of eyes tracking Midoriya as the girl had pitched high rocketing along the curve of the roof's dome towards the central plaza, the triplets launched themselves into the air kicking up a huge cloud of dust, "Target… Eradication… Authorised."
Tomura let out another snarl in anger watching as the triplets left Shota alive to instead rocket towards one of the students for whatever reason, he'd been told they were loyal and would follow his commands but twice now they'd ignored him. "Just like useless randoms in matchmaking," he snarled before turning his gaze back towards Shota.
Seeing that the hero had pulled himself upright into a standing position, even with blood and blackened skin still dripping onto the ground. Snarling in anger Tomura pointed a finger towards the panting hero, idly turning his head towards the large purple beast standing beside him. "Nomu, rip him in half."
Not wasting any time the large hulking form of Nomu shot off towards Shota, its hands outstretched towards the hero aiming to clamp tight around both his upper and lower body. Yet just moments from being able to grab the hero, something flew past Shota's ear, making contact with Nomu's chest only to explode and launch the hulking purple bird beak monster backwards past Tomura and into the ground, causing the hand covered villain to spin around to stare at where Nomu had landed as a smouldering heap.
Quickly whipping his gaze around Shota saw Midoriya pitch herself upwards into a high-G turn with the three villain triplets right behind her, the three villains zigzagging between each other as they gave chase each one unleashing a barrage of, if Shota had to guess, tracer rounds just trying to score a hit against Midoriya.
Snorting at the reckless nature of one of the class's biggest problem children, Shota was surprised to feel someone propping up his left side. Glancing over only to see a pair of floating gloves lifting him up Shota realised Toru Hagakure was helping him stand.
"What are you doing here Hagakure?" Shota demanded, both angered by not only the girl's recklessnesses and blatant disregard for his orders but impressed by her willingness to rush in to aid him and her logical sense to wait until the villains were distracted.
"When your invisible people don't tend to see just a pair of gloves and shoes moving by themselves," Her voice while hushed had a bubbly edge to it, "One of the villains separated the glass after you jumped down here."
"That doesn't answer my question," Shota grunted as they both began making their way back towards the stairs, but to be more accurate it was more Hagakure dragging his broken body.
"Well Mina still had that earpiece Midoriya gave her form their battle trail the other day, well she tried seeing if the thing still worked and I overheard Midoriya saying something about provided close air to ground support," Hagakure explained stopping briefly in her explanation, "I saw that as a good time to sneak down here and let you know, I think she's not going to be holding back against these villains."
Shota frowned at those words, while for most not holding back meant aiming to simply severely injure a villain so they couldn't fight back anymore for Midoriya it was logical to assume she would go for the lethal option. Right now he saw the logic and rational reason for doing so, these villains had clearly come here to kill students expecting an easy way to rise in the underworld.
"Well, would you look at this, seems like an NPC has wandered into the combat zone," Tomura purred having turned back towards Shota now having spotted the floating gloves helping the hero move, "Was this NPC a summon of yours Eraserhead? A way to escape and heal?" Tomura cackled watching as Shota moved a hand gently pushing Hagakure behind him, "Well doesn't matter, Nomu get up."
Slowly the smouldering purple heap that was the Nomu began to rise back up onto its feet, the burnt and charred skin covering its body flaking off to reveal undamaged purple skin beneath, a sick snapping noise echoed about the main area as Nomu's arm and head snapped back into their proper positions no long mangled but looking undamaged.
The sight of Nomu standing up from what Shota surmised was a shot from Midoriya's Electromagnetic Launcher with no injuries was unsettling, but it did show that this Nomu had some regeneration quirk.
"Nomu," Tomura lazily spoke turning to look at Nomu before pointing a finger towards Shota and Hagakure, "Kill the kid first then the hero."
Nomu let out a raspy screech before it rocketed forwards towards Shota and Hagakure, its hands outstretched ready to grab both teacher and student, and tear them both in half.