The next morning Jax stirs awake, looks down at this girl in his arms, running his hand lightly up and down her exposed back, while thinking about what they talked about last night. He wants to tell her things about what he does with the club, but at the same time, he does not want to bring her in to what's going on right now. Also, is he capable of being with just one girl, because he is sure she would not be ok with his current sexual behavior, she is not that kinda girl, but part of him wants to be selfish with her and keep her to himself. She is right about one thing though, he is stressed and worried, things with the club, it is worse than ever before, he still hasn't figured out what Clay is up to, which bothers him. On the bright side, Happy is looking to make the transfer in two weeks, still haven't heard what Koz is doing.

Jax feels her stir and looks down at her smiling "mornin" he said

"Mmm, morning" Tara said "you know what we did last night, should have lessened that worry face you have right now" sitting up leaning against the headboard looking at him.

"You know, I was just sitting thinking about what you said last night, and your right about the club, but I can't discuss what we do in detail right now, maybe at some point I will and don't think I don't want to, but I can't." Jax explained to her leaning in to kiss her.

"I understand, but know that I am here if you need to talk" Tara said kissing him again "I was thinking maybe you could take me for a ride today on your bike? I've never been on one though." Tara said looking at him with a sparkle in her eyes

"I think we could figure something out," Jax said while moving a piece of hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear "I think we need a shower first, don't you?" Jax said moving to get off the bed and walking around to her side holding his hand out to help her up

"I definitely think we need a shower," Tara said laughing as Jax throw her over his shower making his way to the bathroom. After getting extra dirty in the shower before getting clean they make their way to the kitchen. While Tara start making eggs, bacon, and toast, Jax lets Zeus out and stays with him to smoke a cigarette. "morning Happy, coffee is ready and Jax is outback, do you mind taking Jax a cup?"

"sure, no prob, thanks Tara," Happy responded with smile, making his way outback.

Jess walks in shortly after Happy goes outback "morning Tara, thanks for the coffee,"

"Your welcome Jess, you and Happy have fun last night?" Tara trying to hide her smile as she turns back to the stove.

"No, for your information we did not DO anything, he slept in the other room. I can keep my legs closed, unlike you miss….. "oh god Jax"….. Jess said laughing as she dodged a piece of toast Tara throw at her

"Shut it Jess, but it was amazing! god," Tara replied with a dreamy far off look in her eye.

Laughing Jess replied, "Tara, you're going to burn the food."

"Oh shit, see what you did," Tara replied blushing.

"How the hell is it my fault," Jess said "you know I do think Happy is hot as hell. I'm not sure I want to get involved with him that way, I'm not crazy about the parts of the life style I have seen already. I'm just not sure I could handle it." Jess said looking sideways to make sure the guys are still outside.

"I understand that, you know I'm not even sure where or if Jax and I are going anywhere. I'm not sure if I want to. I think mostly the women all around the club scares me a little, how can I be sure he won't sleep with them. I mean would he even give up all those other women. What about when he is out of town?" Tara takes a sip of her coffee "…god way to early for this conversation.." laughing giving Jess a look before finishing making breakfast.

Meanwhile outside Jax is watching Zeus in the yard, thinking what a great looking dog. He walks over to look at the pool "Hey man" he hears happy behind him turning as Happy hands him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks," Jax said "I was thinking, when you transfer here, I'm gunna need your help to figure out what Clay is up to. The things he is pushing us to do right now is putting us in more unnecessary risk then usual. Yeah I know I'm the VP and I know I'm supposed to support him but am I not also supposed to question him when his decisions are dangerous to our club?" Jax said rambling not sure how to process his thoughts.

"As the VP, yeah it's your job, but you also have to have proof he is doing something wrong or against the club rules before you bring it to the other guys. Have you talked with Opie about this?" Happy response thinking over all Jax just said wondering if Clay is up to something

"No, Opie doesn't know anything, I mean all the guys hear him complaining about money but that's it, and mom said they don't have money issues, so I don't know man. I'll probably just leave it for now and keep an eye on him." Jax said putting out his smoke

"We should definitely put this pool to good use," Happy said chuckling as Zeus finally notice him and comes running from the far side of the yard leaning into Hap leg while he rubs his ear

"For sure," Jax said

"Breakfast is ready, come on Zeus… yours is too" they hear Tara yell from the door

"So, where are you going with her man? Don't get me wrong I like her, and you seem happy, I think she is good for you." Hap said

"I don't know man, I like her, she is different but I'm not sure I want her involved with the club stuff also I don't know if I'm a one women kinda man." Jax said Chuckling "but if it turns out to be something more, I'm sure you'll know, oh and my mom likes her… she doesn't like anyone." Laughing out loud

"Oh yeah having mommy's approval helps," Happy said as Jax hits him on the arm

They all finish breakfast and Happy takes off, Jax calls to find out when church is and calls Opie to check in on him and Donna before getting ready to take Tara for a ride on his bike.


Clay wakes up and carefully slips out of bed as not to wake Gemma up. Getting dressed he rides out to meet up with the person he was supposed to with last night. Gemma wouldn't leave home without him, so he is meeting now. He pulls up to the house on the outskirts of Charming. Getting off his bike as the door opens, "Hey Darby" Clay said

"Clay, I was expecting you last night," Darby said as lighting a smoke

"Yeah, yeah, anyway can I get some more pills?" Clay asked wondering if what he is doing is the right thing but he needs the money so when he can't ride anymore in a few years he will have enough money to live comfortably, but if the club ever finds out, things could get bad for him. Club members are not supposed to sell drugs in Charming or take them for that matter, but he only takes a few pills here or there. Besides, it helps with the arthritis more then the injections do anymore.

"Sure, but have you put anymore thought into my offer?" Darby asked, he really does not trust Clay but if he wants what they talked about the last few visits, he needs Clay on his side. He is not sure if Clay can get the club on board, they are all very against drugs in Charming and have been ever since Jax's dad started the club years ago.

"Yeah, I have and I'm working on it, but I have things going on with the club that I need to get settled first. Then will talk further about how to get you into Charming but we need to go slow." Clay said grabbing the pills from Darby "I'll see you soon," Darby nods as Clay walks away.


"Hey babe, I don't have church till later, so you have me for a few more hours", Opie said, "Jax called he is taking Tara out for a ride", while finishing getting ready for the day.

"That's great, I hope they have fun, I glad her and Jess moved here, it's nice to finally have friends other than the girls at the club house which most I do not particularly get along with," Donna explained while finishing her makeup "Tara also offered to teach me how to bake, that way I might be able to revisit the idea of fresh baked goods at the coffee shop." walking up to Opie and kissing him "you want to go out to lunch, we could take the bike out, have a little fun before you have to leave?"

"I'm glad they are here too, it's nice for you to have other girls around. I just hope Jax doesn't mess up anything with her. I like her and Jess. Not to mention Jax seems a little less stressed having her around," Opie said as he wrapped his arms around Donna and kissed her forehead "where did you want to go for lunch,"

"Mmmm, Tony's, I could go for some pizza, right now. Is that ok with you?" Donna asked holds him close as she lays her head against his chest.

"Yeah, that fine," Opie said as he puts on his kutte and heading for the door.


Jax and Tara arrive at this big field just outside of Charming. Tara enjoyed the ride, it was not as hard as she thought it would be and it's just one more reason for her to have her hands on him. "it's beautiful here Jax, you come up here a lot?" Tara asked as they got off the bike and walked to the small lake.

"Sometimes, when I need to think or want some time alone away from all the noise," Jax said as he grabs her hand and walked over to the big Oak tree by the lake. He lays out the blanket he grabbed from the saddle bag on his bike. Pulling her into to his lap as he sits down. They sit in silence for a moment while Jax is contemplating talking to Tara about some of the things that still plagues his thoughts from time to time. Mostly about his dad, his brother, and their deaths. He has never really talked to anyone other the Opie about it and even then it's not all about his feelings about them, just memory mainly. "Did my mom mention yesterday when you talked with her about me having a younger brother?" Jax asked as Tara turns in his lap to look at him and she notices he is staring off in front of him not looking at her.

"She mentioned him a little along with your dad. How he and Piney started the club after their service in the Army, right?" Tara said

"When I was twelve my brother died, he, my mom, and myself have a heart condition, It is genetic. My mom had surgery and well my heart I guess repaired itself, I don't really know the whole explanation of it. Anyway, one day Thomas, my brother he was nine at the time, and we were just getting home from school. Thomas wanted to go to the park before we went home, I really didn't want to, but I took him anyway. We were there for about an hour, I was in a hurry to get home because I wanted to go to Opie's. So, I asked him if he wanted to race home, we lived a couple blocks away, I was ahead of him a little ways and walked strait inside with out looking back to check on him. I was inside a few minutes before I went to check on him," Jax took a ragged breath and shook his head to get the image out of his head

"Hey, you don't have to finish," Tara said cupping his face

Shaking his head "no I need to, I'm ok," giving her a quick kiss "anyway, when I walked outside, he was laying in the grass, I went and got mom. We went to the hospital and he died a few days later. The thing is I blamed myself for so long after that because I just left him and didn't turn back to look for him. I know it's not my fault, but I think about all the time. I miss him and my dad a lot." Jax finished explaining

"Jax, it is not your fault. I'm sorry that he died, and I'm hear if you ever want to just talk about him or your dad. I do appreciate you telling me about it, do it help getting it out in the open?" Tara asked him

Jax nods "it does, and I thank for listening and letting me get that out" leaning his cheek against the top of her head. Thinking he does feel better about talking with her about it.

"Jax, I do have another question for you, it's more personal I guess," Tara said looking up at him

"Go for it," he encouraged her

"So, we are sleeping together, its amazing," Tara blushing as she said it "but when was the last time you were…. Tested."

"Oh, It was four or five months ago," Jax replied thinking it's cute when she blushes, talking about this, she is a doctor after all

"Ok, well you know I am going to want to talk about the other girls and where we go with that. I don't expect you to do anything now but just think about it. Because once we decide we want to make this something more. I won't have you sleeping with other chicks here in Charming or out on the road. I guess you'll have to decide if you can handle that. Also, I like were this is going and would be open to having you to myself." Tara finishes explaining as she moves to straddle his lap leaning up to kiss him. "but just know I would really like it if you didn't have sex with any of them, I mean blow jobs would be ok for now but I don't really think I am ok knowing your sleeping with all these other chicks or kissing them for that matter," Tara leans in close to his lip while whispering against his soft lips "because your mouth is too good to share," giving him a quick kiss but he pulls her back and kisses her harder

Moaning into the kiss and grab her hips pulling them closer to his hardening erection "your right, I know we need to talk about this. I do like you and were this could go. I'll tell you want I will try to only get blow job from other chicks, if something more happens, I will tell you, then we can talk about it then. Does that work for now? Until we figure out if we both wont more out of us?" Jax asked thinking he could do this just blow job thing while out on the road it not like he cares if they get pleasured anyway.

"Ok, we can try this, but I as long as you know a may not like it though. One more thing would you be will to get tested again?" Tara asked. Oh god did I just agree to him getting blow job from other chicks while we sleep together. Oh, crap I'm freaking nuts. I'm defiantly not going to like this.

"Anything for you babe, come thought we got to head back I've got church and I need to drop you off," Jax said standing with her in his arms, setting her down to get the blanket, holding her hand and walking back to his bike both lost in thought about what they had just talked about