A/N: Sorry it's taken so long to get this chapter up. Nearly at the end of this fic. Hope you guys like it, let me know what you think :)

When Jay and Erin walked into Hanks office, he indicated that they could sit opposite him. After Jay had come over a few weeks ago, Hank had assumed they were going to tell him that they were engaged. So, when Erin started bouncing her knee and pulling at her fingers, Hank wasn't surprised. She didn't know that he knew that Jay was going to propose. But when he noticed Jay also fidgeting, Hank started to question his own suspicions. Erin said, "Hank, there's something that Jay and I want to tell you." Then she paused to calm her nerves but couldn't seem to work up the courage to start speaking again. So Jay took over and continued, "We are coming to you, as Erin's dad and also our boss," hearing Jay talk helped Erin's confidence and before she could stop herself she blurted out, "We're pregnant!" Erin promptly covered her mouth with her hands, she even surprised herself at the way she let out her secret. Hank's jaw dropped. He had not at all expected Erin to say that. Jay turned to Erin, eyes wide, stunned into silence. While Hank was collecting his thoughts, Erin slid two photos across the desk, an ultrasound photo of each baby. Hank picked up both photos and stared at them, taking a particular interest in the date. Then Hank stood up from his chair, moved around the desk and wrapped his arms around Erin. He whispered, "That's great news, I'm so happy for you kiddo." Then Hank leaned over her a little, reached for Jay's hand and shook it well. Hank rasped, "Congratulations Jay!" Jay gave Hank a small smile and then weaved his fingers through Erin's once Hank had let go of his hand. Once Hank had returned to his chair, he looked directly at Erin and said, "Desk duty! No field work at all." Erin frowned and glanced at Jay. Although she understood Hank's reasoning and wanted to protect herself and her babies, having set limitations for her work for such a long time only sunk in after Hank had said that she no longer had the choice. Eventually Erin nodded, and responded, "I understand, but I would like to stay at work as long as possible. So far, the pregnancy is going well, everything is as it should be. They it is likely that they'll be early though, multiples normally are, so they're thinking end of May." Then Jay piped up, "By your next birthday, you'll be a grandpa again. Twice over." Hank smiled, truly happy at the prospect of more babies in the family. Hank didn't get to see his only grandson often because Justin was stationed far away. So he missed all the small things like Sunday dinner and trips to the park. The prospect of two babies roaming around his house made him think of his late wife and how much she would have relished in being a grandma.


Once they had told Hank, it was much easier to tell everyone else. The team were all very supportive. Once Erin and Jay had finally decided on buying a house and selling their place, it didn't take long to find their perfect house. Although it wasn't big, it had the potential for expansion, and had lots of space outside for Jay and Erin to play with their kids. After they had moved in, the team all came over to help set up the nursery. By that point in her pregnancy, Erin's belly was quite large, so everyone insisted that she direct and everyone else could put furniture together and paint the room. The move had affected Jay's plans to propose to Erin and he eventually decided to wait until they were properly settled in their new house.


One night, after a long day at work filling in paperwork, Jay and Erin were sitting on their sofa watching a hockey game. It dawned on Jay that there was never going to be a perfect moment to propose. But sitting there, with Erin tucked into his side, he knew that's where he'd like to be fifty years from now. Old and grey and next to Erin. Jay excused himself and slowly made his way up the stairs and into their bedroom. He walked over to his dresser, pulled the ring box out from the back of his draw and slipped it into his pocket. When he made his way back downstairs, Erin was exactly where he had left her, on the sofa and holding a warm mug of tea. Jay settled back next her and waited for his heart to stop racing before he popped the question. After sitting back next to her, Erin noticed Jay seemed to be fidgeting, unable to sit still. A few minutes later, Erin's curiosity got the better of her, so she asked, "Everything ok, Jay?" Jay turned to Erin and stuttered back a response, "uh…yeah…um I'm fine. Just trying to get comfortable." Erin nodded in response, accepting his explanation. But after her question, Jay wasn't sure how long he could sit there before he blurted out his question. Jay turned to Erin and looked at her. When he moved his hand to her tummy, he smiled when he felt the babies moving. Erin looked over to Jay and when he finally looked up from where his hand was placed to look in her eyes, he knew that was the right moment. Jay said, "Erin, I love you and I love where we are right now. I mean I love this house but more I love where we are in our relationship. I love how comfortable I feel with you and I love how we can open up to each other. It took me a long time to get to a place where I wanted to be in a relationship and then it took me a long time to realise that we didn't have to be like our parents. And here we are now only a few weeks away from having babies in the house who are going to depend on us for everything and I couldn't be happier about it, about doing this together with you. And as a kid, I never felt like home was my favourite place, I loved being with my mum, but we didn't feel safe because my dad was never far away. But since living with you I've realised that it doesn't have to be a place that is your favourite place or your home, but it can be a person. And you're that person for me. Erin, you are my home. So would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Jay then pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it, so she could look. After his first sentence Erin was smiling as she knew exactly where his monologue was leading. Erin responded by kissing him and pulling him in for a hug. Then she said, "Of course I'll marry you Jay." Jay slid the ring onto her finger and then said, "You know this is my mum's ring. And I know she'd be so happy that you're wearing it, she would have absolutely loved you." Erin reached over to touch Jay's cheek and then said, "I would have loved to meet her, she sounds like a really amazing woman." Later that evening when they were in bed, Erin was looking at her ring and chuckling to herself. Jay looked over to her and said, "What's so funny?" Erin looked over to Jay and said, "So, it was about a few months ago and I had done some washing. So, I was putting away the clothes and I may have…. stumbled across the ring box in the back of the draw. I didn't open it or anything, but I apparently guessed correctly about what was inside." Jay looked over to her, shocked at her revelation. He started to say, "So you knew..." But Erin cut him off and said, "I guessed what you were going to do, but I didn't know when. So after a month when you hadn't said anything I just thought that you had it there for safe keeping rather that its relevance to an imminent proposal." Jay laughed at that, "I'm glad at least some part was surprising." The couple then talked about wedding details like size, venues and the date. They fell asleep that night, holding each other, both thinking about their upcoming nuptials.