Shade And All

Chapter One

Stepping off train, Celia inhaled fresh, countryside air, savouring Spring's blooms on the wind. After being sat on said train for a good hour, give or take, stale, musty air unyielding, causing coughs, if you inhaled too hard, two things stopped her from departing earlier.

Her Father, on his way to Wyndon for a job interview, and her Ralts, Mnemosyne. She danced about the floor, carriage mostly empty, horns pricked, senses alert. Travelling wasn't fun for her. Psychic types picked up on any, all emotions within a fairly short radius (for her,) so, the poor Pokemon would be on edge, until her trainer, or her trainer's Father gave her a treat.

Celia would have let Quartz out, her Galarian Ponyta, but she fared even worse on public transport. She much preferred running through fields, earth beneath her hooves.

Buses and trains did not provide enough space, their floors hard, delicate Pokemon disliking every second she had to be on them, or in her Ultra Ball.

Celia had to use one of those. She didn't want to confuse the poor thing, or poison it/paralyse it. Putting her to sleep sounded okay, until she woke, and she woke quickly, sprightly, young mare panicking, wishing to flee.

It took woman awhile before the creature trusted her enough to know she wouldn't harm her, whilst she slept, or at any other time...

The train announcer spoke her stop, woman getting out Ralts' ball, pocketing that, and picking up her bag.

Celia travelled to Spikemuth, an ad taking her fancy. A local artist, young man by the name of Piers was looking for backing singers for his stage shows. Singing came naturally to the woman, though she believed she could hold a tune, that was it.

Her Dad disagreed, he wasn't the type to tell her that, simply because he was related. He told the truth, as discreetly, kindly as possible.

Sudden change in atmosphere occurred, as woman approached Spikemuth, town surprisingly drab, grey-scale, looking to be the type of place you could get lost in its shadows. Few lights interrupted shades of black, few, innocuous shops here and there, the main source being neon Pokemon Centre sign.

Contrast was interrupted, upon glorious (if not slightly out of tune) instruments being played, someone tuning them as they went.

Black and white fur sprang into view, whizzing past Celia's form, head spinning to follow the shapes. Mnemosyne sprang out of her ball, chirping to the Pokemon.

Zigzagoon and Linoone? Ah!

Celia recognised those as Piers' Pokemon. She'd seen his trainer card, man's streaked hair similar to their fur.

Piers left his home, hearing light lilt, singsong tone, laughter all mixed into single, wondrous sound. His head followed it, ear seeking person behind it.

Zigzagoon zoomed past its trainer, Piers huffing laughter. He was chasing a teleporting Ralts...

"Mornin," Piers ruffled his hair, "is tha' your Ralts?"

"Yes. Sorry. Nemo is rather...feisty."

"No need to apologise."

Celia coughed, Piers turning, offering hand.

"Celia." Woman spoke first, confidently, smiling brightly. "If I say I'm a fan, is that cheesy?"

"It is, if you 'ate cheese. I don't."

Celia shook his hand, chuckling softly.

"Piers. Nemo is givin' Onyx a run for his money. He's enjoyin' it. Nemo?"

"Mnemosyne, Greek goddess of memory. She has an uncanny knack for recalling when we first met. Its a pleasure."

"Same." Minute quirk of mouth? Celia wasn't sure how to take it, deciding on 'smile.' "Were you singin'?"

"Yes. Oh!"

The Ultra Ball in her pocket began whinnying.

"Sorry, Quartz." She sighed, golden eyes scanning surrounds. "Mind if I let Ponyta out? Nemo freed herself. Quartz needs space to run, she was born to do it, after all."

Piers nodded, miniature horse appearing before him, tapping feet on concrete. Man picked up guitar, sitting on the makeshift stage.

"Sorry I was late, lookin' after my little sister. Gets 'ard sometimes, but she's my everythin'."

"Never apologise for that. That's lovely. Is that her?"

Piers' head shot up, eyes finding his sibling, hers watery. She'd left safe space, blindly run outside, fists balled, but keeping silent.

"Mepo is gone..."

Brother stood, blues hazy, looking at woman.

"She does this a lot. Morpeko, see. Always 'ungry, foreva seekin' food. She'll eat us outta 'ouse and 'ome..."

Errant sunbeam lit up Celia's face, freckles, dimples, vivid gilt scanning him, curious, hair glimmering golden brunette, billowing over her shoulders. The sight stunned man, for a few seconds...


Celia waved, respectfully keeping distance. If little girl wished to come closer, she would.

Stranger danger...

Marnie waved back, twiddling dress, pout visible for miles.

"Mind if I help? Ralts are sensitive to traces left by people, or other Pokemon. Would that be okay?"

She directed that at Piers, man not quite in the moment.


Pokemon replied, at her side in an instant. Shooting purple stars seemingly 'awoke' man from daze.

"You didn't speak, yet she knew you wanted 'er?"

"Yes, I can speak to her. Not with, sadly. Language barrier..."

Man snorted, mortified he'd made sound. He wasn't able let guard down around those he did not know.

With Celia? Shield let itself down...

"We've gone it alone, for a long time. Got so used to tha', I've forgotten me manners."

Rotom phone sounded message from Celia's Dad. She ignored it.

"I may not know much of you, but that's alright. Don't have to bare soul, let me read your mind, like a book."

Man put away instrument, glancing at device, trying to mask it. Woman began putting numbers together. Alone, long time. She'd seen teens, young adults around, but no adults...

"You can do tha'?"

"Only if you wish it..."

Assuring, clear sky eyes blinked, woman offering sincere, warm smile.

Glancing at phone, Celia read text quickly.

"My Dad is on his way back from an interview. In Wyndon. He's a 'reluctant business man.' He wants to know if he can stop off here. Also, if we want any food."

Piers laughed. He was hungry, he knew Marnie would be, and knew Mepo definitely was.

"Well, Mepo loves grapes, red ones. Thanks."

He beamed, unable to stop it blossoming across face.

"'Forgotten manners,' huh?"

Celia teased, replying to Dad.

We aren't done, just yet. Piers' sister's Morpeko has done a runner, and she's upset. I can't just leave, knowing I can help. Mepo likes red grapes.

Mepo? That's cute. Got it. Also, we? That's sweet, as are the grapes...

Celia groaned, palming face. She showed man beside her, him doing the same, but proceeded to bite his cheek, holding back. Panic flared in throat, drying it, anxiety gnawing in stomach, twisting it.

You're rolling your eyes, right about now...I'll be about twenty minutes. See you soon.

Okay. Love you, Dad.

Love you too.

"Did you see where she went?"

Picking up Marnie, Piers grew concerned when she squirmed, face flush with rage?

"Yoo left the doo'r open!"

"Nemo? We could use your ability. Morpeko. They are rare."

Mnemosyne scanned area, wisps of lilac trailing Pokemon as she teleported westerly.

"Tell me 'bout it..." Piers huffed. "Took me an age to find the scamp, little sod 'ad me run ragged..."

He whispered the last part, Celia snickering.

"Where did you find, er, it?"


Marnie hollered, attracting looks, a few people running to her aid.

"I'm sorry."

Celia frowned, wondering if she should merely help find Mepo, say her goodbye's and leave, having fluffed up enough for one day...

"In the Wilds. Scuffed knees, dirty gym challenge attire. Didn't manage to win anythin', but 'ad an offer of makin' Spikemuth a gym location. Don't 'ave a 'Dynamax' point, but, if it'll 'elp, I'll take it."

"And cease your career, when its only just budded? Take shears and prune it? If that's what you want...," eyeing him, she could see he was conflicted, "I don't think it is. Dark type gym? Aren't they supposed to be moody, brooding, draped in shadows?"

Piers smirked.

"I would be, if I were allowed. Guess I 'ave to be in the spotlight, not of my own accord. I mean, yeh, I want to sing, but on my own terms."

"Let me hear you, sometime?"


"I am worried, if Mepo is in the Wilds. Really strong, big Pokemon call them their home. You can't even catch some of them. I want to help. May I? I'm really sorry for being bullish..."

That was the incorrect word, poor girl trying to mouth that, get head around its meaning.

"Mean. I shouldn't have been mean. Meany-pants?"

Black haired girl snorted, running over, pulling woman's skirt.

"Nuh-huh. You're alrigh'."

Celia warmed to the siblings quickly, still feeling discourse, something laying there, lingering in the darkness that Piers seemed to prefer.

She wouldn't comment on it, merely follow girl, protect her, and, at some point, audition for backing singer role?

"I read your blog, I adore Shadow. Is it spoken word? It certainly reads like it."

"Song. Taught meself to play guitar, Marnie keeps me busy."

"Marnie? Your sister."

"Oh, yeh."

Celia waved it off, forgetfulness rather charming, Piers' candour graceful, form willowy, giving off musician in spades. The urge to palm her face came on strongly, fingers twitching.

"It doesn't 'ave a tune, not yet. Would you sing it for me? It'd 'elp a ton."

"Alright." Celia exclaimed, easily the best audition she'd attended.

"If all auditions were like this, I'd enjoy them more..."

Humming random tune, Piers' attention was taken off foliage, stepping on twigs, those sudden snaps unable to find his ears.

"'If my heart lies in shadow, it lies peacefully, coated in silence.' My favourite lyric."

Piers followed on her tune, voice slightly rough, raw edge causing goosebumps to rise on woman, hairs standing on end. It was clear that, when Piers sung, he revealed heart, taking it from chest, placing it on sleeve, offering audience entirety, also showing weakness, vulnerability.

It was as far from weakness as one could get, Celia thought, knew. David let emotion be free, when it needed to be. Keeping it in caused more harm than good, casting doubt, leading to self-loathing, self-consciousness blooming, thorns digging into skin.

Piers was kind, if not slightly aloof.

Aloof was fine, Celia decided soon after meeting him that she liked his style. Relaxed, chilled, aware of surroundings, open to talking, so long as it wasn't about himself too much.

He was far from 'arrogant' start-up musician stereotype, thinking he was the best thing since sliced bread.

Celia's type of person, a potential friend?

She was thinking ahead, bane of quick mind...


Man in grey business suit waved over Celia, woman keeping head facing Mnemosyne.

"Hello, Dad."

"No sign of Morpeko?"

He stayed near daughter, seeing her exchange looks with Piers, man suddenly falling silent, fidgeting with Pokeballs on his belt.

"Glad to see Celia with someone her own age. She's surrounded by stuffy adults, present company, me included. Ballonlea isn't for kids. Little to do there but look at the Morelull and end up falling asleep. Can't tell you how many times I had to carry a fast asleep girl home, whilst she dreamed of purple and pink Pokemon..."

Piers' trance disappeared, older man scratching back of his head. Latter handed former pack of beloved Morpeko bait.

"Sorry. Its...its been a rough couple o' years. Not tha' I'm complainin', Marn is brilliant. She's a little star, when I need light, she's there."

"She has a fantastic role model..."

Woman said that, semi-loudly, anxiety simmered, souring gut, wondering if she'd gone too far, given turn in conversation.

When Piers blushed, staring at ground and David perked up, Celia practically bolted after Ralts, who vanished, standing next to Marnie.

"Mepo! Meeepppo."

Marnie chastised, staring her partner down.

Mnemosyne prompted Morpeko to move, sounds exchanged low register.

"We have the fruit, Mepo, lovely, juicy grapes..."

Sounding like she was participating in a drug deal, Celia reminded herself whose company she kept...

"Mepo, come on now..."

Mepo scurried under rock, snarling, fur ablaze in purple fury, black hairs on end. Piers dead-panned.

"Snarlin'? What'd I do? Miss an 'ourly meal?"

Mepo hissed, Marnie crouching, offering hand, palm down, non-threatening.

Celia took handful of grapes, beady red eyes following her every move.

"Careful. I'd put 'em down righ' away, or Mepo'll 'ave your fingers."

"She won't!"

Marnie's head shook, so quickly, it caused braid to unravel.

Placing fruit on a tissue, woman didn't want offering being 'tainted' by dust, or soil, Celia moved it towards Morpeko. The creature seemed pleased with this, leaving hiding spot and eating quickly, gulping some down whole.

"That remind you of anyone, Celia?"

Celia turned scarlet, David referencing when he made her favourite chocolate sponge, for each of her birthdays...

"Well!" David grinned. "That worked. Should we leave trail?"

"We'd need several punnets for tha'..."

All laughed with Piers, woman giving Marnie water bottle.

"Mepo may need some of that, its quite warm."

Brother looked at sister, prompting her to use her manners.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome. I'm Celia. Probably should have said that sooner..."

Kneeling, Marnie thrust little hand forward, woman laughing, before shaking it. Her Father did the same.

"David. Lovely to meet you, Marnie, and you, Piers."

Man tipped head, younger following, two shaking hands.

"Thanks, Sir. Your daughter is exemplary, definite candidate for singin' wit' me. Backin' singer? Nah, front o' stage."

"Candidate? That sounded official. See? You're doing just fine."

David smiled, encouraging man.

"Yeh, it sounded jus' tha'."

"That was a big word, for you."

Marnie piped, quiet, but enough sound for all there to hear...

Piers' jaw dropped. Facing away from her, it worked to keep from retorting.

"I, would put it that your brother is erudite, astute, humble with it. I honestly do not mind taking backseat. I don't intend on taking spotlight, stealing limelight."

"Throw a thesaurus at me, why don't cha?"

The walk back to Spikemuth was amusing, the four occasionally popping grapes in Mepo's mouth, to keep her calm...

"Is it alrigh' if I get in touch wit' Celia?"

"Would you like my number?"

"Straight to the point," man's grin was held by wry strings, "I like it. David? Okay wit' you?"

"I see zero issue with that."

Parent glanced at between the young adults, feeling lips wish to move up. He stifled that, merely standing by, watching Celia give Piers her number.

"Its teatime, ought to get out of your hair. The next train is due in ten minutes. Celia?"

Celia's tone became lilt, silky, mood convivial, waving casually.

"Seeya. I'll be in touch within the week."

"Okay. Good luck with everything. Deep breaths, you'll do just fine, you already have. Take care, you two. Bye for now."

David waved, the two leaving city, man leaving details of interview out, likely boring daughter, making eyes roll back into head...