Greetings everyone, Muk here with the next chapter for Shutaba Week. Now it may be over but I am still going to be doing oneshots for the rest of the entries. Now for day 4 the prompt was Metaverse.

This one took some time to come up with but I finally got something planned and here it is now. So without further ado, enjoy.

It was another normal day for the Phantom Thieves in the Metaverse. Joker had decided that the team would spend some time grinding in the lower levels of Mementos and get stronger for any future challenges that may occur. Currently Joker, along with Skull, Noir, and Mona, were going up against a Anubis they had ambushed earlier, and it wasn't looking good for the team.

All four of them were getting tired as the Anubis still looked able to fight. The shadow raised the scale in its hand as blades of light surrounded Joker. As the blades were launched towards Joker, he quickly grabbed his mask and ripped it off, the mask disappearing in blue flames which began to form a shape around him.

"Horus!" Joker shouted as the flames died down and a giant yellow bird that shined a bright light appeared. It covered Joker in its wings and the blades reflected off them back towards the Anubis. However they just dissolved upon contact and the shadow made a noise that Joker guess was its way of laughing.

"Things aren't looking hot right now," Skull said as Horus turned back to Joker's mask.

"Mona, we need some healing," Joker ordered.

"On it Joker," the cat agreed, "Zorro, Mediarama!" Mona's Persona appeared as it waved it swung its sword in a Z-shaped slash and a bright light surrounding the party, healing them of any injuries.

"Any idea on how to take this shadow out Joker?" Noir asked, holding her axe in ready.

Joker did his best to come up with any strategies that would help his team against the Anubis. The shadow was tougher than they thought and it had no weaknesses that their analyst, Queen, could find. Joker needed to land one good hit to not only deal massive damage but also to knock it to the ground for an attack. Suddenly, bright light came from above and Joker looked up to see the black flaming orb that was Prometheus above them.

=Support's coming your way everyone!= Oracle exclaimed as the Persona transmitted her voice. From within, Oracle could be seen typing frantically with a smirk. =Super move, power up!= she exclaimed with one final push of a button.

Purple energy surrounded the team, making them feel stronger. Joker smirked as he reached for his mask again, "Seth!"

He tore the mask off again, this time the flames forming into a giant black dragon. Seth let out a loud roar which shook the area around them before looking down at the Anubis. Seth roared again before firing a fireball at the Shadow, the explosion consuming the shadow. When it died down, the Anubis was still alive, but it was heavily bruised and was down on the ground.

This was the opening that the team was waiting for as they surrounded the shadow, guns pointing right at it. Before it had a chance to speak, they all jumped into the air and rapidly struck the shadow multiple times.

=All-Out Attack!=

After a few more seconds, Joker landed on the ground facing away from the shadow. He reached for his glove and pulled on it as the shadow exploded in a black mist. Joker turned around to where the shadow once was and picked up some liquid mercury that it had dropped.

"Thanks for the assist Oracle," he thanked as Prometheus came down to the ground. A hole appeared on the bottom as Oracle lept out from the Persona.

"You really saved our hides back there," Skull added.

"No problem," Oracle replied.

"These shadows are starting to get pretty tough," Queen said as she, Fox, and Panther walked over to them from the sidelines.

"Perhaps, but at least they help us get stronger," Mona said, "Come on, let's keep going." He jumped into the air before he transformed into a car and landed in front of the team.

"I'll follow you guys inside Prometheus, keep scanning around the area," Futaba said as everyone started going in Mona.

"What exactly is it like inside of your persona?" Skull asked curiously.

Oracle put a finger to her chin as she thought of how to describe it, "Best way I could word it is like the TARDIS and being in Minecraft creative mode."

"What does that even mean?" Skull asked, confused.

"I think what she means is that it's pretty roomy inside and she can move around easily," Joker assumed.

"See Skull, he gets it," Oracle said.

"Well sorry if I don't understand the obscure references you make," Skull retorted.

Joker laughed softly, "It must be nice inside Prometheus."

"Oh like you wouldn't believe, it's amazing!" Oracle said, "Hey, why don't you join me inside for a while?"

"Really?" Joker inquired, "Is there enough room?"

"Oh there's plenty," Oracle assured, "What do you say?"

Joker put a hand to his chin as he thought about Oracle's offer, "I don't see why not."

Oracle smiled as the tentacles from Prometheus came down to the both of them. Skull made his way towards the rest of the thieves in the Monamobile, "I'll let the others know you'll be with her, have fun you two."

The tentacles wrapped around both Joker and Oracle and pulled them both inside of Prometheus. Joker wasn't sure what he would expect inside of the Persona, but Prometheus's interior was definitely fitting for Oracle. It was like the two of them had entered Cyberspace, with their whole surroundings being completely cybernetic and so many holographic screens around them.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Oracle greeted as she started to float around Prometheus, "What do you think?"

"It's impressive," Joker said in awe, "It's amazing that you get to be in here the whole time Oracle."

"Actually," Oracle said as she removed her goggles, looking straight at Joker, "I kind of prefer you just call me Futaba when we're in here alone."

Joker smiled softly as he removed his mask, carefully to not summon any Personas this time, and pocketed it in his coat, "In that case, you can just call me Hatsu as well."

Futaba smiled as she waved her hand in front and a screen popped up in front of her. The screen showed the rest of the Phantom Thieves driving outside, "What do you think the others are talking about without us?"

"Who knows," Hatsu said as he moved towards Futaba. Or at least, he tried to. Instead Hatsu ended up spinning in the air and waving around in confusion.

At the sight of Hatsu's troubles, Futaba couldn't help but laugh at his displeasure. "Hahahaha, this is amazing!" She summoned another screen which seemed to be recording Hatsu as he kept spinning.

"Yeah yeah very funny, a little help please!" he exclaimed unamused. Futaba finally calmed down and floated over to him and got Hatsu to stop spinning. He held his head as he felt a sense of dizziness, "How do you move around here?"

"Oh you get used to it quickly," Futaba smirked as she fiddled around with the screen of Hatsu's troubles. She tapped something on it and it disappeared, "I am so going to be rewatching that whenever I get bored."

"Do me a favor and not tell the others about this please?" Hatsu asked of her.

She put a finger on her chin as she hummed in thought. "I suppose I could," she said before looking over at Hatsu with a smirk, "If you do me one thing."

Before he could ask what she wanted, Futaba grabbed one of Hatsu's arms and wrapped it around herself as she made herself comfortable, "Just hold me. Please?"

With the way she was looking at him Hatsu was unable to resist, not that he wanted to anyways. Showing a soft smile, he wrapped his other arm around her. The two of them just stayed there in comfortable silence, with Hatsu hugging Futaba from behind and she just enjoyed his hold. However, this sweet moment would soon be interrupted as the interior started flashing red.

A screen appeared in front of them as it showed the others fighting a pair of Anzus. The lineup this time consisted of Fox, Panther, Queen, and Skull. Futaba smirked as she cracked her fingers, "Get ready to see me at work dear!"

Hatsu just smiled at her enthusiasm as she began typing on various screens and keyboards. A few seconds had passed by as the screen showing the fight was suddenly enveloped in a green light. It died down soon enough to show the Phantom Thieves in a Hold Up against the Anzus.

"Have I ever told you how your Persona helps so much in Mementos," Hatsu said as the four proceeded with an All-Out Attack, killing the shadows instantly.

"You can stand to keep telling me a few more times," Futaba smirked before holding down a button, "You guys ok?''

=We're doing fine, thanks for the assist,= Queen replied.

Futaba simply nodded as she waved the screen away, leaving the two alone again. "Glad to know you have our backs in battle," Hatsu said.

"That's right, I'm your guardian angel," she said joyfully.

He couldn't help but smile at her amusement as he once again wrapped his arms around her from behind. For the rest of the time in Mementos, both Hatsu and Futaba just held each other, just enjoying each other's company.

I know this is very late. I am sorry. But hey, now that we're quarantined might as well do something productive, and I figured might as well finish this one. Now I do plan to get the other prompts finished so I will finish my entries for Shutaba Week.

Anyways, I got the idea for this prompt from another story where Joker entered Futaba's Persona. I decided to give my own version of that. Honestly, my favorite part for this chapter was when they just held each other, these two are just so cute!

As always, hope you guys enjoyed and keep an eye out for the next chapter.
