Harry Potter and the Terra Storm

Chapter One

Difficulty with Destiny

Hearing strange voices in your head might seem unusual – and maybe people would say you were nuts. However, to Harry that was normal business. He could even hear his girlfriends voice in his head – well, when they were within a certain distance because of the frequency of their souls and their connection to The Source. Yes, apparently it was spelt with a capital T at all times.

Harry Potter had been a part of this source since he was nearing the end of his second year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That was where he built his connection with Ginevra 'Ginny' Weasley. She had almost died. He hadn't known about The Source at the time, but his heroic acts to save that small first years life where what cemented its choice in him as its custodian.

Unfortunately, Ginny was dying. Tom Riddle. The memory or whatever, of the Dark Lord Voldemort had drawn out so much to her life force while trying to bring himself back to life that even once Harry had ended his life, Ginny's life force was too pitiful to regenerate as it would have been able if the process had been stopped sooner.

Harry used his power; his own life to jump start hers. Sharing with her some of his Authority, and in doing so he connected her to The Source through him, and over time that connection grew for both of them from admiration and relief and into love; and hurt like hell had jammed hot pokers through their souls arses.

They both changed in places, fitter, stronger, smarter, and were more magical than they ever could have become without extra boosts from The Source. It had been hundreds of years since The Source had chosen a host – a hero.

It was disconcerting as that gave them a connection to the previous custodians, and the previous custodians closets allies and friends, some of which were quite the surprise. Like, Merlin, and Morgana. The fact Morgana's legend was screwed up was a sore point of hers, as she hadn't actually been fighting with Merlin or Arthur. They had their problems, but they had fought together in the end to save the world, and in so, Camelot fell, and she got the blame.

The previous custodians voices – senses of self were not their souls or anything, but essences of their existence within a realm that would be more like a dream than any kind of reality. Though, no body, not even Harry could visit them. However, if he closed his eyes he could picture them all in a giant meeting hall where they hung out and watched the world around Harry and Ginny when they weren't being blocked off.

In the real world, Harry had pictured, Merlin as an old man with long white beard and hair, and well – Dumbledore-like. In reality the picture Harry saw in his head was a young man with short black hair and clean shaven. Apparently, the appearances within The Source were of them as their younger forms – or the forms from a time when they felt most at ease or happy when they were alive – or at their physical peak, and not from when they died of old age if they reached that miracle age.

"I am rather handsome!" the voice of a trickster commented with a laugh from deep within Harry's mind from the connection. That was Loki, 'god' of tricks and fire from Norse mythology. He hadn't been a custodian; his brother Thor had held the power of The Source, but he wasn't as much of an arsehole as he was made out to be in legends.

Harry rolled his eyes, but the 'god' was fairly good looking he would secretly admit as he blocked that thought from shining through.

"On my name!" another voice blazed with heat. He was still quite full on his 'godliness'. "I am the most-!"

"Ra, please!" interrupted another. Normally common sense. It was Merlin. "I happen to know that many ladies wanted me-!"

"Boys!" harrumphed an annoyed female voice. It was Isis. Harry could sense the eyeroll from the beautiful dark-skinned woman as he eased the door shut on that part of his connection; the only part he could cut off thankfully; the knowledge and wisdom of the great mage of the past.

Harry sighed and rubbed his brow from where he lay back on his bed at the Dursley's – he hated it there. It was mainly to keep Dumbledore from loosing his shit and crying about how Harry can only be safe there. Harry was tempted to just tell the old man to fuck off – or make a deal – if Dumbledore can stay at the Dursley's for a week disguised as Harry for a FULL week without hexing them Harry would never complain again. He doubted the old man would go for it, but the thought was amusing.

It wouldn't have been so bad if Harry's godfather, Sirius was free, but no matter what those ignorant idiots at the Ministry still wouldn't listen to him about getting Sirius fair representation. However, it was only a matter of time until that little rat, Peter Pettigrew was caught and put behind bars – or squashed under foot.

Though, on a happy note, in about two more weeks, Harry would have stayed at the Dursley's his mandatory bullshit about of time and get to spend the rest of the time, and his sixteenth birthday at the Weasley's. Then to top things off he got to testify on Fudge, who was being charged with corruption and all that bull and would hopefully – at the least be oust from office, but if all went swimmingly, he would be joining, Umbridge in jail, and if something went wrong, nothing would change that Umbridge would likely get out even though she was charged with child abuse and assault of minors.

Harry, however, couldn't wait to add testimony against the scrawny little treasure trove. The dick was always taking campaign money from seriously questionable sources like he was clever rather than greedy.

However; that wasn't the concerning part of Harry's holiday. According to the voices in his head he was fine, better than fine, but Harry had been feeling so bloody hot. His bedroom window was wide open, and he had crafted some air conditioning charms into the walls to cool down, but he was still sweating buckets and drenching his sheets.

"I'm pretty sure I'm sick," Harry said to himself.

However, he was surprised when he got a reply as the connection to the past custodians was open. "Well, you don't look so good." It was Apollo. "But… I can't find anything wrong with you, and I was the world's greatest healer."

"Yeah; thanks for telling me something I don't know?" Harry replied out loud as thinking hurt too much.

"There's a tongue of fire licking your right hand," another voice answered. It was Hades. It was something he would notice first as Harry lifted his hand and looked at the embers of white flames dancing around his fingers. It was similar to one of Hades's favourite tricks for – as he put it – looking 'cool', and he always did air quote cool as it was fire, not ice.

"It… doesn't hurt," Harry muttered in surprise as he brought his hand closer to his face and could see his hand through the flickering embers. "It isn't burning me… but-but. That isn't my magic?" he added as he flicked his fingers and the white flickers of flame blew out easily.

"That is concerning," Merlin agreed worriedly. "Your magic… fluctuated when you blew out that flame – it is coming from you – I think."

"I would have to agree," Ra's voice rumbled. "Fire is my thing – but… I am unsure as to that flame – it does seem familiar."

"Yes… I was thinking that too," Merlin agreed thoughtfully.

"You know – we're supposed to have answers," interrupted another voice. It was Osiris, and he sounded tired. "I'll go find Thoth, since you seem to be useless at remembering the small details you probably overlooked at the time."

"We're not like those Mortal inventions!" Ra said and sounded like he was sulking. "Those – those computer things that store information – we are sentient ghosts and fallible in our duties because of that… and Thoth is just a freak – how can anyone be so perfect at remembering every little detail of everything that lacks any importance for our Custodians?!"

"I don't know," Osiris said. "But he is never around when we need him."

"He's not that useful anyway," Ra said. "Always with history and boring stuff like that, and with his talents he could have been a wealth of magical knowledge for all of our Custodians!"

Harry groaned as he interrupted because they wouldn't shut up otherwise. "Okay… I get it, find Thoth in wherever he hangs out in Sourcey Dreamland," he said snickering as he could hear the groaning as he still thought that joke was funny, and better be optimistic than moan about his terrible fever too much. "I'll just have to apparate away as fast as I can if I start creating big fire bombs or something."

"Probably a good idea," Isis agreed.

"Yeah, but I seriously feel like I've been running laps," he said as he clenched at his chest suddenly. "And my chest hurts, and my muscles are throbbing, and I think I've grown an inch in the past few days; even my bones are aching."

It was an odd feeling of impending frailty; yet at the same time, a weird strength he could not quite place, and it made him feel constantly uncomfortable and unable to receive a proper night's sleep. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was having trouble focusing, but he was still as strong as ever, and the metal of his bed could attest as he had crushed it during the night and had to use magic to repair it each morning.

He felt like he had been running laps around a track for over a week non-stop, which was strange since he knew he could do that and not feel like this. He was always tired and had to force himself to carry on. He felt achy, itchy, sweaty, grimy, and sleepy all day long, but he could barely sleep, even with magic. He had thought about making some energy potions, but knew that was no good when he checked his school trunk and realised, he didn't have the correct ingredients.

He had thought about sending for a healer or medi-witch, like the school nurse. She would probably be happy seeing him, but he didn't want the possibility of Dumbledore turning up with his ridiculous Order of the Phoenix to annoy and frustrate him. In addition, he was the hero, and people looked up to him, and seeing him vulnerable would be bad, and he was sure that Voldemort and his minions would find out and get more brazen than they already were, which could get innocent people killed, and he was supposed to protect innocent people.

Harry had to keep quiet about how he was feeling to Ginny or she would turn up to baby him. He would love that, but it would cause undue trouble to have her fussing all over him and had to think of other things as he felt an annoying twitch in his trousers as it had been a few weeks since he and Ginny got too… have some fun, and no matter how sick he got; he was sure he would always feel like having some… fun with his girlfriend.

However, it would just be nice to get back to civilisation. Civilisation being anywhere away from the Dursley's. He kind of missed Hermione nagging him, and Ron trying to get him to slack off, and Ginny – yeah, he couldn't say what hew missed most about her because the list would be too long.

It was always be a treat to escape his relatives, since they hated him, and in all fairness, he returned their feelings wholeheartedly. Though, he felt a little pity for their bitterness. If they ever died after having another child, and Harry was the only living member of the family remaining he knew without a doubt that he would take care of the child as if it was his own whether it was muggle or something else. To him, kids were kids, and they needed looking after; he would never be like them. However, it seemed his relatives did not share, and would never share his feelings on the matter.

Harry groaned as he sat up on his small bed, swinging his legs over and placing his bare feet on the rough carpet floor. He wore some black cotton jogging shorts that were soaked with sweat, and was bare chested; his chiselled muscles glistened with sweat as it trailed down his solid body and he could feel the tingle of it sizzling with his heat. He shook his head and winced as it made him feel dizzy, and instead took some deep breaths as sweat gently lined his forehead sticking the fringe of his unruly black hair down in places – almost as if he had taken a sticky shower, and he would hate to know what that would be like – what that was anyway?

He raised his left hand a little. His hand was shaking, but at least it wasn't bursting into magical flames as he swept the hair out of his dull and tired emerald green eyes. Harry used to wear glasses, but after gaining The Source his eyesight had become much better than anything, he or anyone could consider normal, and it still was – kind of, but now his eyes were shaking with exhaustion.

Thinking about that, Harry had been scrawny when he was younger, underfed, and weak. The Source fixed everything about him and improved it. He would hate to know how much pain he would be in if The Source hadn't enhanced his tolerance for pain long ago. He was quick to rule out hex or curse as he would have sensed the foreign magic, and though it felt like he should have been hexed; it was not the case.

Taking to the positive, he had gotten taller; his muscles bigger but leaner, and the best part was that other – more important areas that didn't need any enhancement got it anyway, and he could barely wait to-.

"Harry!" a female voice reprimanded. It was Morgana. She was like that sometimes.

"Boy knows when to look on the bright side!" Loki laughed uproariously while it seemed like others were holding back as they knew he was going to be in trouble.

Harry groaned as he concentrated on closing the connection again, but he felt like it was a lost cause as he couldn't concentrate.

"It's just a natural wizardry thing, right?" Harry asked as he was starting to worry. "And you guys have just been messing with me, and its just stronger on me because of you?"

"Sorry, its not normal," Isis said while trying not to dash his hopes too much. "Hopefully when Thoth gets to the hall, he'll have the answers, and all will be wonderful."

Harry nodded slowly as he leaned on his knees and looked down towards his bare feet and tried not to throw up.

Shaking his head again and flinching as his brain seemed to come loose, he checked his alarm clock, and started in surprise. It was two O' clock in the morning, and there was some kind of party thing happening later that afternoon.

"Yeah. Those 'people' want you out of the way or something for their barbeque," Merlin reminded him.

"Oh," Harry mumbled. "Yeah, I remember… Dudley's having some dipshits over from his new school," he said and found some humour in it. "I can't believe the Dursley's think I'm stupid enough to think for a moment that he changed schools by choice. That lump of a 'human' being got expelled from his 'wonderful' private school, and there is nothing that could make me think otherwise."

Rubbing his tired eyes with his left hand, Harry caught a flicker of white and pulled his hand away as she, it, whatever was standing on the back of his hand. It was – well, not quite a pixy or fairy as she had no discernible wings. However, she was small and shapely made out of embers of white flames with little pointed ears, but other than her shape and her small size there were no features; though Harry could tell front from back and that she or it was female.

"You guys are seeing this, right?" Harry asked while the little creature waved at him and there was a crackle of cool heat that felt like a tiny laugh.

"Err, yeah," said several voices in his head at once.

"This is weird right?" Harry asked as he embarrassingly waved back at the little flame girl thing with his free hand.

"Yes," Merlin replied alone that time. "That is weird… familiar… but weird."

Suddenly Harry was started at a tapping on the window, and the flame fairy thing flittered away. "F-familiar, how exactly?" Harry asked as he looked up towards the window frame where a frustrated looking Hedwig, Harry's snowy white owl stood, tapping her claws to get his attention as she had some mail for him.

Trying to forget about the strange white fiery fairy and smiling as his clever little owl could be impatient for her praise. He got to his feet and quickly made his way over to the window, ignoring his dizzy spell. He carefully patted his darling owl, and Hedwig flew up and onto his arm where he carefully placed her on the perch within her cage and fetched her a few owl treats, and using some magic he accidently over flowed her water bowl with a sheepish apology as he wasn't feeling too well, but she didn't reprimand him too much.

Smiling a little he took her letters. There was one each from, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny, and he took them to his bed and sat down heavily to read. He picked out the neat script from Hermione's letter and tore it open wondering what she had to write about. He sighed as he read through the letter and smiled a little and let the voices deal with caring about the fairy thing.

Hermione was asking about some spells or something, and about homework. They hadn't even been home that long. Though, annoyingly Harry had finished his homework before he got on the train home as his last class had been a four-hour study period and it wasn't that difficult to get down. In addition, it was the end of his fifth year, so he had done his OWL exams and didn't have as much homework to worry about, probably to make up for what was likely going to be the ridiculous amount of homework during and after year six.

Harry smiled. Hermione always ended her letters to him with a message, something warm and caring. This time was amusing as Ron had made a silly joke on the train home from school: 'YOU are NOT a superhero, so don't dress up in spandex tights'. Then she left a little smiley face, and a 'lots of love' with a few xoxoxox (hugs and kisses). She was like that annoying big sister who wasn't much older than you, but wouldn't let you forget, but he loved her too.

Tearing open the next letter, it was from Ron. Harry rolled his eyes as Ron could only bring himself to ask for relationship advice from Harry in letter. Harry moved to his desk and quickly wrote out some suggestions to 'please' her majesty Hermione, and wrote out a quick reply to Hermione with a little crudely drawn sketch of him in a super suit and cape flapping around in a breeze, and used a little magic to make it look like it was really breezing back in the wind with a little text box above saying: 'Super-Harry. Saving damsels and getting laid'. He knew Ginny would get to see it and she would get a kick out of it, and if he was lucky play the part of damsel for him.

Last, Harry returned to the bed and opened Ginny's letter to him with a smile as her letters were usually the most fun, telling him of some silly things the twins got up to, and about how much she missed him and about how they would have A LOT of FUN once they were back together where they belonged. She had even taken a selfie of herself jumping Hermione, and getting the bushy haired girl blushing up a storm in her startlement as they were cheek to cheek in the picture.

Ginny was, believe it or not quite good with a camera as she liked Quidditch a bit too much and always wanted to be a sports reporter for some reason. It was like she forgot how much people thought reporters were arsehats. Though, she had a point that she could do the job for a magazine instead of some place like the Prophet. However, Harry did know her enough to know that Ginny was quick to change her mind with things like that, but she was good at capturing perfect shots, and that was with a magical world camera.

It made it all the better as it was a magical photo, so it moved, and he laughed as Hermione's face got brighter as Ginny kissed her cheek before grinning smugly at the camera and sticking her tongue out. Harry couldn't help but marvel as he watched it repeat as Ginny was amazing in how she managed to time every move of her photo perfectly.

Shaking his head in wonder Harry stood and placed Ginny's letter and photo in a pile in a small box held closed under a Santa snow globe paperweight Ginny found during Christmas for safe keeping as he needed to write a reply. However, he froze as he suddenly grabbed his chest with wide eyes, as a blazing inferno seemed to smash through his heart, though he could not seem to even manage a scream of pain that he noticed or more than a twitch as he stood still for a moment.

"Harry!" Apollo called out somewhere in the back of his mind. "HARRY! It's okay; Harry – we're here with you!"

Harry could barely hear his voices as he dropped as if in slow motion to his knees heavily gasping for breath and barely getting any as ice suddenly burnt through his skull, as if his brain was a ship and it just ran into an iceberg. The voices from The Source were clouded and murky, far away; distant and he felt himself reaching out for them with his free hand grasping at the air.

His whole body felt as if it was on fire - yet at the same time he burnt with ice. The two constants did not counteract each other but worked together, stabbing pain through every pore of Harry's body, tearing away comprehension and bringing with it wild fury as Harry cried out, gargling from his throat it was roar and primal as he didn't know how long he had been screaming for, and if not for his wards he would have woken the Dursley's and the whole neighbourhood.

He felt as if ice needles were tearing into his body, or billions and trillions frozen wasps attacked together, stinging every inch of his body at once; burning themselves into his core, and shredding through his soul.

The smell of summer shocked through his senses.

The smell of winter followed.

Autumn and Spring were at the edges of his tormented senses.

The contrasts weaved powerfully through his senses causing his nervous system untold agony as he folded over and landed uncontrolled to lie twitching on the floor.

A blaze of white flames gently streamed around him, pooling up from his skin and dissolving off him, from his muscles, from his magic, from his aura like a beautiful river of tiny white burning fairy's before they faded away, neither burning nor freezing, but doing both.

The pain was immeasurable, and he had thought The Source hurt. He felt as if every part of his body might soon shut down one piece at a time – or blow apart into pieces of frosted sand to turn the country into a winter desert.

He could barely think as his brain was bombarded with what could only be described as ideas, like an overhaul, an upgrade, an improvement, like evolution thought 'why not' just for shits and giggles and chose him for its guinea pig, and Harry hated every moment of it.

His body was convulsing and contracting with such ferocity, he imagined it would soon tear itself apart, and he would be no more than a splatter of blood and body parts and couldn't comprehend how he could still think. However, Harry could still think, but deeper, he could only think of one thing that mattered more than his pain. His Ginny. His love. Holding his girl tightly within his arms and having a family with her; loving them forever, and having what he never had before.

He couldn't die.

Not yet.

There was too much he needed to do.

Then it all stopped, and Harry's eyes dropped closed fully, as his mind shut down while his body ached, but he heard one last thing, gently by a soft male voice deep, hidden somewhere within the furthest recesses of his mind. He spoke with reverence and awe as if something happened beyond his understanding, something that shouldn't have been possible, yet there it was.

"The White Fire." It was Thoth. He had been brought to the chamber. "The Eternal light. The Flames of Life and Rebirth."

To Be Continued…