A/N: Alright, I made a promise to update this story, and I plan on doing so. It's been over a week, well two weeks now to be specific, and while I'm doing Until We Meet Again, I've been ignoring this one in the process. Well, no more. Let's catch up on what Alex has been doing. I hope he hasn't done anything bad since then.
Enjoy! :)
PS: I don't own Disney's Frozen series. If I did, well, Disney would've made an official fanfiction page by now just to write mini-stories for us fanfic readers to read. Seriously. I like to know the fanfiction ideas that the cast of Frozen has in mind about their own characters.
Chapter 31: The formula for love
A week later...
Alex's POV
Well, I think I messed up today. Big time, to be exact.
Of course, I never really expected it to happen at all in my life. After all, I never really had the chance to experience love in my life, as I was dealing with my own personal demons in my life and the fact that despite I was a good looking guy, well, not many girls were interested in me. I never cared though, as I wasn't in the mood to even begin a relationship in the first place.
Let's just start at the beginning of today.
It had been merely a week after Elsa and I had baked a chocolate cake that the two of us had actually enjoyed making together. Of course, I should've known from the beginning when Elsa first popped into my dimension that there was a probability of the incident occurring for the two of us.
No, it's not like that, but it's something that I didn't want to give her hopes about. But, nonetheless, it happened in the end.
It had started off when I had woken up in the morning with a great mood, as today was Saturday and I wasn't yet to start classes at the university in another week or so. Of course, I woke up early today in hopes of going out on a morning walk by myself without Elsa, who was sleeping peacefully in my bed while I slept on my air mattress on the floor.
As I got up from the mattress, I made sure to grab a new change of clothes that consisted of a black shirt and some running pants along with a blue sweater that had a hoodie. After all, the air outside was starting to get cold outside as fall was around the corner, so I had to make sure to wear something to keep me warm while I went on a run.
I made sure to grab some socks and a pair of running shoes as well, slowly and quietly leaving the room in hopes I wouldn't disturb the fifth spirit that was napping peacefully. As I made my way to the bathroom, I saw Bruni and Gale napping on my sofa, causing a smile to grow on my face as I went into the bathroom to wash up.
During my shower, I tried to recollect what has happened over the last past months since this whole situation began for me.
Let's see.
I met a fictional Disney character that's now real and living with me. Check.
I almost died twice saving Elsa. Check.
I'm now trying to send her and the three other spirits aside from the earth spirit back to their home dimension while risking my life and the safety of my own world. Check.
Anything else missing?
Oh right. Elsa helped me overcome the guilt in my heart that had lingered since the death of my younger brother Erick.
My life was now becoming a Disney movie for sure. I even wonder if this whole situation is because of Disney in the first place.
As soon as I was done showering, I made sure to throw my dirty laundry into the washing machine and set it to automatically wash so by the time I returned, they would be done. With my new clothes on, I made sure to tie my shoes properly and leave the bathroom as I headed to the front door.
Once I grabbed my keys and phone as well while placing them in my sweater's pockets, I made sure to lock the door behind me while I opened my phone to the text messages. Opening the contact of my other phone, I made sure to shoot Elsa a text message that I hoped she would understand.
Hey Elsa, it's me. In case you wake up and you notice I'm gone, I decided to go out for a walk to clear my mind a bit. Don't worry. I'll be back in an hour or so, and we can then do something fun for the day. Just make sure it's nothing too crazy though. I would hate to learn that it'll probably be karaoke again like last night.
JK I loved it. Don't take it seriously.
With the message sent, I placed the phone away in my pocket and began to head down the stairs as I started my morning jog down the sidewalk of the street. I knew that maybe Elsa would have enjoyed the thought of jogging alongside me, but I felt I needed some time to myself as I had to go over some things in my head from what I had to deal with in the last past months.
After all, I've been concealing my inner pains from my friends and family since Erick's death, and it was hurting me in a way I had never really thought about. It was until Elsa appeared in my world that I began to open up again to my family and think about how to get my life back on track while dealing with my own issues in life.
And the only way to deal with them was to confront them like Elsa had shown me.
As I felt the cold breeze of the autumn season approaching, I felt that today would be a great day while I jogged along the sidewalk.
I just didn't know how it would end up for me.
Back at the apartment…
3rd POV
It took a moment for the fifth spirit to slowly open her eyes, but upon hearing the sound of a ding, Elsa woke up to find herself groaning in discomfort as the sun shone through the window at her eyes. As she covered herself with the blanket on top of her, Elsa slowly mumbled for five more minutes of rest as she waited for Alex to normally wake her up as he did.
Nothing happened.
After a while, Elsa peeked out slowly from under to see Alex was missing and instantly shot up in bed in a panic.
Alex was gone.
"Alex!" Elsa jumped out quickly as she looked around the room worriedly, the room growing cold as she tried to find her friend by searching under her bed and under the mattress where he slept on. "Are you here? Alex!"
As Elsa started to feel distressed about where he had gone or over the thought that the Peace Keepers may have taken him, the phone by the side of the bed rang again, causing her to head quickly to the drawer and see it was a message from Alex. Taking the phone, she grabbed it and unlocked the device, reading the message before sighing in relief.
Alex was okay. He had just decided to go out for a walk by himself and would be back in an hour after he had cleared his mind a bit.
Still, Elsa felt annoyed that he had decided to leave her alone and hadn't even thought about the idea that perhaps she may have wanted to walk with him. Not only that, but he also left without even saying good morning to her! After all, she was stuck in this modern dimension with him, the only guy she could trust, and he snuck out without even saying where he was going in the first place.
How could Alex do this to her? Didn't he know that she cared a lot about him? And how dares he says that karaoke night was crazy?
And then Elsa felt herself blush at the thought of herself angry and worried about Alex.
What was she thinking? Alex was a young man that needed some space to himself, and she was already causing him enough problems despite him always telling her that she didn't. Elsa knew that even though he had promised her and the other spirits that he would help them return back to their dimension, he was putting aside his own life just to help her own life.
She wondered if that's what made him so special and perhaps the reason why she had been sent here out of many other possible dimensions or realms instead.
With a yawn, Elsa decided to wait for the young man to return as she calmed her rapid beating heart, but turned to see the door open as the two spirits, Gale and Bruni, rushed in a panic as they had heard Elsa's call for Alex.
'What's wrong, Elsa?!' Bruni asked as it looked around for the enemy, 'Are you okay?!'
'Where's Alex?' Gale asked next as it flew around the room with little twisters appearing, 'Who's attacking us? What's going on?'
Elsa sighed as she shook her head, raising a hand to stop the two spirits that were pacing around the room in a defensive manner.
"It's alright, guys," Elsa said as Gale and Bruni looked at her worriedly, "I'm fine and so is Alex. We're not under attack. I just woke up to find out he was missing, but he's alright. He just went out for a walk, that's all."
With a glance towards each other, Gale and Bruni seem confused before Bruni looks back at the fifth spirit.
'So we're not under attack?'
Elsa giggled and shook her head.
"No. I was just worried about where Alex was, that's all."
Bruni and Gale looked back at each other before they sighed in disappointment. Although, Bruni glanced back at Elsa with a smirk as it raised a brow.
'Worried about Alex, eh? I never took you for worrying over a guy, spirit, lest a handsome one indeed.'
Elsa felt herself grow annoyed, scowling at the two laughing spirits that were joking about how she was clearly worried over Alex.
"Stop that. I have every reason to be worried about Alex, as he almost died twice saving me while trying to get us back to our home dimension. It's because of him that the Peace Keepers haven't killed us yet or plunged our worlds into darkness."
The two spirits stopped laughing as they realized that Elsa was right, as if it hadn't been for Alex's intervention in saving Elsa, their home dimension would probably be shrouded in darkness by now. As they looked ashamed of themselves, Elsa felt guilty of snapping at them and offered a comforting smile to the wind and fire spirit.
"Still, that doesn't mean that Alex is off the hook yet, and I'm planning on giving him a surprise when he gets back. After all, if he caused us to worry about him, I believe we should offer the same experience to see how he feels."
Bruni and Gale looked up excitedly, as Elsa had a smirk on her face that meant she was thinking of something very mischievous indeed.
'Ooh, a prank?' Gale asked as Elsa nodded, 'What's the plan?'
Elsa seemed to think about what she had in store before an idea came to mind, turning back to Gale and Bruni as she told them of her plan.
"Well, here's what I have in mind…"
An hour later…
Alex's POV
It had barely been an hour when I received a message back from Elsa.
Of course, I was jogging in the park that was close to my apartment, as I didn't want to go out too far. Not only that, but my mind was filled with thoughts of what was yet to come in the future for me and the spirits of the Enchanted Forest. After all, the attacks of the Peace Keepers had been carried out when we were off guard, so it meant I needed to be more cautious of my surroundings to protect Elsa from any sort of harm.
In fact, I was coming up with an idea when I heard the notification bell alert me from my phone, causing me to stop in my track as I checked what I had received for the notification.
What I saw caused my blood to turn cold as I read the message from the fifth spirit.
Alex, please hurry back! I need help! Please! Get here as soon as possible!
As I closed my phone, I began to sprint back to the apartment as I felt fear creep into my mind, worried about what had happened while I was gone.
Was Elsa in trouble? Was she okay? Was there something bad happening?
How could I be so foolish to leave her alone by herself?
I needed to hurry as soon as possible to save her from whatever danger she was facing.
Upon arriving at my place within minutes, I stopped in my tracks, trying to catch my breath when I saw that the door to my place was open, causing goosebumps to appear on my arm as I said one word only.
I ran up the stairs as fast as possible, going to the door as I rushed into my apartment and immediately called out for the fifth spirit and the other spirits as well.
"Elsa! Bruni! Gale! Nokk! Is everyone alright?!"
With no response, I felt fear, anger, pain, every sort of negative emotion towards myself for failing in my promise to protect Elsa. How could I have let this happen? Perhaps by checking the living room, there was still a possibility that...
Unfortunately, the minute I ran into the living room, I was met with a snowball to the face as I heard laughter fill the room. Wiping away the snow from my face, I saw Elsa, Bruni, and Gale laughing as they saw my hardened expression, the spirits giggling uncontrollably as I felt myself shake in rage.
"Someone, please, tell me what's going on," I spoke angrily as the spirits continued to laugh, with Elsa containing her laughter enough to where she could speak and snicker at the same time as wiping away the tears from her eyes that came with her laughter.
"We pulled a prank on you, Alex," Elsa giggled as I felt my anger die down while it was replaced by annoyance, "Since you had me worried about where you were this morning and you left me alone without taking me with you, I decided to get payback on you with the help of Bruni and Gale."
Gale and Bruni nodded in agreement, even though I was still slightly annoyed by the fact they almost caused me to have a heart attack. I mean, I was worried that they were under attack or that something terrible had happened to them, but I guess that was what Elsa must have felt when she found out I hadn't told her, before I left earlier that morning, I was going out by myself.
As I sighed while I rubbed my forehead stressfully, I lowered my head as I knelt down to pick up the fallen snow. I could feel a smirk grow on my lips while I gathered the snow secretly to form into a snowball.
"A prank, eh?" I replied as Elsa nodded, though I could see from the corner of my eye that she was probably wondering what I was doing on the floor as I looked at her directly with a devious smirk.
"Two can play that game."
As I tossed the snowball I had made at her, Elsa dodged it easily as it struck the wall behind her, the fifth spirit glancing behind her as she turned back to me with a raised brow as well.
"Well, Alex," Elsa said as I saw multiple snowballs appear by her side, causing me to gulp nervously as I slowly backed away, "Can you have snowballs appear at your command to be by your side?"
"No?" I said nervously as she then smirked mischievously, the snowballs pointing towards my direction as my eyes widened in surprise. "Can I take a rain check though?
Elsa shook her head.
"I didn't think so."
I then ducked behind the sofa as Elsa threw the snowballs at me, the fifth spirit heading slowly towards my direction as she continued to throw snowballs at me. Feeling myself chuckle, I gathered the fallen snow and proceeded to throw snowballs back at Elsa, causing her to laugh joyfully as she dodged most of them with some hitting her spirit outfit.
Of course, as I laughed, I found myself struck by some of the snowballs, forcing me to duck behind cover as we continued our fun snowball fight, with Gale actually joining my side while Bruni joined Elsa's team. With the odds even for us, it was anyone's game, with me and the wind spirit throwing snowballs back at the fifth spirit and the fire spirit in a match of fun and joy.
After a while, I decided to advance towards the enemy line like I had seen in so many action movies and perhaps a bit of call of duty, with Gale covering me as I ran to where Elsa and Bruni had taken cover behind. Grabbing some snow, I proceeded to slide as I saw Elsa's surprised reaction, throwing a snowball at her directly as I felt victorious at this snowball fight victory.
And then I felt myself grow nervous as my snowball struck a giant one that Elsa formed instantly, with the tables turning against me as Elsa was now smirking at my surprised reaction.
I then found myself buried in snow as I heard Elsa giggling at me before I could feel the snow being pushed aside as I guess she was helping me now. While I could hear her telling me to stay still, I still had one more card left to play.
The minute I felt her hand brush away the snow from my face, I leapt up at her playfully as I flipped her over on her back, the fifth spirit surprised as I held her against the floor gently with a smirk on my face.
"And that's game."
Elsa took a moment to catch her breath as I felt my hands grow cold, feeling Elsa grab my hands instead as she then smirked at me from my nervous reaction.
"Oh really, Alex?"
The next thing I knew, I found myself against the floor unexpectedly with the fifth spirit on top of me, holding my arms down as I saw her beaming proudly over the fact that she had beat me fair and square.
"I believe that is a game."
As I chuckled from seeing her happy, I knew I should have told her to let go of me at that very moment, that I should have pulled away from the floor and give her a hand while telling her that it was a good game.
But I didn't.
Perhaps it was the joy that I felt with Elsa now in my life, or over the fact we just had a snowball fight that was crazy and fun at the same time. Even the giggling spirits nearby, Gale and Bruni, seemed to have enjoyed the moment as well. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a snowball fight with Elsa around?
As I felt myself calm down, I could see Elsa's features more clearly as she was on top of me.
The deep reflection of her ocean blue eyes that beamed with happiness.
Her platinum blonde hair that was the color of the winter snow that fell every winter.
Her peachy skin glittered in the sunlight like they were stars in a dark starry night.
Her ruby lips were smiling as she was catching her breath gently and softly.
I don't know what she saw in me at that moment, but I didn't stop it from happening. I should've done something, perhaps ask her if she could get off me now so I could get some space for myself, but I couldn't say anything except see how beautiful she was as she was a goddess that came from the heavens itself.
And the only thing I could comprehend at that moment was to see Elsa lean down towards me, placing a soft, gentle kiss directly onto my lips as I felt what should have been a moment of love for the two of us, fondness and intimacy between us as I felt her mouth connect tenderly with my own.
Instead, I felt nothing but fear.
A/N: Oh. Well, what do you know? Alex had one job and that was not to fall in love with Elsa, but there you go, she fell in love with him and kissed him directly on the lips. I sense some problems later on for the two, and it won't be pretty indeed. I wonder what will happen now between them because of the kiss. That's for me to write later on, of course, so keep on guessing.
Anyways, please leave a review on what you thought of this chapter! Reviews help a lot and keep me motivated to write for my stories! I'm going to update Until We Meet Again later on this day, so keep an eye out for that. Other than that, looking for some jokes, check out Frozen 2 Abridged and watch the movie while you read the abridged version. It's funnier that way actually. Also, what do you think will happen between Alex and Elsa? Will he fall in love with her or not because of the kiss? Will they grow distant now? Until the next chapter folks! That's all from me at this moment! :)